mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 01:49:22 +00:00
remove LyXWinInstaller and all related stuff
git-svn-id: svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk@16885 a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
; Aspell dictionaries
Function DownloadDictionary
FileOpen $R5 "$INSTDIR\Resources\AspellDictionaryNames.txt" r
FileRead $R5 $String ; $String is now the dictionary name
StrCpy $R3 $String 2 ; $R3 is now the dictionary language code
${if} $R3 == "tr"
${andif} $DictCode != "tr" ; if nothing was found
FileClose $R5
StrCpy $String ""
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
Goto abortinstall
${LoopUntil} $DictCode == $R3
FileClose $R5
StrCpy $String $String -2 ; delete the linebreak characters at the end
; Download aspell dictionaries,
; if first download repository is not available try the other ones listed in "AspellRepositories.txt"
FileOpen $R5 "$INSTDIR\Resources\AspellRepositories.txt" r
${For} $4 1 4
FileRead $R5 $Search ; $Search is now the AspellLocation
StrCpy $Search $Search -2 ; delete the linebreak characters at the end
Push $R0
InetLoad::load /TIMEOUT=5000 "$Search/aspell6-$String.exe" "$INSTDIR\aspell6-$String.exe" /END
Pop $R0
; test if the downloaded file is really the expected one, because if the file didn't exist on the download server,
; berlios.de downloads a text file with the name of the non-existing file that contains the line "File doesn't exist"
FileOpen $R4 "$INSTDIR\aspell6-$String.exe" r
FileRead $R4 $Search
FileClose $R4
StrCpy $Search $Search -1 ; delete the unix linebreak character at the end
${if} $Search == "File doesn't exist"
StrCpy $R0 ""
${if} $R0 == "OK"
FileClose $R5
; Download failed
${if} $R0 != "OK"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(AspellDownloadFailed) $R0"
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
Goto abortinstall
; Download successful
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\aspell6-$String.exe" /NoDirChange /AutoClose'
${if} $AspellBaseReg == "HKLM"
ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
ReadRegStr $R2 HKCU "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
${if} $R2 == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(AspellInstallFailed)"
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
Delete "$INSTDIR\aspell6-$String.exe"
Function InstallAspellDictionary
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes ""
; install the english dictionary if not already installed
StrCpy $DictCode "en"
StrCpy $RunNumber "1"
${if} $AspellBaseReg == "HKLM" ; $AspellBaseReg is either "HKLM" or if Aspell is already installed only for the current user "HKCU"
ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
ReadRegStr $R2 HKCU "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
${if} $R2 == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(AspellInfo)"
StrCpy $AspellMessage "Yes"
Call DownloadDictionary
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
; install the dictionary corresponding to the system and the chosen menu language
; check if the system language and the chosen menu language are the same, if not install
; both dictionaries
StrCpy $DictCode $LangCode 2
StrCpy $0 $DictCode ; $0 is now the language code of the chosen LyX menu language
StrCpy $RunNumber "2"
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "1"
${andif} $DictCode == "en"
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
${if} $AspellBaseReg == "HKLM"
ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
ReadRegStr $R2 HKCU "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
${if} $R2 == ""
${if} $AspellMessage != "Yes"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(AspellInfo)"
Call DownloadDictionary
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
${endif} ; endif $AspellInstallYes == "1"
${if} $LangCodeSys != $DictCode
StrCpy $RunNumber "3"
${if} $LangCodeSys == "en"
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
StrCpy $DictCode $LangCodeSys
${if} $AspellBaseReg == "HKLM"
ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
ReadRegStr $R2 HKCU "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" $DictCode
${if} $R2 == ""
${if} $AspellMessage != "Yes"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(AspellInfo)"
Call DownloadDictionary
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "$RunNumber$AspellInstallYes"
${endif} ; endif $LangCodeSys == "en"
${else} ; else ${if} $LangCodeSys != $DictCode
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "4$AspellInstallYes"
; check the registry to divide between nothing installed or all already installed
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "321"
${orif} $AspellInstallYes == "421"
${if} $AspellBaseReg == "HKLM"
ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" "en"
ReadRegStr $R2 HKCU "Software\Aspell\Dictionaries" "en"
${if} $R2 != ""
${if} $0 == "en"
${andif} $LangCodeSys == "en"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellAll) English$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $0 == "en"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellAll) English$(AspellPartAnd)$LangNameSys$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $LangCodeSys == "en"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellAll) English$(AspellPartAnd)$LangName$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $LangCodeSys != $0
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellAll) English$(AspellPartSep)$LangName$(AspellPartAnd)$LangNameSys$\r$\n$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $LangCodeSys == $0
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellAll) English$(AspellPartAnd)$LangName$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\AspellDictionaryNames.txt"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\AspellRepositories.txt"
; show message about Aspell dictionaries
; the code rule to display the correct message:
; - when the englisch dictionary is already installed or couldn't be installed -> set a "1"
; - when the dictionary of the chosen LyX menu language is already installed or couldn't be installed -> set a "2"
; - when the dictionary of the Windows system language is already installed or couldn't be installed -> set a "3"
; - when the dictionary of the chosen LyX menu language is equal to the dictionary of the Windows system language -> set a "4"
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "32"
${orif} $AspellInstallYes == "42"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart1)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "3"
${orif} $AspellInstallYes == "4"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart1)$(AspellPartAnd)$(AspellPart2)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "2"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart1)$(AspellPartAnd)$(AspellPart3)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == ""
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart1)$(AspellPartSep)$(AspellPart2)$(AspellPartAnd)$(AspellPart3)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "321"
${orif} $AspellInstallYes == "421"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellNone)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "31"
${orif} $AspellInstallYes == "41"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart2)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "21"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart3)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "1"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_YESNO "$(AspellPartStart)$(AspellPart2)$(AspellPartAnd)$(AspellPart3)$(AspellPart4)" IDYES DownloadNow IDNO DownloadLater
ExecShell "open" "${AspellLocationExact}"
Function un.UninstAspell
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Aspell" "Base Path"
; delete Aspells' install folder
RMDir /r $1
; unregister Aspell and its dictionaries
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Aspell"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-af"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-am"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-az"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-be"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-bg"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-bn"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-br"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ca"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-cs"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-csb"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-cy"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-da"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-de"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-en"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-el"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-eo"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-es"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-et"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-fa"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-fi"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-fo"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-fr"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ga"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-gd"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-gl"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-gu"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-gv"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-he"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-hi"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-hil"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-hr"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-hsb"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-hu"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ia"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-id"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-is"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-it"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ku"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-la"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-lt"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-lv"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-mg"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-mi"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-mk"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-mn"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-mr"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ms"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-mt"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-nb"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-nds"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-nl"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-nn"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-no"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ny"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-or"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-pa"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-pl"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-pt"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-qu"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ro"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ru"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-rw"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-sc"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-sk"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-sl"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-sr"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-sv"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-sw"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-ta"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-te"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-tet"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-tl"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-tn"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-tr"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-uk"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-uz"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-vi"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-wa"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-yi"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell6-Dictionary-zu"
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
Version LyX 1.5svn-23-01-2007
- LyX 1.5svn from 23-01-2007:
- InstantPreview and formal tables now work properly
- fix some problems when file paths have accented characters
- new toolbar to view/update view documents
- lots of crashes fixed
- fix crash when viewing PDF when Acrobat 8 Standard/Professional is used
- existing Python installation is now only used for LyX when it is Python 2.5
(some Compaq and Dell computers are delivered with outdated Python interpreters)
- the thesaurus program "Aiksaurus" that is used by LyX is now registered separately from LyX
- updated to ImageMagick 6.3.2-0
Thanks to Christian Ridderström:
- updated Swedish translation of the installer
Thanks to Szõke Sándor:
- updated Hungarian translation of the installer
Thanks to Edwin Leuven:
- updated Dutch translation of the installer
Known problem:
- LyX's package and class database is incomplete when you don't have an open internet
connection while LyX is first started. (This is a bug in MiKTeX.)
Workaround: open an internet connection and reconfigure LyX
Version LyX 1.5svn-15-01-2007
- LyX 1.5svn from 15-01-2007:
- improved bookmark handling
- copy/paste now possible between LyX-files opened in different LyX instances (programs).
- updated documentation
- this LyX 1.5svn build can now be started on every Windows 2000/XP machine
- updated Readme files for the installer sourcecode:
- mention the Galician translation files for NSIS
- updated Galician translation of the installer
Known LyX problem:
- LyX's package and class database is incomplete when you don't have an open internet
connection while LyX is first started. (This is a bug in MiKTeX.)
Workaround: open an internet connection and reconfigure LyX
Version LyX 1.5svn-07-01-2007
- LyX 1.5svn from 07-01-2007:
- the tex2lyx.exe and lyx.exe and LyX's dialogs now have an icon
- LyX is now also translated into Galician
- you can now copy and paste stuff from other programs to LyX with "Strg-v"
like for all other Windows programs
- lots of bugfixes: e.g. TOC dialog, spellchecker, change tracking, LaTeX-error dialog
- updated Readme files for the installer sourcecode:
- mention the required NSIS-package "InetLoad"
- require NSIS 2.22 to create the installer
- updated installer source code documentation
- fix bug that small installer version took care about JabRef while uninstalling
- fix that complete installer version does no longer propose to install programs
that are already installed
- fix crash when viewing PDF when Adobe Reader 8 is used
Thanks to Ramon Flores <fa2ramon@usc.es>:
- updated Spanish and Portuguese translation and new Galician translation of the installer
Version LyX 1.5svn-22-12-2006
- LyX 1.5svn from 22-12-2006
- added two .dll-files needed to get LyX working on all Windows platforms
!Happy new year!
Version LyX 1.5svn-18-12-2006
- LyX 1.5svn from 18-12-2006
- open LyX with defined session file
- update to MiKTeX 2.5.2540
- update to - ImageMagick 6.3.1-2
- fix bug that installed Ghostscript is not always recognized
- fix error when invoking View -> PDF (pdflatex)
- GSView is no longer shipped with the small installer version
- the complete installer version comes now with the bibliography manager "JabRef"
which can be installed optionally
- updated to version 1.4.3-6 of the Extended-Insets manual
Version LyX 1.5svn-13-12-2006
- LyX 1.5svn from 13-12-2006
- ImageMagick 6.3.1-1
- new method to view PDF-files
- fixes bug in Aspell that prevents words to be added to spellchecker database
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
; The '-' makes the section invisible.
; Sections are entered in order, so the settings above are all
; available to SecInstallation
Section "-Installation actions" SecInstallation
; extract all files
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\bin"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\etc"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\Resources"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\external"
; install MiKTeX if not already installed
${if} $LatexPath == ""
; launch MiKTeX's installer
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(LatexInfo)"
ExecWait ${MiKTeXInstall}
; test if MiKTeX is installed
ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "Path"
StrCpy $Search "miktex"
Call LaTeXCheck
${if} $LatexPath == ""
StrCpy $MiKTeXUser "HKCU"
ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path"
StrCpy $Search "miktex"
Call LaTeXCheck
${if} $LatexPath != ""
; set package repository (MiKTeX's primary package repository)
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
StrCpy $MiKTeXInstalled "yes"
${if} $MiKTeXUser != "HKCU"
StrCpy $MiKTeXPath "$LatexPath" -11
;MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(MiKTeXPathInfo)" ; info that MiKTeX's installation folder must have write permissions for all users to work properly
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(LatexError1)"
SetOutPath $TEMP ; to be able to delete the $INSTDIR
${endif} ; endif $LatexPath != ""
${if} $GhostscriptPath == ""
; register Ghostscript
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion}" "GS_DLL" "${GhostscriptDir}\bin\gsdll32.dll"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion}" "GS_LIB" "${GhostscriptDir}\lib;${GhostscriptDir}\fonts;${GhostscriptDir}\Resource"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
StrCpy $GhostscriptPath "${GhostscriptDir}\bin"
; delete unnecessary files
RMDir /r ${GhostscriptDir}
${if} $ImageMagickPath == ""
; register ImageMagick
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun" "${ImageMagickDir}\convert.exe $$"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "BinPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "CoderModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\coders"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "ConfigurePath" "${ImageMagickDir}\config"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "FilterModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\filters"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "LibPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "CoderModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\coders"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "ConfigurePath" "${ImageMagickDir}\config"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "FilterModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\filters"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "LibPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "QuantumDepth" 0x00000010
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "Version" "${ImageMagickVersion}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\ImageMagick" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
StrCpy $ImageMagickPath ${ImageMagickDir}
; delete unnecessary files
RMDir /r ${ImageMagickDir}
${if} $AspellPath == ""
; extract Aspell's program files
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\external"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\${AspellInstall}"
; copy the files and register Aspell
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\${AspellInstall}" "$APPDATA"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Base Path" "${AspellDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Dictionary Path" "${AspellDictPath}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Personal Path" "${AspellPersonalPath}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "DisplayName" "${AspellDisplay}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "NoModify" 0x00000001
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "NoRepair" 0x00000001
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "UninstallString" "${AspellDir}\${AspellUninstall}"
${if} $AiksaurusPath == ""
; extract Aiksaurus' program files
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\external"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\${AiksaurusInstall}"
; copy the files and register Aiksaurus
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\${AiksaurusInstall}" "$APPDATA"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Aiksaurus" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Aiksaurus" "Data Path" "${AiksaurusDir}"
${if} $PSVPath == ""
${if} $InstallGSview == "true"
; launch installer
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\${GSviewInstall}"
; test if GSview is installed
StrCpy $PSVPath ""
ReadRegStr $PSVPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\gsview32.exe" "Path"
${if} $PSVPath == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(GSviewError)"
${if} $BibTeXEditorPath == ""
${if} $InstallJabRef == "true"
; launch installer
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\${JabRefInstall}"
; test if JabRef is installed
StrCpy $BibTeXEditorPath ""
ReadRegStr $BibTeXEditorPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "UninstallString"
${if} $BibTeXEditorPath == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(JabRefError)"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
; create the PathPrefix
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$INSTDIR\bin"
${if} $PythonPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$PythonPath"
${if} $LatexPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$LatexPath"
${if} $GhostscriptPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$GhostscriptPath"
${if} $ImageMagickPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$ImageMagickPath"
${if} $PDFVPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$PDFVPath"
${if} $PSVPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$PSVPath"
${if} $EditorPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$EditorPath"
${if} $ImageEditorPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$ImageEditorPath"
; install the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX
; and enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation
StrCpy $String $LatexPath
StrCpy $Search "miktex\bin"
StrLen $3 $String
Call StrPoint ; search the LaTeXPath for the phrase "miktex\bin" (function from LyXUtils.nsh)
${if} $Pointer != "-1" ; if something was found
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer - 1 ; jump before the first "\" of "\miktex\bin"
StrCpy $String $String "$Pointer" ; $String is now the part before "\miktex\bin"
; install LaTeX class files
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex"
File "${ClassFileDir}\cv.cls"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\lyx"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\lyx"
File "${ClassFileDir}\lyxchess.sty"
File "${ClassFileDir}\lyxskak.sty"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\revtex"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\revtex"
File "${ClassFileDir}\revtex.cls"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\hollywood"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\hollywood"
File "${ClassFileDir}\hollywood.cls"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\broadway"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\broadway"
File "${ClassFileDir}\broadway.cls"
; install LaTeX-package dvipost (dvipost is not available for MiKTeX)
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\"
File /r "${DVIPostFileDir}"
${if} $MiKTeXVersion == "2.4"
; refresh MiKTeX's file name database
ExecWait "$String\miktex\bin\initexmf --update-fndb"
; delete MiKTeX 2.4's dvipng executable as it is an old broken version. Then install a working one.
Delete "$String\miktex\bin\dvipng.exe"
; Install a new one
SetOutPath "$String\miktex\bin"
File "${PRODUCT_DIR}\LyX\external\dvipng.exe"
; enable package installation without asking (1=Yes, 0=No, 2=Always Ask Before Installing)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MiKTeX" "InstallPackagesOnTheFly" "1"
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MPM\Settings" "" ""
; Setting package repository (MiKTeX's primary package repository)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MPM" "RemotePackageRepository" "${MiKTeXRepo}"
${else} ; if MiKTeX 2.5
; refresh MiKTeX's file name database
ExecWait "$LaTeXPath\initexmf --update-fndb"
; enable package installation without asking (t = Yes, f = No)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX\2.5\MPM" "AutoInstall" "1" ; if only for curent user
WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_AUTOINSTALL" "t"
; set package repository (MiKTeX's primary package repository)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX\2.5\MPM" "RemoteRepository" "${MiKTeXRepo}" ; if only for curent user
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX\2.5\MPM" "RepositoryType" "remote" ; if only for curent user
WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_REPOSITORY" "${MiKTeXRepo}"
; enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation
ExecWait '$LaTeXPath\mpm.com --update-fndb'
; the following feature is planned to be used for a possible CD-version
; ; copy LaTeX-packages needed by LyX
; SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
; File /r "${LaTeXPackagesDir}"
${endif} ; end ${if} $Pointer
; install Aspell dictionaries
${if} $LangCode == "nb_NO"
StrCpy $LangCode "no_NO" ; we only have a norwegian dictionary available
Call InstallAspellDictionary ; function from aspell.nsh
; configure LyX
; Set a path prefix in lyxrc.dist
${if} "$PathPrefix" != ""
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist"
FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" w
FileWrite $R1 '\path_prefix "$PathPrefix"$\r$\n'
FileClose $R1
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(ModifyingConfigureFailed)"
; Create a batch file to start LyX with the environment variables set
Delete "${PRODUCT_BAT}"
FileOpen $R1 "${PRODUCT_BAT}" w
FileWrite $R1 '@echo off$\r$\n\
SET LANG=$LangCode$\r$\n\
start "LyX" "lyx.exe" %*$\r$\n'
FileClose $R1
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(CreateCmdFilesFailed)"
; set the preferences file
; having one preferences file that is modified to fit the needs isn't possible because the e.g. command
; ${LineFind} "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences" "" "-16:-11" "DeleteLines" ; macro from TextFunc.nsh
; removes the file permissions for Users, so that it can later not be read (bug in ${LineFind} of TextFunc.nsh)
; if not Acrobat or Adobe Reader is used
${if} $Acrobat == "None" ; clear the entries in the preferences file that define PDFViewWin7 or 8 as viewer
Rename "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferencesGSview" "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences7"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences8"
; if Acrobat or Adobe Reader is used
${if} $Acrobat == "7" ; clear the entries in the preferences file that define PDFViewWin8 as viewer
Rename "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences7" "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences8"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferencesGSview"
${if} $Acrobat == "8" ; clear the entries in the preferences filethat define PDFViewWin7 as viewer
Rename "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences8" "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences7"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferencesGSview"
; register LyX
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey" "$ProductRootKey"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "StartMenu" "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "LyX Team"
WriteRegDWORD ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "NoModify" 0x00000001
WriteRegDWORD ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "NoRepair" 0x00000001
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin"
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\${PRODUCT_NAME}.lnk" "${PRODUCT_BAT}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\Uninstall.lnk" "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}"
${if} $CreateDesktopIcon == "true"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin"
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${PRODUCT_NAME}.lnk" "${PRODUCT_BAT}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}"
; register the extension .lyx
${if} $CreateFileAssociations == "true"
${CreateApplicationAssociation} "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "$(FileTypeTitle)" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" "${PRODUCT_BAT}"
${CreateFileAssociation} "${PRODUCT_EXT}" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "${PRODUCT_MIME_TYPE}"
; create the LyX Applcation Data folder for all users
; this folder is automatically created by LyX when it is first started but we want to start LyX with a specific session file,
; so we create this folder before LyX starts and copy there the session file
Call CreateAppPathSub ; function from LyXUtils.nsh
; delete unnecessary files
${if} $DelPythonFiles == "True"
Delete $INSTDIR\bin\python.exe
Delete $INSTDIR\bin\python25.dll
Delete $INSTDIR\bin\Python-License.txt
RMDir /r $INSTDIR\bin\Lib
RMDir /r $INSTDIR\external
; create Uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}"
; run LyX's configure script
; create a bat-file to start configure in a console window so that the user see the progress
; of the configuration and to have a signal when the configuration is ready to start LyX
; this is important when LyX is installed together with MiKTeX or when LyX is installed for the first
; time on a computer, because the installation of missing LaTeX-files required by LyX could last minutes
; a batch file is needed because simply calling ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\bin\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\Resources\configure.py"'
; creates the config files in $INSTDIR\bin
StrCpy $1 $INSTDIR 2 ; get drive letter
FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat" w
FileWrite $R1 'cd $INSTDIR\Resources\$\r$\n\
"$INSTDIR\bin\python.exe" configure.py'
FileClose $R1
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(LatexConfigInfo)"
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat"'
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat"
; ask to update MiKTeX
${if} $MiKTeXInstalled == "yes"
StrCpy $0 $LaTeXPath -4 ; remove "\bin"
ExecWait '"$LaTeXPath\copystart.exe" "$0\config\update.dat"' ; run MiKTeX's update wizard
; save MiKTeX's install path to be able to remove LyX's LaTeX files in the uninstaller
FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\uninstallPaths.dat" w
FileWrite $R1 '$LaTeXPath'
FileClose $R1
@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
; The '-' makes the section invisible.
; Sections are entered in order, so the settings above are all
; available to SecInstallation
Section "-Installation actions" SecInstallation
; extract all files
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\bin"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\etc"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\Resources"
${if} $GhostscriptPath == ""
; register Ghostscript
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion}" "GS_DLL" "${GhostscriptDir}\bin\gsdll32.dll"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\${GhostscriptVersion}" "GS_LIB" "${GhostscriptDir}\lib;${GhostscriptDir}\fonts;${GhostscriptDir}\Resource"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
StrCpy $GhostscriptPath "${GhostscriptDir}\bin"
; delete unnecessary files
RMDir /r ${GhostscriptDir}
${if} $ImageMagickPath == ""
; register ImageMagick
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun" "${ImageMagickDir}\convert.exe $$"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "BinPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "CoderModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\coders"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "ConfigurePath" "${ImageMagickDir}\config"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "FilterModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\filters"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\${ImageMagickVersion}\Q:16" "LibPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "CoderModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\coders"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "ConfigurePath" "${ImageMagickDir}\config"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "FilterModulesPath" "${ImageMagickDir}\modules\filters"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "LibPath" "${ImageMagickDir}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "QuantumDepth" 0x00000010
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current" "Version" "${ImageMagickVersion}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\ImageMagick" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
StrCpy $ImageMagickPath ${ImageMagickDir}
; delete unnecessary files
RMDir /r ${ImageMagickDir}
${if} $AspellPath == ""
; extract Aspell's program files
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\external"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\${AspellInstall}"
; copy the files and register Aspell
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\${AspellInstall}" "$APPDATA"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Base Path" "${AspellDir}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Dictionary Path" "${AspellDictPath}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Personal Path" "${AspellPersonalPath}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "DisplayName" "${AspellDisplay}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "NoModify" 0x00000001
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "NoRepair" 0x00000001
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aspell" "UninstallString" "${AspellDir}\${AspellUninstall}"
${if} $AiksaurusPath == ""
; extract Aiksaurus' program files
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\external"
File /r "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\${AiksaurusInstall}"
; copy the files and register Aiksaurus
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\${AiksaurusInstall}" "$APPDATA"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Aiksaurus" "OnlyWithLyX" "Yes" ; special entry to tell the uninstaller that it was installed with LyX
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Aiksaurus" "Data Path" "${AiksaurusDir}"
; create the PathPrefix
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$INSTDIR\bin"
${if} $PythonPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$PythonPath"
${if} $LatexPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$LatexPath"
${if} $GhostscriptPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$GhostscriptPath"
${if} $ImageMagickPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$ImageMagickPath"
${if} $PDFVPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$PDFVPath"
${if} $PSVPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$PSVPath"
${if} $EditorPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$EditorPath"
${if} $ImageEditorPath != ""
StrCpy $PathPrefix "$PathPrefix;$ImageEditorPath"
; install the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX
; and enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation
StrCpy $String $LatexPath
StrCpy $Search "miktex\bin"
StrLen $3 $String
Call StrPoint ; search the LaTeXPath for the phrase "miktex\bin" (function from LyXUtils.nsh)
${if} $Pointer != "-1" ; if something was found
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer - 1 ; jump before the first "\" of "\miktex\bin"
StrCpy $String $String "$Pointer" ; $String is now the part before "\miktex\bin"
; install LaTeX class files
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex"
File "${ClassFileDir}\cv.cls"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\lyx"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\lyx"
File "${ClassFileDir}\lyxchess.sty"
File "${ClassFileDir}\lyxskak.sty"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\revtex"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\revtex"
File "${ClassFileDir}\revtex.cls"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\hollywood"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\hollywood"
File "${ClassFileDir}\hollywood.cls"
CreateDirectory "$String\tex\latex\broadway"
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\broadway"
File "${ClassFileDir}\broadway.cls"
; install LaTeX-package dvipost (dvipost is not available for MiKTeX)
SetOutPath "$String\tex\latex\"
File /r "${DVIPostFileDir}"
${if} $MiKTeXVersion == "2.4"
; refresh MiKTeX's file name database
ExecWait "$String\miktex\bin\initexmf --update-fndb"
; delete MiKTeX 2.4's dvipng executable as it is an old broken version. Then install a working one.
Delete "$String\miktex\bin\dvipng.exe"
; Install a new one
SetOutPath "$String\miktex\bin"
File "${PRODUCT_DIR}\LyX\external\dvipng.exe"
; enable package installation without asking (1=Yes, 0=No, 2=Always Ask Before Installing)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MiKTeX" "InstallPackagesOnTheFly" "1"
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MPM\Settings" "" ""
; Setting package repository (MiKTeX's primary package repository)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MPM" "RemotePackageRepository" "${MiKTeXRepo}"
${else} ; if MiKTeX 2.5
; refresh MiKTeX's file name database
ExecWait "$LaTeXPath\initexmf --update-fndb"
; enable package installation without asking (t = Yes, f = No)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX\2.5\MPM" "AutoInstall" "1" ; if only for curent user
WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_AUTOINSTALL" "t"
; set package repository (MiKTeX's primary package repository)
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX\2.5\MPM" "RemoteRepository" "${MiKTeXRepo}" ; if only for curent user
WriteRegStr HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX\2.5\MPM" "RepositoryType" "remote" ; if only for curent user
WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_REPOSITORY" "${MiKTeXRepo}"
; enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation
ExecWait '$LaTeXPath\mpm.com --update-fndb'
${endif} ; end ${if} $Pointer
; install Aspell dictionaries
${if} $LangCode == "nb_NO"
StrCpy $LangCode "no_NO" ; we only have a norwegian dictionary available
Call InstallAspellDictionary ; function from aspell.nsh
; configure LyX
; Set a path prefix in lyxrc.dist
${if} "$PathPrefix" != ""
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist"
FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" w
FileWrite $R1 '\path_prefix "$PathPrefix"$\r$\n'
FileClose $R1
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(ModifyingConfigureFailed)"
; Create a batch file to start LyX with the environment variables set
Delete "${PRODUCT_BAT}"
FileOpen $R1 "${PRODUCT_BAT}" w
FileWrite $R1 '@echo off$\r$\n\
SET LANG=$LangCode$\r$\n\
start "LyX" "lyx.exe" %*$\r$\n'
FileClose $R1
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(CreateCmdFilesFailed)"
; set the preferences file
; having one preferences file that is modified to fit the needs isn't possible because the e.g. command
; ${LineFind} "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences" "" "-16:-11" "DeleteLines" ; macro from TextFunc.nsh
; removes the file permissions for Users, so that it can later not be read (bug in ${LineFind} of TextFunc.nsh)
; if not Acrobat or Adobe Reader is used
${if} $Acrobat == "None" ; clear the entries in the preferences file that define PDFViewWin7 or 8 as viewer
Rename "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferencesGSview" "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences7"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences8"
; if Acrobat or Adobe Reader is used
${if} $Acrobat == "7" ; clear the entries in the preferences file that define PDFViewWin8 as viewer
Rename "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences7" "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences8"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferencesGSview"
${if} $Acrobat == "8" ; clear the entries in the preferences filethat define PDFViewWin7 as viewer
Rename "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences8" "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferences7"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\preferencesGSview"
; register LyX
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey" "$ProductRootKey"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "StartMenu" "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "LyX Team"
WriteRegDWORD ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "NoModify" 0x00000001
WriteRegDWORD ${PRODUCT_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "NoRepair" 0x00000001
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin"
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\${PRODUCT_NAME}.lnk" "${PRODUCT_BAT}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartmenuFolder\Uninstall.lnk" "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}"
${if} $CreateDesktopIcon == "true"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin"
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${PRODUCT_NAME}.lnk" "${PRODUCT_BAT}" "" "${PRODUCT_EXE}"
; register the extension .lyx
${if} $CreateFileAssociations == "true"
${CreateApplicationAssociation} "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "$(FileTypeTitle)" "${PRODUCT_EXE}" "${PRODUCT_BAT}"
${CreateFileAssociation} "${PRODUCT_EXT}" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" "${PRODUCT_MIME_TYPE}"
; create the LyX Applcation Data folder for all users
; this folder is automatically created by LyX when it is first started but we want to start LyX with a specific session file,
; so we create this folder before LyX starts and copy there the session file
Call CreateAppPathSub ; function from LyXUtils.nsh
; delete unnecessary files
${if} $DelPythonFiles == "True"
Delete $INSTDIR\bin\python.exe
Delete $INSTDIR\bin\python25.dll
Delete $INSTDIR\bin\Python-License.txt
RMDir /r $INSTDIR\bin\Lib
RMDir /r $INSTDIR\external
; create Uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "${PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE}"
; run LyX's configure script
; create a bat-file to start configure in a console window so that the user see the progress
; of the configuration and to have a signal when the configuration is ready to start LyX
; this is important when LyX is installed together with MiKTeX or when LyX is installed for the first
; time on a computer, because the installation of missing LaTeX-files required by LyX could last minutes
; a batch file is needed because simply calling ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\bin\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\Resources\configure.py"'
; creates the config files in $INSTDIR\bin
StrCpy $1 $INSTDIR 2 ; get drive letter
FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat" w
FileWrite $R1 'cd $INSTDIR\Resources\$\r$\n\
"$INSTDIR\bin\python.exe" configure.py'
FileClose $R1
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(LatexConfigInfo)"
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat"'
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\configLyX.bat"
; ask to update MiKTeX
${if} $MiKTeXInstalled == "yes"
StrCpy $0 $LaTeXPath -4 ; remove "\bin"
ExecWait '"$LaTeXPath\copystart.exe" "$0\config\update.dat"' ; run MiKTeX's update wizard
; save MiKTeX's install path to be able to remove LyX's LaTeX files in the uninstaller
FileOpen $R1 "$INSTDIR\Resources\uninstallPaths.dat" w
FileWrite $R1 '$LaTeXPath'
FileClose $R1
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
Function LatexFolder
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "io_latex.ini"
; generate the installer page
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(EnterLaTeXHeader1)" "$(EnterLaTeXHeader2)"
${if} $LatexName != ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "$(EnterLaTeXFolder)"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "$(EnterLaTeXFolderNone)"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 2" "Text" "$(PathName)"
${if} $LatexPath == ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 3" "State" "C:\"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 3" "State" "$LatexPath"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 4" "Text" "$(DontUseLaTeX)"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_latex.ini" "Field 4" "State" "$State"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "io_latex.ini"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ "$State" "io_latex.ini" "Field 4" "State" ; read checkbox if LaTeX should be used, "0" or not "1"
${if} $State == "1"
StrCpy $LatexPath ""
Goto ReadyFolder
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ "$LatexPath" "io_latex.ini" "Field 3" "State"
; check if the latex.exe exists in the $LatexPath folder
!insertmacro FileCheck $5 "latex.exe" "$LatexPath"
${if} $5 == "False"
MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL "$(InvalidLaTeXFolder)" IDRETRY AgainFolder
StrCpy $LatexPath ""
Function LatexFolder_LeaveFunction
@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
; Language settings for the installer
; create language code for the Windows system language
; LangNme is the language name when there exists a LyX translation for this language; used for the menu language dialog and for the Aspell installation
; LangNmeSys is the Windows system language; used for the Aspell installation
; LangCdeSys is the ISO 630 language code of the language; used for the Aspell installation
; LangSysEnc is the Windows codepage for the character encoding of the language; used in lyx.bat to assure that scripts are correctly executed
!macro TranslateLangCode LangNme LangNmeSys LangCdeSys LangISOCode LangSysEnc
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} ""
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1025
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "ar"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Arabic"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1256"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1026
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "bg"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Bulgarian"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1251"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1027
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "ca"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Català"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1028
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "zh"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Chinese"
; ${endif}
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1029
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Ceština"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "cs"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Ceština"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1030
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Dansk"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "da"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Dansk"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1031
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Deutsch"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "de"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Deutsch"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1032
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "el"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Greek"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1253"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1033
StrCpy ${LangNme} "English"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "en"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "English"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1034
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1035
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Suomi"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "fi"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Suomi"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1036
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Français"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "fr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Français"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1037
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "he"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Hebrew"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1255"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1038
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Magyar"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "hu"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Magyar"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1039
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "is"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Íslenska"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1040
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Italiano"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "it"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Italiano"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1041
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "ja"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Japanese"
; ${endif}
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1042
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "ko"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Korean"
; ${endif}
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1043
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Nederlands"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "nl"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Nederlands"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1044
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Norsk"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "no"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Norsk"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1045
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Polski"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "pl"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Polski"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1046 ; for portuguese (brasilian)
StrCpy ${LangNme} "English" ; there is currently no portuguese translation of LyX but of the installer
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "pt"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Português"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1048
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Româna"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "ro"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Româna"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1049
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Russian"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "ru"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Russian"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1251"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1050
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "hr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Hrvatski"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1051
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Slovenský"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "sk"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Slovenský"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1052
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "sq"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Shqip"
; StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; ${endif}
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1053
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Svenska"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "sv"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Svenska"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1054
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "th"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Thai"
; StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "874"
; ${endif}
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1055
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Türkçe"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "tr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Türkçe"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1254"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1058
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "uk"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Ukrainian"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1251"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1060
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Slovenšcina"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "sl"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Slovenšcina"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1061
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "et"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Eesti"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1257"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1062
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "lv"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Latviešu"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1257"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1063
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "lt"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Lietuva"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1257"
; currently no dictionary available
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1069
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Euskara"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "eu"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Euskara"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1078
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "af"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Afrikaans"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1081
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "hi"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Hindi"
; ${endif}
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1110
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Galego"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "gl"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Galego"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; currently no dictionary available
; ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2052
; StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "zh"
; StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Chinese"
; ${endif}
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2055
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "de"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Deutsch"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2057
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "en"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "English"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2058
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2060
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "fr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Français"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2064
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "it"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Italiano"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2067
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "nl"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Nederlands"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2068
StrCpy ${LangNme} "Nynorsk"
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "nn"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Nynorsk"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2070 ; for portuguese
StrCpy ${LangNme} "English" ; there is currently no portuguese translation of LyX but of the installer
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "pt"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Português"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2074
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "sr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Srpski"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1250"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 2077
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "sv"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Svenska"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 3079
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "de"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Deutsch"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 3081
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "en"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "English"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 3082
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 3084
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "fr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Français"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 4103
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "de"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Deutsch"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 4105
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "en"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "English"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 4108
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "fr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Français"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 5129
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "en"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "English"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 5132
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "fr"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Français"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 7177
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "en"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "English"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 11274
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 13322
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 14346
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
${if} ${LangISOCode} = 20490
StrCpy ${LangCdeSys} "es"
StrCpy ${LangNmeSys} "Español"
StrCpy ${LangSysEnc} "1252"
; Setting LyX's menu language
!macro GetLangCode LangCde Name LangEnc
${if} ${Name} == "Ceština"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "cs_CZ"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1250"
${if} ${Name} == "Dansk"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "da_DK"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Deutsch"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "de_DE"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "English"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "en_EN"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Español"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "es_ES"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Euskara"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "eu_EU"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Français"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "fr_FR"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Galego"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "gl_ES"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Italiano"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "it_IT"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Magyar"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "hu_HU"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1250"
${if} ${Name} == "Nederlands"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "nl_NL"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Norsk"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "nb_NO"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Nynorsk"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "nn_NO"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Polski"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "pl_PL"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1250"
${if} ${Name} == "Româna"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "ro_RO"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1250"
${if} ${Name} == "Russian"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "ru_RU"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1251"
${if} ${Name} == "Slovenský"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "sk_SK"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1250"
${if} ${Name} == "Slovenšcina"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "sl_SI"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1250"
${if} ${Name} == "Suomi"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "fi_FI"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1252"
${if} ${Name} == "Türkçe"
StrCpy ${LangCde} "tr_TR"
StrCpy ${LangEnc} "cp-1254"
Function SelectMenuLanguage
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "io_ui_language.ini"
${if} $LangName == ""
; translate NSIS's language code to the language name; macro from lyx_utils.nsh
!insertmacro TranslateLangCode $LangName $LangNameSys $LangCodeSys $Language $LangSysEncoding
${if} $LangName == ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_ui_language.ini" "Field 2" "State" "English"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_ui_language.ini" "Field 2" "State" "$LangName"
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(LangSelectHeader)" ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_ui_language.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "$(AvailableLang)"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "io_ui_language.ini"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $LangName "io_ui_language.ini" "Field 2" "State"
Function SelectMenuLanguage_LeaveFunction
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $LangName "io_ui_language.ini" "Field 2" "State"
; Get the language code; macro from lyx_utils.nsh
StrCpy $LangCode ""
!insertmacro GetLangCode $LangCode $LangName $LangEncoding
@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the LyX Team gives permission to
link the code of this program with the XForms library (or with modified
versions of XForms that use the same license as XForms), and distribute
linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than XForms.
If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of
the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
delete this exception statement from your version.
The GNU General Public License version 2 is included below for your reference.
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
; Lyx for Windows, NSIS v2 series installer script
; File LyXWinInstaller.nsi
; This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
; http://www.lyx.org/
; Licence details can be found in the file COPYING or copy at
; http://www.lyx.org/about/license.php3
; Author Uwe Stöhr based on the work of Angus Leeming and Joost Verburg
; Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS or copy at
; http://www.lyx.org/about/credits.php
; This script requires NSIS 2.22 and newer
; http://nsis.sourceforge.net/
; Do a Cyclic Redundancy Check to make sure the installer
; was not corrupted by the download.
CRCCheck force
; Make the installer as small as possible.
; SetCompressor lzma
; You should need to change only these macros...
!define PRODUCT_DIR "D:\LyXPackage1.5"
!define PRODUCT_NAME "LyX"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.5svn-23-01-2007"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT "150svn"
!define PRODUCT_SUBFOLDER "lyx15"
!define PRODUCT_EXE "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx.exe"
!define PRODUCT_BAT "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx.bat"
!define PRODUCT_EXT ".lyx"
!define PRODUCT_MIME_TYPE "application/lyx"
!define PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE "$INSTDIR\LyXWinUninstall.exe"
!define PRODUCT_HELP_LINK "http://www.lyx.org/internet/mailing.php"
!define PRODUCT_ABOUT_URL "http://www.lyx.org/about/"
!define PRODUCT_INFO_URL "http://www.lyx.org/"
BrandingText "LyXWinInstaller v3.05 - Complete"
!define INSTALLER_VERSION "Complete"
!define INSTALLER_EXE "LyXWin150svnComplete-3-05.exe"
!define INSTALLER2_EXE "LyXWin150svnSmall-3-05.exe" ; to check later if this installer version is running at the same time
!define VERSION_BITMAP "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx_logo_vert${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}.bmp"
; Replaced by HKLM or HKCU depending on SetShellVarContext.
!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\lyx.exe"
!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX150svn"
!define ClassFileDir "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\Resources\tex"
!define ImageMagickVersion "6.3.2"
!define ImageMagickDir "$INSTDIR\etc\ImageMagick" ; for some odd reason the ImageMagick folder may not be a subfolder of $INSTDIR\bin!
!define GhostscriptDir "$INSTDIR\etc\Ghostscript"
!define GhostscriptVersion "8.54"
!define AiksaurusDir "$APPDATA\Aiksaurus"
!define AiksaurusInstall "external\Aiksaurus"
!define AspellDir "$APPDATA\Aspell"
!define AspellDisplay "Aspell 0.60.4 Data"
!define AspellInstall "external\Aspell"
!define AspellUninstall "Uninstall-AspellData.exe"
!define AspellDictPath "${AspellDir}\Dictionaries"
!define AspellPersonalPath "${AspellDir}\Personal"
!define AspellLocationExact "http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5117&release_id=9651"
!define AspellLocation "http://developer.berlios.de/projects/lyxwininstall/"
!define GSviewInstall "external\gsv48w32.exe"
!define JabRefInstall "external\JabRef-2.2b2-Setup.exe"
!define JabRefVersion "JabRef 2.2b2"
!define DVIPostFileDir "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\external\dvipost"
; the following variable is needed for a possible CD-version, see InstallActions.nsh, around line 213
;!define LaTeXPackagesDir "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\latex"
!define MiKTeXRepo "ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/tex/systems/win32/miktex/tm/packages/"
!define MiKTeXConfigFolder "MiKTeX\2.5\miktex\config"
!define MiKTeXDeliveredVersion "MiKTeX 2.5"
!define MiKTeXInstall "$INSTDIR\external\basic-miktex-2.5.2540.exe"
; Make some of the information above available to NSIS.
; Variables
Var LatexPath
Var PythonPath
Var DelPythonFiles
Var GhostscriptPath
Var ImageMagickPath
Var AiksaurusPath
Var AspellPath
Var AspellInstallYes
Var AspellBaseReg
Var AspellMessage
Var PDFVPath
Var Acrobat
Var PSVPath
Var EditorPath
Var ImageEditorPath
Var BibTeXEditorPath
Var JabRefInstalled
Var PathPrefix
Var Answer
Var UserName
Var LangName
Var LangNameSys
Var LangCode
Var LangCodeSys
Var LangEncoding
Var LangSysEncoding
Var DictCode
Var MissedProg
Var LaTeXName
Var MiKTeXVersion
Var MiKTeXInstalled
Var MiKTeXUser
Var MiKTeXPath
Var InstallGSview
Var InstallJabRef
Var CreateFileAssociations
Var CreateDesktopIcon
Var StartmenuFolder
Var ProductRootKey
Var AppPre
Var AppSuff
Var AppPath
Var String
Var Search
Var Pointer
Var UserList
Var RunNumber
; load some NSIS libraries
!include "MUI.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
;!include "TextFunc.nsh"
;!insertmacro LineFind
; Set of various macros and functions
!include "LyXUtils.nsh"
; Function to check if needed programs are missing or not
!include "MissingPrograms.nsh"
; Functions for page to set installer language
; and LyX's menu language
!include "LanguageSettings.nsh"
; Function for page to install Aspell dictionaries
!include "Aspell.nsh"
; Use the Abiword macros to help set up associations with the file extension in the Registry.
; Grabbed from
; http://abiword.pchasm.org/source/cvs/abiword-cvs/abi/src/pkg/win/setup/NSISv2/abi_util_fileassoc.nsh
!include "abi_util_fileassoc.nsh"
; Remember the installer language
!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language"
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx_logo_hi.bmp"
!define MUI_ICON "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx.ico"
; Welcome page
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "$(WelcomePageText)"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
; Show the license.
; Specify the installation directory.
; Specify LyX's menu language.
Page custom SelectMenuLanguage SelectMenuLanguage_LeaveFunction
; Define which components to install.
; Specify where to install program shortcuts.
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU ${PRODUCT_NAME} $StartmenuFolder
; Check for needed programs
Page custom MissingProgramsPage MissingProgramsPage_LeaveFunction
; Watch the components being installed.
; Finish page
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "$(FinishPageMessage)"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "$(FinishPageRun)"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
; The uninstaller.
; Languages
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" # first language is the default language
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Galician"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Turkish"
!include "lyx_languages\english.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\danish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\dutch.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\french.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\german.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\galician.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\hungarian.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\italian.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\norwegian.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\polish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\portuguese.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\slovak.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\spanish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\swedish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\turkish.nsh"
LicenseData "$(LyXLicenseData)"
; Reserve Files
; These files are inserted before other files in the data block
ReserveFile "io_ui_language.ini"
; Installer sections
Section "!${PRODUCT_NAME}" SecCore
SectionIn RO
Section "$(SecAllUsersTitle)" SecAllUsers
SetShellVarContext all
StrCpy $ProductRootKey "HKLM"
Section "$(SecFileAssocTitle)" SecFileAssoc
StrCpy $CreateFileAssociations "true"
Section "$(SecDesktopTitle)" SecDesktop
StrCpy $CreateDesktopIcon "true"
Section /o "$(SecInstGSviewTitle)" SecInstGSview
AddSize 4000
StrCpy $InstallGSview "true"
Section /o "$(SecInstJabRefTitle)" SecInstJabRef
AddSize 5000
StrCpy $InstallJabRef "true"
; Section descriptions
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecCore} "$(SecCoreDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecAllUsers} "$(SecAllUsersDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecFileAssoc} "$(SecFileAssocDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDesktop} "$(SecDesktopDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecInstGSview} "$(SecInstGSviewDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecInstJabRef} "$(SecInstJabRefDescription)"
!include "InstallActions-complete.nsh"
; This hook function is called internally by NSIS on installer startup
Function .onInit
; set the installer language to the Windows locale language
System::Call "kernel32::GetUserDefaultLangID()i.a"
; Check that the installer is not currently running
System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexA(i 0, i 0, t "${INSTALLER_EXE}.Instance") i .r1 ?e'
Pop $R0
${if} $R0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(InstallRunning)"
FindProcDLL::FindProc "${INSTALLER2_EXE}"
${if} $R0 == "1"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(InstallRunning)"
; Check if LyX is already installed
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher"
${if} $0 != ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(StillInstalled)"
; Default settings
; These can be reset to "all" in section SecAllUsers.
SetShellVarContext current
StrCpy $ProductRootKey "HKCU"
; This can be reset to "true" in section SecDesktop.
StrCpy $CreateDesktopIcon "false"
StrCpy $CreateFileAssociations "false"
; If the user does *not* have administrator privileges, abort
StrCpy $Answer ""
StrCpy $UserName ""
!insertmacro IsUserAdmin $Answer $UserName ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $Answer == "yes"
!define ENABLE 0x00000001
SectionGetFlags ${SecAllUsers} $0
IntOp $0 $0 | ${ENABLE}
SectionSetFlags ${SecAllUsers} $0
!undef ENABLE
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(NotAdmin)"
; check which programs are installed or not
Call MissingPrograms ; function from MissingPrograms.nsh
; don't let the installer sections appear when the programs are already installed
${if} $PSVPath != ""
SectionSetText 4 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section, ${SecInstGSview}
${if} $BibTeXEditorPath != ""
SectionSetText 5 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section, ${SecInstJabRef}
Function LaunchProduct
;Function DeleteLines
; StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
; Push $0
; The Uninstaller
Function un.onInit
; Check that LyX is not currently running
FindProcDLL::FindProc "lyx.exe"
${if} $R0 == "1"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnInstallRunning)"
; Ascertain whether the user has sufficient privileges to uninstall.
SetShellVarContext current
ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey"
${if} $0 == ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey"
${if} $0 == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(UnNotInRegistryLabel)"
; If the user does *not* have administrator privileges, abort
StrCpy $Answer ""
!insertmacro IsUserAdmin $Answer $UserName ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $Answer == "yes"
SetShellVarContext all
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnNotAdminLabel)"
; Macro to investigate name of LyX's preferences folders to be able remove them
!insertmacro UnAppPreSuff $AppPre $AppSuff ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
; test if Aspell was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes"
SectionSetText 2 "Aspell" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section (has the index "2" as it is the third section in Uninstall.nsh)
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "Aspell"
SectionSetText 2 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; test if MiKTeX was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX"
${if} $0 == "Yes"
SectionSetText 3 "MiKTeX" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section
StrCpy $MiKTeXInstalled "MiKTeX"
SectionSetText 3 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; test if JabRef was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX"
${if} $0 == "Yes"
SectionSetText 4 "JabRef" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section
StrCpy $JabRefInstalled "JabRef"
SectionSetText 4 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
Function un.onUninstSuccess
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(UnRemoveSuccessLabel)"
;Installer sections
!include "Uninstall.nsh"
; eof
@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
; Lyx for Windows, NSIS v2 series installer script
; File LyXWinInstaller.nsi
; This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
; http://www.lyx.org/
; Licence details can be found in the file COPYING or copy at
; http://www.lyx.org/about/license.php3
; Author Uwe Stöhr based on the work of Angus Leeming and Joost Verburg
; Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS or copy at
; http://www.lyx.org/about/credits.php
; This script requires NSIS 2.22 and newer
; http://nsis.sourceforge.net/
; Do a Cyclic Redundancy Check to make sure the installer
; was not corrupted by the download.
CRCCheck force
; Make the installer as small as possible.
; SetCompressor lzma
; You should need to change only these macros...
!define PRODUCT_DIR "D:\LyXPackage1.5"
!define PRODUCT_NAME "LyX"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.5svn-23-01-2007"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT "150svn"
!define PRODUCT_SUBFOLDER "lyx15"
!define PRODUCT_EXE "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx.exe"
!define PRODUCT_BAT "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx.bat"
!define PRODUCT_EXT ".lyx"
!define PRODUCT_MIME_TYPE "application/lyx"
!define PRODUCT_UNINSTALL_EXE "$INSTDIR\LyXWinUninstall.exe"
!define PRODUCT_HELP_LINK "http://www.lyx.org/internet/mailing.php"
!define PRODUCT_ABOUT_URL "http://www.lyx.org/about/"
!define PRODUCT_INFO_URL "http://www.lyx.org/"
BrandingText "LyXWinInstaller v3.05 - Small"
!define INSTALLER_EXE "LyXWin150svnSmall-3-05.exe"
!define INSTALLER2_EXE "LyXWin150svnComplete-3-05.exe" ; to check later if this installer version is running at the same time
!define VERSION_BITMAP "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx_logo_vert${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}.bmp"
; Replaced by HKLM or HKCU depending on SetShellVarContext.
!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\lyx.exe"
!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX150svn"
!define ClassFileDir "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\Resources\tex"
!define ImageMagickVersion "6.3.2"
!define ImageMagickDir "$INSTDIR\etc\ImageMagick" ; for some odd reason the ImageMagick folder may not be a subfolder of $INSTDIR\bin!
!define GhostscriptDir "$INSTDIR\etc\Ghostscript"
!define GhostscriptVersion "8.54"
!define AiksaurusDir "$APPDATA\Aiksaurus"
!define AiksaurusInstall "external\Aiksaurus"
!define AspellDir "$APPDATA\Aspell"
!define AspellDisplay "Aspell 0.60.4 Data"
!define AspellInstall "external\Aspell"
!define AspellUninstall "Uninstall-AspellData.exe"
!define AspellDictPath "${AspellDir}\Dictionaries"
!define AspellPersonalPath "${AspellDir}\Personal"
!define AspellLocationExact "http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5117&release_id=9651"
!define AspellLocation "http://developer.berlios.de/projects/lyxwininstall/"
!define JabRefVersion "JabRef not included"
!define DVIPostFileDir "${PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR}\external\dvipost"
!define MiKTeXRepo "ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/tex/systems/win32/miktex/tm/packages/"
!define MiKTeXConfigFolder "MiKTeX\2.5\miktex\config"
!define MiKTeXDeliveredVersion "MiKTeX not included"
; Make some of the information above available to NSIS.
; Variables
Var LatexPath
Var PythonPath
Var DelPythonFiles
Var GhostscriptPath
Var ImageMagickPath
Var AiksaurusPath
Var AspellPath
Var AspellInstallYes
Var AspellBaseReg
Var AspellMessage
Var PDFVPath
Var Acrobat
Var PSVPath
Var EditorPath
Var ImageEditorPath
Var BibTeXEditorPath
Var JabRefInstalled
Var PathPrefix
Var Answer
Var UserName
Var LangName
Var LangNameSys
Var LangCode
Var LangCodeSys
Var LangEncoding
Var LangSysEncoding
Var DictCode
Var MissedProg
Var LaTeXName
Var MiKTeXVersion
Var MiKTeXInstalled
Var MiKTeXUser
Var CreateFileAssociations
Var CreateDesktopIcon
Var StartmenuFolder
Var ProductRootKey
Var AppPre
Var AppSuff
Var AppPath
Var State
Var String
Var Search
Var Pointer
Var UserList
Var RunNumber
; load some NSIS libraries
!include "MUI.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
;!include "TextFunc.nsh"
;!insertmacro LineFind
; Set of various macros and functions
!include "LyXUtils.nsh"
; Function to check if needed programs are missing or not
!include "MissingPrograms.nsh"
; Function for page to manually select LaTeX's installation folder
!include "LaTeXFolder.nsh"
; Functions for page to set installer language
; and LyX's menu language
!include "LanguageSettings.nsh"
; Function for page to install Aspell dictionaries
!include "Aspell.nsh"
; Use the Abiword macros to help set up associations with the file extension in the Registry.
; Grabbed from
; http://abiword.pchasm.org/source/cvs/abiword-cvs/abi/src/pkg/win/setup/NSISv2/abi_util_fileassoc.nsh
!include "abi_util_fileassoc.nsh"
; Remember the installer language
!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language"
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx_logo_hi.bmp"
!define MUI_ICON "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "${PRODUCT_DIR}\icons\lyx.ico"
; Welcome page
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "$(WelcomePageText)"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
; Show the license.
; Specify the installation directory.
; Specify LyX's menu language.
Page custom SelectMenuLanguage SelectMenuLanguage_LeaveFunction
; Define which components to install.
; Specify where to install program shortcuts.
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU ${PRODUCT_NAME} $StartmenuFolder
; Select latex.exe manually
Page custom LatexFolder LatexFolder_LeaveFunction
; Check for needed programs
Page custom MissingProgramsPage MissingProgramsPage_LeaveFunction
; Watch the components being installed.
; Finish page
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "$(FinishPageMessage)"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "$(FinishPageRun)"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
; The uninstaller.
; Languages
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" # first language is the default language
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Galician"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Turkish"
!include "lyx_languages\english.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\danish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\dutch.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\french.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\german.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\galician.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\hungarian.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\italian.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\norwegian.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\polish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\portuguese.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\slovak.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\spanish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\swedish.nsh"
!include "lyx_languages\turkish.nsh"
LicenseData "$(LyXLicenseData)"
; Reserve Files
; These files are inserted before other files in the data block
ReserveFile "io_ui_language.ini"
; Installer sections
Section "!${PRODUCT_NAME}" SecCore
SectionIn RO
Section "$(SecAllUsersTitle)" SecAllUsers
SetShellVarContext all
StrCpy $ProductRootKey "HKLM"
Section "$(SecFileAssocTitle)" SecFileAssoc
StrCpy $CreateFileAssociations "true"
Section "$(SecDesktopTitle)" SecDesktop
StrCpy $CreateDesktopIcon "true"
; Section descriptions
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecCore} "$(SecCoreDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecAllUsers} "$(SecAllUsersDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecFileAssoc} "$(SecFileAssocDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDesktop} "$(SecDesktopDescription)"
!include "InstallActions-small.nsh"
; This hook function is called internally by NSIS on installer startup
Function .onInit
; set the installer language to the Windows locale language
System::Call "kernel32::GetUserDefaultLangID()i.a"
; Check that the installer is not currently running
System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexA(i 0, i 0, t "${INSTALLER_EXE}.Instance") i .r1 ?e'
Pop $R0
${if} $R0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(InstallRunning)"
FindProcDLL::FindProc "${INSTALLER2_EXE}"
${if} $R0 == "1"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(InstallRunning)"
; Check if LyX is already installed
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher"
${if} $0 != ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(StillInstalled)"
; Default settings
; These can be reset to "all" in section SecAllUsers.
SetShellVarContext current
StrCpy $ProductRootKey "HKCU"
; This can be reset to "true" in section SecDesktop.
StrCpy $CreateDesktopIcon "false"
StrCpy $CreateFileAssociations "false"
; If the user does *not* have administrator privileges, abort
StrCpy $Answer ""
StrCpy $UserName ""
!insertmacro IsUserAdmin $Answer $UserName ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $Answer == "yes"
!define ENABLE 0x00000001
SectionGetFlags ${SecAllUsers} $0
IntOp $0 $0 | ${ENABLE}
SectionSetFlags ${SecAllUsers} $0
!undef ENABLE
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(NotAdmin)"
; check which programs are installed or not
Call MissingPrograms ; function from MissingPrograms.nsh
; used later in the function LatexFolder
StrCpy $State "0"
Function LaunchProduct
;Function DeleteLines
; StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
; Push $0
; The Uninstaller
Function un.onInit
; Check that LyX is not currently running
FindProcDLL::FindProc "lyx.exe"
${if} $R0 == "1"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnInstallRunning)"
; Ascertain whether the user has sufficient privileges to uninstall.
SetShellVarContext current
ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey"
${if} $0 == ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey"
${if} $0 == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(UnNotInRegistryLabel)"
; If the user does *not* have administrator privileges, abort
StrCpy $Answer ""
!insertmacro IsUserAdmin $Answer $UserName ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $Answer == "yes"
SetShellVarContext all
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnNotAdminLabel)"
; Macro to investigate name of LyX's preferences folders to be able remove them
!insertmacro UnAppPreSuff $AppPre $AppSuff ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
; test if Aspell was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes"
SectionSetText 2 "Aspell" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section (has the index "2" as it is the third section in Uninstall.nsh)
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "Aspell"
SectionSetText 2 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; test if MiKTeX was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX"
${if} $0 == "Yes"
SectionSetText 3 "MiKTeX" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section
StrCpy $MiKTeXInstalled "MiKTeX"
SectionSetText 3 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; ignore JabRef because this could only be installed with the complete installer version
SectionSetText 4 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
StrCpy $JabRefInstalled ""
Function un.onUninstSuccess
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(UnRemoveSuccessLabel)"
;Installer sections
!include "Uninstall.nsh"
; eof
@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
; This script contains the following functions:
; - LaTeXCheck (check installed LaTeX-system), uses:
; StrPointer
; StrPoint
; RevStrPointer
; RevStrPoint
; - un.DelAppPathSub and UnAppPreSuff, (delete the folder ~\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\LyX for all users), uses:
; un.GetParent
; un.GetUsers
; un.StrPoint
; StrPointer
; StrPoint
; UnAppPreSuff
; - CreateAppPathSub and AppPreSuff, (creates the folder ~\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\LyX for all users), uses:
; GetParent
; GetUsers
; StrPointer
; StrPoint
; UnAppPreSuff
; - IsUserAdmin (checks if user is admin)
; - FileCheck (checks if a given file exists)
; - EditorCheck (check for installed editors)
!macro StrPointer FindStr SearchStr Pointer
; searches for a string/character (SearchStr) in another string (FindStr)
; and returns the number of the character in the FindStr where the SearchStr was found (Pointer)
; if nothing was found or the search is impossible the Pointer is set to -1
StrLen $R2 ${SearchStr}
StrLen $R4 ${FindStr}
StrCpy $R5 0
${if} $R2 == 0
${orif} $R4 == 0
Goto NotFound
IntCmp $R4 $R2 loopA NotFound
StrCpy $R3 ${FindStr} $R2 $R5
StrCmp $R3 ${SearchStr} Found
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
IntCmp $R4 $R5 loopA NotFound
Goto loopA
StrCpy ${Pointer} $R5
Goto done
StrCpy ${Pointer} "-1"
Function StrPoint
!insertmacro StrPointer $String $Search $Pointer
!macro RevStrPointer FindStr SearchStr Pointer
; searches for a string/character (SearchStr) in another string (FindStr) in reverse order
; and returns the number of the character in the FindStr where the SearchStr was found (Pointer)
; if nothing was found or the search is impossible the Pointer is set to +1
StrLen $R2 ${SearchStr}
StrLen $R4 ${FindStr}
${if} $R2 == 0
${orif} $R4 == 0
Goto NotFound
IntCmp $R4 $R2 loopA NotFound
StrCpy $R5 "-$R2"
StrCpy $R3 ${FindStr} $R2 $R5
StrCmp $R3 ${SearchStr} Found
IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1
IntCmp "$R5" "-$R4" loopA NotFound
Goto loopA
StrCpy ${Pointer} $R5
Goto done
StrCpy ${Pointer} "+1"
Function RevStrPoint
!insertmacro RevStrPointer $String $Search $Pointer
!macro AppPreSuff AppPre AppSuff
; the APPDATA path has always the following structure:
; C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data
; this macro saves the "C:\Documents and Settings\" substring into the variable "AppPre"
; and the "Application Data" substring into the variable "AppSuff"
StrCpy $String "$APPDATA"
StrCpy $Search "\"
Call StrPoint ; search for the first "\"
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "\"
StrCpy $String $String "" $Pointer ; cut off the part before the first "\"
StrCpy $0 $Pointer
Call StrPoint ; search for the second "\"
IntOp $0 $0 + $Pointer ; $0 is now the pointer to the second "\" in the APPDATA string
StrCpy ${AppPre} $APPDATA $0 ; save the part before the second "\"
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "\"
StrCpy $String $String "" $Pointer ; cut off the part before the second "\"
Call StrPoint ; search for the third "\"
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "\"
StrCpy ${AppSuff} $String "" $Pointer ; save the part after the third "\"
Function GetParent
; deletes a subfolder of the APPDATA path for all users
; used by the function "un.getUsers"
Exch $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3
StrCpy $R1 0
StrLen $R2 $R0
IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
IntCmp $R1 $R2 get 0 get
StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 -$R1
StrCmp $R3 "\" get
Goto loop
StrCpy $R0 $R0 -$R1
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0
Function GetUsers
; reads the subfolders of the "Documents and Settings" folder to get a list of the users
StrCpy $R3 ""
Call GetParent
Pop $R2
StrCpy $R2 "$R2"
FindFirst $R0 $R1 "$R2\*"
StrCmp $R1 "" findend 0
IfFileExists "$R2\$R1\*.*" 0 notDir
StrCmp $R1 "." notDir
StrCmp $R1 ".." notDir
StrCmp $R1 "All Users" notDir
StrCmp $R1 "Default User" notDir
StrCmp $R1 "All Users.WINNT" notDir
StrCmp $R1 "Default User.WINNT" notDir
StrCpy $R3 "$R3|$R1"
FindNext $R0 $R1
StrCmp $R1 "" findend 0
Goto findloop
FindClose $R0
Function un.GetParent
; deletes a subfolder of the APPDATA path for all users
; used by the function "un.getUsers"
Exch $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3
StrCpy $R1 0
StrLen $R2 $R0
IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
IntCmp $R1 $R2 get 0 get
StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 -$R1
StrCmp $R3 "\" get
Goto loop
StrCpy $R0 $R0 -$R1
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0
Function un.GetUsers
; reads the subfolders of the "Documents and Settings" folder to get a list of the users
StrCpy $R3 ""
Call un.GetParent
Pop $R2
StrCpy $R2 "$R2"
FindFirst $R0 $R1 "$R2\*"
StrCmp $R1 "" findend 0
IfFileExists "$R2\$R1\*.*" 0 notDir
StrCmp $R1 "." notDir
StrCmp $R1 ".." notDir
StrCmp $R1 "All Users" notDir
StrCmp $R1 "Default User" notDir
StrCmp $R1 "All Users.WINNT" notDir
StrCmp $R1 "Default User.WINNT" notDir
StrCpy $R3 "$R3|$R1"
FindNext $R0 $R1
StrCmp $R1 "" findend 0
Goto findloop
FindClose $R0
Function un.StrPoint
!insertmacro StrPointer $String $Search $Pointer
!macro UnAppPreSuff AppPre AppSuff
; the APPDATA path has always the following structure:
; C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data
; this macro saves the "C:\Documents and Settings\" substring into the variable "AppPre"
; and the "Application Data" substring into the variable "AppSuff"
StrCpy $String "$APPDATA"
StrCpy $Search "\"
Call un.StrPoint ; search for the first "\"
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "\"
StrCpy $String $String "" $Pointer ; cut off the part before the first "\"
StrCpy $0 $Pointer
Call un.StrPoint ; search for the second "\"
IntOp $0 $0 + $Pointer ; $0 is now the pointer to the second "\" in the APPDATA string
StrCpy ${AppPre} $APPDATA $0 ; save the part before the second "\"
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "\"
StrCpy $String $String "" $Pointer ; cut off the part before the second "\"
Call un.StrPoint ; search for the third "\"
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "\"
StrCpy ${AppSuff} $String "" $Pointer ; save the part after the third "\"
Function un.DelAppPathSub
; deletes a subfolder of the APPDATA path for all users
; get list of all users
Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3
Call un.GetUsers
StrCpy $UserList $R3 "" 1 ; cut off the "|" at the end of the list
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
; the usernames in the list of all users is separated by "|"
StrCpy $String "$UserList"
StrCpy $Search "|"
Call un.StrPoint ; search for the "|"
StrCmp $Pointer "-1" ready
StrCpy $0 $UserList $Pointer ; $0 contains now the username
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "|"
StrCpy $UserList $UserList "" $Pointer ; cut off the first username in the list
; generate the string for the current user
; AppPre and AppSuff are generated in the macro "AppPreSuff"
StrCpy $AppPath "$AppPre\$0\$AppSuff\${PRODUCT_SUBFOLDER}"
RMDir /r $AppPath ; delete the folder
Goto loop
StrCpy $0 $UserList
StrCpy $AppPath "$AppPre\$0\$AppSuff\${PRODUCT_SUBFOLDER}"
RMDir /r $AppPath ; delete the folder
Function CreateAppPathSub
; creates a subfolder of the APPDATA path for all users
; get folder names
!insertmacro AppPreSuff $AppPre $AppSuff
; get list of all users
Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3
Call GetUsers
StrCpy $UserList $R3 "" 1 ; cut off the "|" at the end of the list
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
; the usernames in the list of all users is separated by "|"
StrCpy $String "$UserList"
StrCpy $Search "|"
Call StrPoint ; search for the "|"
StrCmp $Pointer "-1" ready
StrCpy $0 $UserList $Pointer ; $0 contains now the username
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer + 1 ; jump after the "|"
StrCpy $UserList $UserList "" $Pointer ; cut off the first username in the list
; generate the string for the current user
; AppPre and AppSuff are generated in the macro "AppPreSuff"
StrCpy $AppPath "$AppPre\$0\$AppSuff\${PRODUCT_SUBFOLDER}"
CreateDirectory $AppPath ; create the folder
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\Resources\session" "$AppPath"
Goto loop
StrCpy $0 $UserList
StrCpy $AppPath "$AppPre\$0\$AppSuff\${PRODUCT_SUBFOLDER}"
CreateDirectory $AppPath ; create the folder
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\Resources\session" "$AppPath"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Resources\session" ; delete the session file in the INSTDIR because it is unneeded there
!macro IsUserAdmin Result Name
IfErrors Win9x
Pop $0
StrCpy ${Name} $0
Pop $1
${if} $1 == "Admin"
StrCpy ${Result} "yes"
StrCpy ${Result} "no"
Goto done
StrCpy ${Result} "yes"
!macro FileCheck Result FileName FilePath
; checks if a file exists, returns "True" or "False"
Push $0
Push $1
StrCpy $0 ""
StrCpy $1 ""
FileOpen $0 "${Filepath}\${FileName}" r
${if} $0 = ""
StrCpy $1 "False"
StrCpy $1 "True"
FileClose $0
StrCpy ${Result} $1
Pop $1
Pop $0
Function LaTeXCheck
; searches the string "$Search" in the string "$String" and extracts the path around it
; the extracted path is checked if the file "latex.exe" is in it
StrLen $3 $String
Call StrPoint
${if} $Pointer == "-1" ; if nothing was found
StrCpy $LatexPath ""
IntOp $3 $3 - $Pointer
StrCpy $4 $String $3 "-$3" ; $4 is now the part behind the $Search string
StrCpy $String $String $Pointer ; $String is now the part before the $Search string
StrCpy $Search ":" ; search for the ":" after the first previous drive letter
Call RevStrPoint
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer - 1 ; jump before the ":" to the drive letter
StrCpy $Pointer $Pointer "" 1 ; cut of the "-" sign
StrCpy $LatexPath $String $Pointer "-$Pointer"
StrCpy $String $4
StrCpy $Search ";" ; search for the following ";" that separates the different paths
Call StrPoint
${if} $Pointer != "-1" ; if something was found
StrCpy $String $String $Pointer
StrCpy $LatexPath "$LatexPath$String"
; check if the latex.exe exists in the $LatexPath folder
!insertmacro FileCheck $5 "latex.exe" "$LatexPath"
${if} $5 == "False" ; delete the entry with the wrong path to the latex.exe and try again
StrCpy $LatexPath ""
StrLen $3 $String
StrCpy $String $4 "" $3
${if} $2 == "TeXLive"
StrCpy $Search "TeXLive"
StrCpy $Search "miktex"
Goto StartCheck
Function EditorCheck
; test if an editor with syntax-highlighting for LaTeX-files is installed
; (check for jEdit, PSPad, WinShell, ConTEXT, Crimson Editor, Vim, TeXnicCenter, LaTeXEditor, WinEdt, LEd, WinTeX)
StrCpy $EditorPath ""
StrCpy $0 ""
; check for jEdit
ReadRegStr $EditorPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\jEdit_is1" "InstallLocation"
${if} $EditorPath != ""
StrCpy $EditorPath $EditorPath -1 ; remove "\" from the end of the string
; check for PSPad
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PSPad editor_is1" "InstallLocation"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -1
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for WinShell
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\WinShell_is1" "InstallLocation"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -1
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for ConTEXT
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ConTEXTEditor_is1" "InstallLocation"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -1
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for Crimson Editor
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Crimson Editor" "UninstallString"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -14 ; remove "\uninstall.exe"
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for Vim 6.x
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Classes\Applications\gvim.exe\shell\edit\command" ""
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -13 ; remove "gvim.exe "%1""
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for Vim 7.0
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vim 7.0" "UninstallString"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -18 ; remove "\uninstall-gui.exe"
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for TeXnicCenter
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeXnicCenter_is1" "Inno Setup: App Path"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for LaTeXEditor
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LaTeX Editor" "InstallLocation"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for WinEdt
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\WinEdt_is1" "InstallLocation"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -1
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for LEd
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LEd_is1" "InstallLocation"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -1
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
; check for WinTeX
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\WinTeX XP" "DisplayIcon"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 $0 -11 ; remove "\wintex.exe"
StrCpy $EditorPath "$EditorPath;$0"
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
This installer is different from the one existing in the svn folder
The changes are listed here (compared against LyX 1.4.3-5):
(The toolbar changes listed there can be ignored.)
The installer for LyX 1.5 comes furthermore with support for
the bibliography manager "JabRef"
Responsible author: Uwe Stöhr <uwestoehr-at-web.de>
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
Function MissingPrograms
StrCpy $MissedProg "False"
; test if MiKTeX is installed
; read the PATH variable via the registry because NSIS' "$%Path%" variable is not updated when the PATH changes
ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "Path"
StrCpy $Search "miktex"
Call LaTeXCheck ; sets the path to the latex.exe to $LatexPath ; function from LyXUtils.nsh
; check if MiKTeX 2.4 or 2.5 is installed
StrCpy $String ""
ReadRegStr $String HKLM "Software\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MiKTeX" "Install Root"
${if} $String != ""
StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.4" ; needed later for the configuration of MiKTeX
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.4"
${if} $LatexPath == "" ; check if MiKTeX is installed only for the current user
; check for MiKTeX 2.5
ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path"
StrCpy $Search "miktex"
Call LaTeXCheck
${if} $LatexPath != ""
StrCpy $MiKTeXUser "HKCU" ; needed later to for a message about MiKTeX's install folder write permissions, see InstallActions-*.nsh
; check for MiKTeX 2.4
StrCpy $String ""
ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Software\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MiKTeX" "Install Root"
${if} $String != ""
StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.4"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.4"
${if} $LatexPath != ""
StrCpy $MiKTeXInstalled "yes"
${if} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.4"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.5"
; test if TeXLive is installed
; as described at TeXLives' homepage there should be an entry in the PATH
${if} $LatexPath == ""
ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "Path"
StrCpy $Search "TeXLive"
Call LaTeXCheck
; check for the current user Path variable (the case when it is a live CD/DVD)
${if} $LatexPath == ""
ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path"
StrCpy $Search "texlive"
StrCpy $2 "TeXLive"
Call LaTeXCheck
; check if the variable TLroot exists (the case when it is installed using the program "tlpmgui")
${if} $LatexPath == ""
ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "TLroot"
${if} $String == ""
ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "TLroot" ; the case when installed without admin permissions
StrCpy $LatexPath "$String\bin\win32"
; check if the latex.exe exists in the $LatexPath folder
!insertmacro FileCheck $5 "latex.exe" "$LatexPath"
${if} $5 == "False"
StrCpy $LatexPath ""
${if} $LatexPath != ""
${andif} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.4"
${andif} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.5"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "TeXLive"
; test if Ghostscript is installed
EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "Software\AFPL Ghostscript" 0
${if} $1 == ""
EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "Software\GPL Ghostscript" 0
${if} $1 != ""
StrCpy $2 "True"
${if} $1 != ""
${if} $2 == "True"
ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript $1" "DisplayName"
StrCpy $0 "Software\GPL Ghostscript\$1"
ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AFPL Ghostscript $1" "DisplayName"
StrCpy $0 "Software\AFPL Ghostscript\$1"
${if} $3 == "" ; if nothing was found in the uninstall section
ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" ; check if Ghostscript was installed together with LyX
${if} $3 == "" ; if nothing was found in the uninstall section
DeleteRegKey HKLM "$0"
goto GSloop
ReadRegStr $GhostscriptPath HKLM $0 "GS_DLL"
${if} $GhostscriptPath != ""
StrCpy $GhostscriptPath "$GhostscriptPath" -12 ; remove ending "gsdll32.dll"
StrCpy $MissedProg "True"
${endif} ; if $3
${else} ; if $1
StrCpy $GhostscriptPath ""
StrCpy $MissedProg "True"
; test if Imagemagick is installed
ReadRegStr $ImageMagickPath HKLM "Software\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath"
${if} $ImageMagickPath == ""
StrCpy $MissedProg "True"
; test if Aiksaurus is installed
ReadRegStr $AiksaurusPath HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "AIK_DATA_DIR"
; test if Aspell is installed
StrCpy $5 ""
ReadRegStr $5 HKCU "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Base Path"
${if} $5 == ""
ReadRegStr $5 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aspell" "Base Path"
StrCpy $AspellBaseReg "HKLM" ; used in the aspell installation section
StrCpy $AspellBaseReg "HKCU"
${if} $5 == ""
StrCpy $MissedProg "True"
StrCpy $AspellPath "$5"
; test if Python is installed
; only use an existing python when it is version 2.5 because many Compaq and Dell PC are delivered
; with outdated Python interpretes
ReadRegStr $PythonPath HKLM "Software\Python\PythonCore\2.5\InstallPath" ""
${if} $PythonPath != ""
StrCpy $0 $PythonPath "" -1 ; remove the "\" at the end
StrCpy $DelPythonFiles "True"
; test if a PDF-viewer is installed, check for Acrobat, Adobe Reader (AroRD32), and GSview32
StrCpy $PDFVPath ""
ReadRegStr $PDFVPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Acrobat.exe" "Path"
${if} $PDFVPath == ""
ReadRegStr $PDFVPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AcroRd32.exe" "Path"
${if} $PDFVPath == ""
StrCpy $Acrobat "None"
ReadRegStr $PDFVPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\gsview32.exe" "Path"
StrCpy $0 $PDFVPath "" -1 ; remove the "\" at the end
${if} $0 == "\"
StrCpy $PDFVPath $PDFVPath -1
; check what program is set to open PDFs
${if} $Acrobat != "None"
ReadRegStr $String HKCR "AcroExch.Document\shell\open\command" ""
StrCpy $Search "8" ; search for Acrobat or Adobe Reader 8 because then PDFViewWin8 is needed to view PDF-files
!insertmacro StrPointer $String $Search $Pointer ; macro from LyXUtils
${if} $Pointer == "-1" ; if nothing was found
StrCpy $Acrobat "7"
StrCpy $Acrobat "8"
; test if a PostScript-viewer is installed, only check for GSview32
StrCpy $PSVPath ""
ReadRegStr $PSVPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\gsview32.exe" "Path"
; test if an editor with syntax-highlighting for LaTeX-files is installed (function in LyXUtils.nsh)
Call EditorCheck ; function from LyXUtils.nsh
; test if an image editor is installed (due to bug 2654 first check for GIMP)
StrCpy $ImageEditorPath ""
ReadRegStr $ImageEditorPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\WinGimp-2.0_is1" "DisplayIcon"
${if} $ImageEditorPath != ""
StrCpy $ImageEditorPath "$ImageEditorPath" -13 ; delete "\gimp-2.x.exe"
; check for Photoshop
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Photoshop.exe" "Path"
${if} $0 != ""
StrCpy $0 "$0" -1 ; delete the last "\"
${if} $ImageEditorPath != ""
StrCpy $ImageEditorPath "$ImageEditorPath;$0"
StrCpy $ImageEditorPath $0
; test if the BibTeX-editor JabRef is installed
StrCpy $BibTeXEditorPath ""
ReadRegStr $BibTeXEditorPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef 2.1" "UninstallString"
${if} $BibTeXEditorPath == ""
ReadRegStr $BibTeXEditorPath HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef 2.2b2" "UninstallString"
Function MissingProgramsPage
; generate the installer page - re-read empty page first
StrCpy $0 "2"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "io_missing_progs.ini"
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(MissProgHeader)" ""
${if} $MissedProg == "False"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_missing_progs.ini" "Field 6" "Text" "$(MissProgMessage)"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_missing_progs.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "$(MissProgCap)"
${if} ${INSTALLER_VERSION} == "Complete"
${if} $LatexPath == ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_missing_progs.ini" "Field $0" "Text" "$(MissProgLatex)"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${if} $GhostscriptPath == ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_missing_progs.ini" "Field $0" "Text" "$(MissProgGhostscript)"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${if} $ImageMagickPath == ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_missing_progs.ini" "Field $0" "Text" "$(MissProgImageMagick)"
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
${if} $AspellPath == ""
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "io_missing_progs.ini" "Field $0" "Text" "$(MissProgAspell)"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "io_missing_progs.ini"
Function MissingProgramsPage_LeaveFunction
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
This is the readme of the variant "complete" of the LyXWinInstaller. Please read
this file carefully to prevent troubles with the installer.
The LyXWinInstaller installs a complete LaTeX-environment together with the
wordprocessor "LyX" (www.lyx.org) and needed programs on Windows 2000/XP/XPx64.
! Win95, Win98, and WinME are NOT supported. !
To use the installer you need administrator privileges.
An open internet connection is recommended as several LaTeX-packages and
spellchecker dictionaris can than be downloaded and installed automatically.
It is not essential but would be an advantage if you have the PDF-viewer
"Adobe Reader" installed before running the installer.
If you want to use a LaTeX-distribution from a network drive or a live-CD/DVD
then use the installer version "small".
Installed Applications
The variant "complete" of the LyXWinInstaller analyses your system and installs,
if needed, a fully functional version of:
- MiKTeX, a LaTeX-distribution
- Aspell, a spellchecker
- Ghostscript, an interpreter for Postscript and PDF
- ImageMagick, an image converter
- (optional) GSview, a viewer for Postscript and PDF-documents
ImageMagick and Ghostscript won't appear in the list of the installed programs
in Window's system control because they are installed in a special version to
use them with LyX. But if you decide to install another version of the programs
you can do this without problems and without uninstalling LyX.
If you want to install GSview manually later you can do this without a new
installation of Ghostscript.
After the Installation
To view/edit external files like images LyX uses the default program set in the registry
for a file extension. This installer checks for many programs so that you only need to type
the name of their executables in LyX's preferences to change this.
For example the default viewer for PNG-images on Windows is "Paint". To change it to Gimp,
set "gimp-2.2" as viewer/editor for the PNG file format in LyX's preferences.
Known Problems
You can't install LyX to a folder that has accents or umlauts in its name.
If you use LyX with a computer user account that has accents or umlauts in its name,
change LyX's paths in the menu Edit -> Preferences so that they don't contain accents
and restart LyX.
The live-variant of TeX-Live don't work together with LyX due to incompatible Ghostscript
and dv2dt/dt2dv versions.
TeX-Live will only work together with LyX when it is installed without Ghostscript.
The Uninstaller
LyXWinInstall's uninstaller uninstalls LyX. Aspell, Ghostscript, GSview, ImageMagick and
MiKTeX are only uninstalled when they were installed together with LyX. You can uninstall
Aspell, GSview, and MiKTeX also separately via Window's Software menu in the system control.
The installer language string files can be found in the subfolder
"lyx_languages" of the sourcecode package:
If you want to help the project you can translate them or create a new language
string file based on the file "english.nsh".
Please send the modified files as patch to
or to
The scripts of the LyXWinInstaller are released under the GNU General Public
License (GPL). A package with the sourcecode can be found
in the section "LyxWinInstallerSource" of
The license files of all used pgrograms can be found in the subdirectory "bin"
of LyX's installation folder.
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
This is the readme of the complete installer package.
The file LyXPackageComplete-x-x.rar contains the NSIS (Nullsoft Install System) scripts and
all used program files. It is needed if you want to build the LyXWinInstaller by yourself.
To compile the installer scripts you need at least NSIS version 2.22.
The installer scripts need the plugins "FindProc" and "InetLoad". To use it copy the files "FindProcDLL.dll" and "InetLoad.dll" from the "LyXPackage" folder to NSIS'"Plugins" directory.
Also copy the file "Galician.nlf" in NSIS' install folder to
~\Contrib\Language files
and the file "Galician.nsh" to
~\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files
The subfolder "lyx_languages"
contains the language string files. If you want to help the project then
translate them or create a new language string file based on the file
"english.nsh". Please send the modified files as patch of the category
"Language" to
or to
The scripts are released under the GNU General Public License (GPL),
see the license file.
The licenses of all used programs can be found in the folder ~\LyX\bin of this package.
License: ImageMagick license
The folder ~\LyX\etc\ImageMagick contains all used files from ImageMagick 6.2.9
License: GPL
The folder ~\LyX\etc\Ghostscript contains all used files from GPL Ghostscript 8.54
License: GPL
The files of Aspell 0.60-4 are in the folder ~\LyX\external\Aspell
Dictionaries will be downloaded at runtime, the different licenses of the dictionaries
will be displayed before they are installed.
License: Python license
The following files from Python 2.4 are used:
python.exe and python24.dll are in the folder ~\LyX\bin.
The subfolders of ~\LyX\bin contain all other used python files.
License: GPL
The small version of MiKTeX is included together with its installer. MiKTeX will be
installed and uninstalled using its own installer.
License: AFPL
GSview is included completely. It will be installed and uninstalled using its own
License: GPL
The following files from MSYS are used:
They are all in the folder ~\LyX\bin of this package.
The following used MSYS files are in the folder ~\LyX\etc:
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
This is the readme of the script source code.
The file LyXPackageScripts-x-x.rar contains the NSIS (Nullsoft Install System) scripts and
used plugins.
To compile the installer scripts you need at least NSIS version 2.22.
The installer scripts need the plugins "FindProc" and "InetLoad". To use it copy the files "FindProcDLL.dll" and "InetLoad.dll" from the "LyXPackage" folder to NSIS'"Plugins" directory.
Also copy the file "Galician.nlf" in NSIS' install folder to
~\Contrib\Language files
and the file "Galician.nsh" to
~\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files
The subfolder "lyx_languages"
contains the language string files. If you want to help the project then
translate them or create a new language string file based on the file
"english.nsh". Please send the modified files as patch of the category
"Language" to
or to
The scripts are released under the GNU General Public License (GPL),
see the license file.
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
This is the readme of the variant "small" of the LyXWinInstaller. Please read
this file carefully to prevent troubles with the installer.
The LyXWinInstaller installs the wordprocessor "LyX" (www.lyx.org) and some
needed programs on Windows 2000/XP/XPx64.
! Win95, Win98, and WinME are NOT supported. !
The installer variant "small" has the same functionality as the "complete" version
but doesn't include the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX. It checks your system for an
installed version of MiKTeX (www.miktex.org) or TeXLive (http://www.tug.org/texlive/).
The installer provides an option to to choose a LaTeX-distribution from a network
drive or a live-CD/DVD and an option to not use LyX with LaTeX.
To use the installer you need administrator privileges.
An open internet connection is recommended as several LaTeX-packages and
spellchecker dictionaris can than be downloaded and installed automatically.
It is not essential but would be an advantage if you have the PDF-viewer
"Adobe Reader" installed before running the installer.
Installed Applications
The variant "small" of the LyXWinInstaller analyses your system and installs,
if needed, a fully functional version of:
- Aspell, a spellchecker
- Ghostscript, an interpreter for Postscript and PDF
- ImageMagick, an image converter
- (optional) GSview, a viewer for Postscript and PDF-documents
ImageMagick and Ghostscript won't appear in the list of the installed programs
in Window's system control because they are installed in a special version to
use them with LyX. But if you decide to install another version of the programs
you can do this without problems and without uninstalling LyX.
If you want to install GSview manually later you can do this without a new
installation of Ghostscript.
After the Installation
To view/edit external files like images LyX uses the default program set in the registry
for a file extension. This installer checks for many programs so that you only need to type
the name of their executables in LyX's preferences to change this.
For example the default viewer for PNG-images on Windows is "Paint". To change it to Gimp,
set "gimp-2.2" as viewer/editor for the PNG file format in LyX's preferences.
Known Problems
You can't install LyX to a folder that has accents or umlauts in its name.
If you use LyX with a computer user account that has accents or umlauts in its name,
change LyX's paths in the menu Edit -> Preferences so that they don't contain accents
and restart LyX.
The live-variant of TeX-Live don't work together with LyX due to incompatible Ghostscript
and dv2dt/dt2dv versions.
TeX-Live will only work together with LyX when it is installed without Ghostscript.
The Uninstaller
LyXWinInstall's uninstaller uninstalls LyX. Aspell, Ghostscript, GSview, ImageMagick and
MiKTeX are only uninstalled when they were installed together with LyX. You can uninstall
Aspell, GSview, and MiKTeX also separately via Window's Software menu in the system control.
The installer language string files can be found in the subfolder
"lyx_languages" of the sourcecode package:
If you want to help the project you can translate them or create a new language
string file based on the file "english.nsh".
Please send the modified files as patch to
or to
The scripts of the LyXWinInstaller are released under the GNU General Public
License (GPL). A package with the sourcecode can be found
in the section "LyxWinInstallerSource" of
The license files of all used pgrograms can be found in the subdirectory "bin"
of LyX's installation folder.
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
; Uninstall sections
Section "un.LyX" un.SecUnProgramFiles
SectionIn RO
; delete LaTeX class files that were installed together with LyX
FileOpen $R5 "$INSTDIR\Resources\uninstallPaths.dat" r
FileRead $R5 $LatexPath
FileClose $R5
StrCpy $String $LatexPath
StrCpy $Search "miktex\bin"
StrLen $3 $String
Call un.StrPoint ; search the LaTeXPath for the phrase "miktex\bin" (function from LyXUtils.nsh)
${if} $Pointer != "-1" ; if something was found
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer - 1 ; jump before the first "\" of "\miktex\bin"
StrCpy $String $String "$Pointer" ; $String is now the part before "\miktex\bin"
Delete "$String\tex\latex\cv.cls"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\lyx"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\revtex"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\hollywood"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\broadway"
ExecWait "$LatexPath\initexmf --update-fndb"
; delete LyX's installation folder
; delete start menu folder
RMDir /r "$0"
; delete desktop icon
; delete registry entries
DeleteRegKey HKCR "Applications\lyx.exe"
DeleteRegKey HKCR "Applications\lyx.bat"
; Aiksaurus
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Aiksaurus" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes"
; unregister Aiksaurus
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Aiksaurus" "Data Path"
RMDir /r "$1"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Aiksaurus"
; ImageMagick
StrCpy $0 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\ImageMagick" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes"
; unregister ImageMagick
DeleteRegValue HKLM "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick"
; Ghostscript and GSview
StrCpy $0 ""
StrCpy $5 ""
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes"
; unregister Ghostscript
DeleteRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript"
; test if GSview is installed
EnumRegValue $5 HKLM "Software\Ghostgum\GSview" 0
${if} $5 != ""
; unregister GSview
ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "Software\Ghostgum\GSview" "$5"
ReadRegStr $4 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GSview $5" "UninstallString"
ExecWait "$4"
; MiKTeX specific LyX setting
DeleteRegValue HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_AUTOINSTALL"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_REPOSITORY"
; remove extension .lyx
${RemoveFileAssociation} "${PRODUCT_EXT}" "${PRODUCT_NAME}"
; clear info that programs were installed together with LyX
DeleteRegValue HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX"
SetAutoClose true
; user preferences
Section "un.$(UnLyXPreferencesTitle)" un.SecUnPreferences
; remove LyX's config files
Call un.DelAppPathSub ; function from LyXUtils.nsh
; Aspell
Section "un.Aspell" un.SecUnAspell
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "Aspell" ; only uninstall Aspell when it was installed together with LyX
Call un.UninstAspell ; Function from Aspell.nsh
; MiKTeX
Section "un.MiKTeX" un.SecUnMiKTeX
${if} $MiKTeXInstalled == "MiKTeX" ; only uninstall MiKTeX when it was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${MiKTeXDeliveredVersion}" "UninstallString"
ExecWait "$1" ; run MiKTeX's uninstaller
; JabRef
Section "un.JabRef" un.SecUnJabRef
${if} $JabRefInstalled == "JabRef" ; only uninstall JabRef when it was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "UninstallString"
ExecWait "$1" ; run JabRef's uninstaller
; Section descriptions
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnAspell} "$(SecUnAspellDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnMiKTeX} "$(SecUnMiKTeXDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnJabRef} "$(SecUnJabRefDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnPreferences} "$(SecUnPreferencesDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnProgramFiles} "$(SecUnProgramFilesDescription)"
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
;Title AbiWord for Windows, NSIS v2 series installer script
;FileDesc Utility functions to set and save/restore file extension to application associations
;; RefreshShellIcons based on
;; http://nsis.sourceforge.net/archive/nsisweb.php?page=236&instances=0
;; by jerome tremblay - april 2003
!define SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED 0x08000000
!define SHCNF_IDLIST 0
Function RefreshShellIcons
System::Call 'shell32.dll::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) v \
!define RefreshShellIcons "call RefreshShellIcons"
!define RefreshShellIcons
;; parts from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/archive/viewpage.php?pageid=282 by Vytautas
;; Will add the registry entries to associate the given file extension with the
;; previously set (see CreateApplicationAssociation) appType. I.e. indicate to
;; open documents with this extension using the application specified by appType
;; registry entry. If the extension is currently associated with a different
;; appType, it will store the current association in the "prior_appType" key.
!macro CreateFileAssociation extension appType contentType
!define skipBackupLbl "skipBackup_${__LINE__}"
push $0
; back up old value of extension (.ext) if it exists
ReadRegStr $0 HKCR "${extension}" "" ; read current value
StrCmp $0 "" "${skipBackupLbl}" ; nothing, then skip storing old value
StrCmp $0 "${appType}" "${skipBackupLbl}" ; only store if old is different than current
WriteRegStr HKCR "${extension}" "prior_value" "$0" ; actually store the old association
; Write File Associations
WriteRegStr HKCR "${extension}" "" "${appType}"
WriteRegStr HKCR "${extension}" "Content Type" "${contentType}"
; Force shell refresh (so icons updated as needed)
pop $0
!undef skipBackupLbl
!define CreateFileAssociation "!insertmacro CreateFileAssociation"
!macro CreateApplicationAssociation appType appName appDesc defIcon exeCmd
WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}" "" "${appDesc}"
WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell" "" "open"
WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\DefaultIcon" "" "${defIcon}"
; Basic command to open the file (pass filename as argv[1] to program executable)
WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\open\command" "" '"${exeCmd}" "%1"'
; To open file via DDE (OLE, ie via already active instance) instead of in a new process
; Here for those who want to locally enable, not normally used as having each document
; open in a new process while more resource intensive means a crash with one document
; won't cause loss of work with other open documents.
; WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\open\command" "" "${exeCmd}"
; WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\open\ddeexec" "" '[Open("%1")]'
; WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\open\ddeexec\application" "" "${appName}"
; WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\open\ddeexec\topic" "" "System"
; If editing file is a different action than simply opening file
; WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\edit" "" "Edit Options File"
; WriteRegStr HKCR "${appType}\shell\edit\command" "" '"${exeCmd}" "%1"'
!define CreateApplicationAssociation "!insertmacro CreateApplicationAssociation"
; check if a file extension is associated with us and if so delete it
!macro RemoveFileAssociation extension appType
push $0
push $1
ReadRegStr $0 HKCR "${extension}" ""
StrCmp "$0" "${appType}" 0 Skip_Del_File_Assoc.${extension}
ReadRegStr $0 HKCR "${extension}" "prior_value"
StrCmp "$0" "" "DeleteFA.${extension}" 0 ; if "prior_value" is not empty
ReadRegStr $1 HKCR "$0" "" ; restore previous association
StrCmp "$1" "" DeleteFA.${extension} ; only if it is still valid (has something defined)
WriteRegStr HKCR "${extension}" "" $0 ; actually restore prior association
DeleteRegValue HKCR "${extension}" "prior_value" ; and remove stored value
Goto Skip_Del_File_Assoc.${extension}
DeleteFA.${extension}: ; else delete file association key
DeleteRegKey HKCR "${extension}" ; actually remove file assoications
pop $1
pop $0
!define RemoveFileAssociation "!insertmacro RemoveFileAssociation"
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 101 KiB |
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
[Field 1]
Text='You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\nIf you don$\\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\r\nThe installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution "$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
[Field 2]
Text= Path
[Field 3]
[Field 4]
Text=Don't use LaTeX
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
[Field 1]
[Field 2]
[Field 3]
[Field 4]
[Field 5]
[Field 6]
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
[Field 1]
Text=" Available Languages "
[Field 2]
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Needed codepages:
turkish.nsh : ISO-8859-9
slovak.nsh, polish.nsh : Windows cp-1250
all other files are in Windows cp-1252
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Denne guide vil installere LyX på din computer.\r\n\
Du skal have administratorrettigheder for at installerer LyX.\r\n\
Det anbefales at du lukker alle kørende programmer inden start af setup-guiden. Dette vil tillade guiden at opdatere de nødvendige systemfiler uden at skulle genstarte computeren.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Installer til alle brugere?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Fil-associationer"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Skrivebordsikon"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Filerne til LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program til gennemsyn af Postscript- og PDF-dokumenter."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Installer LyX til alle brugere, eller kun den aktuelle bruger."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Opret association mellem LyX og .lyx filer."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Et LyX ikon på skrivebordet"
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Valg af sprog i LyX's menuer"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Tilgængelige Sprog "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Tjek for nødvendige programmer"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Følgende nødvendige program(mer) vil også blive installeret"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, en LaTeX distribution"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, en PostScript og PDF oversætter"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, en billed-konverter"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, en stavekontrol"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ingen andre programmer behøves.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-distribution'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Vælg den LaTeX-distribution som LyX skal bruge.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the \
LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \
"$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Set below the path to the file "latex.exe". Therewith you set which \
LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Path to the file "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Brug ikke LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Kunne ikke finde "latex.exe".'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Installationen af LaTeX-distributionen "MiKTeX" startes.$\r$\n\
For at installere programmet tryk på "Next"-knappen i installationsvinduet indtil installationen begynder.$\r$\n\
!!! Brug alle MiKTeX installationsprogrammets foreslåede valg !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ingen LaTeX-distribution fundet!$\r$\n\
LyX kan ikke bruges uden en LaTeX-distribution såsom "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Installationen afbrydes.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Installationen af programmet "GSview" startes.$\r$\n\
For at installere programmet tryk på "Setup"-knappen i det første installationsvindue$\r$\n\
vælg sprog og tryk på "Next"-knappen i det efterfølgende installationsvindue.$\r$\n\
Du kan bruge alle GSview installationsprogrammets foreslåede valg.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Programmet "GSview" kunne ikke installeres!$\r$\n\
Installationen af LyX fortsættes alligevel.$\r$\n\
Prøv at installere GSview på et senere tidspunkt.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Den følgende konfiguration af LyX vil tage et stykke tid."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now dictionaries for the spellchecker "Aspell" will be downloaded and installed.$\r$\n\
Every dictionary has a different license that will be displayed before the installation.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be downloaded!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be installed!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " and "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'There is already installed a dictionary of the language'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'No dictionary for the spellchecker "Aspell" has been installed.$\r$\n\
Dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download dictionaries now?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "There was successfully installed "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "an english dictionary"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "a dictionary of the language $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a$\r$\n\
dictionary of the language $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' for the spellchecker "Aspell".$\r$\n\
More dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download other dictionaries now?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\
it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
and its subfolders."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'The LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\
It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\
Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Forsøget på at indstille 'path_prefix' i konfigurationen mislykkedes"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Kunne ikke oprette lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Mislykket forsøg på at afvikle konfigurations-scriptet"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Du skal have administrator-rettigheder for at installere LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Installationsprogrammet kører allerede!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX er allerede installeret! Afinstaller LyX først."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Tillykke!! LyX er installeret.\r\n\
(Når LyX startes første gang, kan det tage noget tid.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Start LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Kunne ikke finde LyX i registreringsdatabsen.$\r$\n\
Genvejene på skrivebordet og i Start-menuen bliver ikke fjernet"
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Du må afslutte LyX først!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Du skal have administrator-rettigheder for at afinstallere LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette LyX og alle tilhørende komponenter?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Vær så god at trykke på "Uninstall"-knappen i det næste vindue for at afinstallere$\r$\n\
Postscript and PDF-programmet "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX er blevet fjernet fra din computer."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the spellchecker Aspell and all of its dictionaries."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\
for all users.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Dit installatie programma zal LyX op uw systeem installeren.\r\n\
U heeft systeem-beheerrechten nodig om LyX te installeren.\r\n\
Het is aanbevolen om alle andere programma's af te sluiten voordat u Setup start. Dit zorgt ervoor dat Setup bepaalde systeembestanden kan bijwerken zonder uw systeem opnieuw op te starten.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Installeer voor alle gebruikers?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Bestand associaties"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Bureaublad pictogram"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "De LyX bestanden."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Programma dat gebruikt wordt om Postscript en PDF documenten te lezen."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Installeer LyX voor alle gebruikers of uitsluitend de huidige gebruiker?"
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Associeer het LyX programma met de .lyx extensie."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Een LyX pictogram op het Bureaublad."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Taalselectie voor LyX's menu"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Beschikbare Talen "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Controleer welke programma's nodig zijn"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "De volgende aanvullende programmma's zijn vereist, en zullen worden geinstalleerd"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, LaTeX software"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, een PostScript/PDF converteer programma"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, een programma om afbeeldingen te converteren"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, een programma voor spellingscontrole"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Aanvullende programma$\'s zijn niet vereist.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX software'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Geef aan welke LaTeX-software LyX moet gebruiken.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'U kunt hier opgeven in welke map het programma "latex.exe" zich bevindt en op deze manier bepalen \
welke LaTeX softare gebruikt wordt door LyX.\r\n\
Zonder LaTeX kan LyX geen documenten generen!\r\n\
Het installatie programma heeft de LaTeX software \
"$LaTeXName" op uw systeem gevonden in de volgende map.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'U kunt hier opgeven in welke map het programma "latex.exe" zich bevindt en op deze manier bepalen \
welke LaTeX software gebruikt wordt door LyX.\r\n\
Zonder LaTeX kan LyX geen documenten generen!\r\n\
Het installatie programma heeft geen LaTeX software op uw systeem gevonden.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Map met het programma "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Gebruik geen LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" '"latex.exe" is niet gevonden.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Het installatieprogramma van "MiKTeX" word gestart.$\r$\n\
Om het programma te installeren klik op de "Next"-knop in het installatie venster totdat de installatie begint.$\r$\n\
!!! Gebruik de standaard opties tijdens de installatie van MiKTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Er is geen LaTeX software gevonden!$\r$\n\
LyX kan niet worden gebruikt zonder LaTeX software zoals "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
De installatie wordt daarom afgebroken.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Het installatieprogramma van "GSview" wordt gestart.$\r$\n\
Klik op de "Setup"-knop in het eerste venster van het installatie programma om de software te installeren$\r$\n\
kies een taal, en klik daarna op de "Next"-knop in de volgende vensters van het installatie programma.$\r$\n\
U kunt alle standaard opties van het GSview installatie programma gebruiken.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Het programma "GSview" kon niet worden geinstalleerd!$\r$\n\
De installatie van LyX gaat echter door.$\r$\n\
Probeer GSview later te installeren.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Het installatie programma van "JabRef" wordt nu gestart.$\r$\n\
U kunt de standaard opties gebruiken.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Het programma "JabRef" kon niet worden geinstalleerd!$\r$\n\
De LyX installatie gaat desondanks verder.$\r$\n\
Probeer JabRef later te installeren.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "De volgende configuratie van LyX zal enige tijd duren."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Er worden nu woordenlijst gedownload en geinstalleer voor het spellingscontrole programma "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Elke woordenlijst heeft een eigen licensie die zal worden getoond voor installatie.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Er kon geen Aspell woordenlijst worden gedownload!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Er kon geen Aspell woordenlijst worden geinstalleerd!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " en "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Woordenlijst reeds geinstalleerd voor: '
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Er is geen woordenlijst geinstalleerd voor het spellingscontrole programma "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Woordenlijsten kunnen worden gedownload van$\r$\n\
Wilt u de woordenlijsten nu downloaden?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Succesvolle installatie van "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "een engelse woordenlijst"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "een woordenlijst voor $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "een$\r$\n\
woordenlijst voor $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' voor het spellingscontrole programma "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Meer woordenlijsten kunnen worden gedownload van$\r$\n\
Wilt u nu andere woordenlijsten downloaden?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Opdat elke gebruiker zijn MiKTeX configuratie kan aanpassen$\r$\n\
is het noodzakelijk alle gebruikers schrijfpermissie te geven in MiKTeX's installatie map$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
en submappen."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX gebruikt de LaTeX softare "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Het is aanbevolen MiKTeX-updates te installeren via de "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
voordat u LyX voor de eerste keer gebruikt.$\r$\n\
Wilt u controleren of er updates voor MiKTeX beschikbaar zijn?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Mislukte poging om 'path_prefix' te registreren tijdens de configuratie"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "lyx.bat kon niet worden aangemaakt"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Mislukte configuratie poging"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "U heeft systeem-beheerrechten nodig om LyX te installeren!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Het installatieprogramma is al gestart!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX is reeds geinstalleerd! Verwijder LyX eerst."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Gefeliciteerd! LyX is succesvol geinstalleerd.\r\n\
(De eerste keer dat u LyX start kan dit enige seconden duren.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Start LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX is niet gevonden in het Windows register.$\r$\n\
Snelkoppelingen op het Bureaublad en in het Start Menu worden niet verwijderd."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "U moet LyX eerst afsluiten!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "U heeft systeem-beheerrechten nodig om LyX te verwijderen!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Weet u zeker dat u LyX en alle componenten volledig wil verwijderen van deze computer?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Klik op de "Uninstall" knop in het volgende venster om het$\r$\n\
Postscript en PDF leesprogramma "GSview" te verwijderen.'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX was successvol verwijderd van uw computer."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Verwijder het spellingscontrole programma Aspell en alle bijbehorende woordelijsten."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Verwijder de LaTeX software MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Verwijder de bibliografie manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Verwijder LyX$\'s configuratie map$\r$\n\
voor alle gebruikers.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Verwijder LyX en alle bijbehorende onderdelen."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "This wizard will guide you through the installation of LyX.\r\n\
You need administrator privileges to install LyX.\r\n\
It is recommended that you close all other applications before starting Setup. This will make it possible to update relevant system files without having to reboot your computer.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Install for all users?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "File associations"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Desktop icon"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "The LyX files."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program to view Postscript- and PDF-documents."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Install LyX for all users or just the current user."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Files with a .lyx extension will automatically open in LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "A LyX icon on the desktop."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Selection of LyX's menu language"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Available Languages "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Check for required programs"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "The following required program(s) will be installed additionally"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, a LaTeX distribution"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, an interpreter for PostScript and PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, an image converter"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, a spellchecker"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'No additional programs need to be installed.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-distribution'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Set the LaTeX-distribution that LyX should use.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the \
LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \
"$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Set below the path to the file "latex.exe". Therewith you set which \
LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Path to the file "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Don't use LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'The file "latex.exe" is not in the specified path.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" will be launched.$\r$\n\
To install the program press the "Next"-button in the installer windows until the installation begins.$\r$\n\
!!! Please use all default options of the MiKTeX-installer !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'No LaTeX-distribution could be found!$\r$\n\
LyX cannot be used without a LaTeX-distribution like "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
The installation will therefore be aborted.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "GSview" will be launched.$\r$\n\
To install the program press the "Setup"-button in the first installer window,$\r$\n\
choose a language and then press the "Next"-button in the following installer windows.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the GSview-installer.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "GSview" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install GSview again later.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "The following configuration of LyX will take a while."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now dictionaries for the spellchecker "Aspell" will be downloaded and installed.$\r$\n\
Every dictionary has a different license that will be displayed before the installation.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be downloaded!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be installed!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " and "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'There is already installed a dictionary of the language'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'No dictionary for the spellchecker "Aspell" has been installed.$\r$\n\
Dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download dictionaries now?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "There was successfully installed "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "an english dictionary"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "a dictionary of the language $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a$\r$\n\
dictionary of the language $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' for the spellchecker "Aspell".$\r$\n\
More dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download other dictionaries now?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\
it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
and its subfolders."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'The LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\
It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\
Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Could not set 'path_prefix' in the configure script"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Could not create lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Could not execute the configure script"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "You must have administrator privileges to install LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "The installer is already running!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX is already installed! Deinstall LyX first."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Congratulations! LyX has been installed successfully.\r\n\
(The first start of LyX might take some seconds.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Launch LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Unable to find LyX in the registry.$\r$\n\
Shortcuts on the desktop and in the Start Menu will not be removed."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "You must close LyX at first!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "You must have administrator privileges to uninstall LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Are you sure you want to completely remove LyX and all of its components?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Please press the "Uninstall" button in the next window to uninstall$\r$\n\
the Postscript and PDF-viewer "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX was successfully removed from your computer."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Uninstalls the spellchecker Aspell and all of its dictionaries.'
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\
for all users.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Cet assistant vous guidera durant l'installation de LyX.\r\n\
Vous devez être administrateur pour installer LyX.\r\n\
Avant de débuter l'installation, il est recommandé de fermer toutes les autres applications. Cela permettra de mettre à jour certains fichiers système sans redémarrer votre ordinateur.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Document LyX"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Installer pour tous les utilisateurs ?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Associations de fichiers"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Icône du bureau"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Les fichiers LyX"
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Application permettant d'afficher les documents PostScript - et PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Installer LyX pour tous les utilisateurs, ou seulement pour l'utilisateur courant ?."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Les fichiers de suffixe .lyx seront automatiquement ouverts dans LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Une icône LyX sur le bureau."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Sélection de la langue pour les menus de LyX"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Langues disponibles"
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Vérification des applications requises."
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Le(s) application(s) requise(s) suivante(s) seront également installées."
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, une distribution LaTeX"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, un interpréteur pour PostScript and PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, un convertisseur graphique"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, un correcteur orthographique"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Aucune application supplémentaire ne doit être installée.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Distribution LaTeX'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Choisir la distribution LaTeX que LyX devra utiliser.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Éventuellement, vous pouvez fixer ici le chemin d$\'accès au fichier "latex.exe" et de ce fait fixer \
la distribution LaTeX utilisée par Lyx.\r\n\
Si vous n$\'utilisez pas LaTeX, LyX ne peut créer de documents !\r\n\
L$\'assistant d$\'installation a détecté la distribution LaTeX \
"$LaTeXName" sur votre système. Le chemin d$\'accès est affiché ci-dessous.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Fixez ci-dessous le chemin d$\'accès au fichier "latex.exe". De ce fait vous fixez la \
distribution LaTeX utilisée par Lyx.\r\n\
Si vous n$\'utilisez pas LaTeX, LyX ne peut créer de documents !\r\n\
L$\'assistant d$\'installation n$\'a pas pu trouver de distribution LaTeX sur votre système.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Chemin vers le fichier "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "N'utilisez pas LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" '"latex.exe" introuvable.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Lancement de l$\'installation de la distribution LaTeX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Pour installer l$\'application, appuyer sur le bouton "Next" de la fenêtre d$\'installation jusqu$\'à ce que celle-ci commence.$\r$\n\
!!! Prenez garde à utiliser toutes les options implicites du programme d$\'installation MikTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Distribution LaTeX introuvable !$\r$\n\
LyX ne peut être utilisé sans distribution LaTeX, comme par exemple "MiKTeX" !$\r$\n\
L$\'installation de LyX va donc être abandonnée.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Lancement de l$\'installation de l$\'application "GSview".$\r$\n\
Pour installer l$\'application, appuyer sur le bouton "Setup" de la première fenêtre d$\'installation$\r$\n\
choisir une langue, puis appuyer sur le bouton "Next" de la fenêtre d$\'installation suivante.$\r$\n\
Vous pouvez utiliser les options implicites du programme d$\'installation GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'L$\'application "GSview" n$\'a pas pu être installée correctement !$\r$\n\
L$\'installation de LyX va continuer.$\r$\n\
Essayer d$\'installer GSview de nouveau plus tard.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Lancement de l$\'installation de l$\'application "JabRef".$\r$\n\
Vous pouvez utiliser les options implicites du programme d$\'installation JabRef.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'L$\'application "JabRef" n$\'a pas pu être installée correctement !$\r$\n\
L$\'installation de LyX va continuer.$\r$\n\
Essayer d$\'installer JabRef de nouveau plus tard.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "La configuration de LyX qui va suivre prendra un moment."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Maintenant les dictionnaires du correcteur orthographique "Aspell" vont être téléchargés et installés.$\r$\n\
Chaque dictionnaire est doté d$\'une licence différente qui sera affichée avant l$\'installation.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Aucun dictionnaire Aspell n$\'a pu être téléchargé !"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Aucun dictionnaire Aspell n$\'a pu être installé !"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " et "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Un dictionnaire est déjà installé pour la langue'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Aucun dictionnaire pour le correcteur orthographique Aspell n$\'a pu être installé.$\r$\n\
Les dictionnaires peuvent être téléchargés depuis$\r$\n\
Voulez-vous télécharger les dictionnaires maintenant ?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Ont été installés avec succès "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "un dictionnaire anglophone"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "un dictionnaire pour la langue $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "un$\r$\n\
dictionnaire pour la langue $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' pour le correcteur orthographique "Aspell".$\r$\n\
D$\'autres dictionnaires peuvent être téléchargés depuis$\r$\n\
Voulez-vous télécharger d$\'autres dictionnaires maintenant ?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Pour que chaque utilisateur soit capable de personnaliser MiKTeX pour ses besoins$\r$\n\
il est nécessaire de positionner les permissions en écriture dans le répertoire d$\'installation de MiKTeX pour tous les utilisateurs$\r$\n\
($MiKTeXPath) $\r$\n\
et pour ses sous-répertoires."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'La distribution LaTeX "MiKTeX" sera utilisée par LyX.$\r$\n\
Il est recommandé d$\'installer les mises à jour en utilisant l$\'application "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
avant d$\'utiliser LyX pour la première fois.$\r$\n\
Voulez-vous vérifier maintenant les mises à jour de MiKTeX ?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Échec de l'allocation 'path_prefix' lors de la configuration."
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Création de lyx.bat impossible."
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Échec de la tentative de configuration initiale de LyX."
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Vous devez avoir les droits d'administration pour installer LyX !"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Le programme d'installation est toujours en cours !"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX est déjà installé ! Le désinstaller d'abord."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Félicitations ! LyX est installé avec succès.\r\n\
(Le premier démarrage de LyX peut demander quelques secondes.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Démarrer LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX introuvable dans le base des registres.$\r$\n\
Les raccourcis sur le bureau et dans le menu de démarrage ne seront pas supprimés."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Vous devez fermer LyX d'abord !"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Vous devez avoir les droits d'administration pour désinstaller LyX !"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Êtes vous sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer complètement LyX et tous ses composants ?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'Préférences utilisateurs de LyX'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Merci d$\'appuyer sur le bouton "Désinstaller" de la prochaine fenêtre pour désinstaller.$\r$\n\
l$\'afficheur Postscript/PDF "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX supprimé de votre ordinateur avec succès."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Désinstalle le correcteur orthographique Aspell et tous ses dictionnaires."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Désinstalle la distribution LaTeX MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Supprime le répertoire de configuration de LyX$\r$\n\
pour tous les utilisateurs.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Désinstaller LyX et tous ses composants."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Este asistente vai-no guiar na instalación do LyX no seu computador.\r\n\
Para poder instalar o LyX precisa de priviléxios de administrador.\r\n\
Recomenda-se fechar todas as outras aplicacións antes de iniciar a instalación. Isto posibilita actualizar os ficheiros do sistema relevantes sen ter que reiniciar o computador.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Documento LyX"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalar para todos os usuários?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Asociación dos ficheiros"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Icone do ambiente de traballo"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Os ficheiros LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Programa para visualizar documentos en Postscript e PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Xestor de referéncias bibliográficas e editor de ficheiros BibTeX."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalar o LyX monousuário ou multiusuário."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Asociar a extensión .lyx co LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Cria un icone do LyX no ambiente de traballo."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Selección da lingua dos menus no LyX"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Línguas disponíbeis "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Verificación dos programas necesários"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "O(s) seguinte(s) programa(s) necesário(s) van ser instalados adicionalmente"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, unha distribución de LaTeX"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, un interprete de PostScript e PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, um conversor de imaxes"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, un corrector ortográfico"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Non é necesário instalar programas adicionais.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Distribuición de LaTeX'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Escolha a distribución de LaTeX que vai usar o LyX.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Opcionalmente pode especificar o camiño do ficheiro "latex.exe" e posteriormente \
escoller a distribuición de LaTeX que vai usar o LyX.\r\n\
Sen LaTeX o LyX non pode (pré-)imprimir os documentos!\r\n\
O instalador detectou a distribución de LaTeX "$LaTeXName"\
no seu sistema, no camiño que se mostra abaixo.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Especifique abaixo o camiño ao ficheiro "latex.exe". Posteriormente escolla \
a distribución de LaTeX que debe usar o LyX.\r\n\
Sem LaTeX o LyX non pode (pré-)imprimir os documentos!\r\n\
O instalador non pudo achar nengunha distribución de LaTeX no seu sistema.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Camiño ao ficheiro "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Non usar LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'O ficheiro "latex.exe" non está no camiño especificado.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora lanzará-se o instalador da distribución de LaTeX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Para instalar o programa prema no botón "Próximo" na xanela de instalación até a instalación comezar.$\r$\n\
!!! Por favor use todas as opcións por defeito do instalador do MiKTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Non se achou nengunha distribución de LaTeX!$\r$\n\
Non se pode usar o LyX sen unha distribución de LaTeX como a "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Por iso a instalación vai ser abortada.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora lanzará-se o instalador do programa "GSview".$\r$\n\
Para instalar prema no botón "Setup" na primeira xanela de instalación$\r$\n\
escolla a língua e despois prema no botón "Próximo" na seguinte xanela do instalador.$\r$\n\
Pode usar todas as opcións por defeito no instalador do GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Non se deu instalado o programa "GSview"!$\r$\n\
De todos os xeitos a instalación do LyX continua.$\r$\n\
Tente instalar máis adiante o GSview.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora lanzará-se o instalador do programa "JabRef".$\r$\n\
Pode usar todas as opcións por defeito no instalador do JabRef.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Non se deu instalado o programa "JabRef"!$\r$\n\
De todos os xeitos a instalación do LyX continua.$\r$\n\
Tente instalar mais adiante o JabRef.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "A configuración seguinte do LyX irá demorar un pouco."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora se van descarregar e instalar dicionários do corrector ortográfico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Cada dicionário ten unha licenza diferente, que se mostrará antes da instalación.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Non se deu descarregadao nengun dicionário do Aspell!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Non se deu instalado nengun dicionário do Aspell!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " e "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Xa ha instalado un dicionário desta língua'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Non se instalou nengun dicionário do "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Os dicionários poden descarregar-se de$\r$\n\
Desexa descarregar dicionários agora?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalou-se con suceso "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "un dicionário de inglés"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "un dicionário de $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "un$\r$\n\
dicionário de $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' para o corrector ortográfico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
É posíbel descarregar máis dicionários de$\r$\n\
Desexa descarregar outros dicionários agora?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Para que cada usuário poda personalizar posteriormente o MiKTeX segundo as suas$\r$\n\
necesidades, cumpre a pasta onde foi instalado o MiKTeX$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
e as suas subpastas teren permiso de escritura para todos os usuários."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Xunto co LyX vai-se empregar a distribución de LaTeX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Antes de usar o LyX pola primeira vez, recomenda-se instalar as actualizacións disponíbeis$\r$\n\
do MiKTeX co instalador "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
Desexa comprovar agora se ha actualizacións do MiKTeX?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Non se puido engadir o 'path_prefix' no script de configuración"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Non se deu criado o lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Non se deu executado o script de configuración"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Precisa de priviléxios de administrador para instalar o LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "O instalador xa está a correr!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "O LyX xa está instalado! Desinstale o LyX primeiro."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Parabéns! O LyX foi instalado con suceso.\r\n\
(O primeiro início do LyX pode levar alguns segundos.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Lanzar o LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Non se da achado o LyX no registo.$\r$\n\
Non se eliminarán os atallos para o ambiente de traballo e no menu de Início."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Debe fechar o LyX en primeiro lugar!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Precisa de priviléxios de administrador para desinstalar o LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Seguro que quer eliminar completamente o LyX e todos os seus componentes?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'Preferéncias de usuário do LyX'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Por favor prema no botón "Desinstalar" na próxima xanela para desinstalar$\r$\n\
o visualizador de Postscript e PDF "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Eliminou-se o LyX do seu computador."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala o corrector ortográfico Aspell e todos os seus dicionários."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala a distribución de LaTeX MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala o xestor de referéncias bibliográficas JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Elimina as pastas de configuración do LyX$\r$\n\
de todos os usuários.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala LyX e todos os seus componentes."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von LyX begleiten.\r\n\
Sie benötigen Administratorrechte um LyX zu installieren.\r\n\
Es wird empfohlen vor der Installation alle anderen Programme zu schließen, damit bestimmte Systemdateien ohne Neustart ersetzt werden können.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Dokument"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Für alle Nutzer installieren?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Dateizuordnungen"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Desktopsymbol"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Das Programm LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Programm zum Betrachten von Postscript- und PDF-Dokumenten."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Manager für bibliografische Referenzen und Editor für BibTeX-Dateien."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX für alle Nutzer oder nur für den aktuellen Nutzer installieren."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Vernüpfung zwischen LyX und der .lyx Dateiendung."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Verknüpfung zu LyX auf dem Desktop."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Wahl der Menüsprache von LyX"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Verfügbare Sprachen "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Suche nach benötigten Programmen"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Es werden folgende benötigte Programme zusätzlich installiert"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, eine LaTeX-Distribution"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, ein Interpreter für PostScript und PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, ein Bildkonverter"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, eine Rechtschreibprüfung"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Es müssen keine zusätzlichen Programme installiert werden.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-Distribution'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Legen Sie die LaTeX-Distribution fest die LyX verwenden soll.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Optional können Sie hier den Pfad zur Datei "latex.exe" angeben und damit die \
LaTeX-Distribution festlegen die LyX verwenden soll.\r\n\
Wenn Sie kein LaTeX verwenden, kann LyX keine Dokumente ausgeben!\r\n\
Der Installer hat auf Ihrem System die LaTeX-Distribution\r\n\
"$LaTeXName" erkannt. Unten angegeben ist ihr Pfad.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Geben Sie unten den Pfad zur Datei "latex.exe" an. Damit legen Sie fest welche \
LaTeX-Distribution LyX verwenden soll.\r\n\
Wenn Sie kein LaTeX verwenden, kann LyX keine Dokumente ausgeben!\r\n\
Der Installer konnte auf Ihrem System keine LaTeX-Distribution finden.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Pfad zur Datei "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Kein LaTeX benutzen"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Kann die Datei "latex.exe" nicht finden.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Als Nächstes wird der Installer der LaTeX-Distribution "MiKTeX" gestartet.$\r$\n\
Um das Programm zu installieren, drücken Sie den "Weiter"-Knopf in den Installerfenstern bis die Installation beginnt.$\r$\n\
!!! Bitte verwenden Sie alle voreingestellten Optionen des MiKTeX-Installers !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Es konnte keine LaTeX-Distribution gefunden werden!$\r$\n\
LyX kann ohne eine LaTeX-Distribution wie z.B. "MiKTeX" nicht benutzt werden!$\r$\n\
Die Installation wird daher abgebrochen.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Als Nächstes wird der Installer des Programms "GSview" gestartet.$\r$\n\
Um das Programm zu installieren, drücken Sie den "Setup"-Knopf im ersten Installerfenster,$\r$\n\
wählen eine Sprache und drücken dann den "Weiter"-Knopf in den folgenden Installerfenstern.$\r$\n\
Sie können alle voreingestellten Optionen des GSview-Installers verwenden.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Das Programm "GSview" konnte nicht erfolgreich installiert werden!$\r$\n\
Die Installation wird trotzdem fortgesetzt.$\r$\n\
Versuchen Sie GSview später noch einmal zu installieren.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Als Nächstes wird der Installer des Programms "JabRef" gestartet.$\r$\n\
Sie können alle voreingestellten Optionen des JabRef-Installers verwenden.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Das Programm "JabRef" konnte nicht erfolgreich installiert werden!$\r$\n\
Der Installer wird trotzdem fortgesetzt.$\r$\n\
Versuchen Sie JabRef später noch einmal zu installieren.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Die folgende Konfiguration von LyX wird eine Weile dauern."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Es werden nun Wörterbücher für die Rechtschreibprüfung "Aspell" heruntergeladen und installiert.$\r$\n\
Jedes Wörterbuch hat andere Lizenzbedingungen die Sie vor der Installation angezeigt bekommen.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Das Wörterbuch konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Das Wörterbuch konnte nicht installiert werden!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " und "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Es ist bereits ein Wörterbuch der Sprache'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Es wurde kein Wörterbuch für die Rechtschreibprüfung "Aspell" installiert.$\r$\n\
Wörterbücher können von$\r$\n\
heruntergeladen werden. Wollen Sie jetzt Wörterbücher herunterladen?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Es wurde erfolgreich "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "ein englisches Wörterbuch"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "ein Wörterbuch der Sprache $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "ein$\r$\n\
Wörterbuch der Sprache $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' für die Rechtschreibprüfung "Aspell" installiert.$\r$\n\
Weitere Wörterbücher können von$\r$\n\
heruntergeladen werden. Wollen Sie jetzt andere Wörterbücher herunterladen?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Damit jeder Benutzer später MiKTeX für seine Bedürfnisse anpassen kann,$\r$\n\
ist es erforderlich für MiKTeXs Installationsordner$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
und seine Unterordner Schreibrechte für alle Benutzer zu setzen."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Die LaTeX-Distribution "MiKTeX" wird zusammen mit LyX verwendet werden.$\r$\n\
Es wird empfohlen dass Sie verfügbare MiKTeX-Updates mit Hilfe des Programms "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
installieren, bevor sie LyX das erste Mal benutzen.$\r$\n\
Möchten Sie jetzt nach Updates für MiKTeX suchen?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" 'Der "PATH_präfix" (Liste mit Programmpfaden) konnte nicht im Konfigurationsskript gesetzt werden.'
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Konnte die Datei lyx.bat nicht erzeugen."
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Konnte das Konfigurationsskript nicht ausführen."
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Sie benötigen Administratorrechte um LyX zu installieren!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Der Installer läuft bereits!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX ist bereits installiert! Deinstallieren Sie LyX zuerst."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Glückwunsch! LyX wurde erfolgreich installiert.\r\n\
(Der erste Start von LyX kann etwas länger dauern.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX starten"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Kann LyX nicht in der Registry finden.$\r$\n\
Desktopsymbole und Einträge im Startmenü können nicht entfernt werden."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Sie müssen LyX zuerst beenden!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Sie benötigen Administratorrechte um LyX zu deinstallieren!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Sind Sie sicher, dass sie LyX und all seine Komponenten deinstallieren möchten?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyXs Benutzereinstellungen'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Bitte drücken Sie im nächsten Fenster den Knopf "Uninstall" um das$\r$\n\
Postscript und PDF-Betrachtungsprogramm "GSview" zu deinstallieren.'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX wurde erfolgreich von ihrem Computer entfernt."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Deinstalliert die Rechtschreibprüfung Aspell und all seine Wörterbücher."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Deinstalliert die LaTeX-Distribution MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Deinstalliert den Bibliografiemanager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Löscht LyXs Benutzereinstellungen,$\r$\n\
(den Ornder:$\r$\n\
für alle Benutzer.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Deinstalliert LyX und all seine Komponenten."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "A varázsló segítségével tudja telepíteni a LyX-et.\r\n\
A LyX telepítéséhez rendszergazdai jogra van szüksége.\r\n\
A telepítés megkezdése előtt, javasolt kilépni minden futó alkalmazásból. Ez a lépés teszi lehetővé, hogy frissítsünk fontos rendszerfájlokat újraindítás szükségessége nélkül.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-dokumentum"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Telepítés minden felhasználónak"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Fájltársítások"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Parancsikon asztalra"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "A LyX futtatásához szükséges fájlok."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Alkalmazás Postscript- és PDF-fájlok megjelenítéséhez."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Irodalomjegyzék hivatkozás szerkesztő és kezelő BibTeX fájlokhoz."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Minden felhasználónak telepítsem vagy csak az aktuálisnak?"
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "A .lyx kiterjesztéssel rendelkező fájlok megnyitása automatikusan a LyX-el történik."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-ikon elhelyezése az asztalon."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "A LyX felhasználói felület nyelvének kiválasztása"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Választható nyelvek "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Működéshez szükséges programok ellenőrzése"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "A következő program(ok) telepítése fog még megtörténni"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, LaTeX-disztribúció"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, ami egy PostScript és PDF értelmező"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, ami egy képátalakító"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, ami egy helyesírás ellenőrző"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nem kell további programokat telepítenie.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-disztribúció'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Adja meg a LaTeX-disztribúciót, amit a LyX-nek használnia kell.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Itt megadhatja az elérési útvonalat a "latex.exe" fájlhoz és ezzel meg is adja \
melyik LaTeX disztribúciót fogja használni a LyX.\r\n\
Amennyiben nem használ LaTeX-et, a LyX nem tud kimenetet készíteni!\r\n\
A telepítő megtaltálta az ön számítógépén a "$LaTeXName" (LaTeX) disztribúciót \ Lent láthatja az elérési útvonalát.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Adja meg a használandó "latex.exe" fájl elérési útvonalát. Ezzel azt is megadja \
melyik LaTeX disztribúciót fogja használni a LyX.\r\n\
Amennyiben nem használ LaTeX-et, a LyX nem tud kimenetet készíteni!\r\n\
A telepítő nem talált a számítógépén LaTeX disztribúciót!'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'A "latex.exe" fájl elérési útja'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Ne használja a LaTeX-et"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nem találom a "latex.exe" fájlt, a megadott helyen.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'A "MiKteX" LaTeX-disztribúció telepítőjének indítása következik.$\r$\n\
A program telepítéséhez addig nyomkodja a "Következő" gombot a telepítő ablakában, amíg a telepítés el nem kezdődik.$\r$\n\
!!! Kérem használja a MikTeX-telepítő alapértelmezett opcióit!!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nem találtam LaTeX-disztribúciót!$\r$\n\
A LyX nem használható egy LaTeX-disztibúció nélkül,(mint például a "MiKTeX")!$\r$\n\
Ezért a telepítés nem folytatható!'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'A "GSview" program telepítőjének indítása következik.$\r$\n\
A program telepítéséhez, nyomja meg a "Telepít"-gombot a telepítő első ablakában,$\r$\n\
azután válasszon nyelvet, majd nyomja meg a "Következő"-gombot a következő telepítő ablakokban.$\r$\n\
Használhatja a program által javasolt beállításokat.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'A "GSview" programot nem sikerült telepíteni!$\r$\n\
Azonban a telepítés tovább fog folytatódni.$\r$\n\
Később próbálja meg újra a GSview telepítését.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'A "JabRef" telepítőjének elindítása következik.$\r$\n\
Használhatja az alapértelmezett opciókat.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nem tudom telepíteni a "JabRef" programot!$\r$\n\
Azonban a telepítés tovább fog folytatódni.$\r$\n\
később próbálja meg újra telepíteni a JabRef-et.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "A LyX telepítés utáni beállítása hosszú időt fog igénybe venni."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Az "Aspell" helyesírás-ellenőrzőhöz használható szótárak letöltése és telepítése következik.$\r$\n\
Minden egyes szótárnak különböző licence lehet, ezért a licenc minden telepítés előtt meg lesz jelenítve.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nem tudtam Aspell szótárat letölteni!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nincs telepítendő Aspell szótár!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " és "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Már van telepítve helyesírás-ellenőrző szótár a következő nyelvhez'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nem lett szótár telepítve az "Aspell" helyesírás-ellenőrzőhöz.$\r$\n\
A szükséges szótárat letöltheti a következő címről:$\r$\n\
Szeretne most szótárakat letölteni?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Sikeresen települt "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "az angol szótár"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "a(z) $LangName nyelv szótára"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a(z)$\r$\n\
$LangNameSys nyelv szótára"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' az "Aspell" helyesírás-ellenőrzőhöz.$\r$\n\
Szótárat más nyelvekhez a ${AspellLocation}$\r$\n\
címről tölthet le.$\r$\n\
Szeretne letölteni egyéb szótárakat??'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Ahhoz, hogy a többi felhasználó is testre tudja használni a MiKTeX-et$\r$\n\
írás jogot kell adni minden felhasználó részére a MiKTeX alkönyvtárhoz.$\r$\n\
A $MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
valamint alkönyvtáraihoz."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'A "MiKTeX" LaTeX-disztibúció lesz használva a LyX által.$\r$\n\
Javasolt telepíteni a MiKTeX frissítéseket a "MiKTeX Update Wizard" segítségével,$\r$\n\
a LyX első indítása előtt.$\r$\n\
Szeretné egy ilyen frissítést most?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nem tudom beállítani a 'path_prefix'-et a configure parancsfájlban!"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nem tudom letrehozni a lyx.bat fájlt."
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nem tudom végrehajtani a configure parancsfájlt!"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "A(z) LyX telepítéséhez rendszergazdai jogok szükségesek!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "A telepítő már fut!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "A LyX már teleptve van! Először távolítsa el a telepítettet."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Gratulálok! Sikeresen telepítette a LyX-et.\r\n\
(Az program első indítása egy kis időt vesz igénybe...)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX indítása"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Nem találom a LyX-et a regisztriben.$\r$\n\
Az asztalon és a Start Menüben található parancsikonok nem lesznek eltávolítva!."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Először be kell zárnia a LyX-et!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "A(z) LyX eltávolításhoz rendszergazdai jogokkal kell rendelkeznie!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Biztosan abban, hogy el akarja távolítani a LyX-t, minden tartozékával együtt?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX felhasználói beállítások'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Kérem nyomja meg az "Eltávolítás" gombot, a PostScript és a\r$\n\
PDF megjelenítő "GSview" eltávolításához a következő ablakban.'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX eltávolítása a számítógépéről zökkenőmentesen befejeződött."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Az Aspell és minden szótárának eltávolítása."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "A MikTeX LaTeX-disztibúció eltávolítása."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "A JabRef irodalomjegyzék kezelő eltávolítása."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'A LyX beállítások mappa törlése$\r$\n\
minden felhasználónál.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "A LyX és minden komponensének eltávolítása."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Questo programma installerà LyX nel vostro computer.\r\n\
Per installare LyX sono necessari i privilegi di amministratore.\r\n\
Si raccomanda di chiudere tutte le altre applicazioni prima di iniziare l'installazione. Questo permetterà al programma di installazione di aggiornare i file di sistema senza dover riavviare il computer.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Installare per tutti gli utenti?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Associazioni dei file"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Icona sul Desktop"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "I file di LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Programma per visualizzare documenti in formato Postscript e PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Installazione LyX per tutti gli utenti o solo per l'utente attuale."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Associa i files con estensione .lyx al programma LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Icona LyX sul desktop."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Scelta della lingua del menu di LyX"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Lingue disponibili "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Controllo dei programmi da installare"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "I seguenti programmi aggiuntivi sono necessari e verranno installati"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, una distribuzione di LaTeX"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, un interprete per documenti PostScript PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, un convertitore di immagini"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, un correttore ortografico"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nessun programma aggiuntivo deve essere installato.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Distribuzione di LaTeX'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Scegliere la distribuzione di LaTeX che LyX dovrà usare.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Puoi impostare qui il percorso del file "latex.exe" e impostare di conseguenza \
la distribuzione di LaTeX che LyX dovrà usare.\r\n\
Senza LaTeX, LyX non può generare documenti!\r\n\
Il programma di installazione ha rilevato la distribuzione di LaTeX \
"$LaTeXName" sul tuo sistema. Il suo percorso è riportato sotto.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Imposta qui sotto il percorso del file "latex.exe". Con questo imposti quale \
distribuzione di LaTeX dovrà essere usata da LyX.\r\n\
Senza LaTeX, LyX non può generare documenti!\r\n\
Il programma di installazione non ha trovato una distribuzione di LaTeX sul tuo sistema.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Percorso del file "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Non usare LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Il file "latex.exe" non è nel percorso indicato.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Verrà adesso lanciato il programma di installazione della distribuzione di LateX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Per installare il programma premere "Next" nelle finestre di installazione fino all$\'avvio dell$\'installazione.$\r$\n\
!!! Lasciare le impostazioni di default suggerite dal programma di installazione di "MiKTeX" !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Il programma non ha rilevato la presenza di alcuna distribuzione valida di LaTeX!$\r$\n\
LyX non può funzionare senza una distribuzione LaTeX (ad es. "MiKTeX")!$\r$\n\
Il processo di installazione verrà quindi terminato.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Verrà adesso lanciato il programma di installazione di "GSview".$\r$\n\
Per proseguire premere il pulsante "Setup" che appare nella prima finestra di installazione,$\r$\n\
scegliere la lingua e premere il pulsante "Next" nella finestra di installazione successiva.$\r$\n\
Per comodità si consiglia di accettare le impostazioni di default suggerite dal programma di installazione di GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Il programma "GSview" non è stato installato correttamente!$\r$\n\
L$\'installazione può comunque proseguire.$\r$\n\
Si consiglia di tentare nuovamente l$\'installazione di GSView al termine.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "La seguente configurazione di LyX richiederà un po' di tempo."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Adesso verranno scaricati ed installati i dizionari per il correttore ortografico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Ogni dizionario ha la propria licenza che verrà mostrata prima dell$\'installazione.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Impossibile scaricare i dizionari di Aspell!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Impossibile installare i dizionari di Aspell!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " e "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Un dizionario è già installato per la lingua'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nessun dizionario per il correttore ortografico "Aspell" è stato installato.$\r$\n\
I dizionari possono essere installati da$\r$\n\
Vuoi scaricare i dizionari ora?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "È stato installato con successo "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "un dizionario inglese"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "un dizionario per la lingua $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "un$\r$\n\
dizionario per la lingua $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' per il correttore ortografico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Ulteriori dizionari possono essere installati da$\r$\n\
Vuoi scaricare altri dizionari ora?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Per permettere a tutti gli utenti di personalizzare successivamente MiKTeX in base alle loro esigenze$\r$\n\
è necessario impostare i permessi di scrittura per tutti gli utenti alla cartella di installazione di MiKTeX$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
e alle sue sottocartelle."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'La distribuzione di LaTeX "MiKTeX" verrà usata insieme a LyX.$\r$\n\
Si raccomanda di installare gli aggiornamenti disponibili per MiKTeX utilizzando il programma "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
prima di usare LyX per la prima volta.$\r$\n\
Vuoi controllare ora la presenza di aggiornamenti per MiKTeX?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Fallito tentativo di aggiornare 'path_prefix' nello script di configurazione"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Non è possibile creare lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Fallito tentativo di eseguire lo script di configurazione"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Occorrono i privilegi da amministratore per installare LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Il programma di installazione è già in esecuzione!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX è già installato! Occorre rimuoverlo per poter procedere."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Congratulazioni! LyX è stato installato con successo.\r\n\
(Il primo avvio di LyX potrebbe richiedere qualche secondo in più.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Lancia LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Non riesco a trovare LyX nel registro.$\r$\n\
I collegamenti sul desktop e nel menu Start non saranno rimossi."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "È necessario chiudere LyX!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Occorrono i privilegi da amministratore per rimuovere LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Siete sicuri di voler rimuovere completamente LyX e tutti i suoi componenti?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'Impostazioni personali di LyX'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Per rimuovere "GSview" (un visualizzatore di file Postscript e PDF) è$\r$\n\
necessario premere il pulsante "Uninstall" che apparirà nella finestra successiva.'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX è stato rimosso dal sistema con successo."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Rimuove il correttore ortografico "Aspell" e tutti i suoi dizionari.'
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Rimuove la distribuzione di LaTeX "MiKTeX".'
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Elimina la cartella con la configurazione di LyX$\r$\n\
per tutti gli utenti.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Rimuove LyX e tutti i suoi componenti."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Denne veiviseren installerer LyX på datamaskinen din.\r\n\
Du trenger administratorprivilegier for å installere LyX.\r\n\
Du bør lukke alle andre programmer først, dermed kan installasjonsprogrammet oppdatere relevante systemfiler uten å måtte restarte maskinen.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Installere for alle brukere?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Fil-assosiasjoner"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Skrivebordsikon"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-filene."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program for å vise Postscript- og PDF-dokumenter."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Installere LyX for alle brukere, eller kun den aktuelle brukeren."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Files med endelsen .lyx åpnes automatisk i LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Et LyX-ikon på skrivebordet."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Utvalg av LyX's menyspråk"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Tilgjengelige Språk "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Kryss av for nødvendige programmer"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Følgende programmer installeres i tillegg"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, en LaTeX-distribusjon"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, en interpreter for PostScript og PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, konverterer bilder"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, stavesjekking"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ingen ekstra programmer trenger installeres'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-distribusjon'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Velg LaTeX-distribusjonen LyX skal bruke.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the \
LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \
"$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Set below the path to the file "latex.exe". Therewith you set which \
LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Path to the file "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Ikke bruk LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Filen "latex.exe" fins ikke i den oppgitte mappa.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nå starter installasjon av LaTeX-distribusjonen "MiKTeX"$\r$\n\
For å installere programmet, klikk "Neste"-knappen i installasjonsveiviseren til installasjonen begynner.$\r$\n\
!!! Vennligst bruk standardopsjonene for MiKTeX-instasjonen !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Fant ikke noen LaTeX-distribusjon!$\r$\n\
LyX kan ikke brukes uten en LaTeX-distribusjion som "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Derfor avbrytes installasjonen.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Installasjonsveiviser for programmet "GSview" kjøres i gang.$\r$\n\
For å installere programmet, klikk "Setup"-knappen i det første installasjonsvinduet$\r$\n\
velg et språk, og klikk deretter "Neste"-knappen i det følgende installasjonsvinduet.$\r$\n\
Du kan bruke alle standardvalg for GSview-veiviseren.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Programmet "GSview" kunne ikke installeres!$\r$\n\
Installasjonen fortsetter likevel.$\r$\n\
Prøv å installere GSview omigjen senere.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Konfigurasjon av LyX vil ta en stund."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now dictionaries for the spellchecker "Aspell" will be downloaded and installed.$\r$\n\
Every dictionary has a different license that will be displayed before the installation.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be downloaded!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be installed!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " and "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'There is already installed a dictionary of the language'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'No dictionary for the spellchecker "Aspell" has been installed.$\r$\n\
Dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download dictionaries now?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "There was successfully installed "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "an english dictionary"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "a dictionary of the language $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a$\r$\n\
dictionary of the language $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' for the spellchecker "Aspell".$\r$\n\
More dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download other dictionaries now?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\
it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
and its subfolders."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'The LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\
It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\
Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Forsøket på å stille inn 'path_prefix' i konfigurasjonsscriptet mislyktes"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Fikk ikke opprettet lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Fikk ikke kjørt konfigurasjonsscriptet"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Du trenger administratorrettigheter for å installere LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Installasjonsprogrammet er allerede i gang!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX er allerede installert! Fjern LyX først."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Gratulerer!! LyX er installert.\r\n\
(Første gangs oppstart av LyX kan ta noen sekunder.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Start LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Fant ikke LyX i registeret.$\r$\n\
Snarveier på skrivebordet og i startmenyen fjernes ikke."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Du må avslutte LyX først!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Du må ha administratorrettigheter for å fjerne LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne LyX og alle tilhørende komponenter?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Vennligst klikk "Uninstall"-knappen i neste vindu for å fjerne$\r$\n\
Postscript and PDF-leseren "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX ble fjernet fra din datamaskin."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the spellchecker Aspell and all of its dictionaries."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\
for all users.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Kreator przeprowadzi Ciebie przez proces instalacji LyX-a.\r\n\
Wymagane s¹ prawa administratora aby zainstalowaæ LyX-a.\r\n\
Zalecane jest pozamykanie wszystkich innych aplikacji przed uruchomieniem programu instalacyjnego. Pozwoli to zaktualizowaæ pliki systemowe bez wymagania restartu komputera.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalacja dla wszystkich u¿ytkowników?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Skojarzenie plików .lyx"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Ikona na pulpicie"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Pliki LyX-a."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program do podgl¹du dokumentów Postscript i PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalacja dla wszystkich u¿ytkowników lub tylko dla bie¿¹cego u¿ytkownika."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Skojarzenie LyX-a z plikami o rozszerzeniu .lyx."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Ikona LyX-a na pulpicie."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Wybór jêzyka menu LyX-a"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Dostêpne jêzyki "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Sprawdzenie zainstalowania wymaganych programów"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Zostan¹ dodatkowo zainstalowane nastêpuj¹ce wymagane programy"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, dystrybucja LaTeX-a"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, interpreter PostScript i PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, konwerter rysunków"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, kontrola pisowni"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Brak dodatkowych programów do instalacji.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Dystrybucja LaTeX-a'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Wybierz dystrybucjê LaTeX-a, któr¹ chcesz u¿ywaæ z LyX-em.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the \
LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \
"$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Set below the path to the file "latex.exe". Therewith you set which \
LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Path to the file "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Nie u¿ywaj LaTeX-a"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Plik "latex.exe" nie znajduje siê w podanej œcie¿ce.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Teraz zostanie uruchomiony instalator dystrybucji LaTeX-a "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Aby zainstalowaæ ten program naciœnij przycisk "Dalej" w oknie instalatora.$\r$\n\
!!! Proszê u¿yæ wszystkich domyœlnych opcji instalatora MiKTeX-a !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nie znaleziono dystrybucji LaTeX-a!$\r$\n\
LyX nie mo¿e byæ u¿yty bez dystrybucji LaTeX-a takiej jak "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Z tego powodu instalacja zostanie przerwana.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Teraz zostanie uruchomiony program instalacyjny "GSview".$\r$\n\
Aby go zainstalowaæ naciœnij przycisk "Setup" w pierwszym oknie instalatora,$\r$\n\
w kolejnym oknie wybierz jêzyk i przyciœnij przycisk "Next".$\r$\n\
Mo¿esz u¿yæ wszystkich domyœlnych opcji instalacji.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Program "GSview" nie zosta³ pomyœlnie zainstalowany!$\r$\n\
Mimo to instalacja bêdzie kontynuowana.$\r$\n\
Spróbuj póŸniej zainstalowaæ program GSview.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Dalsza konfiguracja LyX-a chwilê potrwa."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now dictionaries for the spellchecker "Aspell" will be downloaded and installed.$\r$\n\
Every dictionary has a different license that will be displayed before the installation.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be downloaded!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be installed!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " and "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'There is already installed a dictionary of the language'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'No dictionary for the spellchecker "Aspell" has been installed.$\r$\n\
Dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download dictionaries now?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "There was successfully installed "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "an english dictionary"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "a dictionary of the language $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a$\r$\n\
dictionary of the language $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' for the spellchecker "Aspell".$\r$\n\
More dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download other dictionaries now?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\
it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
and its subfolders."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'The LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\
It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\
Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nieudana próba ustawienia zmiennej 'path_prefix' w pliku skryptu konfigracyjnego"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Niedana próba utworzenia plików lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Niedana próba wykonania skryptu konfiguracyjnego"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Musisz mieæ prawa administratora aby zainstalowaæ LyX-a!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalator jest ju¿ uruchomiony!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX jest ju¿ zainstalowany! Aby kontynowaæ musisz go najpierw usun¹æ."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Gratulacje! LyX zosta³ pomyœlnie zainstalowany.\r\n\
(Pierwsze uruchomienie mo¿e potrwaæ kilka sekund.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Uruchom LyX-a"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Nie mo¿na znaleŸæ LyX-a w rejestrze.$\r$\n\
Skróty na pulpicie i w menu Start nie zostan¹ usuniête."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Musisz najpierw zamkn¹æ LyX-a!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Musisz posiadaæ prawa administratora do deinstalacji programu LyX."
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Czy na pewno chcesz usun¹æ LyX-a i wszystkie jego komponenty?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Naciœnij przycisk "Odinstaluj" w nastêpnym oknie aby odinstalowaæ$\r$\n\
przegl¹darkê Postscript i PDF "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX zosta³ pomyœlnie usuniêty z Twojego komputera."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the spellchecker Aspell and all of its dictionaries."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\
for all users.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Este assistente de instalação irá guiá-lo através da instalação do LyX.\r\n\
Precisa de privilégios de administrador para instalar o LyX.\r\n\
Recomenda-se fechar todas as outras aplicações antes de iniciar o programa de configuração. Isto torna possivel actualizar os ficheiros de sistema relevantes sem ter que reiniciar o computador.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Documento LyX"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalar para todos os utilizadores?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Associação dos ficheiros"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Icone do ambiente de trabalho"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Os ficheiros LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Programa para ver documentos em Postscript e PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Gestor de referências bibliográficas e editor de ficheiros BibTeX."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalar o LyX para todos os utilizadores ou apenas para o presente utilizador."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Os ficheiros com a extensão .lyx irão abrir automaticamente no LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Um icone do LyX no ambiente de trabalho."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Selecção da linguagem dos menus no LyX"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Línguas disponíveis "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Verificação para os programas exigidos"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "O(s) seguinte(s) programa(s) exigidos serão instalados adicionalmente"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, uma distribuição de LaTeX"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, um interpretador para PostScript e PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, um conversor de imagens"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, um corrector ortográfico"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Não será instalado nenhum programa adicional.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Distribuição de LaTeX'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Escolher a distribuição de LaTeX que o LyX deverá usar.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Opcionalmente pode especificar o caminho do ficheiro "latex.exe" e posteriormente \
escolher a distribuição de LaTeX que vai usar o LyX.\r\n\
Sem LaTeX o LyX não pode (pré-)imprimir os documentos!\r\n\
O instalador detectou a distribuição de LaTeX "$LaTeXName"\
no seu sistema, no caminho que se mostra abaixo.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Especifique abaixo o caminho ao ficheiro "latex.exe". Posteriormente escolha \
a distribuição de LaTeX que deve usar o LyX.\r\n\
Sem LaTeX o LyX não pode (pré-)imprimir os documentos!\r\n\
O instalador não pudo achar nenhuma distribuição de LaTeX no seu sistema.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Caminho ao ficheiro "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Não usar LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'O ficheiro "latex.exe" não está no caminho especificado.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora lançar-se-á o instalador da distribuição de LaTeX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Para instalar o programa carregue no botão "Próximo" na janela de instalação até a instalação começar.$\r$\n\
!!! Por favor use todas as opções por defeito do instalador do MiKTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Não foi encontrada nenhuma distribuição de LaTeX!$\r$\n\
O LyX não pode ser usado sem uma distribuição de LaTeX como o "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
A instalação será por isso abortada.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora lançar-se-á o instalador do programa "GSview".$\r$\n\
Para instalar carregue no botão "Setup" na primeira janela de instalação$\r$\n\
escolha a língua e depois carregue no botão "Próximo" na janela seguinte do instalador.$\r$\n\
Pode usar todas as opções por defeito no instalador do GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Não se conseguiu instalar o programa "GSview"!$\r$\n\
A instalação irá continuar na mesma.$\r$\n\
Tente instalar o GSview outra vez mais tarde.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora lançar-se-á o instalador do programa "JabRef".$\r$\n\
Pode usar todas as opções por defeito no instalador do JabRef.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Não se conseguiu instalar o programa "JabRef"!$\r$\n\
A instalação irá continuar na mesma.$\r$\n\
Tente instalar o JabRef outra vez mais tarde.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "A configuração seguinte do LyX irá demorar um bocado."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Agora se vão descarregar e instalar dicionários do corrector ortográfico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Cada dicionário tem uma licença diferente, que se mostrará antes da instalação.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Não foi possível descarregar nenhum dicionário do Aspell!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Não foi possível instalar nenhum dicionário do Aspell!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " e "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Já há instalado um dicionário desta língua'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Não se instalou nenhum dicionário do "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Os dicionários podem descarregar-se de$\r$\n\
Deseja descarregar dicionários agora?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalou-se com sucesso "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "um dicionário de inglês"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "um dicionário de $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "um$\r$\n\
dicionário de $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' para o corrector ortográfico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
É posível descarregar mais dicionários de$\r$\n\
Deseja descarregar outros dicionários agora?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Para que cada utilizador possa customizar posteriormente o MiKTeX segundo as suas$\r$\n\
necesidades, é preciso a pasta onde foi instalado o MiKTeX$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
e as suas subpastas terem permissão de escritura para todos os utilizadores."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Junto com o LyX vai-se utilizar a distribuição de LaTeX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Antes de usar o LyX pela primeira vez, recomenda-se instalar as actualizações disponíveis$\r$\n\
do MiKTeX com o instalador "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
Deseja comprovar agora se há actualizações do MiKTeX?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Não conseguimos establecer o 'path_prefix' no script de configuração"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Não foi possível criar o lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Não foi possível executar o script de configuração"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Precisa de privilégios de administrador para instalar o LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "O instalador já está a correr!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "O LyX já está instalado! Desinstale o LyX primeiro."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Parabéns! O LyX foi instalado com sucesso.\r\n\
(O primeiro início do LyX pode levar alguns segundos.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Lançar o LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Incapaz de encontrar o LyX no registry.$\r$\n\
Os atalhos para o ambiente de trabalho no menu Start não serão removidos."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Deve fechar o LyX em primeiro lugar!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Precisa de privilégios de administrador para desinstalar o LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Tem a certeza que quer remover completamente o LyX e todas as suas componentes?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'Preferências de utilizador do LyX'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Por favor carregue no botão "Desinstalar" na próxima janela para desinstalar$\r$\n\
o visualisador de Postscript e PDF "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX foi removido com sucesso do seu computador."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala o corrector ortográfico Aspell e todos os seus dicionários."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala a distribuição de LaTeX MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala o gestor de referências bibliográficas JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Apaga as pastas de configuração do LyX$\r$\n\
de todos os utilizadores.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala LyX e todas as suas componentes."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Tento sprievodca Vám pomáha inštalova<76> LyX.\r\n\
Pre inštaláciu LyX potrebujete administrátorské práva.\r\n\
Odporúèuje sa zavrie<EFBFBD> všetký ostatné aplikácie pred štartom Setup. Tým sa umožòuje nahradi<EFBFBD> relevantné dáta sústavy bez nového štartu poèitaèe.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Inštalova<EFBFBD> pre všetkých užívate¾ov?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Usporiadanie data"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Symbol desktopu"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program na pozeranie dokumentov Postscript a PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Inštalova<EFBFBD> LyX pre všetkých užívatelov alebo len pre terajší užívate¾."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Data s lyx rozšírením sa automaticky otvárajú v LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Symbol LyX na desktopu."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Vyber jazyka pre LyX"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Pohotové jazyky "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Hladajte vyžadované programy"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Nasledujúce vyžadované programy sa inštalujú dodatocne"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, je LaTeX distribúcia"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, je interpretátor pre PostScript a PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, konvertuje obrazy"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, je overovanie pravopisu"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Netreba inštalova<76> ïalšie programy.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX distribúcia'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Urcujte LaTeX distribúciu, ktorú má užíva<76> LyX.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Tu môžete používa<EFBFBD> chod k "latex.exe" a tým používa<EFBFBD> chod \
LaTeX-distribúciu, ktorá by mohla by<EFBFBD> používaná cestou LyXu.\r\n\
Ak nepoužívate LaTeX, LyX nemôže produkova<EFBFBD> dokumenty!\r\n\
Inštalatér detektoval LaTeX-distribúciu \
"$LaTeXName" na vašej sústave. Dolu vidíte jeho chod.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Používajte dolu chod k "latex.exe". Tým urcujete, ktorá \
LaTeX-distribúcia má by<EFBFBD> používaná LyXom.\r\n\
Ak nepoužívate LaTeX, LyX nemôže produkova<EFBFBD> dokumenty!\r\n\
Inštalatér nemohol nájst LaTeX-distribúciu na vašej sústave.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Chod k "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Neužívajte LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Mapa "latex.exe" nie je na špecifikovanej ceste.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Teraz môžete štartova<EFBFBD> LaTeX distribúciu "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Na inštalovanie programu tlaète gombík "Next" v inštalovacích oknách až sa zaèína inštalácia.$\r$\n\
!!! Prosím užívajte všetký obsiahnuté nastavenia inštalatéra MiKTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX distribúcia sa nemohla nájst!$\r$\n\
LyX sa nemôže užíva<EFBFBD> bez LaTeX distribúcie ako "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Preto sa inštalácia zastavila.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Teraz štartuje inštalatér programu "GSview" .$\r$\n\
Na inštaláciu programu tlaète gombík "Setup" v prvom inštalaènom okne$\r$\n\
Vyberajte jazyk a tlaète gombík "Next" v nasledujúcich inštalaèných oknách.$\r$\n\
Môžete užívat všetký obsiahnuté nastavenia inštalatéra GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Program "GSview" sa nemohol inštalova<EFBFBD> úspešne!$\r$\n\
Predsa inštalácia pokraèuje.$\r$\n\
Skúste inštalova<EFBFBD> GSview ešte raz neskôr.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Na nasledujúcu konfiguráciu LyXu treba poèka<6B> chví¾u."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Teraz sa inštalujú slovníky pre skúšobný program "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Každý slovník má inú licensiu, ktorá sa predstavuje pred downloadom a inštaláciou.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell slovník sa nemohol downloadova<76>!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell slovník sa nemohol inštalova<76>!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " a "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Už je inštalovaný slovník jazyku'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Slovník pre "Aspell" nebol inštalovaný.$\r$\n\
Slovníky je možné downloadova<EFBFBD> od$\r$\n\
Chcete teraz downloadova<EFBFBD> slovníky?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Teraz je úspešne inštalovaný "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "anglický slovník"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "slovník jazyku $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a$\r$\n\
slovník jazyku $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' pre "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Viac slovníkov je možno downloadova<EFBFBD> od$\r$\n\
Chcete teraz downloadova<EFBFBD> iné slovníky?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Aby každý používatel bol neskôr schopný používat MiKTeX pre svoje potreby$\r$\n\
je treba napísat povolenia pre všetkých používatelov do inštalacného papiera MiKTeX $\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
aj do podriadených papierov."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX distribúcia "MiKTeX" sa používa spolu s LyXom.$\r$\n\
Doporuèuje sa inštalovat platné MiKTeX aktualizácie pomocou programu "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
pred prvým používaním LyXu.$\r$\n\
Chcete teraz testova<EFBFBD> MiKTeX aktualizácie?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nemohol uvies<65> v platnost 'path_prefix' (zoznam s cestami programu) v konfiguraènom skripte"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nemohol prípravi<76> lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Nemohol vykona<6E> konfiguraèný skript"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Pre inštaláciu LyX potrebujete administrátorské práva!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Inštalatér už behá!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX je už inštalovaný! Najprv treba odinštalova<76> LyX."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Gratulácia! LyX bol úspešne inštalovaný.\r\n\
(Prvý LyX štart môže trva<EFBFBD> niekolko sekund.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Štartova<EFBFBD> LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Nemôže nájs<6A> LyX v registre.$\r$\n\
Symboly na desktope a v štartovacom Menu sa nedajú odstrani<EFBFBD>."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Najprv zavrí LyX!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Pre odinštaláciu LyX potrebujete administrátorské práva!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Ste si istý, že chcete kompletne odinštalova<76> LyX a všetký jeho suèiastky?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Prosím tlaète gombík "Uninstall" v nasledujúcom okne aby Ste inštalovali $\r$\n\
Postscript a PDF-viewer "GSview".'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX je úspešne odstránený od Vášho poèitaèa."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Odinštaluje Aspell a všetký jeho slovníky."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Odinštaluje LaTeX distribúciu MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Odstráni konfiguracné papiere LyXu $\r$\n\
pre všetkých uživate¾ov.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Odinštaluj LyX a všetký jeho suèiastky."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Este programa instalará LyX en su ordenador.\r\n\
Usted necesita privilegios de administrador para instalar LyX.\r\n\
Se recomienda que cierre todas las demás aplicaciones antes de iniciar la instalación. Esto hará posible actualizar archivos relacionados con el sistema sin tener que reiniciar su ordenador.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Documento LyX"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalar para todos los usuarios"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Asociar ficheros"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Icono de escritorio"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Los ficheros de LyX."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Programa para ver documentos Postscript y PDF."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Administrador de referencias bibliograficas e editor de ficheros BibTeX."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Instalar LyX para todos los usuarios o sólo para el usuario actual."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Asociar la extensión .lyx con LyX."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Crear un icono de LyX en el escritorio."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Selección del idioma del menu de LyX "
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Idiomas disponibles "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Verificación de programas necesarios "
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Los siguientes programas necesarios serán también instalados "
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, una distribución de LaTeX "
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, un interprete para PostScript y PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, un conversor de imágenes "
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, un corrector ortográfico"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'No es necesario instalar programas adicionales.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Distribución LaTeX'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Elija la distribución de LaTeX que debería emplear LyX.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Opcionalmente puede especificar el camino del fichero "latex.exe" y posteriormente \
elegir la distribución de LaTeX que va usar LyX.\r\n\
¡Sin LaTeX LyX no puede (pre)imprimir documentos!\r\n\
El instalador ha detectado la distribución de LaTeX "$LaTeXName" \
en su sistema, en el camino que se muestra abajo.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Especifique abajo el camino al fichero "latex.exe". Posteriormente elija \
la distribución de LaTeX que debe usar LyX.\r\n\
¡Sin LaTeX LyX no puede (pre)imprimir documentos!\r\n\
El instalador non pudo encontrar ninguna distribución LaTeX en su sistema.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Camino al fichero "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "No usar LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Imposible encontrar "latex.exe".'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ahora se lanzará el instalador de "MiKTeX", la distribución de LaTeX.$\r$\n\
Para instalar el programa presione el botón "Next" en la ventana del instalador hasta que la aplicación arranque.$\r$\n\
¡¡¡ Por favor use todas las opciones por defecto del instalador de MiKTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" '¡No se ha encontrado ninguna distribución de LaTeX!$\r$\n\
¡LyX no funciona sin una distribución de LaTeX como "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Por lo tanto la instalación se abortará.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ahora se lanzará el instalador del programa "GSview".$\r$\n\
Para instalar el programa presione el botón "Setup" en la primera ventana del instalador$\r$\n\
elija un idioma y luego presione el botón "Next" en la siguiente ventana del instalador.$\r$\n\
Puede utilizar todas las opciones por defecto del instalador de GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" '¡El programa "GSview" no pudo instalarse con éxito!$\r$\n\
La instalación se continuará de toda forma.$\r$\n\
Intente instalar otra vez GSview más tarde.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ahora se lanzará el instalador del programa "JabRef".$\r$\n\
Puede utilizar todas las opciones por defecto del instaldor de JabRef.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" '¡El programa "JabRef" no pudo instalarse con éxito!$\r$\n\
La instalación se continuará de toda forma.$\r$\n\
Intente instalar otra vez JabRef más tarde.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "La siguiente configuración de LyX va a tardar un poco."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ahora se van a descargar e instalar diccionarios del corrector ortográfico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Cada diccionario tiene una licencia diferente, que se mostrará antes da instalación.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "¡No se pudo descargar ningún diccionario para Aspell!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "¡No se pudo instalar ningún diccionario para Aspell!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " y "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ya hay instalado un diccionario de esta lengua'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'No se ha instalado ningún diccionario para "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Los diccionarios puede descargarse de$\r$\n\
¿Desea descargar diccionarios ahora?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Se ha instalado con éxito "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "un diccionario de inglés"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "un diccionario de $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "un$\r$\n\
diccionario de $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' para el corrector ortográfico "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Es posible descargar mas diccionarios de$\r$\n\
¿Desea descargar otros diccionarios ahora?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Para que cada usuario pueda personalizar posteriormente MiKTeX acorde sus$\r$\n\
necesidades, es necesario que la carpeta donde fue instalado MiKTeX's $\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
y sus subcarpetas tengan permiso de escritura para todos los usuarios."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Junto con LyX se va usar la distribución de LaTeX "MiKTeX".$\r$\n\
Antes de usar LyX por primera vez, se recomienda instalar las actualizaciones disponibles$\r$\n\
de MiKTeX con el instalador "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
¿Desea comprobar ahora si hay actualizaciones de MiKTeX?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Error al intentar añadir 'path_prefix' durante la ejecución del programa de configuración"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No se pudo crear lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Error al intentar ejecutar el programa de configuración"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Necesita privilegios de administrador para instalar LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "El instalador ya esta siendo ejecutado!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "¡LyX ya esta instalado! Antes desinstale LyX."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "¡Enhorabuena! LyX ha sido instalado con éxito.\r\n\
(El primer arranque de LyX puede tardar algunos segundos.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Ejecutar LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Imposible encontrar LyX en el registro.$\r$\n\
Los accesos rápidos del escritorio y del Menú de Inicio no serán eliminados."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Antes cierre LyX!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Necesita privilegios de administrador para desinstalar LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar completamente LyX y todos sus componentes?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'Preferencias de usuario de LyX'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Por favor, haga clic sobre el botón "Uninstall" en la siguiente ventana para de-instalar$\r$\n\
el programa "GSview" (Postscript y PDF-viewer).'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX fue eliminado con éxito de su ordenador."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala el corrector ortográfico Aspell y todos sus diccionarios."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala a distribución de LaTeX MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala el administrador de referencias bibliograficas JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Elimina las carpetas de configuración de LyX$\r$\n\
de todos los usuarios.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Desinstala LyX y todos sus componentes."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Denna guide tar dig igenom installationen av LyX.\r\n\
Du behöver administratörsrättigheter för att installera LyX.\r\n\
Det rekommenderas att du avslutar alla andra program innan du fortsätter installationen. Detta tillåter att installationen uppdaterar nödvändiga systemfiler utan att behöva starta om din dator.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-dokument"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Installera för alla användare?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Filassociationer"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Skrivbordsikon"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-filer."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program för att visa Postscript- och PDF-dokument."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Program för att hantera bibliografiska referenser och redigera BibTeX-filer."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Installera LyX för alla användare, eller enbart för den aktuella användare."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Skapa en association mellan programmet och filtilläget .lyx."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "En LyXikon på skrivbordet."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Val av språk i LyXs menyer"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Tillgängliga språk "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Leta efter nödvändiga program"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Följande nödvändiga program kommer dessutom att installeras"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, en LaTeX-distribution"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, ett konverteringsprogram mm för PostScript och PDF"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, ett konverteringsprogram för bilder"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, ett rättstavningsprogram"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Inga ytterligare program behöver installeras.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-distribution'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ställ in LaTeX-distributionen som LyX skall använda.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Alternativt kan du här ställa in sökvägen till filen "latex.exe" och därmed manuellt bestämma vilken \
LaTeX-distribution som skall användas av LyX.\r\n\
Utan LaTeX kan LyX bara redigera LyX-filer, inte producera t.ex. PDF-dokument!\r\n\
Installationsprogrammet har upptäckt LaTeX-distributionen \
"$LaTeXName" i ditt system. Nedan visas dess sökväg.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Sätt nedan sökvägen till filen "latex.exe". Därmed väljer du vilken \
LaTeX-distribution som skall användas av LyX.\r\n\
Utan LaTeX kan LyX bara redigera LyX-filer, inte producera t.ex. PDF-dokument!\r\n\
Installationsprogrammetn kunde inte hitta LaTeX-distributionen i ditt system.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Sökväg till filen "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "Använd inte LaTeX"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'Kan inte hitta "latex.exe"'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nu kommer installationsprogrammet för LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" att köras.$\r$\n\
För att installera programmet, klicka på knappen "Next" i installationsfönstret tills installation börjar.$\r$\n\
!!! Var snäll och använd standardinställningarna i installationsprogrammet för MiKTeX !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Kan inte hitta någon LaTeX-distribution!$\r$\n\
LyX kan inte användas utan en LaTeX-distribution som tex "MiKTeX"!$\r$\n\
Installation avbryts därför nu.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nu kommer installationsprogrammet för "GSview" att köras.$\r$\n\
För att installera programmet, klicka på knappen "Setup" i den första dialogrutan i installationsprogrammet\r$\n\
välj ett språk och klicka sedan på knappen "Next" i det nästkommande installationsfönstret.$\r$\n\
Du kan använda alla standardalternativ i installationsprogrammet för GSview.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Programmet "GSview" kunde inte installeras ordentligt!$\r$\n\
Installationen av LyX kommer att fortsätta ändå.$\r$\n\
Försök installera GSview igen senare.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nu kommer installationsprogrammet för "JabRef" att köras.$\r$\n\
Du kan använda alla standardalternativ i installationsprogrammet för JabRef.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'Programmet "JabRef" kunde inte installeras ordentligt!$\r$\n\
Installationen av LyX kommer att fortsätta ändå.$\r$\n\
Försök installera GSview igen senare.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Följande konfigurering av LyX kommer att ta ett tag."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Nu kommer ordlistor för stavningsprogrammet "Aspell" att laddas ner och installeras.$\r$\n\
Varje ordlista har en egen licens vilken kommer att visas före installationen.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Ingen ordlista för stavningsprogrammet Aspell kunde laddas ner!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Ingen ordlista för stavningsprogrammet Aspell kunde installeras!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " and "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'Det finns redan en installerad ordlista för språket'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ingen ordlista för stavningsprogrammet "Aspell" har blivit installerad.$\r$\n\
Ordlistor kan laddas ner från\r$\n\
Vill du ladda ner ordlistor nu?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "Det installerades framgångsrikt "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "en engelsk ordlista"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "en ordlista för språket $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "en$\r$\n\
ordlista för språket $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' för stavningsprogrammet "Aspell".$\r$\n\
Ytterligare ordlistor kan laddas ner från\r$\n\
Vill du ladda ner ytterligare ordlistor nu?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "För att varje användare senare skall kunna anpassa MiKTeX för sina behov$\r$\n\
är det nödvändigt att ge skrivrättigheter till alla användare för MiKTeX's installationskatalog$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
och dess underkataloger."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-distributionen "MiKTeX" kommer att användas tillsammans med LyX.$\r$\n\
Det rekommenderas att installera tillgängliga uppdateringar av MiKTeX med hjälp av programmet "MiKTeX Update Wizard".$\r$\n\
innan du använder LyX för första gången.$\r$\n\
Vill du kontrollera om det finns uppdateringar tillgängliga för MiKTeX nu?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Misslyckades med att sätta 'path_prefix' i konfigurationsskriptet"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Kunde inte skapa filen (kommandoskriptet) lyx.bat"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Misslyckades med att köra konfigurationsskriptet"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "Du måste ha administratörsrättigheter för att installera LyX!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Installationsprogrammet körs readan!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX är redan installerat! Avinstallera LyX först."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Gratulerar! LyX har installerats framgångsrikt.\r\n\
(Första gången LyX startas tar det litet längre tid då programmet konfigurerar sig själv automatiskt.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "Kör LyX"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Kan inte hitta LyX i registret\r$\n\
Genvägar på skrivbordet och i startmeny kommer inte att tas bort."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Du måste stänga LyX först!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Du måste ha administratörsrättigheter för att avinstallera LyX!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Är du säker på att du verkligen vill fullständigt avinstallera LyX och alla dess komponenter?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s användarinställningar'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Var god tryck på knappen "Avinstallera" i följande fönster för att avinstallera$\r$\n\
"GSview" som visar Postscript och PDF.'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX har framgångsrikt avinstallerats från din dator."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Avinstallerar stavningsprogrammet Aspell och alla dess kataloger."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Avinstallerar LaTeX-distributionen MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Avinstallerar programmet JabRef som används för att hantera bibliografiska referenser."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Raderar LyX$\'s konfigurationskatalog$\r$\n\
för alla användare.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Avinstallera LyX och alla dess komponenter."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
!ifdef LYX_LANG
!undef LYX_LANG
LicenseLangString LyXLicenseData ${LYX_LANG} "${PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}"
LangString WelcomePageText "${LYX_LANG}" "Bu sihirbaz size LyX programýný kuracak.\r\n\
LyX kurabilmek için yönetici yetkilerine ihtiyacýnýz var.\r\n\
Kuruluma baþlamadan önce diðer programlarý kapatmanýz tavsiye edilir. Böylece bilgisayarýnýzý yeniden baþlatmanýza gerek kalmadan ilgili sistem dosyalarý güncellenebilir.\r\n\
LangString FileTypeTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX-Document"
LangString SecInstGSviewTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "GSview"
LangString SecInstJabRefTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "JabRef"
LangString SecAllUsersTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Tüm kullanýcýlar için kur?"
LangString SecFileAssocTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Dosya eþleþmeleri"
LangString SecDesktopTitle "${LYX_LANG}" "Masaüstü ikonu"
LangString SecCoreDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX dosyalarý."
LangString SecInstGSviewDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Postscript ve PDF gösterici program."
LangString SecInstJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
LangString SecAllUsersDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX tüm kullanýcýlar için mi yoksa yalnýzca bu kullanýcýya mý kurulacak."
LangString SecFileAssocDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uzantýsý .lyx olan dosyalar otomatik olarak LyX ile açýlsýn."
LangString SecDesktopDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Masaüstüne bir LyX ikonu koy."
LangString LangSelectHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX arabirim dili seçimi"
LangString AvailableLang "${LYX_LANG}" " Mevcut Diller "
LangString MissProgHeader "${LYX_LANG}" "Gerekli programlarýn kontrolü"
LangString MissProgCap "${LYX_LANG}" "Aþaðýdaki gerekli programlar da otomatik olarak kurulacak"
LangString MissProgLatex "${LYX_LANG}" "MiKTeX, bir LaTeX daðýtýmý"
LangString MissProgGhostscript "${LYX_LANG}" "Ghostscript, bir PostScript ve PDF yorumlayýcý"
LangString MissProgImageMagick "${LYX_LANG}" "ImageMagick, bir resim dönüþtürücü"
LangString MissProgAspell "${LYX_LANG}" "Aspell, bir yazým denetleyici"
LangString MissProgMessage "${LYX_LANG}" 'Ek bir program kurmaya gerek bulunmuyor.'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LaTeX-daðýtýmý'
LangString EnterLaTeXHeader2 "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX in kullanacaðý LaTeX daðýtýmýný seçin.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" 'You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the \
LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \
"$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
LangString EnterLaTeXFolderNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'Set below the path to the file "latex.exe". Therewith you set which \
LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.\r\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\
The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.'
LangString PathName "${LYX_LANG}" 'Path to the file "latex.exe"'
LangString DontUseLaTeX "${LYX_LANG}" "LaTeX kullanma"
LangString InvalidLaTeXFolder "${LYX_LANG}" '"latex.exe" dosyasý belirttiðiniz dizinde bulunamadý.'
LangString LatexInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Þimdi LaTeX daðýtýmý "MiKTeX" kurulumu baþlatýlacak.$\r$\n\
Programý kurmak için kurulum baþlayana kadar "Devam" tuþuyla ilerleyin.$\r$\n\
!!! Lütfen MiKTeX kurucusunun öntanýmlý ayarlarýný deðiþtirmeyin !!!'
LangString LatexError1 "${LYX_LANG}" 'Hiç bir LaTeX daðýtýmý bulunamadý!$\r$\n\
LyX "MiKTeX" gibi bir LaTeX daðýtýmý olmadan kullanýlamaz!$\r$\n\
Bu nedenle kurulum iptal edilecek.'
LangString GSviewInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Þimdi "GSview" kurulum programý baþlatýlacak.$\r$\n\
Programý kurmak için ile kurulum penceresinde "Setup" tuþuna basýp$\r$\n\
bir dil seçin, ve sonraki pencerelerde "Devam" tuþuyla ilerleyin.$\r$\n\
GSview kurulumunun tüm öntanýmlý seçeneklerini kullanabilirsiniz.'
LangString GSviewError "${LYX_LANG}" '"GSview" kurulumu baþarýsýz oldu!$\r$\n\
Kurulum gene de devam edecek.$\r$\n\
Daha sonra GSview kurmayý tekrar deneyin.'
LangString JabRefInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now the installer of the program "JabRef" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
LangString JabRefError "${LYX_LANG}" 'The program "JabRef" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
LangString LatexConfigInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "Sýradaki LyX yapýlandýrmasý biraz zaman alacak."
LangString AspellInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'Now dictionaries for the spellchecker "Aspell" will be downloaded and installed.$\r$\n\
Every dictionary has a different license that will be displayed before the installation.'
LangString AspellDownloadFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be downloaded!"
LangString AspellInstallFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "No Aspell spellchecker dictionary could be installed!"
LangString AspellPartAnd "${LYX_LANG}" " and "
LangString AspellPartSep "${LYX_LANG}" ", "
LangString AspellAll "${LYX_LANG}" 'There is already installed a dictionary of the language'
LangString AspellNone "${LYX_LANG}" 'No dictionary for the spellchecker "Aspell" has been installed.$\r$\n\
Dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download dictionaries now?'
LangString AspellPartStart "${LYX_LANG}" "There was successfully installed "
LangString AspellPart1 "${LYX_LANG}" "an english dictionary"
LangString AspellPart2 "${LYX_LANG}" "a dictionary of the language $LangName"
LangString AspellPart3 "${LYX_LANG}" "a$\r$\n\
dictionary of the language $LangNameSys"
LangString AspellPart4 "${LYX_LANG}" ' for the spellchecker "Aspell".$\r$\n\
More dictionaries can be downloaded from$\r$\n\
Do you want to download other dictionaries now?'
LangString MiKTeXPathInfo "${LYX_LANG}" "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\
it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
and its subfolders."
LangString MiKTeXInfo "${LYX_LANG}" 'The LaTeX-distribution "MiKTeX" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\
It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program "MiKTeX Update Wizard"$\r$\n\
before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\
Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?'
LangString ModifyingConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Yapýlandýrma programýnda 'path_prefix' ayarlanamadý"
LangString CreateCmdFilesFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "lyx.bat oluþturulamadý"
LangString RunConfigureFailed "${LYX_LANG}" "Yapýlandýrma programý çalýþtýrýlamadý"
LangString NotAdmin "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX kurabilmek için yönetici yetkileri gerekiyor!"
LangString InstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Kurulum programý zaten çalýþýyor!"
LangString StillInstalled "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX kurulu zaten! Önce onu kaldýrýn."
LangString FinishPageMessage "${LYX_LANG}" "Tebrikler! LyX baþarýyla kuruldu.\r\n\
(LyX in ilk açýlýþý birkaç saniye alabilir.)"
LangString FinishPageRun "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX Baþlat"
LangString UnNotInRegistryLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "Sistem kütüðünde LyX bulunamadý.$\r$\n\
Baþlat menüsü ve masaüstünüzdeki kýsayollar silinemeyecek."
LangString UnInstallRunning "${LYX_LANG}" "Önce LyX i kapatmalýsýnýz!"
LangString UnNotAdminLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX kaldýrabilmek için yönetici yetkileri gerekiyor!"
LangString UnReallyRemoveLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX ve tüm bileþenlerini kaldýrmak istediðinize emin misiniz?"
LangString UnLyXPreferencesTitle "${LYX_LANG}" 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
LangString UnGSview "${LYX_LANG}" 'Lütfen bir sonraki pencerede "Kaldýr" düðmesine basarak$\r$\n\
"GSview" postscript ve pdf göstericisini kaldýrýn.'
LangString UnRemoveSuccessLabel "${LYX_LANG}" "LyX bilgisayarýnýzdan baþarýyla kaldýrýldý."
LangString SecUnAspellDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the spellchecker Aspell and all of its dictionaries."
LangString SecUnMiKTeXDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX."
LangString SecUnJabRefDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
LangString SecUnPreferencesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\
for all users.'
LangString SecUnProgramFilesDescription "${LYX_LANG}" "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."
!undef LYX_LANG
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-LE"c:\program files (x86)\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
-LN"c:\program files (x86)\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
[Version Info]
[Version Info Keys]
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
program PDFViewWin7;
// this program opens and closes PDF-files with Acrobat 5, 6, or 7
// and with Acrobat Reader 5 and Adobe Reader 6, or 7
{The problematic is the following:
A PDF-file should be modified while it is opened with Acrobat.
This is not possible because Acrobat understands itself as editor, not as
reader and therefore opens PDFs always with write access, so that other
programs cannot modifiy them.
The idea to solve the problem is the following:
The file that should be shown in Acrobat is copied and then renamed -
the suffix "-preview" is attached. The renamed copy is opened by Acrobat
while the unrenamed version can be modified. When the modified version should
be displayed, the eventually opened renamed version is closed in Acrobat and
the modified version is copied, renamed and opened in Acrobat.
To open/close files in Acrobat, the programs "pdfopen" and "pdfclose",
written by Fabrice Popineau, is used.}
var Input,InputNew : string;
FileTest : boolean;
function ExecWait(const CommandLine: string;
const Visible: boolean = false;
const MaxSeconds: integer = 60): boolean;
//Executes programs and waits until they are terminated, taken from
SI: TStartupInfo;
PI: TProcessInformation;
ExitCode: DWORD;
result := false;
if not Visible then
SI.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
if CreateProcess(nil, pchar(CommandLine), nil, nil,
False, 0, nil, nil, SI, PI) then
case WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess, MaxSeconds * 1000) of
WAIT_OBJECT_0: GetExitCodeProcess(PI.hProcess, ExitCode);
WAIT_ABANDONED: TerminateProcess(PI.hProcess, ExitCode);
WAIT_TIMEOUT: TerminateProcess(PI.hProcess, ExitCode);
result := ExitCode = 0;
end; //end function
function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: string): boolean;
//renames files, taken from
sh: TSHFileOpStruct;
sh.Wnd := Application.Handle;
sh.wFunc := fo_Rename;
//terminate with null byte to set list ending
sh.pFrom := PChar(OldName + #0);
sh.pTo := PChar(NewName + #0);
sh.fFlags := fof_Silent or fof_MultiDestFiles;
end; //end function
begin //begin program
//Read given filename
Input:= ParamStr(1);
//InputNew = original filename with ending "-preview" (e.g. test-preview.pdf)
InputNew:= copy(Input,1,Length(Input)-4); //remove ".pdf"
InputNew:= InputNew+'-preview.pdf';
//check if renamed file exists
FileTest:= FileExists(InputNew);
if FileTest = true then
//close old file
ExecWait('pdfclose --file "'+InputNew+'"');
//delete old file
//rename file
//open renamed file
ExecWait('pdfopen --file "'+InputNew+'"');
end. //end program
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-LE"c:\program files (x86)\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
-LN"c:\program files (x86)\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
[Version Info]
[Version Info Keys]
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
program PDFViewWin8;
// this program opens and closes PDF-files with Acrobat 8
// and with Adobe Reader 8
{The problematic is the following:
A PDF-file should be modified while it is opened with Acrobat.
This is not possible because Acrobat understands itself as editor, not as
reader and therefore opens PDFs always with write access, so that other
programs cannot modifiy them.
The idea to solve the problem is the following:
The file that should be shown in Acrobat is copied and then renamed -
the suffix "-preview" is attached. The renamed copy is opened by Acrobat
while the unrenamed version can be modified. When the modified version should
be displayed, the eventually opened renamed version is closed in Acrobat and
the modified version is copied, renamed and opened in Acrobat.
To open/close files in Acrobat, the programs "pdfopen" and "pdfclose",
written by Fabrice Popineau, which are used in PDFViewWin7, cannot be used
for Acrobat 8. In this program the PDFs are closed by closing its program
In Acrobat 8 it is not possible to go to the position of a reopened modified
file were it was viewed the last time.}
var Input,InputNew,FileName : string;
FileTest : boolean;
InputNewName : PChar;
i : integer;
function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: string): boolean;
//renames files, taken from
sh: TSHFileOpStruct;
sh.Wnd := Application.Handle;
sh.wFunc := fo_Rename;
//terminate with null byte to set list ending
sh.pFrom := PChar(OldName + #0);
sh.pTo := PChar(NewName + #0);
sh.fFlags := fof_Silent or fof_MultiDestFiles;
end; //end function }
procedure KillProcess(WindowHandle: HWND);
//kills a process given by its handle
processID: INTEGER;
processHandle: THandle;
Result: DWORD;
SendMessageTimeout(WindowHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0,
if isWindow(WindowHandle) then //when window exists
PostMessage(WindowHandle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
//get process ID of the window
GetWindowThreadProcessID(WindowHandle, @processID);
if processID <> 0 then //when correct ID
//get process handle
False, processID);
if processHandle <> 0 then //terminate the process when handle was found
TerminateProcess(processHandle, 0);
end; //end if isWindow
end; //end procedure
begin //begin program
//Read given filename
Input:= ParamStr(1);
//InputNew = original filename with ending "-preview" (e.g. test-preview.pdf)
InputNew:= copy(Input,1,Length(Input)-4); //remove ".pdf"
InputNew:= InputNew+'-preview.pdf';
//check if renamed file exists
FileTest:= FileExists(InputNew);
if FileTest = true then //when file exists
//extract filename
For i:= Length(InputNew) downto 1 do
if (InputNew[i] = '\') or (InputNew[i] = '/') then
// '/' because some programs use Unix paths
FileName:= copy(InputNew,i+1,Length(InputNew)-i);
//close old file
//for Adobe Reader / Acrobat 8
InputNewName:= PChar(FileName+' - Adobe Reader');
InputNewName:= PChar(FileName+'- Adobe Acrobat Standard');
InputNewName:= PChar(FileName+'- Adobe Acrobat Professional');
//for Acrobat 7
//(this doesn't work for Acrobat 7 because it keeps the file opened
// also when the window of the PDF is closed (use PDFViewWin7 instead) )
InputNewName:= PChar('Adobe Acrobat Professional - ['+FileName+']');
InputNewName:= PChar('Adobe Acrobat Standard - ['+FileName+']');
//if one or more files are opened
InputNewName:= PChar(FileName);
//delete old file
end; //end if FileTest = true
//rename file
//open renamed file
end. //end program
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
### This file is part of
### ========================================================
### LyX, The Document Processor
### Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
### Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team.
### ========================================================
# This file is written by LyX, if you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save
# MISC SECTION ######################################
\preview_scale_factor 1.0
# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################
\screen_zoom 120
# COLOR SECTION ###################################
# PRINTER SECTION ###################################
# EXPORT SECTION ####################################
# TEX SECTION #######################################
# FILE SECTION ######################################
# PLAIN TEXT EXPORT SECTION ##############################
# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ##############################
# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ##########################
# 2nd MISC SUPPORT SECTION ##########################
# FORMATS SECTION ##########################
\format "pdf3" "pdf" "PDF (dvipdfm)" "m" "PDFViewWin7" "" "document,vector"
\format "pdf2" "pdf" "PDF (pdflatex)" "F" "PDFViewWin7" "" "document,vector"
\format "pdf" "pdf" "PDF (ps2pdf)" "P" "PDFViewWin7" "" "document,vector"
# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
# COPIERS SECTION ##########################
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
### This file is part of
### ========================================================
### LyX, The Document Processor
### Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
### Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team.
### ========================================================
# This file is written by LyX, if you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save
# MISC SECTION ######################################
\preview_scale_factor 1.0
# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################
\screen_zoom 120
# COLOR SECTION ###################################
# PRINTER SECTION ###################################
# EXPORT SECTION ####################################
# TEX SECTION #######################################
# FILE SECTION ######################################
# PLAIN TEXT EXPORT SECTION ##############################
# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ##############################
# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ##########################
# 2nd MISC SUPPORT SECTION ##########################
# FORMATS SECTION ##########################
\format "pdf3" "pdf" "PDF (dvipdfm)" "m" "PDFViewWin8" "" "document,vector"
\format "pdf2" "pdf" "PDF (pdflatex)" "F" "PDFViewWin8" "" "document,vector"
\format "pdf" "pdf" "PDF (ps2pdf)" "P" "PDFViewWin8" "" "document,vector"
# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
# COPIERS SECTION ##########################
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
### This file is part of
### ========================================================
### LyX, The Document Processor
### Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
### Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team.
### ========================================================
# This file is written by LyX, if you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save
# MISC SECTION ######################################
\preview_scale_factor 1.0
# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################
\screen_zoom 120
# COLOR SECTION ###################################
# PRINTER SECTION ###################################
# EXPORT SECTION ####################################
# TEX SECTION #######################################
# FILE SECTION ######################################
# PLAIN TEXT EXPORT SECTION ##############################
# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ##############################
# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ##########################
# 2nd MISC SUPPORT SECTION ##########################
# FORMATS SECTION ##########################
# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
# COPIERS SECTION ##########################
Reference in New Issue
Block a user