mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 21:21:32 +00:00
* InsetListingsParams.cpp: Code reorganization. Should fix bug 3639 and open the way to more advanced gui controls.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk@18533 a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,11 +55,20 @@ enum param_type {
/** Information about each parameter
struct listings_param_info {
/// name of the parameter
string name;
class ListingsParam {
ListingsParam(): onoff_(false), type_(ALL) {}
ListingsParam(string v, bool o, param_type t, string i, docstring h)
: value_(v), onoff_(o), type_(t), info_(i), hint_(h)
docstring validate(string const & par) const;
/// default value
string value;
string value_;
// for option with value "true", "false",
// if onoff is true,
// "true": option
@ -68,7 +77,9 @@ struct listings_param_info {
// onoff is false,
// "true": option=true
// "false": option=false
bool onoff;
// this is public because of InsetListingParam::addParam()
bool onoff_;
/// validator type
// ALL:
@ -80,14 +91,141 @@ struct listings_param_info {
// info is a string from which par is composed of
// (e.g. floatplacement can be one or more of *tbph)
param_type type;
param_type type_;
/// parameter info, meaning depending on parameter type
string info;
string info_;
/// a help message that is displayed in the gui
docstring hint;
docstring hint_;
docstring ListingsParam::validate(string const & par) const
bool unclosed = false;
string par2 = par;
// braces are allowed
if (prefixIs(par, "{") && suffixIs(par, "}"))
par2 = par.substr(1, par.size() - 2);
else if (prefixIs(par, "{")) {
par2 = par.substr(1);
unclosed = true;
switch (type_) {
case ALL:
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("A value is expected.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("Please specify true or false.");
if (par2 != "true" && par2 != "false")
return _("Only true or false is allowed.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
if (!isStrInt(par2)) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("Please specify an integer value.");
if (convert<int>(par2) == 0 && par2[0] != '0')
return _("An integer is expected.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
case LENGTH:
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return _("Please specify a latex length expression.");
if (!isValidLength(par2))
return _("Invalid latex length expression.");
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
case ONEOF: {
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return bformat(_("Please specify one of %1$s."),
// break value to allowed strings
vector<string> lists;
string v;
for (size_t i = 0; i != info_.size(); ++i) {
if (info_[i] == '\n') {
v = string();
} else
v += info_[i];
if (!v.empty())
// good, find the string
if (std::find(lists.begin(), lists.end(), par2) != lists.end()) {
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
// otherwise, produce a meaningful error message.
string matching_names;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = lists.begin();
it != lists.end(); ++it) {
if (it->size() >= par2.size() && it->substr(0, par2.size()) == par2) {
if (matching_names.empty())
matching_names += *it;
matching_names += ", " + *it;
if (matching_names.empty())
return bformat(_("Try one of %1$s."), from_utf8(info_));
return bformat(_("I guess you mean %1$s."), from_utf8(matching_names));
return docstring();
if (par2.empty() && !onoff_) {
if (!hint_.empty())
return hint_;
return bformat(_("Please specify one or more of '%1$s'."),
for (size_t i = 0; i < par2.size(); ++i)
if (info_.find(par2[i], 0) == string::npos)
return bformat(_("Should be composed of one or more of %1$s."),
if (unclosed)
return _("Unbalanced braces!");
return docstring();
/// languages and language/dialect combinations
char const * allowed_languages =
"no language\nABAP\n[R/2 4.3]ABAP\n[R/2 5.0]ABAP\n[R/3 3.1]ABAP\n"
@ -112,218 +250,362 @@ char const * allowed_languages =
docstring const empty_hint;
docstring const style_hint = _("Use \\footnotesize, \\small, \\itshape, "
"\\ttfamily or something like that");
docstring const frame_hint = _("none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, "
"single, shadowbox or subset of trblTRBL");
docstring const frameround_hint = _("Enter four letters (either t = round "
"or f = square) for top right, bottom "
"right, bottom left and top left corner.");
docstring const color_hint = _("Enter something like \\color{white}");
/// options copied from page 26 of listings manual
// FIXME: add default parameters ... (which is not used now)
listings_param_info const listings_param_table[] = {
{ "float", "false", true, SUBSETOF, "*tbph", empty_hint},
{ "floatplacement", "tbp", false, SUBSETOF, "tbp", empty_hint},
{ "aboveskip", "\\medskipamount", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "belowskip", "\\medskipamount", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "lineskip", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "boxpos", "", false, SUBSETOF, "bct", empty_hint},
{ "print", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "firstline", "", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint},
{ "lastline", "", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint},
{ "showlines", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "emptylines", "", false, ALL, "", _("Expect a number with an optional * before it")},
{ "gobble", "", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint},
{ "style", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "language", "", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint},
{ "alsolanguage", "", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint},
{ "defaultdialect", "", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint},
{ "printpod", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "usekeywordsintag", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "tagstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "markfirstintag", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "makemacrouse", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "basicstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "identifierstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "commentstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "stringstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "keywordstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "ndkeywordstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "classoffset", "", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint},
{ "texcsstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "directivestyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "emph", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "moreemph", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deleteemph", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "emphstyle", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "delim", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "moredelim", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletedelim", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "extendedchars", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "inputencoding", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "upquote", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "tabsize", "", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint},
{ "showtabs", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "tab", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "showspaces", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "showstringspaces", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "formfeed", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "numbers", "", false, ONEOF, "none\nleft\nright", empty_hint},
{ "stepnumber", "", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint},
{ "numberfirstline", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "numberstyle", "", false, ALL, "", style_hint },
{ "numbersep", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "numberblanklines", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "firstnumber", "", false, ALL, "", _("auto, last or a number") },
{ "name", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "thelstnumber", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "title", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
// this option is not handled in the parameter box
{ "caption", "", false, ALL, "", _("This parameter should not be entered here. "
"Please use caption editbox (Include dialog) or insert->caption (listings inset)") },
// this option is not handled in the parameter box
{ "label", "", false, ALL, "", _("This parameter should not be entered here. "
"Please use label editbox (Include dialog) or insert->caption (listings inset)") },
{ "nolol", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "captionpos", "", false, SUBSETOF, "tb", empty_hint},
{ "abovecaptionskip", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "belowcaptionskip", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "linewidth", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "xleftmargin", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "xrightmargin", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "resetmargins", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "breaklines", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "prebreak", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "postbreak", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "breakindent", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "breakautoindent", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "frame", "", false, ALL, "", frame_hint },
{ "frameround", "", false, SUBSETOF, "tf", frameround_hint },
{ "framesep", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "rulesep", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "framerule", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "framexleftmargin", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "framexrightmargin", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "framextopmargin", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "framexbottommargin", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "backgroundcolor", "", false, ALL, "", color_hint },
{ "rulecolor", "", false, ALL, "", color_hint },
{ "fillcolor", "", false, ALL, "", color_hint },
{ "rulesepcolor", "", false, ALL, "", color_hint },
{ "frameshape", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "index", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "moreindex", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deleteindex", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "indexstyle", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "columns", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "flexiblecolumns", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "keepspaces", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "basewidth", "", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint},
{ "fontadjust", "", true, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "texcl", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "mathescape", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "escapechar", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "escapeinside", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "escepeinside", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "escepebegin", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "escepeend", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "fancyvrb", "", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint},
{ "fvcmdparams", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "morefvcmdparams", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "keywordsprefix", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "keywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "morekeywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletekeywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "ndkeywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "morendkeywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletendkeywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "texcs", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "moretexcs", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletetexcs", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "directives", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "moredirectives", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletedirectives", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "sensitive", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "alsoletter", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "alsodigit", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "alsoother", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "otherkeywords", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "tag", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "string", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "morestring", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletestring", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "comment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "morecomment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletecomment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "keywordcomment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "morekeywordcomment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "deletekeywordcomment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "keywordcommentsemicolon", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "podcomment", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint},
{ "", "", false, ALL, "", empty_hint}
class parValidator
class ParValidator
parValidator(string const & name);
ListingsParam const & param(string const & key) const;
/// validate given parameter
/// invalidParam will be thrown if invalid
/// parameter is found.
void validate(std::string const & par) const;
ListingsParam const & validate(string const & key, string const & par) const;
/// parameter name
string const & name;
/// key is the name of the parameter
typedef map<string, ListingsParam> ListingsParams;
ListingsParams all_params_;
listings_param_info const * info;
string all_param_names_;
parValidator::parValidator(string const & n)
: name(n), info(0)
docstring const empty_hint;
docstring const style_hint = _("Use \\footnotesize, \\small, \\itshape, "
"\\ttfamily or something like that");
docstring const frame_hint = _("none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, "
"single, shadowbox or subset of trblTRBL");
docstring const frameround_hint = _("Enter four letters (either t = round "
"or f = square) for top right, bottom "
"right, bottom left and top left corner.");
docstring const color_hint = _("Enter something like \\color{white}");
/// options copied from page 26 of listings manual
// FIXME: add default parameters ... (which is not used now)
all_params_["float"] =
ListingsParam("false", true, SUBSETOF, "*tbph", empty_hint);
all_params_["floatplacement"] =
ListingsParam("tbp", false, SUBSETOF, "tbp", empty_hint);
all_params_["aboveskip"] =
ListingsParam("\\medskipamount", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["belowskip"] =
ListingsParam("\\medskipamount", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["lineskip"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["boxpos"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "bct", empty_hint);
all_params_["print"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["firstline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["lastline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["showlines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["emptylines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"Expect a number with an optional * before it"));
all_params_["gobble"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["style"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["language"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint);
all_params_["alsolanguage"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint);
all_params_["defaultdialect"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, allowed_languages, empty_hint);
all_params_["printpod"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["usekeywordsintag"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["tagstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["markfirstintag"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["makemacrouse"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["basicstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["identifierstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["commentstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["stringstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["keywordstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["ndkeywordstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["classoffset"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["texcsstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["directivestyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["emph"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["moreemph"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deleteemph"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["emphstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["delim"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["moredelim"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletedelim"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["extendedchars"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["inputencoding"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["upquote"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["tabsize"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["showtabs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["tab"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["showspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["showstringspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["formfeed"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["numbers"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ONEOF, "none\nleft\nright", empty_hint);
all_params_["stepnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, INTEGER, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["numberfirstline"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["numberstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", style_hint);
all_params_["numbersep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["numberblanklines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["firstnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _("auto, last or a number"));
all_params_["name"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["thelstnumber"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["title"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
// this option is not handled in the parameter box
all_params_["caption"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", _(
"This parameter should not be entered here. Please use caption "
"editbox (Include dialog) or insert->caption (listings inset)"));
// this option is not handled in the parameter box
all_params_["label"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "",_(
"This parameter should not be entered here. Please use label "
"editbox (Include dialog) or insert->caption (listings inset)"));
all_params_["nolol"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["captionpos"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "tb", empty_hint);
all_params_["abovecaptionskip"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["belowcaptionskip"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["linewidth"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["xleftmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["xrightmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["resetmargins"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["breaklines"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["prebreak"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["postbreak"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["breakindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["breakautoindent"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["frame"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", frame_hint);
all_params_["frameround"] =
ListingsParam("", false, SUBSETOF, "tf", frameround_hint);
all_params_["framesep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["rulesep"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["framerule"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["framexleftmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["framexrightmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["framextopmargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["framexbottommargin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["backgroundcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint );
all_params_["rulecolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint );
all_params_["fillcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint );
all_params_["rulesepcolor"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", color_hint );
all_params_["frameshape"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["index"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["moreindex"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deleteindex"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["indexstyle"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["columns"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["flexiblecolumns"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["keepspaces"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["basewidth"] =
ListingsParam("", false, LENGTH, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["fontadjust"] =
ListingsParam("", true, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["texcl"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["mathescape"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["escapechar"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["escapeinside"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["escepeinside"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["escepebegin"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["escepeend"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["fancyvrb"] =
ListingsParam("", false, TRUEFALSE, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["fvcmdparams"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["morefvcmdparams"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["keywordsprefix"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["keywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["morekeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletekeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["ndkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["morendkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletendkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["texcs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["moretexcs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletetexcs"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["directives"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["moredirectives"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletedirectives"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["sensitive"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["alsoletter"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["alsodigit"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["alsoother"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["otherkeywords"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["tag"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["string"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["morestring"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletestring"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["comment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["morecomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletecomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["keywordcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["morekeywordcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["deletekeywordcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["keywordcommentsemicolon"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
all_params_["podcomment"] =
ListingsParam("", false, ALL, "", empty_hint);
ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_.begin();
ListingsParams::const_iterator end = all_params_.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (!all_param_names_.empty())
all_param_names_ += ", ";
all_param_names_ += it->first;
ListingsParam const & ParValidator::validate(string const & key,
string const & par) const
ListingsParam const & lparam = param(key);
docstring s = lparam.validate(par);
if (!s.empty())
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Parameter %1$s: "), from_utf8(key)) + s);
return lparam;
ListingsParam const & ParValidator::param(string const & name) const
if (name.empty())
throw invalidParam(_("Invalid (empty) listings param name."));
else if (name == "?") {
string pars;
size_t idx = 0;
while (listings_param_table[idx].name != string()) {
if (!pars.empty())
pars += ", ";
pars += listings_param_table[idx].name;
if (name == "?")
throw invalidParam(bformat(
_("Available listings parameters are %1$s"), from_utf8(pars)));
_("Available listings parameters are %1$s"), from_ascii(all_param_names_)));
// locate name in parameter table
size_t idx = 0;
while (listings_param_table[idx].name != name && listings_param_table[idx].name != string())
// found the name
if (!listings_param_table[idx].name.empty()) {
info = &listings_param_table[idx];
ListingsParams::const_iterator it = all_params_.find(name);
if (it != all_params_.end())
return it->second;
// otherwise, produce a meaningful error message.
string matching_names;
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; ++i) {
string n(listings_param_table[i].name);
if (prefixIs(n, name)) {
if (matching_names.empty())
matching_names += n;
matching_names += ", " + n;
ListingsParams::const_iterator end = all_params_.end();
for (it = all_params_.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if (prefixIs(it->first, name)) {
if (!matching_names.empty())
matching_names += ", ";
matching_names += it->first;
if (matching_names.empty())
@ -334,139 +616,6 @@ parValidator::parValidator(string const & n)
from_utf8(name), from_utf8(matching_names)));
void parValidator::validate(std::string const & par) const
bool unclosed = false;
string par2 = par;
// braces are allowed
if (prefixIs(par, "{") && suffixIs(par, "}"))
par2 = par.substr(1, par.size() - 2);
else if (prefixIs(par, "{")) {
par2 = par.substr(1);
unclosed = true;
switch (info->type) {
case ALL:
if (par2.empty() && !info->onoff) {
if (!info->hint.empty())
throw invalidParam(info->hint);
throw invalidParam(_("A value is expected"));
if (unclosed)
throw invalidParam(_("Unbalanced braces!"));
if (par2.empty() && !info->onoff) {
if (!info->hint.empty())
throw invalidParam(info->hint);
throw invalidParam(_("Please specify true or false"));
if (par2 != "true" && par2 != "false")
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Only true or false is allowed for parameter %1$s"),
if (unclosed)
throw invalidParam(_("Unbalanced braces!"));
case INTEGER: {
if (!isStrInt(par2)) {
if (!info->hint.empty())
throw invalidParam(info->hint);
throw invalidParam(_("Please specify an integer value"));
if (convert<int>(par2) == 0 && par2[0] != '0')
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("An integer is expected for parameter %1$s"),
if (unclosed)
throw invalidParam(_("Unbalanced braces!"));
case LENGTH: {
if (par2.empty() && !info->onoff) {
if (!info->hint.empty())
throw invalidParam(info->hint);
throw invalidParam(_("Please specify a latex length expression"));
if (!isValidLength(par2))
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Invalid latex length expression for parameter %1$s"),
if (unclosed)
throw invalidParam(_("Unbalanced braces!"));
case ONEOF: {
if (par2.empty() && !info->onoff) {
if (!info->hint.empty())
throw invalidParam(info->hint);
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Please specify one of %1$s"),
// break value to allowed strings
vector<string> lists;
string v;
for (size_t i = 0; info->info[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
if (info->info[i] == '\n') {
v = string();
} else
v += info->info[i];
if (!v.empty())
// good, find the string
if (std::find(lists.begin(), lists.end(), par2) != lists.end()) {
if (unclosed)
throw invalidParam(_("Unbalanced braces!"));
// otherwise, produce a meaningful error message.
string matching_names;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = lists.begin();
it != lists.end(); ++it) {
if (it->size() >= par2.size() && it->substr(0, par2.size()) == par2) {
if (matching_names.empty())
matching_names += *it;
matching_names += ", " + *it;
if (matching_names.empty())
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Try one of %1$s"),
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("I guess you mean %1$s"),
case SUBSETOF: {
if (par2.empty() && !info->onoff) {
if (!info->hint.empty())
throw invalidParam(info->hint);
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Please specify one or more of '%1$s'"),
for (size_t i = 0; i < par2.size(); ++i)
if (string(info->info).find(par2[i], 0) == string::npos)
throw invalidParam(
bformat(_("Parameter %1$s should be composed of one or more of %2$s"),
from_utf8(name), from_utf8(info->info)));
if (unclosed)
throw invalidParam(_("Unbalanced braces!"));
} // namespace anon.
InsetListingsParams::InsetListingsParams() :
@ -526,19 +675,18 @@ void InsetListingsParams::addParam(string const & key, string const & value)
if (key.empty())
static ParValidator par_validator;
// exception may be thown.
ListingsParam const & lparam = par_validator.validate(key, value);
// duplicate parameters!
if (params_.find(key) != params_.end())
throw invalidParam(bformat(_("Parameter %1$s has already been defined"),
// check onoff flag
size_t idx = 0;
while (listings_param_table[idx].name != key)
BOOST_ASSERT(listings_param_table[idx].name == key);
// onoff parameter with value false
if (listings_param_table[idx].onoff && (value == "false" || value == "{false}"))
if (lparam.onoff_ && (value == "false" || value == "{false}"))
params_[key] = string();
// if the parameter is surrounded with {}, good
else if (prefixIs(value, "{") && suffixIs(value, "}"))
Reference in New Issue
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