mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 05:16:21 +00:00
Convert for loops to range-based iterators i Buffer.cpp.
No intended change of behavior. The ones that use DocIterators and ParIterators cannot yet be changed, but they could be if we provided the right sorts of methods, perhaps.
This commit is contained in:
@ -504,10 +504,8 @@ Buffer::~Buffer()
// ourselves as a child.
// loop over children
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator it = d->children_positions.begin();
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator end = d->children_positions.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(it->first);
for (auto const & p : d->children_positions) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(p.first);
if (d->clone_list_->erase(child))
delete child;
@ -533,10 +531,8 @@ Buffer::~Buffer()
} else {
// loop over children
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator it = d->children_positions.begin();
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator end = d->children_positions.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(it->first);
for (auto const & p : d->children_positions) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(p.first);
if (theBufferList().isLoaded(child)) {
if (theBufferList().isOthersChild(this, child))
@ -614,12 +610,10 @@ void Buffer::cloneWithChildren(BufferMap & bufmap, CloneList * clones) const
// math macro caches need to be rethought and simplified.
// I am not sure wether we should handle Buffer cloning here or in BufferList.
// Right now BufferList knows nothing about buffer clones.
Impl::PositionScopeBufferMap::iterator it = d->position_to_children.begin();
Impl::PositionScopeBufferMap::iterator end = d->position_to_children.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
DocIterator dit = it->first.clone(buffer_clone);
for (auto const & p : d->position_to_children) {
DocIterator dit = p.first.clone(buffer_clone);
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(it->second.buffer);
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(p.second.buffer);
child->cloneWithChildren(bufmap, clones);
BufferMap::iterator const bit = bufmap.find(child);
@ -712,10 +706,8 @@ BufferParams const & Buffer::masterParams() const
BufferParams & mparams = const_cast<Buffer *>(masterBuffer())->params();
// Copy child authors to the params. We need those pointers.
AuthorList const & child_authors = params().authors();
AuthorList::Authors::const_iterator it = child_authors.begin();
for (; it != child_authors.end(); ++it)
for (Author const & a : params().authors())
return mparams;
@ -1071,10 +1063,8 @@ bool Buffer::readDocument(Lexer & lex)
// inform parent buffer about local macros
if (parent()) {
Buffer const * pbuf = parent();
UserMacroSet::const_iterator cit = usermacros.begin();
UserMacroSet::const_iterator end = usermacros.end();
for (; cit != end; ++cit)
for (auto const & m : usermacros)
@ -1631,10 +1621,8 @@ bool Buffer::write(ostream & ofs) const
/// For each author, set 'used' to true if there is a change
/// by this author in the document; otherwise set it to 'false'.
AuthorList::Authors::const_iterator a_it = params().authors().begin();
AuthorList::Authors::const_iterator a_end = params().authors().end();
for (; a_it != a_end; ++a_it)
for (Author const & a : params().authors())
ParIterator const end = const_cast<Buffer *>(this)->par_iterator_end();
ParIterator it = const_cast<Buffer *>(this)->par_iterator_begin();
@ -1917,10 +1905,10 @@ void Buffer::writeLaTeXSource(otexstream & os,
vector<string> pll = features.getPolyglossiaExclusiveLanguages();
if (!bll.empty()) {
docstring langs;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = bll.begin(); it != bll.end(); ++it) {
for (string const & sit : bll) {
if (!langs.empty())
langs += ", ";
langs += _(*it);
langs += _(sit);
blangs = bll.size() > 1 ?
bformat(_("The languages %1$s are only supported by Babel."), langs)
@ -1928,10 +1916,10 @@ void Buffer::writeLaTeXSource(otexstream & os,
if (!pll.empty()) {
docstring langs;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = pll.begin(); it != pll.end(); ++it) {
for (string const & pit : pll) {
if (!langs.empty())
langs += ", ";
langs += _(*it);
langs += _(pit);
plangs = pll.size() > 1 ?
bformat(_("The languages %1$s are only supported by Polyglossia."), langs)
@ -1971,10 +1959,8 @@ void Buffer::writeLaTeXSource(otexstream & os,
// output the parent macros
MacroSet::iterator it = parentMacros.begin();
MacroSet::iterator end = parentMacros.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
int num_lines = (*it)->write(os.os(), true);
for (auto const & mac : parentMacros) {
int num_lines = mac->write(os.os(), true);
@ -2313,11 +2299,9 @@ void Buffer::getLabelList(vector<docstring> & list) const
shared_ptr<Toc> toc = d->toc_backend.toc("label");
Toc::const_iterator toc_it = toc->begin();
Toc::const_iterator end = toc->end();
for (; toc_it != end; ++toc_it) {
if (toc_it->depth() == 0)
for (auto const & tocit : *toc) {
if (tocit.depth() == 0)
@ -2784,9 +2768,7 @@ void Buffer::dispatch(FuncRequest const & func, DispatchResult & dr)
vector<docstring> const branches =
getVectorFromString(branch_name, branch_list.separator());
docstring msg;
for (vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = branches.begin();
it != branches.end(); ++it) {
branch_name = *it;
for (docstring const & branch_name : branches) {
Branch * branch = branch_list.find(branch_name);
if (branch) {
LYXERR0("Branch " << branch_name << " already exists.");
@ -2946,10 +2928,8 @@ void Buffer::getLanguages(std::set<Language const *> & languages) const
// also children
ListOfBuffers clist = getDescendents();
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator cit = clist.begin();
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator const cen = clist.end();
for (; cit != cen; ++cit)
for (auto const & cit : clist)
@ -3086,8 +3066,8 @@ void Buffer::markDirty()
DepClean::iterator it = d->dep_clean.begin();
DepClean::const_iterator const end = d->dep_clean.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
it->second = false;
for (auto & depit : d->dep_clean)
depit.second = false;
@ -3169,10 +3149,8 @@ vector<docstring> const Buffer::prepareBibFilePaths(OutputParams const & runpara
// check for spaces in paths
bool found_space = false;
FileNamePairList::const_iterator it = bibfilelist.begin();
FileNamePairList::const_iterator en = bibfilelist.end();
for (; it != en; ++it) {
string utf8input = to_utf8(it->first);
for (auto const & bit : bibfilelist) {
string utf8input = to_utf8(bit.first);
string database =
prepareFileNameForLaTeX(utf8input, ".bib", runparams.nice);
FileName const try_in_file =
@ -3334,10 +3312,8 @@ bool Buffer::hasChildren() const
void Buffer::collectChildren(ListOfBuffers & clist, bool grand_children) const
// loop over children
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator it = d->children_positions.begin();
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator end = d->children_positions.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(it->first);
for (auto const & p : d->children_positions) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(p.first);
// No duplicates
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator bit = find(clist.begin(), clist.end(), child);
if (bit != clist.end())
@ -3534,17 +3510,15 @@ void Buffer::Impl::updateMacros(DocIterator & it, DocIterator & scope)
while (it.pit() <= lastpit) {
Paragraph & par = it.paragraph();
// FIXME Can this be done with the new-style iterators?
// iterate over the insets of the current paragraph
InsetList const & insets = par.insetList();
InsetList::const_iterator iit = insets.begin();
InsetList::const_iterator end = insets.end();
for (; iit != end; ++iit) {
it.pos() = iit->pos;
for (auto const & insit : par.insetList()) {
it.pos() = insit.pos;
// is it a nested text inset?
if (iit->inset->asInsetText()) {
if (insit.inset->asInsetText()) {
// Inset needs its own scope?
InsetText const * itext = iit->inset->asInsetText();
InsetText const * itext = insit.inset->asInsetText();
bool newScope = itext->isMacroScope();
// scope which ends just behind the inset
@ -3552,14 +3526,14 @@ void Buffer::Impl::updateMacros(DocIterator & it, DocIterator & scope)
// collect macros in inset
updateMacros(it, newScope ? insetScope : scope);
if (iit->inset->asInsetTabular()) {
CursorSlice slice(*iit->inset);
if (insit.inset->asInsetTabular()) {
CursorSlice slice(*insit.inset);
size_t const numcells = slice.nargs();
for (; slice.idx() < numcells; slice.forwardIdx()) {
@ -3570,10 +3544,10 @@ void Buffer::Impl::updateMacros(DocIterator & it, DocIterator & scope)
// is it an external file?
if (iit->inset->lyxCode() == INCLUDE_CODE) {
if (insit.inset->lyxCode() == INCLUDE_CODE) {
// get buffer of external file
InsetInclude const & inset =
static_cast<InsetInclude const &>(*iit->inset);
static_cast<InsetInclude const &>(*insit.inset);
macro_lock = true;
Buffer * child = inset.getChildBuffer();
macro_lock = false;
@ -3591,19 +3565,19 @@ void Buffer::Impl::updateMacros(DocIterator & it, DocIterator & scope)
InsetMath * im = iit->inset->asInsetMath();
InsetMath * im = insit.inset->asInsetMath();
if (doing_export && im) {
InsetMathHull * hull = im->asHullInset();
if (hull)
if (iit->inset->lyxCode() != MATHMACRO_CODE)
if (insit.inset->lyxCode() != MATHMACRO_CODE)
// get macro data
InsetMathMacroTemplate & macroTemplate =
MacroContext mc(owner_, it);
@ -3713,16 +3687,12 @@ void Buffer::listMacroNames(MacroNameSet & macros) const
d->macro_lock = true;
// loop over macro names
Impl::NamePositionScopeMacroMap::iterator nameIt = d->macros.begin();
Impl::NamePositionScopeMacroMap::iterator nameEnd = d->macros.end();
for (; nameIt != nameEnd; ++nameIt)
for (auto const & nameit : d->macros)
// loop over children
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator it = d->children_positions.begin();
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator end = d->children_positions.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(it->first);
for (auto const & p : d->children_positions) {
Buffer * child = const_cast<Buffer *>(p.first);
// The buffer might have been closed (see #10766).
if (theBufferList().isLoaded(child))
@ -3747,12 +3717,9 @@ void Buffer::listParentMacros(MacroSet & macros, LaTeXFeatures & features) const
// resolve macros
MacroNameSet::iterator it = names.begin();
MacroNameSet::iterator end = names.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
for (auto const & mit : names) {
// defined?
MacroData const * data =
pbuf->getMacro(*it, *this, false);
MacroData const * data = pbuf->getMacro(mit, *this, false);
if (data) {
@ -3821,20 +3788,16 @@ void Buffer::changeRefsIfUnique(docstring const & from, docstring const & to)
// Check if the label 'from' appears more than once
BiblioInfo const & keys = masterBibInfo();
BiblioInfo::const_iterator bit = keys.begin();
BiblioInfo::const_iterator bend = keys.end();
vector<docstring> labels;
for (; bit != bend; ++bit)
for (auto const & bibit : masterBibInfo())
if (count(labels.begin(), labels.end(), from) > 1)
string const paramName = "key";
for (InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(inset()); it; ++it) {
InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(inset());
for (; it; ++it) {
if (it->lyxCode() != CITE_CODE)
InsetCommand * inset = it->asInsetCommand();
@ -4185,10 +4148,8 @@ void Buffer::setExportStatus(bool e) const
d->doing_export = e;
ListOfBuffers clist = getDescendents();
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator cit = clist.begin();
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator const cen = clist.end();
for (; cit != cen; ++cit)
(*cit)->d->doing_export = e;
for (auto const & bit : clist)
bit->d->doing_export = e;
@ -4272,11 +4233,10 @@ Buffer::ExportStatus Buffer::doExport(string const & target, bool put_in_tempdir
// Get shortest path to format
Graph::EdgePath path;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = backs.begin();
it != backs.end(); ++it) {
Graph::EdgePath p = converters.getPath(*it, format);
for (string const & sit : backs) {
Graph::EdgePath p = converters.getPath(sit, format);
if (!p.empty() && (path.empty() || p.size() < path.size())) {
backend_format = *it;
backend_format = sit;
path = p;
@ -4291,10 +4251,8 @@ Buffer::ExportStatus Buffer::doExport(string const & target, bool put_in_tempdir
return ExportNoPathToFormat;
runparams.flavor = converters.getFlavor(path, this);
Graph::EdgePath::const_iterator it = path.begin();
Graph::EdgePath::const_iterator en = path.end();
for (; it != en; ++it)
if (theConverters().get(*it).nice()) {
for (auto const & edge : path)
if (theConverters().get(edge).nice()) {
need_nice_file = true;
@ -4380,20 +4338,18 @@ Buffer::ExportStatus Buffer::doExport(string const & target, bool put_in_tempdir
// also to the children, in case of master-buffer-view
ListOfBuffers clist = getDescendents();
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator cit = clist.begin();
ListOfBuffers::const_iterator const cen = clist.end();
for (; cit != cen; ++cit) {
for (auto const & bit : clist) {
if (runparams.silent)
else if (d->cloned_buffer_) {
// Enable reverse search by copying back the
// texrow object to the cloned buffer.
// FIXME: this is not thread safe.
(*cit)->d->cloned_buffer_->d->texrow = (*cit)->d->texrow;
(*cit)->d->cloned_buffer_->d->errorLists[error_type] =
bit->d->cloned_buffer_->d->texrow = bit->d->texrow;
bit->d->cloned_buffer_->d->errorLists[error_type] =
} else
(*cit)->errors(error_type, true);
bit->errors(error_type, true);
@ -4427,11 +4383,13 @@ Buffer::ExportStatus Buffer::doExport(string const & target, bool put_in_tempdir
: force_overwrite == ALL_FILES;
CopyStatus status = use_force ? FORCE : SUCCESS;
vector<ExportedFile>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
vector<ExportedFile>::const_iterator const en = files.end();
for (; it != en && status != CANCEL; ++it) {
string const fmt = theFormats().getFormatFromFile(it->sourceName);
string fixedName = it->exportName;
for (ExportedFile const & exp : files) {
if (status == CANCEL) {
message(_("Document export cancelled."));
return ExportCancel;
string const fmt = theFormats().getFormatFromFile(exp.sourceName);
string fixedName = exp.exportName;
if (!runparams.export_folder.empty()) {
// Relative pathnames starting with ../ will be sanitized
// if exporting to a different folder
@ -4440,16 +4398,12 @@ Buffer::ExportStatus Buffer::doExport(string const & target, bool put_in_tempdir
FileName fixedFileName = makeAbsPath(fixedName, dest);
status = copyFile(fmt, it->sourceName,
status = copyFile(fmt, exp.sourceName,
it->exportName, status == FORCE,
exp.exportName, status == FORCE,
if (status == CANCEL) {
message(_("Document export cancelled."));
return ExportCancel;
if (tmp_result_file.exists()) {
// Finally copy the main file
@ -5032,11 +4986,9 @@ void Buffer::updateBuffer(ParIterator & parit, UpdateType utype) const
// now the insets
InsetList::const_iterator iit = parit->insetList().begin();
InsetList::const_iterator end = parit->insetList().end();
for (; iit != end; ++iit) {
parit.pos() = iit->pos;
iit->inset->updateBuffer(parit, utype);
for (auto const & insit : parit->insetList()) {
parit.pos() = insit.pos;
insit.inset->updateBuffer(parit, utype);
@ -5220,11 +5172,9 @@ bool Buffer::saveAs(FileName const & fn)
void Buffer::checkChildBuffers()
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator it = d->children_positions.begin();
Impl::BufferPositionMap::iterator const en = d->children_positions.end();
for (; it != en; ++it) {
DocIterator dit = it->second;
Buffer * cbuf = const_cast<Buffer *>(it->first);
for (auto const & bit : d->children_positions) {
DocIterator dit = bit.second;
Buffer * cbuf = const_cast<Buffer *>(bit.first);
if (!cbuf || !theBufferList().isLoaded(cbuf))
Inset * inset = dit.nextInset();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user