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synced 2024-12-22 05:16:21 +00:00
Provide convert_arguments with some knowledge about our layouts and modules
This commit is contained in:
@ -1133,16 +1133,118 @@ def revert_uop(document):
def convert_latexargs(document):
" Convert InsetArgument to new syntax "
if find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", 0) == -1:
# nothing to do.
# A list of layouts (document classes) with only optional or no arguments.
# These can be safely converted to the new syntax
# (I took the liberty to add some of my personal layouts/modules here; JSP)
safe_layouts = ["aa", "aapaper", "aastex", "achemso", "acmsiggraph", "AEA",
"agu-dtd", "agums", "agutex", "amsart", "amsbook", "apa",
"arab-article", "armenian-article", "article-beamer", "article",
"beamer", "book", "broadway", "chess", "cl2emult", "ctex-article",
"ctex-book", "ctex-report", "dinbrief", "docbook-book", "docbook-chapter",
"docbook", "docbook-section", "doublecol-new", "dtk", "ectaart", "egs",
"elsarticle", "elsart", "entcs", "europecv", "extarticle", "extbook",
"extletter", "extreport", "foils", "frletter", "g-brief2", "g-brief",
"heb-article", "heb-letter", "hollywood", "IEEEtran", "ijmpc", "ijmpd",
"iopart", "isprs", "jarticle", "jasatex", "jbook", "jgrga", "jreport",
"jsarticle", "jsbeamer", "jsbook", "jss", "kluwer", "latex8", "letter", "lettre",
"literate-article", "literate-book", "literate-report", "llncs", "ltugboat",
"memoir", "moderncv", "mwart", "mwbk", "mwrep", "paper", "powerdot",
"recipebook", "report", "revtex4", "revtex", "scrartcl", "scrarticle-beamer",
"scrbook", "scrlettr", "scrlttr2", "scrreprt", "seminar", "siamltex",
"sigplanconf", "simplecv", "singlecol", "singlecol-new", "slides", "spie",
"svglobal3", "svglobal", "svjog", "svmono", "svmult", "svprobth", "tarticle",
"tbook", "treport", "tufte-book", "tufte-handout"]
# A list of "safe" modules, same as above
safe_modules = ["biblatex", "beameraddons", "beamersession", "braille", "customHeadersFooters",
"endnotes", "enumitem", "eqs-within-sections", "figs-within-sections", "fix-cm",
"fixltx2e", "foottoend", "hanging", "jscharstyles", "knitr", "lilypond",
"linguistics", "linguisticx", "logicalmkup", "minimalistic", "nomindex", "noweb",
"pdfcomment", "sweave", "tabs-within-sections", "theorems-ams-bytype",
"theorems-ams-extended-bytype", "theorems-ams-extended", "theorems-ams", "theorems-bytype",
"theorems-chap-bytype", "theorems-chap", "theorems-named", "theorems-sec-bytype",
"theorems-sec", "theorems-starred", "theorems-std", "todonotes"]
# Modules we need to take care of
caveat_modules = ["initials"]
# information about the relevant styles in caveat_modules (number of opt and req args)
# use this if we get more caveat_modules. For now, use hard coding (see below).
# initials = [{'Layout' : 'Initial', 'opt' : 1, 'req' : 1}]
# Is this a known safe layout?
safe_layout = document.textclass in safe_layouts
if not safe_layout:
document.warning("Lyx2lyx knows nothing about textclass '%s'. "
"Please check if short title insets have been converted correctly."
% document.textclass)
# Do we use unsafe or unknown modules
mods = document.get_module_list()
unknown_modules = False
used_caveat_modules = list()
for mod in mods:
if mod in safe_modules:
if mod in caveat_modules:
unknown_modules = True
document.warning("Lyx2lyx knows nothing about module '%s'. "
"Please check if short title insets have been converted correctly."
% mod)
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
if i == -1:
# We cannot do more here since we have no access to the layout.
# InsetArgument itself will do the real work
# (see InsetArgument::updateBuffer())
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Argument 999"
i = i + 1
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
if i == -1:
if not safe_layout or unknown_modules:
# We cannot do more here since we have no access to this layout.
# InsetArgument itself will do the real work
# (see InsetArgument::updateBuffer())
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Argument 999"
i = i + 1
# Find beginning and end of the containing paragraph
parbeg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
if parbeg == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
parend = find_end_of_layout(document.body, parbeg)
if parend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Can't find end of parent paragraph layout")
allowed_opts = -1
first_req = -1
if len(used_caveat_modules) > 0:
# We know for now that this must be the initials module with the Initial layout
# If we get more such modules, we need some automating.
layoutname = get_value(document.body, "\\begin_layout", parbeg)
if layoutname == "Initial":
# Layout has 1 opt and 1 req arg.
# Count the actual arguments
actualargs = 0
for p in range(parbeg, parend):
if document.body[p] == "\\begin_inset Argument":
actualargs += 1
if actualargs == 1:
allowed_opts = 0
first_req = 2
# Collect all arguments in this paragraph
argnr = 0
for p in range(parbeg, parend):
if document.body[p] == "\\begin_inset Argument":
argnr += 1
if allowed_opts != -1:
# We have less arguments than opt + required.
# required must take precedence.
if argnr > allowed_opts and argnr < first_req:
argnr = first_req
document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument %d" % argnr
i = i + 1
def revert_latexargs(document):
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