installer: some further updates

- updated translations
- better check if MiKTeX was installed without admin privileges
- remove support for the outdated MiKTeX 2.7
This commit is contained in:
Uwe Stöhr 2012-11-15 01:37:59 +01:00
parent fac3217c46
commit 6c87c3626b
4 changed files with 48 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
Changelog for LyX-205-3:
- fixed infinite loop when starting the installer and not having Ghostscript previously installed (LyX bug #8417)
- updated to JabRef 2.8.1
- updated French and Spanish translation of the installer messages
- removed support for old installations of MiKTeX version 2.7 and older
Changelog for LyX-205-2:

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Function LaTeXActions
Call LaTeXCheck # sets the path to the latex.exe to $PathLaTeX # Function from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $PathLaTeX != ""
# check if MiKTeX 2.7 or newer is installed
# check if MiKTeX 2.8 or newer is installed
StrCpy $0 0
EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\\MiKTeX" $0 # check the last subkey
@ -40,10 +40,6 @@ Function LaTeXActions
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
Goto loopA
${if} $String == "2.7"
StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.7"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.7"
${if} $String == "2.8"
StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.8"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.8"
@ -73,10 +69,6 @@ Function LaTeXActions
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
Goto loopB
${if} $String == "2.7"
StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.7"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.7"
${if} $String == "2.8"
StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.8"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.8"
@ -119,7 +111,6 @@ Function LaTeXActions
${if} $PathLaTeX != ""
${andif} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.7"
${andif} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.8"
${andif} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.9"
StrCpy $LaTeXName "TeXLive"
@ -200,10 +191,11 @@ Function ConfigureMiKTeX
# only install a Perl interpreter if it is not already installed
# this is only possible if miktex and LyX is installed with the same privileges
# this is only possible if MikTeX _and_ LyX is installed with the same privileges
ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MiKTeX $MiKTeXVersion" "DisplayVersion"
${if} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin"
${andif} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power"
${if} $PathLaTeX != "$LOCALAPPDATA\MiKTeX\$MiKTeXVersion\miktex\bin"
${if} $0 == ""
${ifnot} ${FileExists} "$PathLaTeX\perl.exe"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(MultipleIndexesNotAvailable)"
@ -265,19 +257,15 @@ Function UpdateMiKTeX
StrCpy $0 $PathLaTeX -4 # remove "\bin"
# the update wizard is either started by the copystart_admin.exe
# or the miktex-update.exe (since MiKTeX 2.8)
# the update wizard is started by the miktex-update.exe
${if} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin"
${andif} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power"
# call the non-admin version
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\copystart.exe" "$0\config\update.dat"'
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\internal\miktex-update.exe"'
${if} $MiKTeXUser != "HKCU" # call the admin version
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\copystart_admin.exe" "$0\config\update.dat"'
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\internal\miktex-update_admin.exe"' # run MiKTeX's update wizard
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\internal\miktex-update_admin.exe"'
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\copystart.exe" "$0\config\update.dat"'
ExecWait '"$PathLaTeX\internal\miktex-update.exe"'

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ${LangFileString} TEXT_WELCOME "Cet assistant va vous guider tout au long de l'i
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_MIKTEXFNDB "Mise à jour de la base de données MiKTeX..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX "Configuration de LyX (MiKTeX peut télécharger les paquetages manquants, ceci peut prendre du temps) ..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON "Compiling Python scripts..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON "Compilation des scripts Python..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_DESKTOP "Créer un raccourci sur le bureau"
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_WEBSITE "Consulter les dernières nouvelles, trucs et astuces sur le site"
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ ${LangFileString} SecFileAssocTitle "Associations de fichiers"
${LangFileString} SecDesktopTitle "Icône du bureau"
${LangFileString} SecCoreDescription "Les fichiers LyX"
${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefDescription "Gestionnaire de références bibliographiques et éditeur de ficjiers BibTeX."
${LangFileString} SecAllUsersDescription "Installer LyX pour tous les utilisateurs, ou seulement pour l'utilisateur courant ?."
${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefDescription "Gestionnaire de références bibliographiques et éditeur de fichiers BibTeX."
${LangFileString} SecAllUsersDescription "Installer LyX pour tous les utilisateurs, ou seulement pour l$\'utilisateur courant ?"
${LangFileString} SecFileAssocDescription "Les fichiers de suffixe .lyx seront automatiquement ouverts dans LyX."
${LangFileString} SecDesktopDescription "Une icône LyX sur le bureau."
${LangFileString} SecDictionariesDescription "Spell-checker dictionaries that can be downloaded and installed."
${LangFileString} SecThesaurusDescription "Thesaurus dictionaries that can be downloaded and installed."
${LangFileString} SecDictionariesDescription "Les dictionnaires pour correcteur orthographique qui peuvent être téléchargés et installés."
${LangFileString} SecThesaurusDescription "Les dictionnaires de synonymes qui peuvent être téléchargés et installés."
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader1 'Distribution LaTeX'
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader2 'Choisir la distribution LaTeX que LyX devra utiliser.'
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ ${LangFileString} LatexError1 'Distribution LaTeX introuvable !$\r$\n\
LyX ne peut être utilisé sans distribution LaTeX, comme par exemple $\"MiKTeX$\" !$\r$\n\
L$\'installation de LyX va donc être abandonnée.'
${LangFileString} HunspellFailed 'Download of dictionary for language $\"$R3$\" failed.'
${LangFileString} ThesaurusFailed 'Download of thesaurus for language $\"$R3$\" failed.'
${LangFileString} HunspellFailed 'Le chargement du dictionnaire pour la langue $\"$R3$\" a échoué.'
${LangFileString} ThesaurusFailed 'Le chargement du dictionnaire de synonymes pour la langue $\"$R3$\" a échoué.'
${LangFileString} JabRefInfo 'Lancement de l$\'installation de l$\'application $\"JabRef$\".$\r$\n\
Vous pouvez utiliser les options implicites du programme d$\'installation JabRef.'
@ -81,34 +81,34 @@ ${LangFileString} MiKTeXInfo 'La distribution LaTeX $\"MiKTeX$\" sera utilis
avant d$\'utiliser LyX pour la première fois.$\r$\n\
Voulez-vous vérifier maintenant les mises à jour de MiKTeX ?'
${LangFileString} ModifyingConfigureFailed "Échec de l'allocation 'path_prefix' lors de la configuration."
${LangFileString} ModifyingConfigureFailed "Échec de l$\'allocation 'path_prefix' lors de la configuration."
${LangFileString} RunConfigureFailed "Échec de la tentative de configuration initiale de LyX."
${LangFileString} NotAdmin "Vous devez avoir les droits d'administration pour installer LyX !"
${LangFileString} InstallRunning "Le programme d'installation est toujours en cours !"
${LangFileString} NotAdmin "Vous devez avoir les droits d$\'administration pour installer LyX !"
${LangFileString} InstallRunning "Le programme d$\'installation est toujours en cours !"
${LangFileString} StillInstalled "LyX ${APP_SERIES_KEY2} est déjà installé ! Le désinstaller d'abord."
${LangFileString} NewerInstalled "You are trying to install an older version of LyX than what you have installed.$\r$\n\
If you really want this, you must uninstall the existing LyX $OldVersionNumber before."
${LangFileString} NewerInstalled "Vous essayez d$\'installer une version de LyX plus ancienne que celle qui est déjà installée.$\r$\n\
Si c$\'est ce qu vous voulez, vous devez d$\'abord désinstaller LyX $OldVersionNumber."
${LangFileString} MultipleIndexesNotAvailable "The support for using several indexes in a document will not be available because$\r$\n\
MiKTeX was installed with administrator privileges but you are installing LyX without them."
${LangFileString} MetafileNotAvailable "The LyX support for images in the format EMF or WMF will not be$\r$\n\
available because that requires to install a software printer to$\r$\n\
Windows which is only possible with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} MultipleIndexesNotAvailable "La possibilité d$\'utiliser plusieurs indexes dans un même document ne sera pas disponible car$\r$\n\
MiKTeX a été installé avec des privilèges d$\'administrateur et LyX a été istallé sans."
${LangFileString} MetafileNotAvailable "La prise en compte par LyX d$\'images au format EMF ou WMF ne sera pas disponible$\r$\n\
car elle necessite l$\'installation dans Windows d$\'une imprimante logicielle, $\r$\n\
ce qui n$\'est possible qu$\'avec des privilèges d$\'administrateur."
${LangFileString} FinishPageMessage "Félicitations ! LyX est installé avec succès.$\r$\n\
(Le premier démarrage de LyX peut demander quelques secondes.)"
${LangFileString} FinishPageRun "Démarrer LyX"
${LangFileString} UnNotInRegistryLabel "LyX introuvable dans le base des registres.$\r$\n\
${LangFileString} UnNotInRegistryLabel "LyX introuvable dans la base des registres.$\r$\n\
Les raccourcis sur le bureau et dans le menu de démarrage ne seront pas supprimés."
${LangFileString} UnInstallRunning "Vous devez fermer LyX d'abord !"
${LangFileString} UnNotAdminLabel "Vous devez avoir les droits d'administration pour désinstaller LyX !"
${LangFileString} UnInstallRunning "Vous devez fermer LyX d$\'abord !"
${LangFileString} UnNotAdminLabel "Vous devez avoir les droits d$\'administration pour désinstaller LyX !"
${LangFileString} UnReallyRemoveLabel "Êtes vous sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer complètement LyX et tous ses composants ?"
${LangFileString} UnLyXPreferencesTitle 'Préférences utilisateurs de LyX'
${LangFileString} SecUnMiKTeXDescription "Désinstalle la distribution LaTeX MiKTeX."
${LangFileString} SecUnJabRefDescription "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
${LangFileString} SecUnJabRefDescription "Désinstalle le gestionnaire de bibliographie JabRef."
${LangFileString} SecUnPreferencesDescription 'Supprime le répertoire de configuration de LyX$\r$\n\
pour tous les utilisateurs.'

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
!insertmacro LANGFILE_EXT "Spanish"
${LangFileString} TEXT_INSTALL_CURRENTUSER "(Installed for Current User)"
${LangFileString} TEXT_INSTALL_CURRENTUSER "(Instalado para el actual usuario)"
${LangFileString} TEXT_WELCOME "Este programa instalará LyX en su ordenador.$\r$\n\
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_MIKTEXFNDB "Updating MiKTeX filename database..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX "Configuring LyX (MiKTeX may download missing packages, this can take some time) ..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON "Compiling Python scripts..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_MIKTEXFNDB "Actualizando la base de datos de nombre de archivo MiKTeX..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX "Configurando LyX (MiKTeX podría descargar paquetes faltantes, lo que puede tardar un tiempo) ..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON "Compilando guiones Python..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_DESKTOP "Create desktop shortcut"
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_WEBSITE "Visit for the latest news, support and tips"
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_DESKTOP "Crear acceso directo en el escritorio"
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_WEBSITE "Visite para últimas noticias, ayuda y consejos"
${LangFileString} FileTypeTitle "Documento LyX"
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ ${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefDescription "Administrador de referencias bibliog
${LangFileString} SecAllUsersDescription "Instalar LyX para todos los usuarios o sólo para el usuario actual."
${LangFileString} SecFileAssocDescription "Asociar la extensión .lyx con LyX."
${LangFileString} SecDesktopDescription "Crear un icono de LyX en el escritorio."
${LangFileString} SecDictionariesDescription "Spell-checker dictionaries that can be downloaded and installed."
${LangFileString} SecThesaurusDescription "Thesaurus dictionaries that can be downloaded and installed."
${LangFileString} SecDictionariesDescription "Diccionarios de revisión ortográfica que se pueden descargar e instalar."
${LangFileString} SecThesaurusDescription "Diccionarios de sinónimos que se pueden descargar e instalar."
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader1 'Distribución LaTeX'
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader2 'Elija la distribución de LaTeX que debería emplear LyX.'
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ ${LangFileString} LatexError1 '
¡LyX no funciona sin una distribución de LaTeX como $\"MiKTeX$\"!$\r$\n\
Por lo tanto la instalación se abortará.'
${LangFileString} HunspellFailed 'Download of dictionary for language $\"$R3$\" failed.'
${LangFileString} ThesaurusFailed 'Download of thesaurus for language $\"$R3$\" failed.'
${LangFileString} HunspellFailed 'La descarga del diccionario para el idioma $\"$R3$\" ha fallado.'
${LangFileString} ThesaurusFailed 'La descarga del diccionario de sinónimos para el idioma $\"$R3$\" ha fallado.'
${LangFileString} JabRefInfo 'Ahora se lanzará el instalador del programa $\"JabRef$\".$\r$\n\
Puede utilizar todas las opciones por defecto del instaldor de JabRef.'
@ -78,14 +78,13 @@ ${LangFileString} RunConfigureFailed "Error al intentar ejecutar el programa de
${LangFileString} NotAdmin "Necesita privilegios de administrador para instalar LyX!"
${LangFileString} InstallRunning "El instalador ya esta siendo ejecutado!"
${LangFileString} StillInstalled "¡LyX ${APP_SERIES_KEY2} ya esta instalado! Antes desinstale LyX."
${LangFileString} NewerInstalled "You are trying to install an older version of LyX than what you have installed.$\r$\n\
If you really want this, you must uninstall the existing LyX $OldVersionNumber before."
${LangFileString} NewerInstalled "Está tratando de instalar una versión de LyX más antigua que la que tiene instalada.$\r$\n\
Si realmente lo desea, debe desinstalar antes la versión de LyX instalada $OldVersionNumber."
${LangFileString} MultipleIndexesNotAvailable "The support for using several indexes in a document will not be available because$\r$\n\
MiKTeX was installed with administrator privileges but you are installing LyX without them."
${LangFileString} MetafileNotAvailable "The LyX support for images in the format EMF or WMF will not be$\r$\n\
available because that requires to install a software printer to$\r$\n\
Windows which is only possible with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} MultipleIndexesNotAvailable "El soporte para el uso de varios índices en un documento no estará disponible porque$\r$\n\
MiKTeX se instaló con privilegios de administrador pero LyX se está instalando ahora sin ellos."
${LangFileString} MetafileNotAvailable "El soporte de LyX para imágenes en formato EMF o WMF no estará$\r$\n\
disponible, ya que requiere la instalación de un software de impresora$\r$\n\ para Windows que sólo es posible con privilegios de administrador."
${LangFileString} FinishPageMessage "¡Enhorabuena! LyX ha sido instalado con éxito.$\r$\n\