Amend 3058deb: Make convert_fonts robust

The preamble handling needs to know, which package belongs to
which font-type
* The conversion is now independent of the sequence in the preamble
  This is important for instance, if the user created the preamble manually
This commit is contained in:
Kornel Benko 2018-08-11 13:04:57 +02:00
parent 07d760ef30
commit df59cb89e9

View File

@ -43,26 +43,25 @@ from lyx2lyx_tools import (put_cmd_in_ert, add_to_preamble)
# Private helper functions
def convert_fonts(document, font_list):
def convert_fonts(document, font_list, font_type, scale_type):
" Handle font definition to LaTeX "
font_types = ["\\font_roman", "\\font_sans,sf", "\\font_typewriter,tt"]
rpkg = re.compile(r'^\\usepackage(\[scaled=([^\]]*)\])?\{([^\}]+)\}')
for ft1 in font_types:
fts = ft1.split(",")
ft = fts[0]
if len(fts) > 1:
fontscale = "\\font_" + fts[1] + "_scale"
ft = font_type
if scale_type == None:
fontscale = None
fontscale = "\\font_" + scale_type + "_scale"
i = 0
while i < len(document.preamble):
i = find_re(document.preamble, rpkg, i)
if i == -1:
mo =[i])
option =
pkg =
if not pkg in font_list:
i += 1
del document.preamble[i]
if i > 0 and document.preamble[i-1] == "% Added by lyx2lyx":
@ -116,9 +115,13 @@ def revert_fonts(document, font_list):
def convert_dejavu(document):
" Handle DejaVu font definition to LaTeX "
dejavu_fonts = ['DejaVuSerif', 'DejaVuSerifCondensed', 'DejaVuSans',
'DejaVuSansMono', 'DejaVuSansCondensed']
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts)
dejavu_fonts_roman = ['DejaVuSerif', 'DejaVuSerifCondensed']
dejavu_fonts_sans = ['DejaVuSans','DejaVuSansCondensed']
dejavu_fonts_typewriter = ['DejaVuSansMono']
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts_roman, "\\font_roman", None)
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts_sans, "\\font_sans", "sf")
convert_fonts(document, dejavu_fonts_typewriter, "\\font_typewriter", "tt")
def revert_dejavu(document):
" Revert native DejaVu font definition to LaTeX "