mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 05:16:21 +00:00
Do not force the use of the HE8 font encoding for Hebrew.
While HE8 provides more characters and prevents use of bitmap fonts, forcing its use may break older installations. The dedicated test file 012_hebrew_he_HE8.lyx provides an example for use of HE8 encoded fonts with babel-hebrew.
This commit is contained in:
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12) Hebrew
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Babel-Hebrew defaults to the legacy font encoding LHE, that only supports
the basic Hebrew alphabet.
Hebrew 8-bit fonts are not part of TeXLive.
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\lang hebrew
אְ אֱ אֲ אֳ אִ אֵ אֶ אַ אָ אֹ
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\begin_layout Standard
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אֻ אּ אֽ ־ אֿ אְ אֱ אֲ אֳ אִ אֵ אֶ אַ אָ אֹ אֺ
אֻ בּ אֽ ־
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שׁ שׂ ׃ אׄ אׅ ׆ אׇ ׀
שׁ שׂ ׃
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אׄ אׅ ׆ אׇ
\begin_layout Standard
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\lang hebrew
װ ױ ײ
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inverted 0
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׳ ״
װ ױ ײ ׳ ״
Normal file
Normal file
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\begin_layout Subsection*
12 Hebrew
\begin_layout Standard
This document uses the nonstandard Hebrew font encoding HE8 that includes
additional characters (see Document>Settings>Fonts and >User Preamble).
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\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
א֑ א֒ א֓ א֔ א֕ א֖ א֗ א֘ א֙ א֚ א֛ א֜ א֝ א֞ א֟
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Branch na
inverted 0
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\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
א֠ א֡ א֢ א֣ א֤ א֥ א֦ א֧ א֨ א֩ א֪ א֫ א֬ א֭ א֮ א֯
\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
אְ אֱ אֲ אֳ אִ אֵ אֶ אַ אָ אֹ
\begin_inset Branch na
inverted 0
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\lang hebrew
אֻ אּ אֽ ־
\begin_inset Branch na
inverted 0
status open
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\lang hebrew
\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
\begin_inset Branch na
inverted 0
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\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
שׁ שׂ ׃
\begin_inset Branch na
inverted 0
status open
\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
אׄ אׅ ׆ אׇ
\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י ך כ ל ם מ ן
\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
נ ס ע ף פ ץ צ ק ר ש ת
\begin_layout Standard
\lang hebrew
װ ױ ײ
\begin_inset Branch na
inverted 0
status open
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\lang hebrew
׳ ״
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152 Alphabetic Presentation Forms
\begin_layout Standard
This document uses the nonstandard Hebrew font encoding HE8 that includes
additional characters (see Document>Settings>Fonts and >User Preamble).
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
FB00 ff fi fl ffi ffl
@ -150,6 +160,20 @@ status open
שׁ שׂ שּׁ שּׂ אַ אָ
\lang english
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
The character
hebvarayin (ﬠ) is present in HE8 culmus fonts but not defined in he8enc.def.
\begin_layout Labeling
@ -768,8 +768,6 @@ Language hebrew
# Define the font encoding the babel-hebrew way and
# work around too simple test for article-like classes in rlbabel.def.
DateFormats "d MMMM yyyy|d MMM yyyy|dd/MM/yyyy"
Reference in New Issue
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