lib/unicodesymbols tests and fixes: Block Miscellaneous Symbols.

* add \Coffeecup and \Wheelchair

* add "force=utf8" where required

* uninvert tests: ctest works again after Kornel fixed the problem in 9f1b80a2af
This commit is contained in:
Günter Milde 2016-09-16 10:04:28 +02:00
parent da7efbf674
commit f957d32ed3
4 changed files with 988 additions and 68 deletions

View File

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# dedicated tests that fail with:
# could not make dir "/usr/local/src/lyxtest/autotests/out-home/AbC_1zG2wo/latex/Unicode-characters" at /usr/local/src/lyx/development/autotests/ line 97.
# Called stack
# (0) lyxStatus::diestack() called from "/usr/local/src/lyx/development/autotests/":154
# CMake Error at /usr/local/src/lyx/development/autotests/export.cmake:49 (message):
# Export failed while converting
Sublabel: lyxbugs Sublabel: lyxbugs
# #

View File

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# #
# miscellaneous symbols # miscellaneous symbols
# #
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0x264c "\\leo" "wasysym" "" "\\leo" "wasysym" # LEO 0x2645 "\\uranus" "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\uranus" "wasysym" # URANUS
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#0x2667 "" "" "" "\\varclubsuit" "txfonts|pxfonts" # WHITE CLUB SUIT #0x2667 "" "" "" "\\varclubsuit" "txfonts|pxfonts" # WHITE CLUB SUIT
#0x2668 "" "" "" "" "" # HOT SPRINGS #0x2668 "" "" "" "" "" # HOT SPRINGS
0x2669 "\\quarternote" "wasysym" "" "\\quarternote" "wasysym" # QUARTER NOTE 0x2669 "\\quarternote" "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\quarternote" "wasysym" # QUARTER NOTE
0x266a "\\textmusicalnote" "textcomp" "" # EIGHTH NOTE 0x266a "\\textmusicalnote" "textcomp" "" # EIGHTH NOTE
0x266b "\\twonotes" "wasysym" "" "\\twonotes" "wasysym" # BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES 0x266b "\\twonotes" "wasysym" "force=utf8" "\\twonotes" "wasysym" # BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES
#0x266c "" "" "" "" "" # BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES #0x266c "" "" "" "" "" # BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES
0x266d "" "" "" "\\flat" "" # MUSIC FLAT SIGN 0x266d "" "" "force=utf8" "\\flat" "" # MUSIC FLAT SIGN
0x266e "" "" "" "\\natural" "" # MUSIC NATURAL SIGN 0x266e "" "" "force=utf8" "\\natural" "" # MUSIC NATURAL SIGN
0x266f "" "" "" "\\sharp" "" # MUSIC SHARP SIGN 0x266f "" "" "force=utf8" "\\sharp" "" # MUSIC SHARP SIGN
0x26a2 "\\FemaleFemale" "marvosym" "" # DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN 0x267f "\\Wheelchair" "marvosym" "force=utf8" "" "" # WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL (marvosym wheelchair looks left but there is only one wheelchair in Unicode)
0x26a3 "\\MaleMale" "marvosym" "" # DOUBLED MALE SIGN 0x26a2 "\\FemaleFemale" "marvosym" "force=utf8" # DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN
0x26a4 "\\FemaleMale" "marvosym" "" # INTERLOCKED FEMALE AND MALE SIGN 0x26a3 "\\MaleMale" "marvosym" "force=utf8" # DOUBLED MALE SIGN
0x26a5 "\\Hermaphrodite" "marvosym" "" # MALE AND FEMALE SIGN 0x26a4 "\\FemaleMale" "marvosym" "force=utf8" # INTERLOCKED FEMALE AND MALE SIGN
0x26a5 "\\Hermaphrodite" "marvosym" "force=utf8" # MALE AND FEMALE SIGN
#0x26a6 "" "" "" "" "" # MALE WITH STROKE SIGN #0x26a6 "" "" "" "" "" # MALE WITH STROKE SIGN
#0x26a8 "" "" "" "" "" # VERTICAL MALE WITH STROKE SIGN #0x26a8 "" "" "" "" "" # VERTICAL MALE WITH STROKE SIGN
@ -2809,8 +2817,8 @@
#0x26aa "" "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM WHITE CIRCLE #0x26aa "" "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM WHITE CIRCLE
#0x26ab "" "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM BLACK CIRCLE #0x26ab "" "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM BLACK CIRCLE
#0x26ac "" "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM SMALL WHITE CIRCLE #0x26ac "" "" "" "" "" # MEDIUM SMALL WHITE CIRCLE
0x26ad "\\textmarried" "textcomp" "" # MARRIAGE SYMBOL 0x26ad "\\textmarried" "textcomp" "force=utf8" # MARRIAGE SYMBOL
0x26ae "\\textdivorced" "textcomp" "" # DIVORCE SYMBOL 0x26ae "\\textdivorced" "textcomp" "force=utf8" # DIVORCE SYMBOL
#0x26af "" "" "" "" "" # UNMARRIED PARTNERSHIP SYMBOL #0x26af "" "" "" "" "" # UNMARRIED PARTNERSHIP SYMBOL
# #
# dingbats # dingbats