diff --git a/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp b/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp
index fa3fb1699d..e4e10c088e 100644
--- a/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp
+++ b/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ const char * const known_xetex_packages[] = {"arabxetex", "fixlatvian",
const char * const known_lyx_packages[] = {"amsbsy", "amsmath", "amssymb",
"amstext", "amsthm", "array", "babel", "booktabs", "calc", "CJK", "color",
"float", "fontspec", "framed", "graphicx", "hhline", "ifthen", "longtable",
-"makeidx", "minted", "nomencl", "pdfpages", "prettyref", "refstyle",
+"makeidx", "minted", "multirow", "nomencl", "pdfpages", "prettyref", "refstyle",
"rotating", "rotfloat", "splitidx", "setspace", "subscript", "tabularx","textcomp", "tipa",
"tipx", "tone", "ulem", "url", "varioref", "verbatim", "wrapfig", "xcolor", "xltabular",
"xunicode", 0};
diff --git a/src/tex2lyx/TODO.txt b/src/tex2lyx/TODO.txt
index b108eb2822..d55dae0e73 100644
--- a/src/tex2lyx/TODO.txt
+++ b/src/tex2lyx/TODO.txt
@@ -39,14 +39,12 @@ Format LaTeX feature LyX feature
363 horizontal longtable alignment InsetTabular
364 branch file name suffix \filename_suffix
371 automatic mhchem loading \use_mhchem
-377 multirow.sty InsetTabular
378 revision info InsetInfo
380 ? InsetPreview
386 LyX version InsetInfo
390 forward/reverse search \forward_search, \forward_macro
391 decimal alignment in tables InsetTabular
399 automatic mathdots loading \use_mathdots
-407 vertical offset for multirows InsetTabular
411 support for polyglossia \language_package (the cases of no package, of babel and of custom package is supported)
415 automatic undertilde loading \use_package undertilde
443 unicode-math.sty InsetMath*
diff --git a/src/tex2lyx/table.cpp b/src/tex2lyx/table.cpp
index 6f2563231d..029dba65cb 100644
--- a/src/tex2lyx/table.cpp
+++ b/src/tex2lyx/table.cpp
@@ -103,14 +103,18 @@ public:
/// the numeric values are part of the file format!
-enum Multicolumn {
+enum Multi {
/// A normal cell
/// A multicolumn cell. The number of columns is 1 + number
/// of CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN cells that follow directly
/// This is a dummy cell (part of a multicolumn cell)
+ ///
+ ///
@@ -118,11 +122,11 @@ class CellInfo {
CellInfo() : multi(CELL_NORMAL), align('n'), valign('n'),
leftlines(0), rightlines(0), topline(false),
- bottomline(false), rotate(0) {}
+ bottomline(false), rotate(0), mrxnum(0) {}
/// cell content
string content;
/// multicolumn flag
- Multicolumn multi;
+ Multi multi;
/// cell alignment
char align;
/// vertical cell alignment
@@ -141,6 +145,10 @@ public:
string width;
/// special formatting for multicolumn cells
string special;
+ /// multirow offset
+ string mroffset;
+ /// number of further multirows
+ int mrxnum;
@@ -410,6 +418,8 @@ void handle_colalign(Parser & p, vector & colinfo,
case '*': {
+ if (p.next_token().character() != '{')
+ continue;
// *{n}{arg} means 'n' columns of type 'arg'
string const num = p.verbatim_item();
string const arg = p.verbatim_item();
@@ -1135,7 +1145,57 @@ void handle_tabular(Parser & p, ostream & os, string const & name,
Parser parse(cells[cell]);
//cells[cell] << "'\n";
- if (parse.next_token().cs() == "multicolumn") {
+ if (parse.next_token().cs() == "multirow") {
+ // We do not support the vpos arg yet.
+ if (parse.hasOpt()) {
+ string const vpos = parse.getArg('[', ']');
+ parse.skip_spaces(true);
+ cerr << "Ignoring multirow's vpos arg '"
+ << vpos << "'!" << endl;
+ }
+ // how many cells?
+ parse.get_token();
+ size_t const ncells =
+ convert(parse.verbatim_item());
+ // We do not support the bigstrut arg yet.
+ if (parse.hasOpt()) {
+ string const bs = parse.getArg('[', ']');
+ parse.skip_spaces(true);
+ cerr << "Ignoring multirow's bigstrut arg '"
+ << bs << "'!" << endl;
+ }
+ // the width argument
+ string const width = parse.getArg('{', '}');
+ // the vmove arg
+ string vmove;
+ if (parse.hasOpt()) {
+ vmove = parse.getArg('[', ']');
+ parse.skip_spaces(true);
+ }
+ if (width != "*")
+ colinfo[col].width = width;
+ if (!vmove.empty())
+ cellinfo[row][col].mroffset = vmove;
+ cellinfo[row][col].multi = CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTIROW;
+ cellinfo[row][col].leftlines = colinfo[col].leftlines;
+ cellinfo[row][col].rightlines = colinfo[col].rightlines;
+ cellinfo[row][col].mrxnum = ncells - 1;
+ ostringstream os2;
+ parse_text_in_inset(parse, os2, FLAG_ITEM, false, context);
+ if (!cellinfo[row][col].content.empty()) {
+ // This may or may not work in LaTeX,
+ // but it does not work in LyX.
+ // FIXME: Handle it correctly!
+ cerr << "Moving cell content '"
+ << cells[cell]
+ << "' into a multirow cell. "
+ "This will probably not work."
+ << endl;
+ }
+ cellinfo[row][col].content += os2.str();
+ } else if (parse.next_token().cs() == "multicolumn") {
// how many cells?
size_t const ncells =
@@ -1284,13 +1344,23 @@ void handle_tabular(Parser & p, ostream & os, string const & name,
// and cellinfo.
// Unfortunately LyX has some limitations that we need to work around.
- // Convert cells with special content to multicolumn cells
- // (LyX ignores the special field for non-multicolumn cells).
+ // Some post work
for (size_t row = 0; row < rowinfo.size(); ++row) {
for (size_t col = 0; col < cellinfo[row].size(); ++col) {
+ // Convert cells with special content to multicolumn cells
+ // (LyX ignores the special field for non-multicolumn cells).
if (cellinfo[row][col].multi == CELL_NORMAL &&
cellinfo[row][col].multi = CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTICOLUMN;
+ // Add multirow dummy cells
+ if (row > 1 && (cellinfo[row - 1][col].multi == CELL_PART_OF_MULTIROW
+ || cellinfo[row - 1][col].multi == CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTIROW)
+ && cellinfo[row - 1][col].mrxnum > 0) {
+ // add dummy cells for multirow
+ cellinfo[row][col].multi = CELL_PART_OF_MULTIROW;
+ cellinfo[row][col].align = 'c';
+ cellinfo[row][col].mrxnum = cellinfo[row - 1][col].mrxnum - 1;
+ }
@@ -1320,6 +1390,16 @@ void handle_tabular(Parser & p, ostream & os, string const & name,
cellinfo[row][col].rightlines = colinfo[col].rightlines;
if (col > 0 && cellinfo[row][col-1].multi == CELL_NORMAL)
cellinfo[row][col].leftlines = colinfo[col].leftlines;
+ } else if (cellinfo[row][col].multi == CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTIROW) {
+ size_t s = row + 1;
+ while (s < rowinfo.size() &&
+ cellinfo[s][col].multi == CELL_PART_OF_MULTIROW)
+ s++;
+ if (s < cellinfo[row].size() &&
+ cellinfo[s][col].multi != CELL_BEGIN_OF_MULTIROW)
+ cellinfo[row][col].bottomline = rowinfo[row].bottomline;
+ if (row > 0 && cellinfo[row - 1][col].multi == CELL_NORMAL)
+ cellinfo[row][col].topline = rowinfo[row].topline;
@@ -1392,8 +1472,12 @@ void handle_tabular(Parser & p, ostream & os, string const & name,
for (size_t col = 0; col < colinfo.size(); ++col) {
CellInfo const & cell = cellinfo[row][col];
os << " 0)
<< write_attribute("rightline", cell.rightlines > 0)
- << write_attribute("rotate", cell.rotate);
+ << write_attribute("rotate", cell.rotate)
+ << write_attribute("mroffset", cell.mroffset);
//cerr << "\nrow: " << row << " col: " << col;
//if (cell.topline)
// cerr << " topline=\"true\"";