Remove boost/format support

Only ChkTex.cpp used it, whereas the rest of our code uses the simpler bformat.
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes 2016-05-19 12:01:08 +02:00 committed by Richard Heck
parent b639056981
commit 87d4ce0ff7
25 changed files with 2 additions and 3532 deletions

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// format.hpp : primary header
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <locale>
// *** Compatibility framework
#include <boost/format/detail/compat_workarounds.hpp>
#include <cctype> // we'll use the non-locale <cctype>'s std::isdigit(int)
// **** Forward declarations ----------------------------------
#include <boost/format/format_fwd.hpp> // basic_format<Ch,Tr>, and other frontends
#include <boost/format/internals_fwd.hpp> // misc forward declarations for internal use
// **** Auxiliary structs (stream_format_state<Ch,Tr> , and format_item<Ch,Tr> )
#include <boost/format/internals.hpp>
// **** Format class interface --------------------------------
#include <boost/format/format_class.hpp>
// **** Exceptions -----------------------------------------------
#include <boost/format/exceptions.hpp>
// **** Implementation -------------------------------------------
#include <boost/format/format_implementation.hpp> // member functions
#include <boost/format/group.hpp> // class for grouping arguments
#include <boost/format/feed_args.hpp> // argument-feeding functions
#include <boost/format/parsing.hpp> // format-string parsing (member-)functions
// **** Implementation of the free functions ----------------------
#include <boost/format/free_funcs.hpp>
// *** Undefine 'local' macros :
#include <boost/format/detail/unset_macros.hpp>

View File

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// alt_sstream.hpp : alternative stringstream
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <boost/format/detail/compat_workarounds.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
template<class Ch, class Tr=::std::char_traits<Ch>,
class Alloc=::std::allocator<Ch> >
class basic_altstringbuf;
template<class Ch, class Tr =::std::char_traits<Ch>,
class Alloc=::std::allocator<Ch> >
class basic_oaltstringstream;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
class basic_altstringbuf
: public ::std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Tr>
typedef ::std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Tr> streambuf_t;
typedef typename CompatAlloc<Alloc>::compatible_type compat_allocator_type;
typedef typename CompatTraits<Tr>::compatible_type compat_traits_type;
typedef Ch char_type;
typedef Tr traits_type;
typedef typename compat_traits_type::int_type int_type;
typedef typename compat_traits_type::pos_type pos_type;
typedef typename compat_traits_type::off_type off_type;
typedef Alloc allocator_type;
typedef ::std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc> string_type;
typedef typename string_type::size_type size_type;
typedef ::std::streamsize streamsize;
explicit basic_altstringbuf(std::ios_base::openmode mode
= std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out)
: putend_(NULL), is_allocated_(false), mode_(mode)
explicit basic_altstringbuf(const string_type& s,
::std::ios_base::openmode mode
= ::std::ios_base::in | ::std::ios_base::out)
: putend_(NULL), is_allocated_(false), mode_(mode)
{ dealloc(); str(s); }
virtual ~basic_altstringbuf()
{ dealloc(); }
using streambuf_t::pbase;
using streambuf_t::pptr;
using streambuf_t::epptr;
using streambuf_t::eback;
using streambuf_t::gptr;
using streambuf_t::egptr;
void clear_buffer();
void str(const string_type& s);
// 0-copy access :
Ch * begin() const;
size_type size() const;
size_type cur_size() const; // stop at current pointer
Ch * pend() const // the highest position reached by pptr() since creation
{ return ((putend_ < pptr()) ? pptr() : putend_); }
size_type pcount() const
{ return static_cast<size_type>( pptr() - pbase()) ;}
// copy buffer to string :
string_type str() const
{ return string_type(begin(), size()); }
string_type cur_str() const
{ return string_type(begin(), cur_size()); }
explicit basic_altstringbuf (basic_altstringbuf * s,
::std::ios_base::openmode mode
= ::std::ios_base::in | ::std::ios_base::out)
: putend_(NULL), is_allocated_(false), mode_(mode)
{ dealloc(); str(s); }
virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ::std::ios_base::seekdir way,
::std::ios_base::openmode which
= ::std::ios_base::in | ::std::ios_base::out);
virtual pos_type seekpos (pos_type pos,
::std::ios_base::openmode which
= ::std::ios_base::in | ::std::ios_base::out);
virtual int_type underflow();
virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type meta = compat_traits_type::eof());
virtual int_type overflow(int_type meta = compat_traits_type::eof());
void dealloc();
enum { alloc_min = 256}; // minimum size of allocations
Ch *putend_; // remembers (over seeks) the highest value of pptr()
bool is_allocated_;
::std::ios_base::openmode mode_;
compat_allocator_type alloc_; // the allocator object
// --- class basic_oaltstringstream ----------------------------------------
template <class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
class basic_oaltstringstream
: private base_from_member< shared_ptr< basic_altstringbuf< Ch, Tr, Alloc> > >,
public ::std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>
class No_Op {
// used as no-op deleter for (not-owner) shared_pointers
template<class T>
const T & operator()(const T & arg) { return arg; }
typedef ::std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> stream_t;
typedef boost::base_from_member<boost::shared_ptr<
basic_altstringbuf<Ch,Tr, Alloc> > >
typedef ::std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc> string_type;
typedef typename string_type::size_type size_type;
typedef basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc> stringbuf_t;
typedef Alloc allocator_type;
: pbase_type(new stringbuf_t), stream_t(rdbuf())
{ }
basic_oaltstringstream(::boost::shared_ptr<stringbuf_t> buf)
: pbase_type(buf), stream_t(rdbuf())
{ }
basic_oaltstringstream(stringbuf_t * buf)
: pbase_type(buf, No_Op() ), stream_t(rdbuf())
{ }
stringbuf_t * rdbuf() const
{ return pbase_type::member.get(); }
void clear_buffer()
{ rdbuf()->clear_buffer(); }
// 0-copy access :
Ch * begin() const
{ return rdbuf()->begin(); }
size_type size() const
{ return rdbuf()->size(); }
size_type cur_size() const // stops at current position
{ return rdbuf()->cur_size(); }
// copy buffer to string :
string_type str() const // [pbase, epptr[
{ return rdbuf()->str(); }
string_type cur_str() const // [pbase, pptr[
{ return rdbuf()->cur_str(); }
void str(const string_type& s)
{ rdbuf()->str(s); }
} // N.S. io
} // N.S. boost
#include <boost/format/alt_sstream_impl.hpp>
#endif // include guard

View File

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// alt_sstream_impl.hpp : alternative stringstream, templates implementation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace boost {
namespace io {
// --- Implementation ------------------------------------------------------//
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
clear_buffer () {
const Ch * p = pptr();
const Ch * b = pbase();
if(p != NULL && p != b) {
seekpos(0, ::std::ios_base::out);
p = gptr();
b = eback();
if(p != NULL && p != b) {
seekpos(0, ::std::ios_base::in);
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
str (const string_type& s) {
size_type sz=s.size();
if(sz != 0 && mode_ & (::std::ios_base::in | ::std::ios_base::out) ) {
void *vd_ptr = alloc_.allocate(sz, is_allocated_? eback() : 0);
Ch *new_ptr = static_cast<Ch *>(vd_ptr);
Ch *new_ptr = alloc_.allocate(sz, is_allocated_? eback() : 0);
// if this didnt throw, we're safe, update the buffer
sz = s.copy(new_ptr, sz);
putend_ = new_ptr + sz;
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in)
streambuf_t::setg(new_ptr, new_ptr, new_ptr + sz);
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::out) {
streambuf_t::setp(new_ptr, new_ptr + sz);
if(mode_ & (::std::ios_base::app | ::std::ios_base::ate))
if(gptr() == NULL)
streambuf_t::setg(new_ptr, NULL, new_ptr);
is_allocated_ = true;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
Ch* basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
begin () const {
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr() != NULL)
return pbase();
else if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in && gptr() != NULL)
return eback();
return NULL;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename std::basic_string<Ch,Tr,Alloc>::size_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
size () const {
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr())
return static_cast<size_type>(pend() - pbase());
else if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in && gptr())
return static_cast<size_type>(egptr() - eback());
return 0;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename std::basic_string<Ch,Tr,Alloc>::size_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
cur_size () const {
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr())
return static_cast<streamsize>( pptr() - pbase());
else if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in && gptr())
return static_cast<streamsize>( gptr() - eback());
return 0;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::pos_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
seekoff (off_type off, ::std::ios_base::seekdir way, ::std::ios_base::openmode which) {
if(pptr() != NULL && putend_ < pptr())
putend_ = pptr();
if(which & ::std::ios_base::in && gptr() != NULL) {
// get area
if(way == ::std::ios_base::end)
off += static_cast<off_type>(putend_ - gptr());
else if(way == ::std::ios_base::beg)
off += static_cast<off_type>(eback() - gptr());
else if(way != ::std::ios_base::cur || (which & ::std::ios_base::out) )
// (altering in&out is only supported if way is beg or end, not cur)
return pos_type(off_type(-1));
if(eback() <= off+gptr() && off+gptr() <= putend_ ) {
// set gptr
if(which & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr() != NULL)
// update pptr to match gptr
off = off_type(-1);
else if(which & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr() != NULL) {
// put area
if(way == ::std::ios_base::end)
off += static_cast<off_type>(putend_ - pptr());
else if(way == ::std::ios_base::beg)
off += static_cast<off_type>(pbase() - pptr());
else if(way != ::std::ios_base::beg)
return pos_type(off_type(-1));
if(pbase() <= off+pptr() && off+pptr() <= putend_)
// set pptr
off = off_type(-1);
else // neither in nor out
off = off_type(-1);
return (pos_type(off));
//- end seekoff(..)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::pos_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
seekpos (pos_type pos, ::std::ios_base::openmode which) {
off_type off = off_type(pos); // operation guaranteed by table 88
if(pptr() != NULL && putend_ < pptr())
putend_ = pptr();
if(off != off_type(-1)) {
if(which & ::std::ios_base::in && gptr() != NULL) {
// get area
if(0 <= off && off <= putend_ - eback()) {
streambuf_t::gbump(static_cast<int>(eback() - gptr() + off));
if(which & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr() != NULL) {
// update pptr to match gptr
off = off_type(-1);
else if(which & ::std::ios_base::out && pptr() != NULL) {
// put area
if(0 <= off && off <= putend_ - eback())
streambuf_t::pbump(static_cast<int>(eback() - pptr() + off));
off = off_type(-1);
else // neither in nor out
off = off_type(-1);
return (pos_type(off));
else {
BOOST_ASSERT(0); // § allows undefined-behaviour here
return pos_type(off_type(-1));
// -end seekpos(..)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::int_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
underflow () {
if(gptr() == NULL) // no get area -> nothing to get.
return (compat_traits_type::eof());
else if(gptr() < egptr()) // ok, in buffer
return (compat_traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr()));
else if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in && pptr() != NULL
&& (gptr() < pptr() || gptr() < putend_) )
{ // expand get area
if(putend_ < pptr())
putend_ = pptr(); // remember pptr reached this far
streambuf_t::setg(eback(), gptr(), putend_);
return (compat_traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr()));
else // couldnt get anything. EOF.
return (compat_traits_type::eof());
// -end underflow(..)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::int_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
pbackfail (int_type meta) {
if(gptr() != NULL && (eback() < gptr())
&& (mode_ & (::std::ios_base::out)
|| compat_traits_type::eq_int_type(compat_traits_type::eof(), meta)
|| compat_traits_type::eq(compat_traits_type::to_char_type(meta), gptr()[-1]) ) ) {
streambuf_t::gbump(-1); // back one character
if(!compat_traits_type::eq_int_type(compat_traits_type::eof(), meta))
// put-back meta into get area
*gptr() = compat_traits_type::to_char_type(meta);
return (compat_traits_type::not_eof(meta));
return (compat_traits_type::eof()); // failed putback
// -end pbackfail(..)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::int_type
basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
overflow (int_type meta) {
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
if(compat_traits_type::eq_int_type(compat_traits_type::eof(), meta))
return compat_traits_type::not_eof(meta); // nothing to do
else if(pptr() != NULL && pptr() < epptr()) {
return meta;
else if(! (mode_ & ::std::ios_base::out))
// no write position, and cant make one
return compat_traits_type::eof();
else { // make a write position available
std::size_t prev_size = pptr() == NULL ? 0 : epptr() - eback();
std::size_t new_size = prev_size;
// exponential growth : size *= 1.5
std::size_t add_size = new_size / 2;
if(add_size < alloc_min)
add_size = alloc_min;
Ch * newptr = NULL, *oldptr = eback();
// make sure adding add_size wont overflow size_t
while (0 < add_size && ((std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)()
- add_size < new_size) )
add_size /= 2;
if(0 < add_size) {
new_size += add_size;
void *vdptr = alloc_.allocate(new_size, is_allocated_? oldptr : 0);
newptr = static_cast<Ch *>(vdptr);
newptr = alloc_.allocate(new_size, is_allocated_? oldptr : 0);
if(0 < prev_size)
compat_traits_type::copy(newptr, oldptr, prev_size);
alloc_.deallocate(oldptr, prev_size);
if(prev_size == 0) { // first allocation
putend_ = newptr;
streambuf_t::setp(newptr, newptr + new_size);
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in)
streambuf_t::setg(newptr, newptr, newptr + 1);
streambuf_t::setg(newptr, 0, newptr);
else { // update pointers
putend_ = putend_ - oldptr + newptr;
int pptr_count = static_cast<int>(pptr()-pbase());
int gptr_count = static_cast<int>(gptr()-eback());
streambuf_t::setp(pbase() - oldptr + newptr, newptr + new_size);
if(mode_ & ::std::ios_base::in)
streambuf_t::setg(newptr, newptr + gptr_count, pptr() + 1);
streambuf_t::setg(newptr, 0, newptr);
return meta;
#pragma warning(pop)
// -end overflow(..)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: dealloc() {
alloc_.deallocate(eback(), (pptr() != NULL ? epptr() : egptr()) - eback());
is_allocated_ = false;
streambuf_t::setg(0, 0, 0);
streambuf_t::setp(0, 0);
putend_ = NULL;
}// N.S. io
} // N.S. boost
#endif // include guard

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// compat_workarounds : general framework for non-conformance workarounds
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// see for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// this file defines wrapper classes to hide non-conforming
// std::char_traits<> and std::allocator<> traits
// and Includes : config_macros.hpp (defines config macros
// and compiler-specific switches)
// Non-conformant Std-libs fail to supply conformant traits (std::char_traits,
// std::allocator) and/or the std::string doesnt support them.
// We don't want to have hundreds of #ifdef workarounds, so we define
// replacement traits.
// But both char_traits and allocator traits are visible in the interface,
// (inside the final string type), thus we need to keep both
// the replacement type (typedefed to 'compatible_type') for real use,
// and the original stdlib type (typedef to 'type_for_string') for interface
// visibility. This is what Compat* classes do (as well as be transparent
// when good allocator and char traits are present)
namespace boost {
namespace io {
// gcc-2.95 char traits (non-conformantly named string_char_traits)
// lack several functions so we extend them in a replacement class.
template<class Tr>
class CompatTraits;
// std::allocator<Ch> in gcc-2.95 is ok, but basic_string only works
// with plain 'std::alloc' still, alt_stringbuf requires a functionnal
// alloc template argument, so we need a replacement allocator
template<class Alloc>
class CompatAlloc;
} // N.S. io
}// N.S. boost
#include <boost/format/detail/config_macros.hpp>
// sets-up macros and load compiler-specific workarounds headers.
// workarounds-gcc-2.95 might have defined own streambuf
#include <streambuf>
// workarounds-gcc-2.95 might already have included <iostream>
#include <ostream>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
// **** CompatTraits general definitions : ----------------------------
template<class Tr>
class CompatTraits
{ // general case : be transparent
typedef Tr compatible_type;
// **** CompatAlloc general definitions : -----------------------------
template<class Alloc>
class CompatAlloc
{ // general case : be transparent
typedef Alloc compatible_type;
} //N.S. io
} // N.S. boost
#endif // include guard

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// config_macros.hpp : configuration macros for the format library
// only BOOST_IO_STD is absolutely needed (it should be 'std::' in general)
// others are compiler-specific workaround macros used in #ifdef switches
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// see for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
// make sure our local macros wont override something :
#error "boost::format uses a local macro that is already defined."
// specific workarounds. each header can define BOOS_IO_STD if it
// needs. (e.g. because of IO_NEEDS_USING_DECLARATION)
#include <boost/format/detail/workarounds_gcc-2_95.hpp>
#include <boost/format/detail/workarounds_stlport.hpp>
#ifndef BOOST_IO_STD
# define BOOST_IO_STD ::std::
#if defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE) || \
// some future __BORLANDC__ >0x564 versions might not need this
// 0x570 is Borland's kylix branch
// **** Workaround for io streams, stlport and msvc.
namespace boost {
using std::char_traits;
using std::basic_ostream;
namespace io {
using std::basic_ostream;
namespace detail {
using std::basic_ios;
using std::basic_ostream;
#if ! defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
using std::locale;
namespace io {
using std::locale;
namespace detail {
using std::locale;
#endif // locale
// -end N.S. boost
#endif // needs_using_declaration
#if ! defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
#include <locale>
// *** hide std::locale if it doesnt exist.
// this typedef is either std::locale or int, avoids placing ifdefs everywhere
namespace boost { namespace io { namespace detail {
#if ! defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
typedef BOOST_IO_STD locale locale_t;
typedef int locale_t;
} } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// msvc_disambiguater.hpp : msvc workarounds. (for put_{head|last} overloads)
// the trick was described in boost's list by Aleksey Gurtovoy
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// see for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/format/group.hpp>
#include <ostream>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
namespace detail {
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T >
struct disambiguater
template< typename U >
static void put_head(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, group1<U> const& x, long)
os << group_head(x.a1_);
static void put_head(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, T const& x, int)
template< typename U >
static void put_last(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, group1<U> const& x, long)
os << group_last(x.a1_);
static void put_last(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os, T const& x, int)
os << x;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost
#endif // -__DECCXX_VER

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// unset_macros.hpp
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** Undefine 'local' macros :

View File

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// workarounds for gcc < 3.0.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There's a lot to do, the stdlib shipped with gcc prior to 3.x
// was terribly non-conforming.
// . defines macros switches
// . supplies template classes basic_foo<char,Tr> where gcc only supplies foo.
// i.e :
// - basic_ios<char, Tr> from ios
// - basic_ostream<char, Tr> from ostream
// - basic_srteambuf<char, Tr> from streambuf
// these can be used transparently. (it obviously does not work for wchar_t)
// . specialise CompatAlloc and CompatTraits to wrap gcc-2.95's
// string_char_traits and std::alloc
#if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, < 3) && !defined(__SGI_STL_PORT) && !defined(_STLPORT_VERSION)
// only for gcc-2.95's native stdlib
// SGI STL doesnt have <ostream> and others, so we need iostream.
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf.h>
#ifndef BOOST_IO_STD
# define BOOST_IO_STD std::
// ***
// gcc's simple classes turned into standard-like template classes :
namespace std {
// gcc has string_char_traits, it's incomplete.
// we declare a std::char_traits, and specialize CompatTraits<..> on it
// to do what is required
template<class Ch>
class char_traits; // no definition here, we will just use it as a tag.
template <class Ch, class Tr>
class basic_streambuf;
template <class Tr>
class basic_streambuf<char, Tr> : public streambuf {
template <class Ch, class Tr=::std::char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_ios;
template <class Tr>
class basic_ios<char, Tr> : public ostream {
basic_ios(streambuf * p) : ostream(p) {};
char fill() const { return ios::fill(); } // gcc returns wchar..
char fill(char c) { return ios::fill(c); } // gcc takes wchar..
char widen(char c) { return c; }
char narrow(char c, char def) { return c; }
basic_ios& copyfmt(const ios& right) {
flags(right.flags() );
return *this;
typedef ios ios_base;
template <class Ch, class Tr>
class basic_ostream;
template <class Tr>
class basic_ostream<char, Tr> : public basic_ios<char, Tr>
basic_ostream(streambuf * p) : basic_ios<char,Tr> (p) {}
} // namespace std
namespace boost {
namespace io {
// ** CompatTraits gcc2.95 specialisations ----------------------------
template<class Ch>
class CompatTraits< ::std::string_char_traits<Ch> >
: public ::std::string_char_traits<Ch>
typedef CompatTraits compatible_type;
typedef Ch char_type;
typedef int int_type;
typedef ::std::streampos pos_type;
typedef ::std::streamoff off_type;
static char_type
to_char_type(const int_type& meta) {
return static_cast<char_type>(meta); }
static int_type
to_int_type(const char_type& ch) {
return static_cast<int_type>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch) );}
static bool
eq_int_type(const int_type& left, const int_type& right) {
return left == right; }
static int_type
eof() {
return static_cast<int_type>(EOF);
static int_type
not_eof(const int_type& meta) {
return (meta == eof()) ? 0 : meta;
template<class Ch>
class CompatTraits< ::std::char_traits<Ch> > {
typedef CompatTraits< ::std::string_char_traits<Ch> > compatible_type;
// ** CompatAlloc gcc-2.95 specialisations ---------------------------
class CompatAlloc< ::std::alloc>
typedef ::std::allocator<char> compatible_type;
} // N.S. io
} // N.S. boost
#endif // include guard
#endif // if workaround

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// workarounds_stlport.hpp : workaround STLport issues
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// see for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** This should go to "boost/config/stdlib/stlport.hpp".
// If the streams are not native and there are problems with using templates
// accross namespaces, we define some macros to enable a workaround for this.
// STLport 4.5
# define BOOST_IO_STD
// STLport 4.0
# define BOOST_IO_STD
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// boost/format/exceptions.hpp
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdexcept>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
// **** exceptions -----------------------------------------------
class format_error : public std::exception
format_error() {}
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return "boost::format_error: "
"format generic failure";
class bad_format_string : public format_error
std::size_t pos_, next_;
bad_format_string(std::size_t pos, std::size_t size)
: pos_(pos), next_(size) {}
std::size_t get_pos() const { return pos_; }
std::size_t get_next() const { return next_; }
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return "boost::bad_format_string: format-string is ill-formed";
class too_few_args : public format_error
std::size_t cur_, expected_;
too_few_args(std::size_t cur, std::size_t expected)
: cur_(cur), expected_(expected) {}
std::size_t get_cur() const { return cur_; }
std::size_t get_expected() const { return expected_; }
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return "boost::too_few_args: "
"format-string referred to more arguments than were passed";
class too_many_args : public format_error
std::size_t cur_, expected_;
too_many_args(std::size_t cur, std::size_t expected)
: cur_(cur), expected_(expected) {}
std::size_t get_cur() const { return cur_; }
std::size_t get_expected() const { return expected_; }
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return "boost::too_many_args: "
"format-string referred to fewer arguments than were passed";
class out_of_range : public format_error
int index_, beg_, end_; // range is [ beg, end [
out_of_range(int index, int beg, int end)
: index_(index), beg_(beg), end_(end) {}
int get_index() const { return index_; }
int get_beg() const { return beg_; }
int get_end() const { return end_; }
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return "boost::out_of_range: "
"tried to refer to an argument (or item) number which"
" is out of range, according to the format string";
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// feed_args.hpp : functions for processing each argument
// (feed, feed_manip, and distribute)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/format/format_class.hpp>
#include <boost/format/group.hpp>
#include <boost/format/detail/msvc_disambiguater.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
namespace detail {
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void mk_str( std::basic_string<Ch,Tr, Alloc> & res,
const Ch * beg,
typename std::basic_string<Ch,Tr,Alloc>::size_type size,
std::streamsize w,
const Ch fill_char,
std::ios_base::fmtflags f,
const Ch prefix_space, // 0 if no space-padding
bool center)
// applies centered/left/right padding to the string [beg, beg+size[
// Effects : the result is placed in res.
typedef typename std::basic_string<Ch,Tr,Alloc>::size_type size_type;
if(w<=0 || static_cast<size_type>(w) <=size) {
// no need to pad.
res.reserve(size + !!prefix_space);
res.append(1, prefix_space);
if (size)
res.append(beg, size);
else {
std::streamsize n=static_cast<std::streamsize>(w-size-!!prefix_space);
std::streamsize n_after = 0, n_before = 0;
res.reserve(static_cast<size_type>(w)); // allocate once for the 2 inserts
n_after = n/2, n_before = n - n_after;
if(f & std::ios_base::left)
n_after = n;
n_before = n;
// now make the res string :
if(n_before) res.append(static_cast<size_type>(n_before), fill_char);
res.append(1, prefix_space);
if (size)
res.append(beg, size);
if(n_after) res.append(static_cast<size_type>(n_after), fill_char);
} // -mk_str(..)
// __DECCXX needs to be tricked to disambiguate this simple overload..
// the trick is in "boost/format/msvc_disambiguater.hpp"
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_head (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const T& x ) {
disambiguater<Ch, Tr, T>::put_head(os, x, 1L);
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_last (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const T& x ) {
disambiguater<Ch, Tr, T>::put_last(os, x, 1L);
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_head (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> &, const T& ) {
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_head( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const group1<T>& x ) {
os << group_head(x.a1_); // send the first N-1 items, not the last
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_last( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const T& x ) {
os << x ;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_last( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const group1<T>& x ) {
os << group_last(x.a1_); // this selects the last element
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_head( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> &, T& ) {
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T> inline
void put_last( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, T& x) {
os << x ;
#endif // -__DECCXX workaround
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T>
void call_put_head(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const void* x) {
put_head(os, *(typename ::boost::remove_reference<T>::type*)x);
template< class Ch, class Tr, class T>
void call_put_last(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const void* x) {
put_last(os, *(T*)x);
template< class Ch, class Tr>
struct put_holder {
template<class T>
put_holder(T& t)
: arg(&t),
put_head(&call_put_head<Ch, Tr, T>),
put_last(&call_put_last<Ch, Tr, T>)
const void* arg;
void (*put_head)(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const void* x);
void (*put_last)(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const void* x);
template< class Ch, class Tr> inline
void put_head( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const put_holder<Ch, Tr>& t) {
t.put_head(os, t.arg);
template< class Ch, class Tr> inline
void put_last( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os, const put_holder<Ch, Tr>& t) {
t.put_last(os, t.arg);
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
void put( T x,
const format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& specs,
typename basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::string_type& res,
typename basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::internal_streambuf_t & buf,
io::detail::locale_t *loc_p = NULL)
// If std::min<unsigned> or std::max<unsigned> are already instantiated
// at this point then we get a blizzard of warning messages when we call
// those templates with std::size_t as arguments. Weird and very annoyning...
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4267)
// does the actual conversion of x, with given params, into a string
// using the supplied stringbuf.
typedef typename basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::string_type string_type;
typedef typename basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::format_item_t format_item_t;
typedef typename string_type::size_type size_type;
basic_oaltstringstream<Ch, Tr, Alloc> oss( &buf);
if(loc_p != NULL)
specs.fmtstate_.apply_on(oss, loc_p);
// the stream format state can be modified by manipulators in the argument :
put_head( oss, x );
// in case x is a group, apply the manip part of it,
// in order to find width
const std::ios_base::fmtflags fl=oss.flags();
const bool internal = (fl & std::ios_base::internal) != 0;
const std::streamsize w = oss.width();
const bool two_stepped_padding= internal && (w!=0);
if(! two_stepped_padding) {
if(w>0) // handle padding via mk_str, not natively in stream
put_last( oss, x);
const Ch * res_beg = buf.pbase();
Ch prefix_space = 0;
if(specs.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::spacepad)
if(buf.pcount()== 0 ||
(res_beg[0] !=oss.widen('+') && res_beg[0] !=oss.widen('-') ))
prefix_space = oss.widen(' ');
size_type res_size = (std::min)(
static_cast<size_type>(specs.truncate_ - !!prefix_space),
buf.pcount() );
mk_str(res, res_beg, res_size, w, oss.fill(), fl,
prefix_space, (specs.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::centered) !=0 );
else { // 2-stepped padding
// internal can be implied by zeropad, or user-set.
// left, right, and centered alignment overrule internal,
// but spacepad or truncate might be mixed with internal (using manipulator)
put_last( oss, x); // may pad
const Ch * res_beg = buf.pbase();
size_type res_size = buf.pcount();
bool prefix_space=false;
if(specs.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::spacepad)
if(buf.pcount()== 0 ||
(res_beg[0] !=oss.widen('+') && res_beg[0] !=oss.widen('-') ))
prefix_space = true;
if(res_size == static_cast<size_type>(w) && w<=specs.truncate_ && !prefix_space) {
// okay, only one thing was printed and padded, so res is fine
res.assign(res_beg, res_size);
else { // length w exceeded
// either it was multi-output with first output padding up all width..
// either it was one big arg and we are fine.
// Note that res_size<w is possible (in case of bad user-defined formatting)
res.assign(res_beg, res_size);
res_beg=NULL; // invalidate pointers.
// make a new stream, to start re-formatting from scratch :
basic_oaltstringstream<Ch, Tr, Alloc> oss2( &buf);
specs.fmtstate_.apply_on(oss2, loc_p);
put_head( oss2, x );
oss2 << ' ';
put_last(oss2, x );
if(buf.pcount()==0 && specs.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::spacepad) {
prefix_space =true;
oss2 << ' ';
// we now have the minimal-length output
const Ch * tmp_beg = buf.pbase();
size_type tmp_size = (std::min)(static_cast<size_type>(specs.truncate_),
buf.pcount() );
if(static_cast<size_type>(w) <= tmp_size) {
// minimal length is already >= w, so no padding (cool!)
res.assign(tmp_beg, tmp_size);
else { // hum.. we need to pad (multi_output, or spacepad present)
//find where we should pad
size_type sz = (std::min)(res_size + (prefix_space ? 1 : 0), tmp_size);
size_type i = prefix_space;
for(; i<sz && tmp_beg[i] == res[i - (prefix_space ? 1 : 0)]; ++i) {}
if(i>=tmp_size) i=prefix_space;
res.assign(tmp_beg, i);
std::streamsize d = w - static_cast<std::streamsize>(tmp_size);
res.append(static_cast<size_type>( d ), oss2.fill());
res.append(tmp_beg+i, tmp_size-i);
== static_cast<size_type>(w));
BOOST_ASSERT(res.size() == static_cast<size_type>(w));
#pragma warning(pop)
} // end- put(..)
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
void distribute (basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& self, T x) {
// call put(x, ..) on every occurrence of the current argument :
if(self.cur_arg_ >= self.num_args_) {
if( self.exceptions() & too_many_args_bit )
boost::throw_exception(too_many_args(self.cur_arg_, self.num_args_));
else return;
for(unsigned long i=0; i < self.items_.size(); ++i) {
if(self.items_[i].argN_ == self.cur_arg_) {
put<Ch, Tr, Alloc, T> (x, self.items_[i], self.items_[i].res_,
self.buf_, boost::get_pointer(self.loc_) );
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
feed_impl (basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& self, T x) {
if(self.dumped_) self.clear();
distribute<Ch, Tr, Alloc, T> (self, x);
if(self.bound_.size() != 0) {
while( self.cur_arg_ < self.num_args_ && self.bound_[self.cur_arg_] )
return self;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T> inline
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
feed (basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& self, T x) {
return feed_impl<Ch, Tr, Alloc, const put_holder<Ch, Tr>&>(self, put_holder<Ch, Tr>(x));
} // namespace detail
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// format_class.hpp : class interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/optional.hpp> // to store locale when needed
#include <boost/format/format_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/format/internals_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/format/internals.hpp>
#include <boost/format/alt_sstream.hpp>
namespace boost {
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
class basic_format
typedef typename io::CompatTraits<Tr>::compatible_type compat_traits;
typedef Ch CharT; // borland fails in operator% if we use Ch and Tr directly
typedef std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc> string_type;
typedef typename string_type::size_type size_type;
typedef io::detail::format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc> format_item_t;
typedef io::basic_altstringbuf<Ch, Tr, Alloc> internal_streambuf_t;
explicit basic_format(const Ch* str=NULL);
explicit basic_format(const string_type& s);
basic_format(const basic_format& x);
basic_format& operator= (const basic_format& x);
void swap(basic_format& x);
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
explicit basic_format(const Ch* str, const std::locale & loc);
explicit basic_format(const string_type& s, const std::locale & loc);
io::detail::locale_t getloc() const;
basic_format& clear(); // empty all converted string buffers (except bound items)
basic_format& clear_binds(); // unbind all bound items, and call clear()
basic_format& parse(const string_type&); // resets buffers and parse a new format string
// ** formatted result ** //
size_type size() const; // sum of the current string pieces sizes
string_type str() const; // final string
// ** arguments passing ** //
template<class T>
basic_format& operator%(const T& x)
{ return io::detail::feed<CharT, Tr, Alloc, const T&>(*this,x); }
template<class T> basic_format& operator%(T& x)
{ return io::detail::feed<CharT, Tr, Alloc, T&>(*this,x); }
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// GCC can't handle anonymous enums without some help
// ** arguments passing ** //
basic_format& operator%(const int& x)
{ return io::detail::feed<CharT, Tr, Alloc, const int&>(*this,x); }
basic_format& operator%(int& x)
{ return io::detail::feed<CharT, Tr, Alloc, int&>(*this,x); }
// The total number of arguments expected to be passed to the format objectt
int expected_args() const
{ return num_args_; }
// The number of arguments currently bound (see bind_arg(..) )
int bound_args() const;
// The number of arguments currently fed to the format object
int fed_args() const;
// The index (1-based) of the current argument (i.e. next to be formatted)
int cur_arg() const;
// The number of arguments still required to be fed
int remaining_args() const; // same as expected_args() - bound_args() - fed_args()
// ** object modifying **//
template<class T>
basic_format& bind_arg(int argN, const T& val)
{ return io::detail::bind_arg_body(*this, argN, val); }
basic_format& clear_bind(int argN);
template<class T>
basic_format& modify_item(int itemN, T manipulator)
{ return io::detail::modify_item_body<Ch,Tr, Alloc, T> (*this, itemN, manipulator);}
// Choosing which errors will throw exceptions :
unsigned char exceptions() const;
unsigned char exceptions(unsigned char newexcept);
&& !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, <= 0x570) \
// use friend templates and private members only if supported
template<class Ch2, class Tr2, class Alloc2>
friend std::basic_ostream<Ch2, Tr2> &
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<Ch2, Tr2> & ,
const basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>& );
template<class Ch2, class Tr2, class Alloc2>
friend std::ostream &
operator<<( std::ostream & ,
const basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>& );
template<class Ch2, class Tr2, class Alloc2, class T>
friend basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&
io::detail::feed_impl (basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&, T);
template<class Ch2, class Tr2, class Alloc2, class T> friend
void io::detail::distribute (basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&, T);
template<class Ch2, class Tr2, class Alloc2, class T> friend
basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&
io::detail::modify_item_body (basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&, int, T);
template<class Ch2, class Tr2, class Alloc2, class T> friend
basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&
io::detail::bind_arg_body (basic_format<Ch2, Tr2, Alloc2>&, int, const T&);
typedef io::detail::stream_format_state<Ch, Tr> stream_format_state;
// flag bits, used for style_
enum style_values { ordered = 1, // set only if all directives are positional
special_needs = 4 };
void make_or_reuse_data(std::size_t nbitems);// used for (re-)initialisation
// member data --------------------------------------------//
std::vector<format_item_t> items_; // each '%..' directive leads to a format_item
std::vector<bool> bound_; // stores which arguments were bound. size() == 0 || num_args
int style_; // style of format-string : positional or not, etc
int cur_arg_; // keep track of wich argument is current
int num_args_; // number of expected arguments
mutable bool dumped_; // true only after call to str() or <<
string_type prefix_; // piece of string to insert before first item
unsigned char exceptions_;
internal_streambuf_t buf_; // the internal stream buffer.
boost::optional<io::detail::locale_t> loc_;
}; // class basic_format
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// format_fwd.hpp : forward declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <boost/format/detail/compat_workarounds.hpp>
namespace boost {
template <class Ch,
class Tr = BOOST_IO_STD char_traits<Ch>, class Alloc = std::allocator<Ch> >
class basic_format;
typedef basic_format<char > format;
typedef basic_format<wchar_t > wformat;
namespace io {
enum format_error_bits { bad_format_string_bit = 1,
too_few_args_bit = 2, too_many_args_bit = 4,
out_of_range_bit = 8,
all_error_bits = 255, no_error_bits=0 };
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// format_implementation.hpp Implementation of the basic_format class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/format/format_class.hpp>
#include <algorithm> // std::swap
namespace boost {
// --- basic_format implementation -----------------------------------------//
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: basic_format(const Ch* s)
: style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
if( s)
parse( s );
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: basic_format(const Ch* s, const std::locale & loc)
: style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
exceptions_(io::all_error_bits), loc_(loc)
if(s) parse( s );
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: basic_format(const string_type& s, const std::locale & loc)
: style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
exceptions_(io::all_error_bits), loc_(loc)
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
io::detail::locale_t basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
getloc() const {
return loc_ ? loc_.get() : io::detail::locale_t();
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: basic_format(const string_type& s)
: style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false),
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> // just don't copy the buf_ member
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: basic_format(const basic_format& x)
: items_(x.items_), bound_(x.bound_), style_(x.style_),
cur_arg_(x.cur_arg_), num_args_(x.num_args_), dumped_(x.dumped_),
prefix_(x.prefix_), exceptions_(x.exceptions_), loc_(x.loc_)
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> // just don't copy the buf_ member
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
operator= (const basic_format& x) {
if(this == &x)
return *this;
(basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>(x)).swap(*this);
return *this;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
swap (basic_format & x) {
std::swap(exceptions_, x.exceptions_);
std::swap(style_, x.style_);
std::swap(cur_arg_, x.cur_arg_);
std::swap(num_args_, x.num_args_);
std::swap(dumped_, x.dumped_);
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
unsigned char basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>:: exceptions() const {
return exceptions_;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
unsigned char basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>:: exceptions(unsigned char newexcept) {
unsigned char swp = exceptions_;
exceptions_ = newexcept;
return swp;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
make_or_reuse_data (std::size_t nbitems) {
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
Ch fill = ( BOOST_USE_FACET(std::ctype<Ch>, getloc()) ). widen(' ');
Ch fill = ' ';
if(items_.size() == 0)
items_.assign( nbitems, format_item_t(fill) );
else {
items_.resize(nbitems, format_item_t(fill));
for(std::size_t i=0; i < nbitems; ++i)
items_[i].reset(fill); // strings are resized, instead of reallocated
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
clear () {
// empty the string buffers (except bound arguments)
// and make the format object ready for formatting a new set of arguments
BOOST_ASSERT( bound_.size()==0 || num_args_ == static_cast<int>(bound_.size()) );
for(unsigned long i=0; i<items_.size(); ++i) {
// clear converted strings only if the corresponding argument is not bound :
if( bound_.size()==0 || items_[i].argN_<0 || !bound_[ items_[i].argN_ ] )
cur_arg_=0; dumped_=false;
// maybe first arg is bound:
if(bound_.size() != 0) {
for(; cur_arg_ < num_args_ && bound_[cur_arg_]; ++cur_arg_)
return *this;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
clear_binds () {
// remove all binds, then clear()
return *this;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
clear_bind (int argN) {
// remove the bind of ONE argument then clear()
if(argN<1 || argN > num_args_ || bound_.size()==0 || !bound_[argN-1] ) {
if( exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit)
boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range(argN, 1, num_args_+1 ) );
else return *this;
return *this;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
int basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
bound_args() const {
return 0;
int n=0;
for(int i=0; i<num_args_ ; ++i)
return n;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
int basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
fed_args() const {
return cur_arg_;
int n=0;
for(int i=0; i<cur_arg_ ; ++i)
return n;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
int basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
cur_arg() const {
return cur_arg_+1; }
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
int basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
remaining_args() const {
return num_args_-cur_arg_;
int n=0;
for(int i=cur_arg_; i<num_args_ ; ++i)
return n;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::string_type
basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
str () const {
return prefix_;
if( cur_arg_ < num_args_)
if( exceptions() & io::too_few_args_bit )
// not enough variables supplied
boost::throw_exception(io::too_few_args(cur_arg_, num_args_));
unsigned long i;
string_type res;
res += prefix_;
for(i=0; i < items_.size(); ++i) {
const format_item_t& item = items_[i];
res += item.res_;
if( item.argN_ == format_item_t::argN_tabulation) {
BOOST_ASSERT( item.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::tabulation);
if( static_cast<size_type>(item.fmtstate_.width_) > res.size() )
res.append( static_cast<size_type>(item.fmtstate_.width_) - res.size(),
item.fmtstate_.fill_ );
res += item.appendix_;
return res;
template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
typename std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::size_type basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>::
size () const {
// If std::min<unsigned> or std::max<unsigned> are already instantiated
// at this point then we get a blizzard of warning messages when we call
// those templates with std::size_t as arguments. Weird and very annoyning...
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4267)
size_type sz = prefix_.size();
unsigned long i;
for(i=0; i < items_.size(); ++i) {
const format_item_t& item = items_[i];
sz += item.res_.size();
if( item.argN_ == format_item_t::argN_tabulation)
static_cast<size_type>(item.fmtstate_.width_) );
sz += item.appendix_.size();
return sz;
#pragma warning(pop)
namespace io {
namespace detail {
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
bind_arg_body (basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& self, int argN, const T& val) {
// bind one argument to a fixed value
// this is persistent over clear() calls, thus also over str() and <<
self.clear(); // needed because we will modify cur_arg_
if(argN<1 || argN > self.num_args_) {
if( self.exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit )
boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range(argN, 1, self.num_args_+1 ) );
else return self;
BOOST_ASSERT( self.num_args_ == static_cast<signed int>(self.bound_.size()) );
int o_cur_arg = self.cur_arg_;
self.cur_arg_ = argN-1; // arrays begin at 0
self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]=false; // if already set, we unset and re-sets..
self.operator%(val); // put val at the right place, because cur_arg is set
// Now re-position cur_arg before leaving :
self.cur_arg_ = o_cur_arg;
if(self.cur_arg_ == argN-1 ) {
// hum, now this arg is bound, so move to next free arg
while(self.cur_arg_ < self.num_args_ && self.bound_[self.cur_arg_])
// In any case, we either have all args, or are on an unbound arg :
BOOST_ASSERT( self.cur_arg_ >= self.num_args_ || ! self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]);
return self;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T> basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
modify_item_body (basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& self, int itemN, T manipulator) {
// applies a manipulator to the format_item describing a given directive.
// this is a permanent change, clear or reset won't cancel that.
if(itemN<1 || itemN > static_cast<signed int>(self.items_.size() )) {
if( self.exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit )
boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range(itemN, 1, static_cast<int>(self.items_.size()) ));
else return self;
self.items_[itemN-1].fmtstate_. template apply_manip<T> ( manipulator );
return self;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// free_funcs.hpp : implementation of the free functions of boost::format
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/format/format_class.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
namespace boost {
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> inline
std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc> str(const basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& f) {
// adds up all pieces of strings and converted items, and return the formatted string
return f.str();
namespace io {
using ::boost::str; // keep compatibility with when it was defined in this N.S.
} // - namespace io
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> &
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> & os,
const basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& f)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
std::ostream &
operator<<( std::ostream & os,
const basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& f)
// effect: "return os << str(f);" but we can do it faster
typedef boost::basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc> format_t;
os << f.prefix_;
else {
if(f.cur_arg_ < f.num_args_)
if( f.exceptions() & io::too_few_args_bit )
// not enough variables supplied
boost::throw_exception(io::too_few_args(f.cur_arg_, f.num_args_));
if(f.style_ & format_t::special_needs)
os << f.str();
else {
// else we dont have to count chars output, so we dump directly to os :
os << f.prefix_;
for(unsigned long i=0; i<f.items_.size(); ++i) {
const typename format_t::format_item_t& item = f.items_[i];
os << item.res_;
os << item.appendix_;
return os;
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// group.hpp : encapsulates a group of manipulators along with an argument
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// group_head : cut the last element of a group out.
// (is overloaded below on each type of group)
// group_last : returns the last element of a group
// (is overloaded below on each type of group)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/config.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
namespace detail {
// empty group, but useful even though.
struct group0
group0() {}
template <class Ch, class Tr>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << ( BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group0& )
return os;
template <class T1>
struct group1
T1 a1_;
group1(T1 a1)
: a1_(a1)
group1& operator=(const group1&);
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group1<T1>& x)
os << x.a1_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2>
struct group2
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
group2(T1 a1,T2 a2)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2)
group2& operator=(const group2&);
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group2<T1,T2>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3>
struct group3
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
group3(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3)
group3& operator=(const group3&);
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group3<T1,T2,T3>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4>
struct group4
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
group4(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4)
group4& operator=(const group4&);
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group4<T1,T2,T3,T4>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5>
struct group5
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
T5 a5_;
group5(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4),a5_(a5)
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_<< x.a5_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6>
struct group6
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
T5 a5_;
T6 a6_;
group6(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4),a5_(a5),a6_(a6)
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_<< x.a5_<< x.a6_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7>
struct group7
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
T5 a5_;
T6 a6_;
T7 a7_;
group7(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4),a5_(a5),a6_(a6),a7_(a7)
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_<< x.a5_<< x.a6_<< x.a7_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8>
struct group8
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
T5 a5_;
T6 a6_;
T7 a7_;
T8 a8_;
group8(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4),a5_(a5),a6_(a6),a7_(a7),a8_(a8)
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_<< x.a5_<< x.a6_<< x.a7_<< x.a8_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9>
struct group9
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
T5 a5_;
T6 a6_;
T7 a7_;
T8 a8_;
T9 a9_;
group9(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8,T9 a9)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4),a5_(a5),a6_(a6),a7_(a7),a8_(a8),a9_(a9)
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_<< x.a5_<< x.a6_<< x.a7_<< x.a8_<< x.a9_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9,class T10>
struct group10
T1 a1_;
T2 a2_;
T3 a3_;
T4 a4_;
T5 a5_;
T6 a6_;
T7 a7_;
T8 a8_;
T9 a9_;
T10 a10_;
group10(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8,T9 a9,T10 a10)
: a1_(a1),a2_(a2),a3_(a3),a4_(a4),a5_(a5),a6_(a6),a7_(a7),a8_(a8),a9_(a9),a10_(a10)
template <class Ch, class Tr, class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9,class T10>
BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>&
operator << (BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os,
const group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10>& x)
os << x.a1_<< x.a2_<< x.a3_<< x.a4_<< x.a5_<< x.a6_<< x.a7_<< x.a8_<< x.a9_<< x.a10_;
return os;
template <class T1,class T2>
group_head( group2<T1,T2> const& x)
return group1<T1> (x.a1_);
template <class T1,class T2>
group_last( group2<T1,T2> const& x)
return group1<T2> (x.a2_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3>
group_head( group3<T1,T2,T3> const& x)
return group2<T1,T2> (x.a1_,x.a2_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3>
group_last( group3<T1,T2,T3> const& x)
return group1<T3> (x.a3_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4>
group_head( group4<T1,T2,T3,T4> const& x)
return group3<T1,T2,T3> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4>
group_last( group4<T1,T2,T3,T4> const& x)
return group1<T4> (x.a4_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5>
group_head( group5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> const& x)
return group4<T1,T2,T3,T4> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_,x.a4_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5>
group_last( group5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> const& x)
return group1<T5> (x.a5_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6>
group_head( group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> const& x)
return group5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_,x.a4_,x.a5_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6>
group_last( group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> const& x)
return group1<T6> (x.a6_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7>
group_head( group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> const& x)
return group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_,x.a4_,x.a5_,x.a6_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7>
group_last( group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> const& x)
return group1<T7> (x.a7_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8>
group_head( group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> const& x)
return group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_,x.a4_,x.a5_,x.a6_,x.a7_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8>
group_last( group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> const& x)
return group1<T8> (x.a8_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9>
group_head( group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> const& x)
return group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_,x.a4_,x.a5_,x.a6_,x.a7_,x.a8_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9>
group_last( group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> const& x)
return group1<T9> (x.a9_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9,class T10>
group_head( group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10> const& x)
return group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> (x.a1_,x.a2_,x.a3_,x.a4_,x.a5_,x.a6_,x.a7_,x.a8_,x.a9_);
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9,class T10>
group_last( group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10> const& x)
return group1<T10> (x.a10_);
} // namespace detail
// helper functions
inline detail::group1< detail::group0 >
group() { return detail::group1< detail::group0 > ( detail::group0() ); }
template <class T1, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group2<T1, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group2<T1, Var const&> >
( detail::group2<T1, Var const&>
(a1, var)
template <class T1,class T2, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group3<T1,T2, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group3<T1,T2, Var const&> >
( detail::group3<T1,T2, Var const&>
(a1,a2, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group4<T1,T2,T3, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group4<T1,T2,T3, Var const&> >
( detail::group4<T1,T2,T3, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group5<T1,T2,T3,T4, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group5<T1,T2,T3,T4, Var const&> >
( detail::group5<T1,T2,T3,T4, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, Var const&> >
( detail::group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6, Var const&> >
( detail::group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7, Var const&> >
( detail::group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8, Var const&> >
( detail::group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9, Var const&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8,T9 a9, Var const& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9, Var const&> >
( detail::group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9, Var const&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9, var)
template <class T1, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group2<T1, Var&> >
group(T1 a1, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group2<T1, Var&> >
( detail::group2<T1, Var&>
(a1, var)
template <class T1,class T2, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group3<T1,T2, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group3<T1,T2, Var&> >
( detail::group3<T1,T2, Var&>
(a1,a2, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group4<T1,T2,T3, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group4<T1,T2,T3, Var&> >
( detail::group4<T1,T2,T3, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group5<T1,T2,T3,T4, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group5<T1,T2,T3,T4, Var&> >
( detail::group5<T1,T2,T3,T4, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, Var&> >
( detail::group6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6, Var&> >
( detail::group7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7, Var&> >
( detail::group8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8, Var&> >
( detail::group9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8, var)
template <class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4,class T5,class T6,class T7,class T8,class T9, class Var>
detail::group1< detail::group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9, Var&> >
group(T1 a1,T2 a2,T3 a3,T4 a4,T5 a5,T6 a6,T7 a7,T8 a8,T9 a9, Var& var)
return detail::group1< detail::group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9, Var&> >
( detail::group10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9, Var&>
(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9, var)
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// internals.hpp : internal structs : stream_format_state, format_item.
// included by format.hpp
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/limits.hpp>
#include <boost/format/detail/compat_workarounds.hpp>
#include <boost/format/alt_sstream.hpp> // used as a dummy stream
namespace boost {
namespace io {
namespace detail {
//---- stream_format_state --------------------------------------------------//
// set of params that define the format state of a stream
template<class Ch, class Tr>
struct stream_format_state
typedef BOOST_IO_STD basic_ios<Ch, Tr> basic_ios;
stream_format_state(Ch fill) { reset(fill); }
// stream_format_state(const basic_ios& os) { set_by_stream(os); }
void reset(Ch fill); //- sets to default state.
void set_by_stream(const basic_ios& os); //- sets to os's state.
void apply_on(basic_ios & os, //- applies format_state to the stream
boost::io::detail::locale_t * loc_default = 0) const;
template<class T>
void apply_manip(T manipulator) //- modifies state by applying manipulator
{ apply_manip_body<Ch, Tr, T>( *this, manipulator) ; }
// --- data ---
std::streamsize width_;
std::streamsize precision_;
Ch fill_;
std::ios_base::fmtflags flags_;
std::ios_base::iostate rdstate_;
std::ios_base::iostate exceptions_;
boost::optional<boost::io::detail::locale_t> loc_;
//---- format_item ---------------------------------------------------------//
// stores all parameters that can be specified in format strings
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
struct format_item
enum pad_values { zeropad = 1, spacepad =2, centered=4, tabulation = 8 };
// 1. if zeropad is set, all other bits are not,
// 2. if tabulation is set, all others are not.
// centered and spacepad can be mixed freely.
enum arg_values { argN_no_posit = -1, // non-positional directive. will set argN later
argN_tabulation = -2, // tabulation directive. (no argument read)
argN_ignored = -3 // ignored directive. (no argument read)
typedef BOOST_IO_STD basic_ios<Ch, Tr> basic_ios;
typedef detail::stream_format_state<Ch, Tr> stream_format_state;
typedef ::std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc> string_type;
format_item(Ch fill) :argN_(argN_no_posit), fmtstate_(fill),
truncate_(max_streamsize()), pad_scheme_(0) {}
void reset(Ch fill);
void compute_states(); // sets states according to truncate and pad_scheme.
static std::streamsize max_streamsize() {
return (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max)();
// --- data ---
int argN_; //- argument number (starts at 0, eg : %1 => argN=0)
// negative values for items that don't process an argument
string_type res_; //- result of the formatting of this item
string_type appendix_; //- piece of string between this item and the next
stream_format_state fmtstate_;// set by parsing, is only affected by modify_item
std::streamsize truncate_;//- is set for directives like %.5s that ask truncation
unsigned int pad_scheme_;//- several possible padding schemes can mix. see pad_values
//--- Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------
// - stream_format_state:: -------------------------------------------------
template<class Ch, class Tr>
void stream_format_state<Ch,Tr>:: apply_on (basic_ios & os,
boost::io::detail::locale_t * loc_default) const {
// If a locale is available, set it first. "os.fill(fill_);" may chrash otherwise.
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
else if(loc_default)
(void) loc_default; // keep compiler quiet if we don't support locales
// set the state of this stream according to our params
if(width_ != -1)
if(precision_ != -1)
if(fill_ != 0)
template<class Ch, class Tr>
void stream_format_state<Ch,Tr>:: set_by_stream(const basic_ios& os) {
// set our params according to the state of this stream
flags_ = os.flags();
width_ = os.width();
precision_ = os.precision();
fill_ = os.fill();
rdstate_ = os.rdstate();
exceptions_ = os.exceptions();
template<class Ch, class Tr, class T>
void apply_manip_body( stream_format_state<Ch, Tr>& self,
T manipulator) {
// modify our params according to the manipulator
basic_oaltstringstream<Ch, Tr> ss;
self.apply_on( ss );
ss << manipulator;
self.set_by_stream( ss );
template<class Ch, class Tr> inline
void stream_format_state<Ch,Tr>:: reset(Ch fill) {
// set our params to standard's default state. cf of the C++ norm
width_=0; precision_=6;
fill_=fill; // default is widen(' '), but we cant compute it without the locale
flags_ = std::ios_base::dec | std::ios_base::skipws;
// the adjust_field part is left equal to 0, which means right.
exceptions_ = std::ios_base::goodbit;
rdstate_ = std::ios_base::goodbit;
// --- format_item:: --------------------------------------------------------
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
reset (Ch fill) {
argN_=argN_no_posit; truncate_ = max_streamsize(); pad_scheme_ =0;
res_.resize(0); appendix_.resize(0);
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
void format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
compute_states() {
// reflect pad_scheme_ on fmt_state_
// because some pad_schemes has complex consequences on several state params.
if(pad_scheme_ & zeropad) {
// ignore zeropad in left alignment :
if(fmtstate_.flags_ & std::ios_base::left) {
BOOST_ASSERT(!(fmtstate_.flags_ &(std::ios_base::adjustfield ^std::ios_base::left)));
// only left bit might be set. (not right, nor internal)
pad_scheme_ = pad_scheme_ & (~zeropad);
else {
pad_scheme_ &= ~spacepad; // printf ignores spacepad when zeropadding
fmtstate_.flags_ = (fmtstate_.flags_ & ~std::ios_base::adjustfield)
| std::ios_base::internal;
// removes all adjustfield bits, and adds internal.
if(pad_scheme_ & spacepad) {
if(fmtstate_.flags_ & std::ios_base::showpos)
pad_scheme_ &= ~spacepad;
} } } // namespaces boost :: io :: detail

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// internals_fwd.hpp : forward declarations, for internal headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/format/format_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
namespace detail {
template<class Ch, class Tr> struct stream_format_state;
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> struct format_item;
// these functions were intended as methods,
// but MSVC have problems with template member functions :
// defined in format_implementation.hpp :
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
modify_item_body (basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& self,
int itemN, T manipulator);
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
bind_arg_body (basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& self,
int argN, const T& val);
// in internals.hpp :
template<class Ch, class Tr, class T>
void apply_manip_body (stream_format_state<Ch, Tr>& self,
T manipulator);
// argument feeding (defined in feed_args.hpp ) :
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
void distribute (basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& self, T x);
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
feed (basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& self, T x);
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class T>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>&
feed_impl (basic_format<Ch,Tr, Alloc>& self, T x);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace io
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// parsing.hpp : implementation of the parsing member functions
// ( parse, parse_printf_directive)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// see for library home page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <boost/format/format_class.hpp>
#include <boost/format/exceptions.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace io {
namespace detail {
#if defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
// streams will be used for narrow / widen. but these methods are not const
template<class T>
T& const_or_not(const T& x) {
return const_cast<T&> (x);
template<class T>
const T& const_or_not(const T& x) {
return x;
template<class Ch, class Facet> inline
char wrap_narrow(const Facet& fac, Ch c, char deflt) {
return const_or_not(fac).narrow(c, deflt);
template<class Ch, class Facet> inline
bool wrap_isdigit(const Facet& fac, Ch c) {
#if ! defined( BOOST_NO_LOCALE_ISDIGIT )
return<Ch>::digit, c);
# else
(void) fac; // remove "unused parameter" warning
using namespace std;
return isdigit(c) != 0;
template<class Iter, class Facet>
Iter wrap_scan_notdigit(const Facet & fac, Iter beg, Iter end) {
using namespace std;
for( ; beg!=end && wrap_isdigit(fac, *beg); ++beg) ;
return beg;
// Input : [start, last) iterators range and a
// a Facet to use its widen/narrow member function
// Effects : read sequence and convert digits into integral n, of type Res
// Returns : n
template<class Res, class Iter, class Facet>
Iter str2int (const Iter & start, const Iter & last, Res & res,
const Facet& fac)
using namespace std;
Iter it;
for(it=start; it != last && wrap_isdigit(fac, *it); ++it ) {
char cur_ch = wrap_narrow(fac, *it, 0); // cant fail.
res *= 10;
res += cur_ch - '0'; // of the C++ standard
return it;
// skip printf's "asterisk-fields" directives in the format-string buf
// Input : char string, with starting index *pos_p
// a Facet merely to use its widen/narrow member function
// Effects : advance *pos_p by skipping printf's asterisk fields.
// Returns : nothing
template<class Iter, class Facet>
Iter skip_asterisk(Iter start, Iter last, const Facet& fac)
using namespace std;
++ start;
start = wrap_scan_notdigit(fac, start, last);
if(start!=last && *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '$') )
return start;
// auxiliary func called by parse_printf_directive
// for centralising error handling
// it either throws if user sets the corresponding flag, or does nothing.
inline void maybe_throw_exception(unsigned char exceptions,
std::size_t pos, std::size_t size)
if(exceptions & io::bad_format_string_bit)
boost::throw_exception(io::bad_format_string(pos, size) );
// Input: the position of a printf-directive in the format-string
// a basic_ios& merely to use its widen/narrow member function
// a bitset'exceptions' telling whether to throw exceptions on errors.
// Returns:
// true if parse succeeded (ignore some errors if exceptions disabled)
// false if it failed so bad that the directive should be printed verbatim
// Effects:
// start is incremented so that *start is the first char after
// this directive
// *fpar is set with the parameters read in the directive
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc, class Iter, class Facet>
bool parse_printf_directive(Iter & start, const Iter& last,
detail::format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc> * fpar,
const Facet& fac,
std::size_t offset, unsigned char exceptions)
typedef typename basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::format_item_t format_item_t;
fpar->argN_ = format_item_t::argN_no_posit; // if no positional-directive
bool precision_set = false;
bool in_brackets=false;
Iter start0 = start;
std::size_t fstring_size = last-start0+offset;
if(start>= last) { // empty directive : this is a trailing %
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0 + offset, fstring_size);
return false;
if(*start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '|')) {
if( ++start >= last ) {
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0 + offset, fstring_size);
return false;
// the flag '0' would be picked as a digit for argument order, but here it's a flag :
if(*start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '0'))
goto parse_flags;
// handle argument order (%2$d) or possibly width specification: %2d
if(wrap_isdigit(fac, *start)) {
int n;
start = str2int(start, last, n, fac);
if( start >= last ) {
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
return false;
// %N% case : this is already the end of the directive
if( *start == const_or_not(fac).widen( '%') ) {
fpar->argN_ = n-1;
if( in_brackets)
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
// but don't return. maybe "%" was used in lieu of '$', so we go on.
return true;
if ( *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '$') ) {
fpar->argN_ = n-1;
else {
// non-positionnal directive
fpar->fmtstate_.width_ = n;
fpar->argN_ = format_item_t::argN_no_posit;
goto parse_precision;
// handle flags
while ( start != last) { // as long as char is one of + - = _ # 0 l h or ' '
// misc switches
switch ( wrap_narrow(fac, *start, 0)) {
case '\'' : break; // no effect yet. (painful to implement)
case 'l':
case 'h': // short/long modifier : for printf-comaptibility (no action needed)
case '-':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::left;
case '=':
fpar->pad_scheme_ |= format_item_t::centered;
case '_':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::internal;
case ' ':
fpar->pad_scheme_ |= format_item_t::spacepad;
case '+':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::showpos;
case '0':
fpar->pad_scheme_ |= format_item_t::zeropad;
// need to know alignment before really setting flags,
// so just add 'zeropad' flag for now, it will be processed later.
case '#':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::showpoint | std::ios_base::showbase;
goto parse_width;
} // loop on flag.
if( start>=last) {
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
return true;
// handle width spec
// first skip 'asterisk fields' : *, or *N$
if(*start == const_or_not(fac).widen( '*') )
start = skip_asterisk(start, last, fac);
if(start!=last && wrap_isdigit(fac, *start))
start = str2int(start, last, fpar->fmtstate_.width_, fac);
if( start>= last) {
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
return true;
// handle precision spec
if (*start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '.')) {
if(start != last && *start == const_or_not(fac).widen( '*') )
start = skip_asterisk(start, last, fac);
if(start != last && wrap_isdigit(fac, *start)) {
start = str2int(start, last, fpar->fmtstate_.precision_, fac);
precision_set = true;
fpar->fmtstate_.precision_ =0;
// handle formatting-type flags :
while( start != last && ( *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( 'l')
|| *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( 'L')
|| *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( 'h')) )
if( start>=last) {
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
return true;
if( in_brackets && *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '|') ) {
return true;
switch ( wrap_narrow(fac, *start, 0) ) {
case 'X':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::uppercase;
case 'p': // pointer => set hex.
case 'x':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::basefield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::hex;
case 'o':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::basefield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::oct;
case 'E':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::uppercase;
case 'e':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::floatfield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::scientific;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::basefield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::dec;
case 'f':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::floatfield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::fixed;
case 'u':
case 'd':
case 'i':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::basefield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::dec;
case 'T':
if( start >= last)
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
fpar->fmtstate_.fill_ = *start;
fpar->pad_scheme_ |= format_item_t::tabulation;
fpar->argN_ = format_item_t::argN_tabulation;
case 't':
fpar->fmtstate_.fill_ = const_or_not(fac).widen( ' ');
fpar->pad_scheme_ |= format_item_t::tabulation;
fpar->argN_ = format_item_t::argN_tabulation;
case 'G':
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::uppercase;
case 'g': // 'g' conversion is default for floats.
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::basefield;
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ |= std::ios_base::dec;
// CLEAR all floatield flags, so stream will CHOOSE
fpar->fmtstate_.flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::floatfield;
case 'C':
case 'c':
fpar->truncate_ = 1;
case 'S':
case 's':
if(precision_set) // handle truncation manually, with own parameter.
fpar->truncate_ = fpar->fmtstate_.precision_;
fpar->fmtstate_.precision_ = 6; // default stream precision.
case 'n' :
fpar->argN_ = format_item_t::argN_ignored;
maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
if( in_brackets ) {
if( start != last && *start== const_or_not(fac).widen( '|') ) {
return true;
else maybe_throw_exception(exceptions, start-start0+offset, fstring_size);
return true;
// -end parse_printf_directive()
template<class String, class Facet>
int upper_bound_from_fstring(const String& buf,
const typename String::value_type arg_mark,
const Facet& fac,
unsigned char exceptions)
// quick-parsing of the format-string to count arguments mark (arg_mark, '%')
// returns : upper bound on the number of format items in the format strings
using namespace boost::io;
typename String::size_type i1=0;
int num_items=0;
while( (i1=buf.find(arg_mark,i1)) != String::npos ) {
if( i1+1 >= buf.size() ) {
if(exceptions & bad_format_string_bit)
boost::throw_exception(bad_format_string(i1, buf.size() )); // must not end in ".. %"
else {
if(buf[i1+1] == buf[i1] ) {// escaped "%%"
i1+=2; continue;
// in case of %N% directives, dont count it double (wastes allocations..) :
i1 = detail::wrap_scan_notdigit(fac, buf.begin()+i1, buf.end()) - buf.begin();
if( i1 < buf.size() && buf[i1] == arg_mark )
return num_items;
template<class String> inline
void append_string(String& dst, const String& src,
const typename String::size_type beg,
const typename String::size_type end) {
dst.append(src.begin()+beg, src.begin()+end);
} // detail namespace
} // io namespace
// -----------------------------------------------
// format :: parse(..)
template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc>
basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>& basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
parse (const string_type& buf) {
// parse the format-string
using namespace std;
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
const std::ctype<Ch> & fac = BOOST_USE_FACET( std::ctype<Ch>, getloc());
io::basic_oaltstringstream<Ch, Tr, Alloc> fac;
//has widen and narrow even on compilers without locale
const Ch arg_mark = io::detail::const_or_not(fac).widen( '%');
bool ordered_args=true;
int max_argN=-1;
// A: find upper_bound on num_items and allocates arrays
int num_items = io::detail::upper_bound_from_fstring(buf, arg_mark, fac, exceptions());
// B: Now the real parsing of the format string :
typename string_type::size_type i0=0, i1=0;
typename string_type::const_iterator it;
bool special_things=false;
int cur_item=0;
while( (i1=buf.find(arg_mark,i1)) != string_type::npos ) {
string_type & piece = (cur_item==0) ? prefix_ : items_[cur_item-1].appendix_;
if( buf[i1+1] == buf[i1] ) { // escaped mark, '%%'
io::detail::append_string(piece, buf, i0, i1+1);
i1+=2; i0=i1;
BOOST_ASSERT( static_cast<unsigned int>(cur_item) < items_.size() || cur_item==0);
if(i1!=i0) {
io::detail::append_string(piece, buf, i0, i1);
it = buf.begin()+i1;
bool parse_ok = io::detail::parse_printf_directive(
it, buf.end(), &items_[cur_item], fac, i1, exceptions());
i1 = it - buf.begin();
if( ! parse_ok ) // the directive will be printed verbatim
items_[cur_item].compute_states(); // process complex options, like zeropad, into params
int argN=items_[cur_item].argN_;
if(argN == format_item_t::argN_ignored)
if(argN ==format_item_t::argN_no_posit)
else if(argN == format_item_t::argN_tabulation) special_things=true;
else if(argN > max_argN) max_argN = argN;
} // loop on %'s
BOOST_ASSERT(cur_item == num_items);
// store the final piece of string
string_type & piece = (cur_item==0) ? prefix_ : items_[cur_item-1].appendix_;
io::detail::append_string(piece, buf, i0, buf.size());
if( !ordered_args) {
if(max_argN >= 0 ) { // dont mix positional with non-positionnal directives
if(exceptions() & io::bad_format_string_bit)
io::bad_format_string(static_cast<std::size_t>(max_argN), 0));
// else do nothing. => positionnal arguments are processed as non-positionnal
// set things like it would have been with positional directives :
int non_ordered_items = 0;
for(int i=0; i< num_items; ++i)
if(items_[i].argN_ == format_item_t::argN_no_posit) {
items_[i].argN_ = non_ordered_items;
max_argN = non_ordered_items-1;
// C: set some member data :
items_.resize(num_items, format_item_t(io::detail::const_or_not(fac).widen( ' ')) );
if(special_things) style_ |= special_needs;
num_args_ = max_argN + 1;
if(ordered_args) style_ |= ordered;
else style_ &= ~ordered;
return *this;
} // namespace boost

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ bcp --boost=$1 \
boost/bind.hpp \
boost/crc.hpp \
boost/cstdint.hpp \
boost/format.hpp \
boost/function.hpp \
boost/functional.hpp \
boost/lexical_cast.hpp \

View File

@ -305,12 +305,6 @@ extern "C"
char * strerror(int n);
#if defined(HAVE_OSTREAM) && defined(HAVE_LOCALE) && defined(HAVE_SSTREAM)
#define BOOST_USER_CONFIG <config.h>

View File

@ -85,12 +85,6 @@
#define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB 1
#if defined(HAVE_OSTREAM) && defined(HAVE_LOCALE) && defined(HAVE_SSTREAM)
#ifdef _DEBUG

View File

@ -124,12 +124,6 @@
#define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB 1
#if defined(HAVE_OSTREAM) && defined(HAVE_LOCALE) && defined(HAVE_SSTREAM)
#ifdef _DEBUG

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/Systemcall.h"
#include <boost/format.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
@ -58,11 +56,7 @@ int Chktex::scanLogFile(TeXErrors & terr)
// or whether makeAbsPath(onlyFileName()) is a noop here
FileName const tmp(makeAbsPath(onlyFileName(changeExtension(file, ".log"))));
boost::basic_format<char_type> msg(_("ChkTeX warning id # %1$d"));
docstring const msg(_("ChkTeX warning id # "));
docstring const msg(_("ChkTeX warning id # %1$s"));
docstring token;
// We have no idea what the encoding of the error file is
@ -81,13 +75,7 @@ int Chktex::scanLogFile(TeXErrors & terr)
int const lineno = convert<int>(line);
msg % warno;
terr.insertError(lineno, msg.str(), warning);
terr.insertError(lineno, msg + warno, warning);
terr.insertError(lineno, bformat(msg, warno), warning);

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
namespace lyx {
class Lexer;
class TeXErrors;