fixes to lyx2lyx's revert_language tool.

This commit is contained in:
Günter Milde 2019-05-30 00:07:33 +02:00
parent fc99ef2ab3
commit 7bb3028607
5 changed files with 908 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
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@ -160,6 +164,11 @@ enumitem
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\color #faf0e6
\index Stichwortverzeichnis
\shortcut idx
\color #008000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
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\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
Friulan Document mixing English and Friulan text.
\begin_layout Standard
This is a Friulan paragraph.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
English paragraph with one
\lang friulan
\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
Friulan paragraph
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
English footnote
with one
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Quote
This is a Friulan quote.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
Followed by an English
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Friulan footnote
\lang english
not recognized by the lyx2lyx emulation.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang english
List with
\begin_layout Enumerate
Friulan paragraphs
\begin_layout Itemize
\lang english
with nested item list with English item
\begin_layout Itemize
and Friulan list item.
\begin_layout Enumerate
in the middle
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang english
of it.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
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placement document
alignment document
wide false
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Friulan text in English caption inset
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
Friulan table cells not recognised if the table has outer language English.
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
Lyxlist with
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
Friulan item
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
inside it.
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
Description with
\begin_layout Description
Friulan item
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
inside it.

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
\begin_layout Standard
Document mixing English and Friulan text.
English document mixing English and Friulan text.
\begin_layout Standard
@ -98,13 +98,33 @@ This is a Friulan paragraph.
\begin_layout Standard
Followed by an English paragraph with one
English paragraph with one
\lang friulan
\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
\lang friulan
Friulan paragraph
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
English footnote
with one
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Quote
\lang friulan
@ -134,9 +154,21 @@ List with
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang friulan
Friulan paragraphs
Friulan paragraph
\begin_layout Itemize
with nested item list with English item
\begin_layout Itemize
\lang friulan
and Friulan list item.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang friulan
@ -224,10 +256,6 @@ cells
\begin_layout Plain Layout
@ -248,14 +276,21 @@ Lyxlist with
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang friulan
\lang english
label and
Friulan item
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang friulan
\lang english
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang friulan
@ -265,5 +300,33 @@ content
inside it.
\begin_layout Description
Description with
\begin_layout Description
\lang friulan
Friulan item
\begin_layout Description
\lang friulan
\lang english
\begin_layout Description
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Description
inside it.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
Friulan Document mixing English and Friulan text.
\begin_layout Standard
This is a Friulan paragraph.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
English paragraph with one
\lang friulan
\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
Friulan paragraph
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
English footnote
with one
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Quote
This is a Friulan quote.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
Followed by an English
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Friulan footnote
\lang english
not recognized by the lyx2lyx emulation.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang english
List with
\begin_layout Enumerate
Friulan paragraphs
\begin_layout Itemize
\lang english
with nested item list with English item
\begin_layout Itemize
and Friulan list item.
\begin_layout Enumerate
in the middle
\begin_layout Enumerate
\lang english
of it.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
\begin_inset Float table
placement document
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Friulan text in English caption inset
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
\begin_inset Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="2" columns="2">
<features tabularvalignment="middle">
<column alignment="center" valignment="top">
<column alignment="center" valignment="top">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
Friulan table cells not recognised if the table has outer language English.
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
Lyxlist with
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
Friulan item
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
\lang english
inside it.
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
Description with
\begin_layout Description
Friulan item
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
\lang friulan
\begin_layout Description
\lang english
inside it.

View File

@ -90,8 +90,10 @@ revert_language(document, lyxname, babelname="", polyglossianame=""):
this language package is not supported for the given language.
from __future__ import print_function
import re, sys
from parser_tools import find_token, find_end_of_inset, get_containing_layout, get_value, get_bool_value
from parser_tools import (find_token, find_end_of_inset, get_containing_layout,
get_containing_inset, get_value, get_bool_value)
from unicode_symbols import unicode_reps
# This will accept either a list of lines or a single line.
@ -634,6 +636,16 @@ def is_document_option(document, option):
return True
singlepar_insets = [s.strip() for s in
u"Argument, Caption Above, Caption Below, Caption Bicaption,"
u"Caption Centered, Caption FigCaption, Caption Standard, Caption Table,"
u"Flex Chemistry, Flex Fixme_Note, Flex Latin, Flex ListOfSlides,"
u"Flex Missing_Figure, Flex PDF-Annotation, Flex PDF-Comment-Setup,"
u"Flex Reflectbox, Flex S/R expression, Flex Sweave Input File,"
u"Flex Sweave Options, Flex Thanks_Reference, Flex URL, Foot InTitle,"
u"IPADeco, Index, Info, Phantom, Script".split(',')]
# print(singlepar_insets)
def revert_language(document, lyxname, babelname="", polyglossianame=""):
" Revert native language support "
@ -654,85 +666,134 @@ def revert_language(document, lyxname, babelname="", polyglossianame=""):
with_babel = with_polyglossia == False and babelname != ""
# Are we dealing with a primary or secondary language?
primary = False
primary = document.language == lyxname
secondary = False
orig_doc_language = document.language
# Main language first
if document.language == lyxname:
primary = True
orig_doc_language = document.language
if primary:
# Change LyX document language to English (we will tell LaTeX
# to use the original language at the end of this function):
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language %s" % lyxname, 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
if with_polyglossia:
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\AtBeginDocument{\setotherlanguage{%s}}" % polyglossianame])
document.body[2 : 2] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\resetdefaultlanguage{%s}"%polyglossianame,
is_open=True, as_paragraph=True)
# Now secondary languages
# Now look for occurences in the body
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\lang', i)
i = find_token(document.body, "\\lang", i+1)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i].startswith('\\lang %s' % lyxname):
if document.body[i].startswith("\\lang %s" % lyxname):
secondary = True
endlang = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)[2]
langswitch = find_token(document.body, '\\lang', i + 1, endlang)
as_paragraph = True
if langswitch != -1:
endlang = langswitch
as_paragraph = False
if with_polyglossia:
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\AtBeginDocument{\setotherlanguage{%s}}" % polyglossianame])
document.body[endlang:endlang] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{%s}"%polyglossianame,
elif with_babel:
document.body[endlang:endlang] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{otherlanguage}",
del document.body[i]
if with_polyglossia:
document.body[i:i] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{%s}"%polyglossianame,
elif with_babel:
document.body[i:i] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{otherlanguage}{%s}" % babelname,
elif primary and document.body[i].startswith('\\lang english'):
texname = use_polyglossia and polyglossianame or babelname
elif primary and document.body[i].startswith("\\lang english"):
# Since we switched the main language manually, English parts need to be marked
endlang = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)[2]
langswitch = find_token(document.body, '\\lang', i + 1, endlang)
as_paragraph = True
if langswitch != -1:
endlang = langswitch
as_paragraph = False
if with_polyglossia:
parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
document.body[endlang:endlang] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{english}",
elif with_babel:
parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
document.body[endlang:endlang] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{otherlanguage}",
del document.body[i]
if with_polyglossia:
document.body[i:i] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{english}",
elif with_babel:
document.body[i:i] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{otherlanguage}{english}",
texname = "english"
i += 1
# With babel, we need to add the language options
if with_babel and (primary or secondary):
parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
i_e = parent[2] # end line no,
# print(i, texname, parent, document.body[i+1], file=sys.stderr)
# Move leading space to the previous line:
if document.body[i+1].startswith(" "):
document.body[i+1] = document.body[i+1][1:]
document.body.insert(i, " ")
# Ensure correct handling of list labels
if (parent[0] in ["Labeling", "Description"]
and not " " in "\n".join(document.body[parent[3]:i])):
# line `i+1` is first line of a list item,
# part before a space character is the label
# TODO: insets or language change before first space character
labelline = document.body[i+1].split(' ', 1)
if len(labelline) > 1:
# Insert a space in the (original) document language
# between label and remainder.
# print(" Label:", labelline, file=sys.stderr)
lines = [labelline[0],
"\\lang %s" % orig_doc_language,
" ",
"\\lang %s" % (primary and "english" or lyxname),
document.body[i+1:i+2] = lines
i_e += 4
# Find out where to end the language change.
langswitch = i
while True:
langswitch = find_token(document.body, "\\lang", langswitch+1, i_e)
if langswitch == -1:
# print(" ", langswitch, document.body[langswitch], file=sys.stderr)
# skip insets
i_a = parent[3] # paragraph start line
container = get_containing_inset(document.body[i_a:i_e], langswitch-i_a)
if container and container[1] < langswitch-i_a and container[2] > langswitch-i_a:
# print(" inset", container, file=sys.stderr)
i_e = langswitch
# use function or environment?
singlepar = i_e - i < 3
if not singlepar and parent[0] == "Plain Layout":
# environment not allowed in some insets
container = get_containing_inset(document.body, i)
singlepar = container[0] in singlepar_insets
# Delete empty language switches:
if not "".join(document.body[i+1:i_e]):
del document.body[i:i_e]
i -= 1
if singlepar:
if with_polyglossia:
begin_cmd = "\\text%s{"%texname
elif with_babel:
begin_cmd = "\\foreignlanguage{%s}{" % texname
end_cmd = "}"
if with_polyglossia:
begin_cmd = "\\begin{%s}"%texname
end_cmd = "\\end{%s}"%texname
elif with_babel:
begin_cmd = "\\begin{otherlanguage}{%s}" % texname
end_cmd = "\\end{otherlanguage}"
if (not primary or texname == "english"):
document.body[i_e:i_e] = put_cmd_in_ert(end_cmd)
document.body[i+1:i+1] = put_cmd_in_ert(begin_cmd)
del document.body[i]
if not (primary or secondary):
# Make the language known to Babel/Polyglossia and ensure the correct
# document language:
doc_lang_switch = ""
if with_babel:
# add as global option
insert_document_option(document, babelname)
if secondary and document.body[10] != "selectlanguage{%s}" % orig_doc_language:
# Since the user options are always placed after the babel options,
# we need to reset the main language
document.body[2:2] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\selectlanguage{%s}" % orig_doc_language,
is_open=True, as_paragraph=True)
# Since user options are appended to the document options,
# Babel will treat `babelname` as primary language.
if not primary:
doc_lang_switch = "\\selectlanguage{%s}" % orig_doc_language
if with_polyglossia:
# Define language in the user preamble
# (don't use \AtBeginDocument, this fails with some languages).
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{polyglossia}",
"\\setotherlanguage{%s}" % polyglossianame])
if primary:
# Changing the main language must be done in the document body.
doc_lang_switch = "\\resetdefaultlanguage{%s}" % polyglossianame
# Reset LaTeX main language if required and not already done
if doc_lang_switch and doc_lang_switch not in document.body[8:20] != doc_lang_switch:
document.body[2:2] = put_cmd_in_ert(doc_lang_switch,
is_open=True, as_paragraph=True)