diff --git a/development/autotests/ExportTests.cmake b/development/autotests/ExportTests.cmake
index 8a9c0b9c49..ec46ad0cc8 100644
--- a/development/autotests/ExportTests.cmake
+++ b/development/autotests/ExportTests.cmake
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ endmacro()
 macro(findexpr found testname listname rsublabel)
   set(_found 0)
-  set(sublabel "")
+  set(tmpsublabel "")
   foreach(_itrx ${${listname}})
     if ("${_itrx}" MATCHES "^Sublabel:")
-      set(sublabel "")
+      set(tmpsublabel "")
       string(REGEX REPLACE "^Sublabel:[ \t]*" "" _itrlabels ${_itrx})
       string(REGEX MATCHALL "([a-zA-Z]+)" _labels ${_itrlabels})
       foreach(subl ${_labels})
         if (subl STREQUAL "RESET")
-          set(sublabel "")
+          set(tmpsublabel "")
-          list(APPEND sublabel ${subl})
+          list(APPEND tmpsublabel ${subl})
       # remove doubles in sublabel
-      list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES sublabel)
+      list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES tmpsublabel)
       set(_itr "^${_itrx}$")
       if (${testname} MATCHES "${_itr}")
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ macro(findexpr found testname listname rsublabel)
   if (${_found})
-    if (NOT "${sublabel}" STREQUAL "")
-      set(${rsublabel} ${sublabel})
+    if (NOT "${tmpsublabel}" STREQUAL "")
+      list(APPEND ${rsublabel} ${tmpsublabel})
   set(${found} ${_found})
@@ -101,55 +101,60 @@ function(join rvalues glue routput)
   set(${routput} ${out} PARENT_SCOPE)
-macro(maketestname testname reverted listreverted listignored listunreliable listlabels)
+macro(maketestname testname reverted listsuspicious listignored listunreliable listlabels)
   set(sublabel "")
   string(REGEX MATCH "\\/[a-z][a-z](_[A-Z][A-Z])?\\/" _v ${${testname}})
     string(REGEX REPLACE "\\/" "" _v ${_v})
-    set(listrevertedx ${listreverted}_${_v})
+    set(listsuspiciousx ${listsuspicious}_${_v})
     set(listignoredx ${listignored}_${_v})
     set(listunreliablex ${listunreliable}_${_v})
-    set(listrevertedx ${listreverted})
+    set(listsuspiciousx ${listsuspicious})
     set(listignoredx ${listignored})
     set(listunreliablex ${listunreliable})
   findexpr(mfound ${testname} ${listignoredx} sublabel)
   if (NOT mfound)
-    # check if they are unreliable
+    string(REGEX MATCH "_(systemF|texF|pdf3|pdf2|pdf|dvi|lyx16|xhtml)$" _v ${${testname}})
     set(sublabel "")
-    findexpr(nsfound ${testname} ${listunreliablex} sublabel)
-    if (nsfound)
-      if (NOT "${sublabel}" STREQUAL "")
+    # check if test _may_ be in listsuspicious
+    if (_v)
+      findexpr(mfound ${testname} ${listsuspiciousx} sublabel)
+    else()
+      set(mfound OFF)
+    endif()
+    if (NOT mfound)
+      set(${reverted} 0)
+    else()
+      # Now that the test is suspect,
+      # check if it is unreliable, and/or suspended
+      set(sublabel2 "")
+      findexpr(nsfound ${testname} ${listunreliablex} sublabel2)
+      findexpr(nsfound2 ${testname} suspendedTests sublabel2)
+      list(APPEND sublabel ${sublabel2})
+      if (nsfound)
+        set(sublabel "unreliable" ${sublabel})
+      endif()
+      if (nsfound2)
+        set(sublabel "suspended" ${sublabel})
+        message(STATUS "found suspended test ${${testname}}")
+      endif()
+      list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES sublabel)
+      if (nsfound OR nsfound2)
         list(APPEND ${listlabels} ${sublabel})
-        join(sublabel "." tmpprefixx)
-        string(TOUPPER "${tmpprefixx}_" tmpprefix)
-      else()
-        set(tmpprefix "")
-      endif()
-      set(${testname} "UNRELIABLE.${tmpprefix}${${testname}}")
-    else ()
-      string(REGEX MATCH "_(systemF|texF|pdf3|pdf2|pdf|dvi|lyx16|xhtml)$" _v ${${testname}})
-      set(sublabel "")
-      # check if test _may_ be in listreverted
-      if (_v)
-        findexpr(mfound ${testname} ${listrevertedx} sublabel)
-      else()
-        set(mfound OFF)
-      endif()
-      if (NOT mfound)
         set(${reverted} 0)
+        set(sublabel "reverted" ${sublabel})
         set(${reverted} 1)
-        if (NOT sublabel STREQUAL "")
-          string(TOUPPER "${sublabel}_" tmpprefix)
-        else()
-          set(tmpprefix "ctest_")
-        endif()
-        set(${testname} "INVERTED_SEE-README.${tmpprefix}${${testname}}")
-        if (NOT sublabel STREQUAL "")
-          list(APPEND ${listlabels} ${sublabel})
-        endif()
+      endif()
+      join(sublabel "." tmpprefixx)
+      string(TOUPPER "${tmpprefixx}_" tmpprefix)
+      set(${testname} "${tmpprefix}${${testname}}")
+      string(TOUPPER "${sublabel}_" tmpprefix)
+      if (NOT sublabel STREQUAL "")
+        list(APPEND ${listlabels} ${sublabel})
+        list(FIND ${listlabels} "chemgreek" _i)
@@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ macro(loadTestList filename resList)
-loadTestList(revertedTests revertedTests)
+loadTestList(suspiciousTests suspiciousTests)
 loadTestList(ignoredTests ignoredTests)
 loadTestList(suspendedTests suspendedTests)
 loadTestList(unreliableTests unreliableTests)
@@ -292,7 +297,7 @@ foreach(libsubfolderx lib/doc lib/examples lib/templates development/mathmacros
     string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.lyx$" "" f ${f})
     set(TestName "export/${libsubfolder}/${f}_lyx16")
     set(mytestlabel ${testlabel})
-    maketestname(TestName reverted revertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
+    maketestname(TestName reverted suspiciousTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
       add_test(NAME ${TestName}
@@ -315,7 +320,7 @@ foreach(libsubfolderx lib/doc lib/examples lib/templates development/mathmacros
       # For use of lyx2lyx we need the python executable
       set(mytestlabel ${lyx2lyxtestlabel})
       set(TestName "lyx2lyx/${libsubfolder}/${f}")
-      maketestname(TestName reverted revertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
+      maketestname(TestName reverted suspiciousTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
         add_test(NAME ${TestName}
@@ -331,7 +336,7 @@ foreach(libsubfolderx lib/doc lib/examples lib/templates development/mathmacros
     set(loadtestlabel "load")
     set(mytestlabel ${loadtestlabel})
     set(TestName "check_load/${libsubfolder}/${f}")
-    maketestname(TestName reverted revertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
+    maketestname(TestName reverted suspiciousTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
       add_test(NAME ${TestName}
@@ -358,7 +363,7 @@ foreach(libsubfolderx lib/doc lib/examples lib/templates development/mathmacros
           set(TestName "export/${libsubfolder}/${f}_${format}_${fonttype}")
         set(mytestlabel ${testlabel})
-        maketestname(TestName reverted revertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
+        maketestname(TestName reverted suspiciousTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel)
           add_test(NAME ${TestName}
diff --git a/development/autotests/suspendedTests b/development/autotests/suspendedTests
index 6fa0914c35..62103b2cf4 100644
--- a/development/autotests/suspendedTests
+++ b/development/autotests/suspendedTests
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/development/autotests/suspiciousTests b/development/autotests/suspiciousTests
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc385c79ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development/autotests/suspiciousTests
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Comments by Günter Milde (GM)
+# Some references and keys contain non-ascii chars
+# Hebrew docs do not currently work with LuaTeX
+# After LyX 2.1 is released, apply the patch and remove these
+# See http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg181595.html
+# Similar to the Indonesian support, see:
+# http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg181595.html
+# somehow lualatex is not able to compile with non-tex fonts
+# See http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8823
+# There is no non-TeX support for Ukrainian with LuaTeX. See:
+# https://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg181690.html
+# The following documents likely fail because of excessive preamble code that
+# is only targeted at (pdf)latex. TODO these .lyx files could be fixed. Although
+# it is unlikely that a user would want to use system fonts to view LyX's
+# documents, fixing these would provide further tests for LyX's handling of
+# XeTeX/LuaTeX with system fonts.
+# Changes in TeX Live 2014 (see git blame for info) fixed IEEEtran-CompSoc
+# pdf4_systemF but not others. TODO Investigate if others can be fixed?
+# There is no Chinese LuaTeX or XeTeX TeX font support yet.
+# These started failing after we implemented tests for formats
+# that are in the complement set to the default format (7ecbb068).
+# TODO it might be worth it to take a look at each individually and
+# see whether they are supposed to fail or if there is something LyX
+# can do to add support for exporting them.
+# The following exports worked with TeX Live 2013, but not in 2014.
+# For a workaround, see:
+# https://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg184435.html
+# These exports correctly fail now on TeX Live 2014. Although they compiled
+# without error on TeX Live 2013, the resulting PDFs had gibberish.
+# GM: False positive: if the font is e.g. set to 
+# LinuxLibertine and LinuxBiolinum, there are no missing characters but
+# polyglossia anyway throws the error:
+#  ! Package polyglossia Error: The current roman font does not contain the
+#  Hebrew script!
+# These exports correctly fail now that we've switched to polyglossia. Although
+# they compiled without error with babel, the resulting PDFs had gibberish.
+# Note that there is a problem with the LyX-generated preamble in the Russian
+# docs:
+# https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=n0j157%246a1%241%40ger.gmane.org
+# Inside these two files, we state that they should only be expected
+# to work with pdflatex and possibly lualatex.
+# PDF comments in DVI? No wonder we have:
+# ! Package zref Error: \pdfsavepos is not supported in DVI mode
+# Gives the following error:
+# # ! Package hpstatement Error: H or P statement "H251"
+# # (hpstatement)                is not defined.
+# 1580:export/examples/H-P-statements_pdf5_systemF
+# The math document now depends on the mhchem package which produces wrong
+# output with XeTeX/LuaTeX and both TeX fonts and non-TeX fonts:
+# https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=n0sne9%24iis%241%40ger.gmane.org
+# GM: Example of "high bit" chars in listings. Fails with XeTeX due ot 
+# limiation to ASCII (no LICR in listings possible). Gives correct warning.
+# GM: Non-ASCII char in verbatim environment.
+# Fails with ASCII (and hence also with XeTeX).
+# TODO: We need to determine the correct reason for failure (most probably
+# incompatible packages, maybe also loading of lmodern.sty in the user
+# preamble) or state that we don't know it.
+# GM: Seems to be a case of the polyglossia + language-nesting problem
+# GM: Files in the attic with changed settings 
+# (i.e. could be ERT, package incompatiblity, ...)
+# GM: Don't know what is to be expected with indices and Xe/Lua
+# GM: Babel's Russian language definition file has the same
+# problem as LyX 2.0: it does not care for the combi Xe/Lua + TeX fonts: after
+# testing the engine, it switches to "unicode modus".
+# GM: Babel-Spanish uses Babel's "strings" feature to define
+# separate auto-strings using UTF-8 literals.
+# Babel uses the "unicode" strings if it detects XeTeX or LuaTeX.
+# This is wrong for Xe/Lua with 8-bit TeX-fonts.
+# (It can be overridden adding the "strings=generic" option to Babel.)
+# for now inverted
+# GM: Missing character: There is no 砋 (U+780B) in font
+#     "file:lmroman10-regular:script=latn;+trep;+tlig;"!
+# Character '砋' (30731, 0x780B) is not in my list of known Unicode points,
+# don't know where it comes from. On first inspection, the output looks OK.
+# Explore later.
+# GM: * lmodern.sty
+#     * missing commands and missing characters
+# GM: Non-ASCII in ERT
+# GM: Non-ASCII in verbatim and index entries
+# GM: lmodern.sty? + maybe more
+# GM: language nesting error (polyglossia) (known bug)
+# GM: Babel-Russian uses UTF-8 for auto-strings if it detects Xe/LuaTeX.
+# This fails unless the inputencoding is set to utf-8, too.
+# GM: chemgreek incompatible with LuaTeX (cf. Math.lyx)
+# for now inverted
+Sublabel: chemgreek
+Sublabel: RESET
+# GM: * seminar uses Postscript specials and does not work with PDF (pdflatex).
+#     * Landscape slides do not work with DVI.
+# Export to certain formats cannot be excluded from a module currently,
+# but even if they don't report an error, other formats result in corrupt
+# output documents (missing landscape slides).
+# GM: Korean? I don't expect this to work with Xe/Lua and TeXfonts.
+# Following mathmacros tests fail
+# Language nesting, document is OK, fails because of a bug in LyX