mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 05:16:21 +00:00
DocBook: use the existing unicodesymbols global table to map LaTeX ERTs to Unicode characters.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
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ERT Conversions
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These should be
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
` A
\begin_layout Standard
This one should be
\family typewriter
\family default
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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See https://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
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<title>ERT Conversions</title>
<para>These should be <code>&#192;</code>: À À À </para>
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/TempFile.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
@ -88,311 +89,6 @@ int InsetERT::plaintext(odocstringstream & os,
static const std::map<docstring, docstring> raw_latex_encoding_to_unicode_xml{
// Punctuation.
{from_ascii("\\textquotesingle"), from_ascii("'")},
{from_ascii("!`"), from_ascii("¡")}, // inverted exclamation mark
{from_ascii("?`"), from_ascii("¿")}, // inverted interrogation mark
// Logos.
{from_ascii("\\LaTeX"), from_ascii("LaTeX")},
{from_ascii("\\LaTeXe"), from_ascii("LaTeX2ε")}, // LaTeX 2 epsilon
{from_ascii("\\LyX"), from_ascii("LyX")},
{from_ascii("\\TeX"), from_ascii("TeX")},
// Accentuated letters (alphabetical order of description, ligatures after accents).
// Missing letters are only indicated for vowels (only few consonants have diacritics).
// Only symbols that can be expressed as one Unicode characters are present; symbols with more than one
// diacritic are also omitted.
{from_ascii("\\`{a}"), from_ascii("á")}, // a acute
{from_ascii("\\` a"), from_ascii("á")},
{from_ascii("\\`{A}"), from_ascii("Á")}, // A acute
{from_ascii("\\` A"), from_ascii("Á")},
{from_ascii("\\u{a}"), from_ascii("ă")}, // a breve
{from_ascii("\\u a"), from_ascii("ă")},
{from_ascii("\\u{A}"), from_ascii("Ă")}, // A breve
{from_ascii("\\u A"), from_ascii("Ă")},
{from_ascii("\\v{a}"), from_ascii("ǎ")}, // a caron
{from_ascii("\\v a"), from_ascii("ǎ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{A}"), from_ascii("Ǎ")}, // A caron
{from_ascii("\\v A"), from_ascii("Ǎ")},
// No a cedilla.
{from_ascii("\\^{a}"), from_ascii("â")}, // a circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ a"), from_ascii("â")},
{from_ascii("\\^{A}"), from_ascii("Â")}, // A circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ A"), from_ascii("Â")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{a}"), from_ascii("ä")}, // a diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" a"), from_ascii("ä")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{A}"), from_ascii("Ä")}, // A diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" A"), from_ascii("Ä")},
// No a double acute.
{from_ascii("\\`{a}"), from_ascii("à")}, // a grave
{from_ascii("\\` a"), from_ascii("à")},
{from_ascii("\\`{A}"), from_ascii("À")}, // A grave
{from_ascii("\\` A"), from_ascii("À")},
{from_ascii("\\~{a}"), from_ascii("ã")}, // a tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ a"), from_ascii("ã")},
{from_ascii("\\~{A}"), from_ascii("Ã")}, // A tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ A"), from_ascii("Ã")},
{from_ascii("\\aa"), from_ascii("å")}, // a ring
{from_ascii("\\r{a}"), from_ascii("å")},
{from_ascii("\\r a"), from_ascii("å")},
{from_ascii("\\AA"), from_ascii("Å")}, // A ring
{from_ascii("\\r{A}"), from_ascii("Å")},
{from_ascii("\\r A"), from_ascii("Å")},
{from_ascii("\\ae"), from_ascii("æ")}, // ae ligature
{from_ascii("\\AE"), from_ascii("Æ")}, // AE ligature
{from_ascii("\\v{c}"), from_ascii("č")}, // c caron
{from_ascii("\\v c"), from_ascii("č")},
{from_ascii("\\v{C}"), from_ascii("Č")}, // C caron
{from_ascii("\\v C"), from_ascii("Č")},
{from_ascii("\\c{c}"), from_ascii("Ç")}, // c cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c c"), from_ascii("Ç")},
{from_ascii("\\c{C}"), from_ascii("ç")}, // C cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c C"), from_ascii("ç")},
{from_ascii("\\v{d}"), from_ascii("ď")}, // d caron
{from_ascii("\\v d"), from_ascii("ď")},
{from_ascii("\\v{D}"), from_ascii("Ď")}, // D caron
{from_ascii("\\v D"), from_ascii("Ď")},
{from_ascii("\\`{e}"), from_ascii("é")}, // e acute
{from_ascii("\\` e"), from_ascii("é")},
{from_ascii("\\`{E}"), from_ascii("É")}, // E acute
{from_ascii("\\` E"), from_ascii("É")},
{from_ascii("\\u{e}"), from_ascii("ĕ")}, // e breve
{from_ascii("\\u e"), from_ascii("ĕ")},
{from_ascii("\\u{E}"), from_ascii("Ĕ")}, // E breve
{from_ascii("\\u E"), from_ascii("Ĕ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{e}"), from_ascii("ě")}, // e caron
{from_ascii("\\v e"), from_ascii("ě")},
{from_ascii("\\v{E}"), from_ascii("Ě")}, // E caron
{from_ascii("\\v E"), from_ascii("Ě")},
{from_ascii("\\c{e}"), from_ascii("ȩ")}, // e cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c e"), from_ascii("ȩ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{E}"), from_ascii("Ȩ")}, // E cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c E"), from_ascii("Ȩ")},
{from_ascii("\\^{e}"), from_ascii("ê")}, // e circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ e"), from_ascii("ê")},
{from_ascii("\\^{E}"), from_ascii("Ê")}, // E circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ E"), from_ascii("Ê")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{e}"), from_ascii("ë")}, // e diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" e"), from_ascii("ë")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{E}"), from_ascii("Ë")}, // E diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" E"), from_ascii("Ë")},
// No e double acute.
{from_ascii("\\`{e}"), from_ascii("è")}, // e grave
{from_ascii("\\` e"), from_ascii("è")},
{from_ascii("\\`{E}"), from_ascii("È")}, // E grave
{from_ascii("\\` E"), from_ascii("È")},
{from_ascii("\\~{e}"), from_ascii("ẽ")}, // e tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ e"), from_ascii("ẽ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{E}"), from_ascii("Ẽ")}, // E tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ E"), from_ascii("Ẽ")},
// No e ring.
{from_ascii("\\u{g}"), from_ascii("ğ")}, // g breve
{from_ascii("\\u g"), from_ascii("ğ")},
{from_ascii("\\u{G}"), from_ascii("Ğ")}, // G breve
{from_ascii("\\u G"), from_ascii("Ğ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{g}"), from_ascii("ǧ")}, // g caron
{from_ascii("\\v g"), from_ascii("ǧ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{G}"), from_ascii("Ǧ")}, // G caron
{from_ascii("\\v G"), from_ascii("Ǧ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{g}"), from_ascii("ģ")}, // g cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c g"), from_ascii("ģ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{G}"), from_ascii("Ģ")}, // G cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c G"), from_ascii("Ģ")},
{from_ascii("\\i"), from_ascii("ı")}, // i dotless
{from_ascii("\\`{i}"), from_ascii("í")}, // i acute
{from_ascii("\\` i"), from_ascii("í")},
{from_ascii("\\`{I}"), from_ascii("Í")}, // I acute
{from_ascii("\\` I"), from_ascii("Í")},
{from_ascii("\\u{i}"), from_ascii("ĭ")}, // i breve
{from_ascii("\\u i"), from_ascii("ĭ")},
{from_ascii("\\u{I}"), from_ascii("Ĭ")}, // I breve
{from_ascii("\\u I"), from_ascii("Ĭ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{i}"), from_ascii("ǐ")}, // i caron
{from_ascii("\\v i"), from_ascii("ǐ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{I}"), from_ascii("Ǐ")}, // I caron
{from_ascii("\\v I"), from_ascii("Ǐ")},
// No i cedilla.
{from_ascii("\\^{i}"), from_ascii("î")}, // i circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ i"), from_ascii("î")},
{from_ascii("\\^{I}"), from_ascii("Î")}, // I circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ I"), from_ascii("ï")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{i}"), from_ascii("ï")}, // i diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" i"), from_ascii("ë")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{I}"), from_ascii("ë")}, // I diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" I"), from_ascii("Ï")},
// No i double acute.
{from_ascii("\\`{i}"), from_ascii("ì")}, // i grave
{from_ascii("\\` i"), from_ascii("ì")},
{from_ascii("\\`{I}"), from_ascii("Ì")}, // I grave
{from_ascii("\\` I"), from_ascii("Ì")},
{from_ascii("\\~{i}"), from_ascii("ĩ")}, // i tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ i"), from_ascii("ĩ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{I}"), from_ascii("Ĩ")}, // I tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ I"), from_ascii("Ĩ")},
// No i ring.
{from_ascii("\\j"), from_ascii("ȷ")}, // j dotless
{from_ascii("\\v{k}"), from_ascii("Ǩ")}, // k caron
{from_ascii("\\v k"), from_ascii("Ǩ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{K}"), from_ascii("ǩ")}, // K caron
{from_ascii("\\v K"), from_ascii("ǩ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{k}"), from_ascii("ķ")}, // k cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c k"), from_ascii("ķ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{K}"), from_ascii("Ķ")}, // K cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c K"), from_ascii("Ķ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{l}"), from_ascii("ľ")}, // l caron
{from_ascii("\\v l"), from_ascii("ľ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{L}"), from_ascii("Ľ")}, // L caron
{from_ascii("\\v L"), from_ascii("Ľ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{l}"), from_ascii("ļ")}, // l cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c l"), from_ascii("ļ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{L}"), from_ascii("Ļ")}, // L cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c L"), from_ascii("Ļ")},
{from_ascii("\\l"), from_ascii("ł")}, // l stroke
{from_ascii("\\L"), from_ascii("Ł")}, // L stroke
{from_ascii("\\v{n}"), from_ascii("ň")}, // n caron
{from_ascii("\\v n"), from_ascii("ň")},
{from_ascii("\\v{N}"), from_ascii("Ň")}, // N caron
{from_ascii("\\v N"), from_ascii("Ň")},
{from_ascii("\\c{n}"), from_ascii("ņ")}, // n cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c n"), from_ascii("ņ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{N}"), from_ascii("Ņ")}, // N cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c N"), from_ascii("Ņ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{n}"), from_ascii("ñ")}, // n tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ n"), from_ascii("ñ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{N}"), from_ascii("Ñ")}, // N tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ N"), from_ascii("Ñ")},
{from_ascii("\\`{o}"), from_ascii("ó")}, // o acute
{from_ascii("\\` o"), from_ascii("ó")},
{from_ascii("\\`{O}"), from_ascii("Ó")}, // O acute
{from_ascii("\\` O"), from_ascii("Ó")},
{from_ascii("\\u{o}"), from_ascii("ŏ")}, // o breve
{from_ascii("\\u o"), from_ascii("ŏ")},
{from_ascii("\\u{O}"), from_ascii("Ŏ")}, // O breve
{from_ascii("\\u O"), from_ascii("Ŏ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{o}"), from_ascii("ǒ")}, // o caron
{from_ascii("\\v o"), from_ascii("ǒ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{O}"), from_ascii("Ǒ")}, // O caron
{from_ascii("\\v O"), from_ascii("Ǒ")},
// No o cedilla.
{from_ascii("\\^{o}"), from_ascii("ô")}, // o circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ o"), from_ascii("ô")},
{from_ascii("\\^{O}"), from_ascii("Ô")}, // O circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ O"), from_ascii("Ô")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{o}"), from_ascii("ö")}, // o diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" o"), from_ascii("ö")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{O}"), from_ascii("Ö")}, // O diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" O"), from_ascii("Ö")},
{from_ascii("\\H{o}"), from_ascii("ő")}, // o double acute
{from_ascii("\\H o"), from_ascii("ő")},
{from_ascii("\\H{O}"), from_ascii("Ő")}, // O double acute
{from_ascii("\\H O"), from_ascii("Ő")},
{from_ascii("\\`{o}"), from_ascii("ò")}, // o grave
{from_ascii("\\` o"), from_ascii("ò")},
{from_ascii("\\`{O}"), from_ascii("Ò")}, // O grave
{from_ascii("\\` O"), from_ascii("Ò")},
{from_ascii("\\o"), from_ascii("ø")}, // o stroke
{from_ascii("\\O"), from_ascii("Ø")}, // O stroke
{from_ascii("\\~{o}"), from_ascii("õ")}, // o tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ o"), from_ascii("õ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{O}"), from_ascii("Õ")}, // O tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ O"), from_ascii("Õ")},
// No o ring.
{from_ascii("\\oe"), from_ascii("œ")}, // oe ligature
{from_ascii("\\OE"), from_ascii("Œ")}, // OE ligature
{from_ascii("\\v{r}"), from_ascii("ř")}, // r caron
{from_ascii("\\v r"), from_ascii("ř")},
{from_ascii("\\v{R}"), from_ascii("Ř")}, // R caron
{from_ascii("\\v R"), from_ascii("Ř")},
{from_ascii("\\c{r}"), from_ascii("ŗ")}, // r cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c r"), from_ascii("ŗ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{R}"), from_ascii("Ŗ")}, // R cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c R"), from_ascii("Ŗ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{s}"), from_ascii("š")}, // s caron
{from_ascii("\\v s"), from_ascii("š")},
{from_ascii("\\v{S}"), from_ascii("Š")}, // S caron
{from_ascii("\\v S"), from_ascii("Š")},
{from_ascii("\\c{s}"), from_ascii("ş")}, // s cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c s"), from_ascii("ş")},
{from_ascii("\\c{S}"), from_ascii("Ş")}, // S cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c S"), from_ascii("Ş")},
{from_ascii("\\v{t}"), from_ascii("ť")}, // t caron
{from_ascii("\\v t"), from_ascii("ť")},
{from_ascii("\\v{T}"), from_ascii("Ť")}, // T caron
{from_ascii("\\v T"), from_ascii("Ť")},
{from_ascii("\\c{t}"), from_ascii("ţ")}, // t cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c t"), from_ascii("ţ")},
{from_ascii("\\c{T}"), from_ascii("Ţ")}, // T cedilla
{from_ascii("\\c T"), from_ascii("Ţ")},
{from_ascii("\\`{u}"), from_ascii("ú")}, // u acute
{from_ascii("\\` u"), from_ascii("ú")},
{from_ascii("\\`{U}"), from_ascii("Ú")}, // U acute
{from_ascii("\\` U"), from_ascii("Ú")},
{from_ascii("\\u{u}"), from_ascii("ŭ")}, // u breve
{from_ascii("\\u u"), from_ascii("ŭ")},
{from_ascii("\\u{U}"), from_ascii("Ŭ")}, // U breve
{from_ascii("\\u U"), from_ascii("Ŭ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{u}"), from_ascii("ǔ")}, // u caron
{from_ascii("\\v u"), from_ascii("ǔ")},
{from_ascii("\\v{U}"), from_ascii("Ǔ")}, // U caron
{from_ascii("\\v U"), from_ascii("Ǔ")},
// No u cedilla.
{from_ascii("\\^{u}"), from_ascii("û")}, // u circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ u"), from_ascii("û")},
{from_ascii("\\^{U}"), from_ascii("Û")}, // U circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ U"), from_ascii("Û")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{u}"), from_ascii("ü")}, // u diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" u"), from_ascii("ü")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{U}"), from_ascii("Ü")}, // U diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" U"), from_ascii("Ü")},
{from_ascii("\\H{u}"), from_ascii("ű")}, // u double acute
{from_ascii("\\H u"), from_ascii("ű")},
{from_ascii("\\H{U}"), from_ascii("Ű")}, // U double acute
{from_ascii("\\H U"), from_ascii("Ű")},
{from_ascii("\\`{u}"), from_ascii("ù")}, // u grave
{from_ascii("\\` u"), from_ascii("ù")},
{from_ascii("\\`{U}"), from_ascii("Ù")}, // U grave
{from_ascii("\\` U"), from_ascii("Ù")},
{from_ascii("\\~{u}"), from_ascii("ũ")}, // u tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ u"), from_ascii("ũ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{U}"), from_ascii("Ũ")}, // U tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ U"), from_ascii("Ũ")},
{from_ascii("\\r{u}"), from_ascii("å")}, // u ring
{from_ascii("\\r u"), from_ascii("ů")},
{from_ascii("\\r{U}"), from_ascii("ů")}, // U ring
{from_ascii("\\r U"), from_ascii("Ů")},
{from_ascii("\\`{y}"), from_ascii("ý")}, // y acute
{from_ascii("\\` y"), from_ascii("ý")},
{from_ascii("\\`{Y}"), from_ascii("Ý")}, // Y acute
{from_ascii("\\` Y"), from_ascii("Ý")},
{from_ascii("\\v{z}"), from_ascii("ž")}, // z caron
{from_ascii("\\v z"), from_ascii("ž")},
{from_ascii("\\v{Z}"), from_ascii("Ž")}, // Z caron
{from_ascii("\\v Z"), from_ascii("Ž")},
// No y breve.
// No y cedilla.
{from_ascii("\\^{y}"), from_ascii("ŷ")}, // y circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ y"), from_ascii("ŷ")},
{from_ascii("\\^{Y}"), from_ascii("Ŷ")}, // Y circumflex
{from_ascii("\\^ Y"), from_ascii("Ŷ")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{y}"), from_ascii("ÿ")}, // y diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" y"), from_ascii("ÿ")},
{from_ascii("\\\"{Y}"), from_ascii("Ÿ")}, // Y diaeresis
{from_ascii("\\\" Y"), from_ascii("Ÿ")},
// No y double acute.
{from_ascii("\\`{y}"), from_ascii("ỳ")}, // y grave
{from_ascii("\\` y"), from_ascii("ỳ")},
{from_ascii("\\`{Y}"), from_ascii("Ỳ")}, // Y grave
{from_ascii("\\` Y"), from_ascii("Ỳ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{y}"), from_ascii("ỹ")}, // y tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ y"), from_ascii("ỹ")},
{from_ascii("\\~{Y}"), from_ascii("Ỹ")}, // Y tilde
{from_ascii("\\~ Y"), from_ascii("Ỹ")},
// No y ring.
void InsetERT::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const
auto const begin = paragraphs().begin();
@ -441,26 +137,39 @@ void InsetERT::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const
// First step: some commands have a direct mapping to DocBook, mostly because the mapping is simply text or
// an XML entity.
// Logic is similar to that of convertLaTeXCommands in BiblioInfo.cpp.
// TODO: make the code even more similar by looping over the string and applying all conversions. (What is not
// recognised should simply be put in comments: have a list of elements that are either already recognised or are
// not yet recognised? Global transformations like \string should then come first.)
docstring os_trimmed = trim(os.str());
auto command_raw_translation = raw_latex_encoding_to_unicode_xml.find(os_trimmed);
if (command_raw_translation != raw_latex_encoding_to_unicode_xml.end()) {
xs << command_raw_translation->second;
output_as_comment = false;
} else {
// If the trimmed ERT ends with {}, try a mapping without it.
auto os_braces = os_trimmed.find(from_ascii("{}"));
// Rewrite \"u to \"{u}.
static regex const regNoBraces(R"(^\\\W\w)");
if (regex_search(to_utf8(os_trimmed), regNoBraces)) {
os_trimmed.insert(3, from_ascii("}"));
os_trimmed.insert(2, from_ascii("{"));
if (os_braces != lyx::docstring::npos) {
auto key = os_trimmed.substr(0, os_braces);
auto command_braces_translation = raw_latex_encoding_to_unicode_xml.find(key);
// Rewrite \" u to \"{u}.
static regex const regSpace(R"(^\\\W \w)");
if (regex_search(to_utf8(os_trimmed), regSpace)) {
os_trimmed[2] = '{';
os_trimmed.insert(4, from_ascii("}"));
if (command_braces_translation != raw_latex_encoding_to_unicode_xml.end()) {
xs << command_braces_translation->second;
output_as_comment = false;
// Look into the global table of Unicode characters if there is a match.
bool termination;
docstring rem;
docstring const converted = Encodings::fromLaTeXCommand(os_trimmed,
Encodings::TEXT_CMD, termination, rem);
if (!converted.empty()) {
// Don't output the characters directly, even if the document should be encoded in UTF-8, for editors that
// do not support all these funky characters.
for (const char_type& character : converted) {
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << from_ascii("&#" + std::to_string(character) + ';');
output_as_comment = false;
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