Added tests for compare function

Runs the compare via the command line, and then compares the output to the
expected result. Required adding a script to do the comparison, so that
the timestamps on changes in the lyx file are ignored.
This commit is contained in:
Sam Crawley 2020-11-13 20:58:20 +13:00 committed by Pavel Sanda
parent f457a32a13
commit 434ac146bd
15 changed files with 8020 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ add_batch_test(outline-beamer beamer_test "export")
add_batch_test(vcs-info vcs_info_export)
add_batch_test(AMS-import ams-import "tex2lyx")
add_batch_test(SAVE-as save_as_test "export")
add_batch_test(compare-test compare_test "compare_test")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# -*- mode: perl; -*-
# This script does a line by line comparison of two lyx files
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
my $file1_name = shift;
my $file2_name = shift;
my @file1 = read_file($file1_name);
my @file2 = read_file($file2_name);
chomp @file1;
chomp @file2;
my $line_count = 0;
my $in_body = 0;
my @diffs;
foreach my $file1_line (@file1) {
if ($file1_line eq '\begin_body') {
$in_body = 1;
next if (! $in_body);
my $file2_line = $file2[$line_count-1];
# Ignore timestamps on changes
if ($file1_line =~ m|\\change_\w+|) {
$file1_line =~ s|(\d+) \d+||;
$file2_line =~ s|(\d+) \d+||;
if ($file1_line ne $file2_line) {
push @diffs, {
line => $line_count,
file1 => $file1_line,
file2 => $file2_line,
die "No body found in $file1_name\n" if (! $in_body);
my $diff_output = '';
foreach $diff (@diffs) {
$diff_output .= $diff->{line} . ' - ' . $diff->{file1} . ' | ' . $diff->{file2} . "\n";
if ($diff_output) {
die "Differences found!\n$diff_output\n";

View File

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one dog

View File

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one cat

View File

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me new fo
otnote text

View File

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Footnote text

View File

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Some new footnote text

View File

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in the ha
\change_deleted 193470694 1604717583
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View File

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The bird in the hand.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
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The cat in the hat.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
use File::Compare;
use File::Slurp qw(read_dir);
sub checkPrecondition();
sub system1(@);
sub addFiles($$$);
sub mycompare($$$);
sub mycompare($$$$);
my $builddir = "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@";
my $userdir = "$builddir/Testing/.lyxbatch";
@ -24,13 +25,19 @@ my $qt_version = "@LYX_USE_QT@";
my $lyxsource = "@LYX_ABS_TOP_SRCDIR@";
my $data = "$lyxsource/development/batchtests";
my $test_bin = "$lyxsource/development/batchtests/bin";
my $comparepdf = "@COMPAREPDF_EXECUTABLE@";
my $perl = "@PERL_EXECUTABLE@";
# src_files := Files to be copied from lyx-source to build-dir
# check := List of tripples
# check := List of pairs of files to check
# created file (in build-dir)
# expected file (in source dir, to be compared with the created one)
# eventually system command to compare files
# check_type: Type of check to perform, can be either:
# * text (default) - compares using File::Compare (i.e. full comparison)
# * pdf - compares using comparepdf (must be installed)
# * custom - compares using a custom script
# check_script: For check_type==custom, this is the script that's executed to do the comparison
# commands := List of commands (lyx-functions) to be executed by lyx in a batch
# precondition: system commands to be executed prior to the test
# command_line: List of parameters to be used on the lyx-command-line
@ -67,7 +74,8 @@ my %Tests = (
"ams-import" => {
src_files => ["ams-import.tex"],
check => [["ams-import.pdf", "ams-import.pdf", $comparepdf],
check_type => 'pdf',
check => [["ams-import.pdf", "ams-import.pdf"],
commands => ["buffer-new",
"buffer-import latex ams-import.tex",
@ -75,6 +83,18 @@ my %Tests = (
"buffer-export pdf2",
"compare_test" => {
src_files => ["old.lyx", "new.lyx"],
check_type => 'custom',
check_script => ["$perl","$test_bin/"],
test_dir => "$lyxsource/development/batchtests/compare_tests/",
check => [["diffs.lyx", "diffs.expected.lyx"]],
commands => [
"dialog-show compare run-blocking $workdir/old.lyx $workdir/new.lyx",
"buffer-write-as $workdir/diffs.lyx",
die("Expected argument missing") if (! defined($ARGV[0]));
@ -84,23 +104,40 @@ die("Invalid argument") if (! defined($Tests{$test}));
if (! -e $userdir) {
my @expected = &addFiles($data, $Tests{$test}->{check},1);
my @created = &addFiles($workdir, $Tests{$test}->{check}, 0);
my @comparecommand = &addFiles(undef, $Tests{$test}->{check}, 2);
# Copy src-files to work with
for my $f (@{$Tests{$test}->{src_files}}) {
copy("$data/$f", "$workdir/$f") or die("Copy failed: $!");
print "Unlinking " . join(' ', @created) . "\n";
$ENV{LANG} = "en";
$ENV{LC_ALL} = "C";
if (defined $Tests{$test}->{test_dir}) {
my @dirs = read_dir($Tests{$test}->{test_dir}, prefix => 1);
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
next unless -d $dir;
print "--- Running tests in $dir\n";
else {
sub run_tests {
my $test_dir = shift;
my @expected = &addFiles($test_dir, $Tests{$test}->{check},1);
my @created = &addFiles($workdir, $Tests{$test}->{check}, 0);
# Copy src-files to work with
for my $f (@{$Tests{$test}->{src_files}}) {
copy("$test_dir/$f", "$workdir/$f") or die("Copy failed: $!");
print "Unlinking " . join(' ', @created) . "\n";
my @command = ($lyx_exe, "-userdir", $userdir);
@ -123,11 +160,14 @@ if (defined($Tests{$test}->{commands}->[0])) {
for (my $i = 0; defined($created[$i]); $i++) {
die("File \"$created[$i]\" not created") if (! -e "$created[$i]");
if (defined($expected[$i])) {
die("Expected ($expected[$i]) and created ($created[$i]) files differ") if (&mycompare($comparecommand[$i], $expected[$i], $created[$i]) != 0);
my $res = mycompare($Tests{$test}->{check_type}, $expected[$i], $created[$i], $Tests{$test}->{check_script});
die("Expected ($expected[$i]) and created ($created[$i]) files differ") if $res != 0;
sub checkPrecondition()
@ -173,22 +213,24 @@ sub addFiles($$$)
sub mycompare($$$)
sub mycompare($$$$)
my ($cmd, $expected, $created) = @_;
my ($check_type, $expected, $created, $check_script) = @_;
my $result;
if (defined($cmd)) { # system command desired
my @params = ();
$check_type //= 'text';
if ($check_type eq 'pdf') {
my $cmd = $comparepdf;
if ($cmd =~ /NOTFOUND/) {
# no check is done due to missing executable
else {
if ($cmd =~ /comparepdf/) {
push(@params, "-ca", "-v=1", $expected, $created);
else {
die("unknown system command $cmd");
my @params = (
"-ca", "-v=1", $expected, $created
my $error = "";
if (&system1($cmd, @params) != 0) {
if ($? == -1) {
@ -206,9 +248,15 @@ sub mycompare($$$)
$result = 0;
else {
elsif ($check_type eq 'custom') {
$result = system1(@$check_script, $expected, $created);
elsif ($check_type eq 'text') {
# defaut text comparision
$result = compare($created, $expected);
else {
die "Unknown check type: $check_type";