mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 06:15:16 +00:00
Unified handling of IBMPlex and DejaVu fonts in lyx2lyx
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,64 +56,109 @@ def add_preamble_fonts(document, fontmap):
add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
def convert_fonts(document, font_list, font_type, scale_type, pkg):
" Handle font definition to LaTeX "
def createkey(pkg, options):
return pkg + ':' + "-".join(options)
def createkey(pkg, options):
return pkg + ':' + "-".join(options)
class fontinfo:
def __init__(self):
self.fontname = None # key into font2pkgmap
self.fonttype = None # roman,sans,typewriter,math
self.scaletype = None # None,sf,tt
self.scaleopt = None # None, 'scaled', 'scale'
self.scaleval = 1
self.package = None
self.options = []
self.pkgkey = None # key into pkg2fontmap
def getfontname(pkg, options, pkg2fontmap, font2pkgmap):
def addkey(self):
self.pkgkey = createkey(self.package, self.options)
class fontmapping:
def __init__(self):
self.font2pkgmap = dict()
self.pkg2fontmap = dict()
self.pkginmap = dict() # defines, if a map for package exists
def expandFontMapping(self, font_list, font_type, scale_type, pkg, scaleopt = None):
" Expand fontinfo mapping"
# fontlist: list of fontnames, each element
# may contain a ','-separated list of needed options
# like e.g. 'IBMPlexSansCondensed,condensed'
# font_type: one of 'roman', 'sans', 'typewriter', 'math'
# scale_type: one of None, 'sf', 'tt'
# pkg: package defining the font. Defaults to fontname if None
# scaleopt: one of None, 'scale', 'scaled', or some other string
# to be used in scale option (e.g. scaled=0.7)
for fl in font_list:
fe = fontinfo()
fe.fonttype = font_type
fe.scaletype = scale_type
flt = fl.split(",")
font_name = flt[0]
fe.fontname = font_name
fe.options = flt[1:]
fe.scaleopt = scaleopt
if pkg == None:
fe.package = font_name
fe.package = pkg
self.font2pkgmap[font_name] = fe
if fe.pkgkey in self.pkg2fontmap:
# Repeated the same entry? Check content
if self.pkg2fontmap[fe.pkgkey] != font_name:
document.error("Something is wrong in pkgname+options <-> fontname mapping")
self.pkg2fontmap[fe.pkgkey] = font_name
self.pkginmap[fe.package] = 1
def getfontname(self, pkg, options):
pkgkey = createkey(pkg, options)
if not pkgkey in pkg2fontmap:
if not pkgkey in self.pkg2fontmap:
return None
fontname = pkg2fontmap[pkgkey]
if not fontname in font2pkgmap:
document.warning("Something is wrong in pkgname+options <-> fontname conversion")
fontname = self.pkg2fontmap[pkgkey]
if not fontname in self.font2pkgmap:
document.error("Something is wrong in pkgname+options <-> fontname mapping")
return None
pkgkey2 = createkey(font2pkgmap[fontname].package, font2pkgmap[fontname].options)
if pkgkey == pkgkey2:
if pkgkey == self.font2pkgmap[fontname].pkgkey:
return fontname
return None
# We need a mapping pkg+options => font_name
# and font_name => pkg+options
class fontinfo:
package = None
options = []
def createFontMapping():
# Create info for known fonts for the use in
# convert_latexFonts() and
# revert_latexFonts()
# * Would be more handy to parse latexFonts file,
# but the path to this file is unknown
# * For now, add DejaVu and IBMPlex only.
# * Expand, if desired
fm = fontmapping()
fm.expandFontMapping(['DejaVuSerif', 'DejaVuSerifCondensed'], "roman", None, None)
fm.expandFontMapping(['DejaVuSans','DejaVuSansCondensed'], "sans", "sf", None, "scaled")
fm.expandFontMapping(['DejaVuSansMono'], "typewriter", "tt", None, "scaled")
fm.expandFontMapping(['IBMPlexSerif', 'IBMPlexSerifThin,thin',
'IBMPlexSerifExtraLight,extralight', 'IBMPlexSerifLight,light',
"roman", None, "plex-serif")
'IBMPlexSansThin,thin', 'IBMPlexSansExtraLight,extralight',
'IBMPlexSansLight,light', 'IBMPlexSansSemibold,semibold'],
"sans", "sf", "plex-sans", "scale")
fm.expandFontMapping(['IBMPlexMono', 'IBMPlexMonoThin,thin',
'IBMPlexMonoExtraLight,extralight', 'IBMPlexMonoLight,light',
"typewriter", "tt", "plex-mono", "scale")
return fm
font2pkgmap = dict()
pkg2fontmap = dict()
pkgmap = dict()
for fl in font_list:
fe = fontinfo()
flt = fl.split(",")
font_name = flt[0]
fe.options = flt[1:]
if pkg == None:
fe.package = font_name
fe.package = pkg
font2pkgmap[font_name] = fe
pkgkey = createkey(fe.package, fe.options)
if pkgkey in pkg2fontmap:
# Repeated the same entry? Check content
if pkg2fontmap[pkgkey] != font_name:
print "ERROR:"
pkg2fontmap[pkgkey] = font_name
pkgmap[fe.package] = 1
def convert_fonts(document, fm):
" Handle font definition to LaTeX "
rpkg = re.compile(r'^\\usepackage(\[([^\]]*)\])?\{([^\}]+)\}')
rscaleopt = re.compile(r'^scaled?=(.*)')
ft = font_type
if scale_type == None:
fontscale = None
fontscale = "\\font_" + scale_type + "_scale"
i = 0
while i < len(document.preamble):
i = find_re(document.preamble, rpkg, i)
@ -136,15 +181,22 @@ def convert_fonts(document, font_list, font_type, scale_type, pkg):
del options[o]
if not pkg in pkgmap:
if not pkg in fm.pkginmap:
i += 1
# determine fontname
fn = getfontname(pkg, options, pkg2fontmap, font2pkgmap)
fn = fm.getfontname(pkg, options)
if fn == None:
i += 1
del document.preamble[i]
fontinfo = fm.font2pkgmap[fn]
if fontinfo.scaletype == None:
fontscale = None
fontscale = "\\font_" + fontinfo.scaletype + "_scale"
fontinfo.scaleval = oscale
if i > 0 and document.preamble[i-1] == "% Added by lyx2lyx":
del document.preamble[i-1]
if fontscale != None:
@ -156,58 +208,55 @@ def convert_fonts(document, font_list, font_type, scale_type, pkg):
if oscale != None:
scale = "%03d" % int(float(oscale) * 100)
document.header[j] = fontscale + " " + scale + " " + vals[1]
ft = "\\font_" + fontinfo.fonttype
j = find_token(document.header, ft, 0)
if j != -1:
val = get_value(document.header, ft, j)
vals = val.split()
document.header[j] = ft + ' "' + fn + '" ' + vals[1]
def revert_fonts(document, font_list, fontmap, package=None):
def revert_fonts(document, fm, fontmap):
" Revert native font definition to LaTeX "
# fonlist := list of fonts created from the same package
# Empty package means that the font-name is the same as the package-name
# fontmap (key = package, val += found options) will be filled
# and used later in add_preamble_fonts() to be added to user-preamble
if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
font_types = ["\\font_roman", "\\font_sans,sf", "\\font_typewriter,tt", "\\font_math,math"]
optmap = dict()
for fontl1 in font_list:
fontl = fontl1.split(",")
font = fontl[0]
optmap[font] = fontl[1:]
for ft1 in font_types:
fts = ft1.split(",")
ft = fts[0]
i = find_token(document.header, ft, 0)
if i == -1:
val = get_value(document.header, ft, i)
words = val.split()
font = words[0].replace('"', '')
if not font in optmap:
if package == None:
val = font;
val = package
if not val in fontmap:
fontmap[val] = []
document.header[i] = ft + ' "default" ' + words[1]
if len(fts) > 1:
xval = get_value(document.header, "\\font_" + fts[1] + "_scale", 0)
if xval != '':
# cutoff " 100"
xval = xval[:-4]
if xval != "100":
# set correct scale option
if re.match('Deja.*', val):
scale_par = "scaled"
scale_par = "scale"
fontmap[val].extend([scale_par + "=" + format(float(xval) / 100, '.2f')])
if len(optmap[font]) > 0:
rfontscale = re.compile(r'^\s*(\\font_(roman|sans|typewriter|math))\s+')
rscales = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)')
i = 0
while i < len(document.header):
i = find_re(document.header, rfontscale, i)
if (i == -1):
mo = rfontscale.search(document.header[i])
if mo == None:
i += 1
ft = mo.group(1) # 'roman', 'sans', 'typewriter', 'math'
val = get_value(document.header, ft, i)
words = val.split()
font = words[0].replace('"', '')
if not font in fm.font2pkgmap:
i += 1
fontinfo = fm.font2pkgmap[font]
val = fontinfo.package
if not val in fontmap:
fontmap[val] = []
document.header[i] = ft + ' "default" ' + words[1]
if fontinfo.scaleopt != None:
xval = get_value(document.header, "\\font_" + fontinfo.scaletype + "_scale", 0)
mo = rscales.search(xval)
if mo != None:
xval1 = mo.group(1)
xval2 = mo.group(2)
if xval1 != "100":
# set correct scale option
fontmap[val].extend([fontinfo.scaleopt + "=" + format(float(xval1) / 100, '.2f')])
if len(fontinfo.options) > 0:
i += 1
@ -215,60 +264,21 @@ def revert_fonts(document, font_list, fontmap, package=None):
def convert_ibmplex(document):
" Handle IBM Plex font definition to LaTeX "
def convert_latexFonts(document):
" Handle DejaVu and IBMPlex fonts definition to LaTeX "
ibmplex_fonts_roman = ['IBMPlexSerif', 'IBMPlexSerifThin,thin',
'IBMPlexSerifExtraLight,extralight', 'IBMPlexSerifLight,light',
ibmplex_fonts_sans = ['IBMPlexSans','IBMPlexSansCondensed,condensed',
'IBMPlexSansThin,thin', 'IBMPlexSansExtraLight,extralight',
'IBMPlexSansLight,light', 'IBMPlexSansSemibold,semibold']
ibmplex_fonts_typewriter = ['IBMPlexMono', 'IBMPlexMonoThin,thin',
'IBMPlexMonoExtraLight,extralight', 'IBMPlexMonoLight,light',
if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
fm = createFontMapping()
convert_fonts(document, fm)
convert_fonts(document, ibmplex_fonts_roman, "\\font_roman", None, "plex-serif")
convert_fonts(document, ibmplex_fonts_sans, "\\font_sans", "sf", "plex-sans")
convert_fonts(document, ibmplex_fonts_typewriter, "\\font_typewriter", "tt", "plex-mono")
def revert_ibmplex(document):
" Revert native IBM Plex font definition to LaTeX "
fontmap = dict()
revert_fonts(document, ['IBMPlexSerif', 'IBMPlexSerifThin,thin',
'IBMPlexSerifLight,light', 'IBMPlexSerifSemibold,semibold'],
fontmap, "plex-serif")
revert_fonts(document, ['IBMPlexSans','IBMPlexSansCondensed,condensed',
'IBMPlexSansThin,thin', 'IBMPlexSansExtraLight,extralight',
'IBMPlexSansLight,light', 'IBMPlexSansSemibold,semibold'],
fontmap, "plex-sans")
revert_fonts(document, ['IBMPlexMono', 'IBMPlexMonoThin,thin',
'IBMPlexMonoExtraLight,extralight', 'IBMPlexMonoLight,light',
fontmap, "plex-mono")
add_preamble_fonts(document, fontmap)
def convert_dejavu(document):
" Handle DejaVu font definition to LaTeX "
dejavu_fonts_roman = ['DejaVuSerif', 'DejaVuSerifCondensed']
dejavu_fonts_sans = ['DejaVuSans','DejaVuSansCondensed']
dejavu_fonts_typewriter = ['DejaVuSansMono']
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts_roman, "\\font_roman", None, None)
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts_sans, "\\font_sans", "sf", None)
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts_typewriter, "\\font_typewriter", "tt", None)
def revert_dejavu(document):
def revert_latexFonts(document):
" Revert native DejaVu font definition to LaTeX "
dejavu_fonts = ['DejaVuSerif', 'DejaVuSerifCondensed', 'DejaVuSans',
'DejaVuSansMono', 'DejaVuSansCondensed']
fontmap = dict()
revert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts, fontmap)
add_preamble_fonts(document, fontmap)
if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
fontmap = dict()
fm = createFontMapping()
revert_fonts(document, fm, fontmap)
add_preamble_fonts(document, fontmap)
def removeFrontMatterStyles(document):
" Remove styles Begin/EndFrontmatter"
@ -1342,7 +1352,7 @@ convert = [
[558, [removeFrontMatterStyles]],
[559, []],
[560, []],
[561, [convert_dejavu, convert_ibmplex]],
[561, [convert_latexFonts]], # Handle dejavu, ibmplex fonts in GUI
[562, []],
[563, []]
@ -1350,7 +1360,7 @@ convert = [
revert = [
[562, [revert_listpargs]],
[561, [revert_l7ninfo]],
[560, [revert_ibmplex, revert_dejavu]],
[560, [revert_latexFonts]], # Handle dejavu, ibmplex fonts in user preamble
[559, [revert_timeinfo, revert_namenoextinfo]],
[558, [revert_dateinfo]],
[557, [addFrontMatterStyles]],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user