DocBook: specific fix for Localization_Test.lyx.

In one paragraph, there was both a float and a list of floats in a paragraph: the list of floats has no DocBook output, so that there should be no surrounding <para>.
This commit is contained in:
Thibaut Cuvelier 2020-11-15 19:04:21 +01:00
parent 0ed820fa0b
commit dc94abf039
3 changed files with 276 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Title
\SpecialChar LyX
localization test
\begin_layout Section
Test of insets and listings
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float algorithm
placement H
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset FloatList algorithm
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float tableau
placement H
alignment document
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset FloatList tableau
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset listings
lstparams "float,language={C++}"
inline false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset toc
LatexCommand lstlistoflistings
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\begin_inset CommandInset nomenclature
LatexCommand nomenclature
symbol "x"
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\begin_inset CommandInset nomencl_print
LatexCommand printnomenclature
set_width "auto"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0dev
See for more information -->
<article xml:lang="en_US" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:xi="" version="5.2">
<title>LyX localization test</title>
<title>Test of insets and listings</title>
<figure type='listing'>
<programlisting language="C++">while(true);</programlisting>
<para><glossterm linkend="nomenx">x</glossterm></para>
<glossentry xml:id="nomenx">

View File

@ -450,46 +450,55 @@ void makeParagraph(
size_t nInsets = std::distance(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end());
auto parSize = (size_t) par->size();
auto isLyxCodeToIgnore = [](InsetCode x) { return x == TOC_CODE; }; // If this LyX code does not produce any output,
// it can be safely ignored in the following checks: if this thing is present in the paragraph, it has no impact
// on the definition of the special case (i.e. whether or not a <para> tag should be output).
// TODO: if a paragraph *only* contains floats, listings, bibliographies, etc., should this be considered as a
// special case? If so, the code could be largely simplifies (all the calls to all_of, basically) and optimised
// at the compilation stage.
// Plain layouts must be ignored.
special_case |= buf.params().documentClass().isPlainLayout(par->layout()) && !runparams.docbook_force_pars;
// Equations do not deserve their own paragraph (DocBook allows them outside paragraphs).
// Exception: any case that generates an <inlineequation> must still get a paragraph to be valid.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset && inset.inset->asInsetMath() && inset.inset->asInsetMath()->getType() != hullSimple;
// Tables do not deserve their own paragraphs (DocBook allows them outside paragraphs).
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == TABULAR_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == TABULAR_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// Floats cannot be in paragraphs.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == FLOAT_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == FLOAT_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// Bibliographies cannot be in paragraphs. Bibitems should still be handled as paragraphs, though
// (see makeParagraphBibliography).
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == BIBTEX_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == BIBTEX_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// ERTs are in comments, not paragraphs.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == ERT_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == ERT_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// Listings should not get into their own paragraph.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == LISTINGS_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == LISTINGS_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// Boxes cannot get into their own paragraph.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == BOX_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == BOX_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// Includes should not have a paragraph.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == INCLUDE_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == INCLUDE_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
// Glossaries should not have a paragraph.
special_case |= nInsets == (size_t) par->size() && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE;
special_case |= nInsets == parSize && std::all_of(par->insetList().begin(), par->insetList().end(), [isLyxCodeToIgnore](InsetList::Element inset) {
return inset.inset->lyxCode() == NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE || isLyxCodeToIgnore(inset.inset->lyxCode());
bool const open_par = runparams.docbook_make_pars