Pimpl MathMacro

This will make it easier to fix bug 9418.
This commit is contained in:
Georg Baum 2015-04-02 21:20:32 +02:00
parent 5fec78f69f
commit 948ed1ffd5
3 changed files with 248 additions and 159 deletions

View File

@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ void MathData::updateMacros(Cursor * cur, MacroContext const & mc,
// go over the array and look for macros
for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
MathMacro * macroInset = operator[](i).nucleus()->asMacro();
if (!macroInset || macroInset->name_.empty()
|| macroInset->name_[0] == '^'
|| macroInset->name_[0] == '_'
if (!macroInset || macroInset->macroName().empty()
|| macroInset->macroName()[0] == '^'
|| macroInset->macroName()[0] == '_'
|| (macroInset->name() == edited_name
&& macroInset->displayMode() ==

View File

@ -134,20 +134,81 @@ private:
MathMacro::MathMacro(Buffer * buf, docstring const & name)
: InsetMathNest(buf, 0), name_(name), displayMode_(DISPLAY_INIT),
class MathMacro::Private {
Private(Buffer * buf, docstring const & name)
: name_(name), displayMode_(DISPLAY_INIT),
expanded_(buf), definition_(buf), attachedArgsNum_(0),
optionals_(0), nextFoldMode_(true),
macroBackup_(buf), macro_(0), needsUpdate_(false),
isUpdating_(false), appetite_(9)
optionals_(0), nextFoldMode_(true), macroBackup_(buf),
macro_(0), needsUpdate_(false), isUpdating_(false),
/// name of macro
docstring name_;
/// current display mode
DisplayMode displayMode_;
/// expanded macro with ArgumentProxies
MathData expanded_;
/// macro definition with #1,#2,.. insets
MathData definition_;
/// number of arguments that were really attached
size_t attachedArgsNum_;
/// optional argument attached? (only in DISPLAY_NORMAL mode)
size_t optionals_;
/// fold mode to be set in next metrics call?
bool nextFoldMode_;
/// if macro_ == true, then here is a copy of the macro
/// don't use it for locking
MacroData macroBackup_;
/// if macroNotFound_ == false, then here is a reference to the macro
/// this might invalidate after metrics was called
MacroData const * macro_;
mutable std::map<BufferView const *, bool> editing_;
std::string requires_;
/// update macro representation
bool needsUpdate_;
bool isUpdating_;
/// maximal number of arguments the macro is greedy for
size_t appetite_;
MathMacro::MathMacro(Buffer * buf, docstring const & name)
: InsetMathNest(buf, 0), d(new Private(buf, name))
MathMacro::MathMacro(MathMacro const & that)
: InsetMathNest(that), d(new Private(*that.d))
MathMacro & MathMacro::operator=(MathMacro const & that)
if (&that == this)
return *this;
*d = *that.d;
return *this;
delete d;
Inset * MathMacro::clone() const
MathMacro * copy = new MathMacro(*this);
copy->needsUpdate_ = true;
copy->d->needsUpdate_ = true;
return copy;
@ -161,12 +222,30 @@ void MathMacro::normalize(NormalStream & os) const
MathMacro::DisplayMode MathMacro::displayMode() const
return d->displayMode_;
bool MathMacro::extraBraces() const
return d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL && arity() > 0;
docstring MathMacro::name() const
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED)
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED)
return asString(cell(0));
return name_;
return d->name_;
docstring MathMacro::macroName() const
return d->name_;
@ -203,21 +282,28 @@ bool MathMacro::editMode(BufferView const * bv) const {
MacroData const * MathMacro::macro()
return d->macro_;
bool MathMacro::editMetrics(BufferView const * bv) const
return editing_[bv];
return d->editing_[bv];
void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
// set edit mode for which we will have calculated metrics. But only
editing_[mi.base.bv] = editMode(mi.base.bv);
d->editing_[mi.base.bv] = editMode(mi.base.bv);
// calculate new metrics according to display mode
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INIT || displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) {
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INIT ||
d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) {
mathed_string_dim(mi.base.font, from_ascii("\\") + name(), dim);
} else if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
} else if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
cell(0).metrics(mi, dim);
Dimension bsdim;
mathed_string_dim(mi.base.font, from_ascii("\\"), bsdim);
@ -226,10 +312,10 @@ void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
dim.des = max(bsdim.descent(), dim.descent());
} else if (lyxrc.macro_edit_style == LyXRC::MACRO_EDIT_LIST
&& editing_[mi.base.bv]) {
&& d->editing_[mi.base.bv]) {
// Macro will be edited in a old-style list mode here:
Dimension fontDim;
FontInfo labelFont = sane_font;
math_font_max_dim(labelFont, fontDim.asc, fontDim.des);
@ -246,7 +332,7 @@ void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
argDim.des = fontDim.des;
Dimension defDim;
definition_.metrics(mi, defDim);
d->definition_.metrics(mi, defDim);
// add them up
dim.wid = nameDim.wid + defDim.wid;
@ -266,11 +352,11 @@ void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
dim.wid += 2;
} else {
// calculate metrics, hoping that all cells are seen
expanded_.metrics(mi, dim);
d->expanded_.metrics(mi, dim);
// otherwise do a manual metrics call
CoordCache & coords = mi.base.bv->coordCache();
@ -280,11 +366,11 @@ void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
cell(i).metrics(mi, tdim);
// calculate dimension with label while editing
if (lyxrc.macro_edit_style == LyXRC::MACRO_EDIT_INLINE_BOX
&& editing_[mi.base.bv]) {
&& d->editing_[mi.base.bv]) {
FontInfo font = mi.base.font;
augmentFont(font, from_ascii("lyxtex"));
Dimension namedim;
@ -303,8 +389,8 @@ void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
int MathMacro::kerning(BufferView const * bv) const {
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL && !editing_[bv])
return expanded_.kerning(bv);
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL && !d->editing_[bv])
return d->expanded_.kerning(bv);
return 0;
@ -313,13 +399,13 @@ int MathMacro::kerning(BufferView const * bv) const {
void MathMacro::updateMacro(MacroContext const & mc)
if (validName()) {
macro_ = mc.get(name());
if (macro_ && macroBackup_ != *macro_) {
macroBackup_ = *macro_;
needsUpdate_ = true;
d->macro_ = mc.get(name());
if (d->macro_ && d->macroBackup_ != *d->macro_) {
d->macroBackup_ = *d->macro_;
d->needsUpdate_ = true;
} else {
macro_ = 0;
d->macro_ = 0;
@ -329,9 +415,9 @@ class MathMacro::UpdateLocker
explicit UpdateLocker(MathMacro & mm) : mac(mm)
mac.isUpdating_ = true;
mac.d->isUpdating_ = true;
~UpdateLocker() { mac.isUpdating_ = false; }
~UpdateLocker() { mac.d->isUpdating_ = false; }
MathMacro & mac;
@ -348,27 +434,27 @@ void MathMacro::updateRepresentation(Cursor * cur, MacroContext const & mc,
UpdateType utype)
// block recursive calls (bug 8999)
if (isUpdating_)
if (d->isUpdating_)
UpdateLocker locker(*this);
// known macro?
if (macro_ == 0)
if (d->macro_ == 0)
// update requires
requires_ = macro_->requires();
d->requires_ = d->macro_->requires();
if (!needsUpdate_
if (!d->needsUpdate_
// non-normal mode? We are done!
|| (displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL))
|| (d->displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL))
needsUpdate_ = false;
d->needsUpdate_ = false;
// get default values of macro
vector<docstring> const & defaults = macro_->defaults();
vector<docstring> const & defaults = d->macro_->defaults();
// create MathMacroArgumentValue objects pointing to the cells of the macro
vector<MathData> values(nargs());
@ -386,13 +472,13 @@ void MathMacro::updateRepresentation(Cursor * cur, MacroContext const & mc,
// in this case, since MacroData::expand() creates new MathMacro
// objects, so this would be a different recursion path than the one
// protected by UpdateLocker.
if (macro_->expand(values, expanded_)) {
if (utype == OutputUpdate && !expanded_.empty())
expanded_.updateMacros(cur, mc, utype);
if (d->macro_->expand(values, d->expanded_)) {
if (utype == OutputUpdate && !d->expanded_.empty())
d->expanded_.updateMacros(cur, mc, utype);
// get definition for list edit mode
docstring const & display = macro_->display();
asArray(display.empty() ? macro_->definition() : display, definition_);
docstring const & display = d->macro_->display();
asArray(display.empty() ? d->macro_->definition() : display, d->definition_);
@ -404,17 +490,17 @@ void MathMacro::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
int expx = x;
int expy = y;
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INIT || displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) {
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INIT || d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) {
FontSetChanger dummy(pi.base, "lyxtex");
pi.pain.text(x, y, from_ascii("\\") + name(), pi.base.font);
} else if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
} else if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
FontSetChanger dummy(pi.base, "lyxtex");
pi.pain.text(x, y, from_ascii("\\"), pi.base.font);
x += mathed_string_width(pi.base.font, from_ascii("\\")) + 1;
cell(0).draw(pi, x, y);
drawMarkers(pi, expx, expy);
} else if (lyxrc.macro_edit_style == LyXRC::MACRO_EDIT_LIST
&& editing_[pi.base.bv]) {
&& d->editing_[pi.base.bv]) {
// Macro will be edited in a old-style list mode here:
CoordCache const & coords = pi.base.bv->coordCache();
@ -433,8 +519,8 @@ void MathMacro::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
x += mathed_string_width(labelFont, label);
// draw definition
definition_.draw(pi, x, y);
Dimension const & defDim = coords.getArrays().dim(&definition_);
d->definition_.draw(pi, x, y);
Dimension const & defDim = coords.getArrays().dim(&d->definition_);
y += max(fontDim.des, defDim.des);
// draw parameters
@ -472,7 +558,7 @@ void MathMacro::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i)
cell(i).setXY(*pi.base.bv, x, y);
if (drawBox && editing_[pi.base.bv]) {
if (drawBox && d->editing_[pi.base.bv]) {
// draw header and rectangle around
FontInfo font = pi.base.font;
augmentFont(font, from_ascii("lyxtex"));
@ -483,26 +569,26 @@ void MathMacro::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
pi.pain.fillRectangle(x, y - dim.asc, dim.wid, 1 + namedim.height() + 1, Color_mathmacrobg);
pi.pain.text(x + 1, y - dim.asc + namedim.asc + 2, name(), font);
expx += (dim.wid - expanded_.dimension(*pi.base.bv).width()) / 2;
expx += (dim.wid - d->expanded_.dimension(*pi.base.bv).width()) / 2;
if (editing_[pi.base.bv]) {
if (d->editing_[pi.base.bv]) {
pi.pain.enterMonochromeMode(Color_mathbg, Color_mathmacroblend);
expanded_.draw(pi, expx, expy);
d->expanded_.draw(pi, expx, expy);
if (drawBox)
pi.pain.rectangle(x, y - dim.asc, dim.wid,
dim.height(), Color_mathmacroframe);
} else
expanded_.draw(pi, expx, expy);
d->expanded_.draw(pi, expx, expy);
if (!drawBox)
drawMarkers(pi, x, y);
// edit mode changed?
if (editing_[pi.base.bv] != editMode(pi.base.bv))
if (d->editing_[pi.base.bv] != editMode(pi.base.bv))
@ -517,31 +603,31 @@ void MathMacro::drawSelection(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
void MathMacro::setDisplayMode(MathMacro::DisplayMode mode, int appetite)
if (displayMode_ != mode) {
if (d->displayMode_ != mode) {
// transfer name if changing from or to DISPLAY_UNFOLDED
if (mode == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
asArray(name_, cell(0));
} else if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
name_ = asString(cell(0));
asArray(d->name_, cell(0));
} else if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
d->name_ = asString(cell(0));
displayMode_ = mode;
needsUpdate_ = true;
d->displayMode_ = mode;
d->needsUpdate_ = true;
// the interactive init mode is non-greedy by default
if (appetite == -1)
appetite_ = (mode == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) ? 0 : 9;
d->appetite_ = (mode == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) ? 0 : 9;
appetite_ = size_t(appetite);
d->appetite_ = size_t(appetite);
MathMacro::DisplayMode MathMacro::computeDisplayMode() const
if (nextFoldMode_ == true && macro_ && !macro_->locked())
if (d->nextFoldMode_ == true && d->macro_ && !d->macro_->locked())
@ -573,17 +659,45 @@ bool MathMacro::validName() const
size_t MathMacro::arity() const
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL )
return cells_.size();
return 0;
size_t MathMacro::optionals() const
return d->optionals_;
void MathMacro::setOptionals(int n)
if (n <= int(nargs()))
d->optionals_ = n;
size_t MathMacro::appetite() const
return d->appetite_;
void MathMacro::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
if (!requires_.empty())
if (!d->requires_.empty())
if (name() == "binom")
// validate the cells and the definition
if (displayMode() == DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
@ -608,65 +722,65 @@ Inset * MathMacro::editXY(Cursor & cur, int x, int y)
void MathMacro::removeArgument(Inset::pos_type pos) {
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
LASSERT(size_t(pos) < cells_.size(), return);
cells_.erase(cells_.begin() + pos);
if (size_t(pos) < attachedArgsNum_)
if (size_t(pos) < optionals_) {
if (size_t(pos) < d->attachedArgsNum_)
if (size_t(pos) < d->optionals_) {
needsUpdate_ = true;
d->needsUpdate_ = true;
void MathMacro::insertArgument(Inset::pos_type pos) {
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
LASSERT(size_t(pos) <= cells_.size(), return);
cells_.insert(cells_.begin() + pos, MathData());
if (size_t(pos) < attachedArgsNum_)
if (size_t(pos) < optionals_)
if (size_t(pos) < d->attachedArgsNum_)
if (size_t(pos) < d->optionals_)
needsUpdate_ = true;
d->needsUpdate_ = true;
void MathMacro::detachArguments(vector<MathData> & args, bool strip)
LASSERT(displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL, return);
LASSERT(d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL, return);
args = cells_;
// strip off empty cells, but not more than arity-attachedArgsNum_
if (strip) {
size_t i;
for (i = cells_.size(); i > attachedArgsNum_; --i)
for (i = cells_.size(); i > d->attachedArgsNum_; --i)
if (!cell(i - 1).empty()) break;
attachedArgsNum_ = 0;
expanded_ = MathData();
d->attachedArgsNum_ = 0;
d->expanded_ = MathData();
needsUpdate_ = true;
d->needsUpdate_ = true;
void MathMacro::attachArguments(vector<MathData> const & args, size_t arity, int optionals)
LASSERT(displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL, return);
LASSERT(d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL, return);
cells_ = args;
attachedArgsNum_ = args.size();
d->attachedArgsNum_ = args.size();
expanded_ = MathData();
optionals_ = optionals;
d->expanded_ = MathData();
d->optionals_ = optionals;
needsUpdate_ = true;
d->needsUpdate_ = true;
@ -686,9 +800,9 @@ bool MathMacro::idxLast(Cursor & cur) const
bool MathMacro::notifyCursorLeaves(Cursor const & old, Cursor & cur)
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
if (d->displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
docstring const & unfolded_name = name();
if (unfolded_name != name_) {
if (unfolded_name != d->name_) {
// The macro name was changed
Cursor inset_cursor = old;
int macroSlice = inset_cursor.find(this);
@ -713,8 +827,8 @@ bool MathMacro::notifyCursorLeaves(Cursor const & old, Cursor & cur)
void MathMacro::fold(Cursor & cur)
if (!nextFoldMode_) {
nextFoldMode_ = true;
if (!d->nextFoldMode_) {
d->nextFoldMode_ = true;
@ -722,8 +836,8 @@ void MathMacro::fold(Cursor & cur)
void MathMacro::unfold(Cursor & cur)
if (nextFoldMode_) {
nextFoldMode_ = false;
if (d->nextFoldMode_) {
d->nextFoldMode_ = false;
@ -731,16 +845,16 @@ void MathMacro::unfold(Cursor & cur)
bool MathMacro::folded() const
return nextFoldMode_;
return d->nextFoldMode_;
void MathMacro::write(WriteStream & os) const
MathEnsurer ensurer(os, macro_ != 0, true);
MathEnsurer ensurer(os, d->macro_ != 0, true);
// non-normal mode
if (displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
if (d->displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL) {
os << "\\" << name();
if (name().size() != 1 || isAlphaASCII(name()[0]))
@ -749,7 +863,7 @@ void MathMacro::write(WriteStream & os) const
// normal mode
// we should be ok to continue even if this fails.
// Always protect macros in a fragile environment
if (os.fragile())
@ -762,7 +876,7 @@ void MathMacro::write(WriteStream & os) const
// First find last non-empty optional argument
idx_type emptyOptFrom = 0;
idx_type i = 0;
for (; i < cells_.size() && i < optionals_; ++i) {
for (; i < cells_.size() && i < d->optionals_; ++i) {
if (!cell(i).empty())
emptyOptFrom = i + 1;
@ -774,7 +888,7 @@ void MathMacro::write(WriteStream & os) const
// skip the tailing empty optionals
i = optionals_;
i = d->optionals_;
// Print remaining arguments
for (; i < cells_.size(); ++i) {
@ -797,65 +911,65 @@ void MathMacro::write(WriteStream & os) const
void MathMacro::maple(MapleStream & os) const
lyx::maple(expanded_, os);
lyx::maple(d->expanded_, os);
void MathMacro::maxima(MaximaStream & os) const
lyx::maxima(expanded_, os);
lyx::maxima(d->expanded_, os);
void MathMacro::mathematica(MathematicaStream & os) const
lyx::mathematica(expanded_, os);
lyx::mathematica(d->expanded_, os);
void MathMacro::mathmlize(MathStream & os) const
// macro_ is 0 if this is an unknown macro
LATTEST(macro_ || displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL);
if (macro_) {
docstring const xmlname = macro_->xmlname();
LATTEST(d->macro_ || d->displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL);
if (d->macro_) {
docstring const xmlname = d->macro_->xmlname();
if (!xmlname.empty()) {
char const * type = macro_->MathMLtype();
char const * type = d->macro_->MathMLtype();
os << '<' << type << "> " << xmlname << " /<"
<< type << '>';
if (expanded_.empty()) {
if (d->expanded_.empty()) {
// this means that we do not recognize the macro
throw MathExportException();
os << expanded_;
os << d->expanded_;
void MathMacro::htmlize(HtmlStream & os) const
// macro_ is 0 if this is an unknown macro
LATTEST(macro_ || displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL);
if (macro_) {
docstring const xmlname = macro_->xmlname();
LATTEST(d->macro_ || d->displayMode_ != DISPLAY_NORMAL);
if (d->macro_) {
docstring const xmlname = d->macro_->xmlname();
if (!xmlname.empty()) {
os << ' ' << xmlname << ' ';
if (expanded_.empty()) {
if (d->expanded_.empty()) {
// this means that we do not recognize the macro
throw MathExportException();
os << expanded_;
os << d->expanded_;
void MathMacro::octave(OctaveStream & os) const
lyx::octave(expanded_, os);
lyx::octave(d->expanded_, os);

View File

@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ public:
/// A macro can be built from an existing template
MathMacro(Buffer * buf, docstring const & name);
MathMacro(MathMacro const &);
MathMacro & operator=(MathMacro const &);
virtual MathMacro * asMacro() { return this; }
virtual MathMacro const * asMacro() const { return this; }
@ -101,32 +107,26 @@ public:
DisplayMode displayMode() const { return displayMode_; }
DisplayMode displayMode() const;
bool extraBraces() const { return displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL && arity() > 0; }
bool extraBraces() const;
docstring name() const;
docstring macroName() const;
bool validName() const;
size_t arity() const {
if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_NORMAL )
return cells_.size();
return 0;
size_t arity() const;
size_t optionals() const { return optionals_; }
size_t optionals() const;
void setOptionals(int n) {
if (n <= int(nargs()))
optionals_ = n;
void setOptionals(int n);
/// Return the maximal number of arguments the macro is greedy for.
size_t appetite() const { return appetite_; }
size_t appetite() const;
InsetCode lyxCode() const { return MATH_MACRO_CODE; }
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ protected:
/// including the optional ones (even if it can be empty here)
void attachArguments(std::vector<MathData> const & args, size_t arity, int optionals);
MacroData const * macro() { return macro_; }
MacroData const * macro();
bool editMetrics(BufferView const * bv) const;
@ -160,38 +160,13 @@ private:
bool editMode(BufferView const * bv) const;
/// name of macro
docstring name_;
/// current display mode
DisplayMode displayMode_;
/// expanded macro with ArgumentProxies
MathData expanded_;
/// macro definition with #1,#2,.. insets
MathData definition_;
/// number of arguments that were really attached
size_t attachedArgsNum_;
/// optional argument attached? (only in DISPLAY_NORMAL mode)
size_t optionals_;
/// fold mode to be set in next metrics call?
bool nextFoldMode_;
/// if macro_ == true, then here is a copy of the macro
/// don't use it for locking
MacroData macroBackup_;
/// if macroNotFound_ == false, then here is a reference to the macro
/// this might invalidate after metrics was called
MacroData const * macro_;
mutable std::map<BufferView const *, bool> editing_;
class Private;
std::string requires_;
/// update macro representation
bool needsUpdate_;
Private * d;
/// update lock to avoid loops
class UpdateLocker;
friend class UpdateLocker;
bool isUpdating_;
/// maximal number of arguments the macro is greedy for
size_t appetite_;