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synced 2024-12-31 07:45:44 +00:00
DocBook: output inline equations in their own paragraph if they are the only inset of the paragraph.
It's invalid to have an <inlineequation> outside a paragraph. Another solution would have been to change InsetMathHull::docbook to generate an <informalequation>, but that function would have required more knowledge about its context than now. Need more tests to determine if <inlineequation> should only be output for hullSimple or in more cases like: const static std::set<HullType> inlineHulls = { hullUnknown, hullNone, hullSimple, hullEquation, hullMultline, hullGather, hullRegexp };
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
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% the documentation team
% email: lyx-docs@lists.lyx.org
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% für Mehrfachzeilen, benutzt in Kap. 24.7
% benutzt in Kap. 19.4
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% Farbdefinition aus Kap. 9.3
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% Beispielmakro aus Kap. 19.4
% Damit der Index einen anderen Namen erhält.
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% benötigt für physikalische Vektoren
% testen ob Paket cancel installiert ist
% testen ob Paket upgreek installiert ist
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\begin_layout Title
\SpecialChar LyX
' detailliertes Mathe Handbuch
\begin_layout Section
Grundlegende Funktionen
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
ergibt der Befehl
\series bold
\begin_inset space \textvisiblespace{}
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $A\dotfill B$
\begin_layout Standard
Analog dazu gibt es für eine Linie den Befehl
\series bold
\series default
\begin_inset Index idx
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Befehle ! H !
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $A\hrulefill B$
\begin_layout Standard
Um die Befehle für Text zu verwenden, müssen sie im \SpecialChar TeX
-Modus eingegeben werden.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0dev
See http://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
<article xml:lang="de_DE" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="5.2">
<title>LyX' detailliertes Mathe Handbuch</title>
<title>Grundlegende Funktionen</title>
<para>Z. B. ergibt der Befehl <emphasis role='bold'>A\dotfill␣B</emphasis></para>
<alt role='tex'>A\dotfill B</alt>
<mathphrase>MathML export failed. Please report this as a bug.</mathphrase>
<para>Analog dazu gibt es für eine Linie den Befehl <emphasis role='bold'>\hrulefill</emphasis><indexterm><primary>Befehle</primary><secondary>H</secondary><tertiary>\textbackslash hrulefill</tertiary></indexterm>:</para>
<alt role='tex'>A\hrulefill B</alt>
<mathphrase>MathML export failed. Please report this as a bug.</mathphrase>
<para>Um die Befehle für Text zu verwenden, müssen sie im TeX-Modus eingegeben werden.</para>
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "insets/InsetBibtex.h"
#include "insets/InsetBibitem.h"
#include "insets/InsetLabel.h"
#include "mathed/InsetMath.h"
#include "insets/InsetNote.h"
#include "support/lassert.h"
@ -447,8 +448,9 @@ void makeParagraph(
// Plain layouts must be ignored.
special_case |= buf.params().documentClass().isPlainLayout(par->layout()) && !runparams.docbook_force_pars;
// Equations do not deserve their own paragraph (DocBook allows them outside paragraphs).
// Exception: any case that generates an <inlineequation> must still get a paragraph to be valid.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset && inset.inset->asInsetMath();
return inset.inset && inset.inset->asInsetMath() && inset.inset->asInsetMath()->getType() != hullSimple;
// TODO: Could get rid of this with a DocBook equivalent to htmlisblock? Not for all cases, unfortunately... See above for those that have been determined not to be allowable for this potential refactoring.
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