DocBook: partially remove use of bpit/epit in docbookParagraphs and docbookSimpleAllParagraphs.

This will help with the next refactoring to be much cleaner (only work with iterators, don't maintain twice the same information).
This commit is contained in:
Thibaut Cuvelier 2020-08-29 02:55:47 +02:00
parent bfc67c59b4
commit fc0999a422

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@ -308,8 +308,32 @@ void closeParTag(XMLStream & xs, Paragraph const * par, Paragraph const * nextpa
if (nextpar != nullptr) {
Layout const & nextlay = nextpar->layout();
if (nextlay.docbookwrappertag() != "NONE") {
closeWrapper = nextlay.docbookwrappertag() == lay.docbookwrappertag()
&& !nextlay.docbookwrappermergewithprevious();
if (nextpar->getDepth() == par->getDepth()) {
// Same depth: the basic condition applies.
closeWrapper = nextlay.docbookwrappertag() == lay.docbookwrappertag()
&& !nextlay.docbookwrappermergewithprevious();
} else if (nextpar->getDepth() > par->getDepth()) {
// The next paragraph is deeper: no need to close the wrapper, only to open it (cf. openParTag).
closeWrapper = 0;
} else {
// This paragraph is deeper than the next one: close the wrapper,
// disregarding docbookwrappermergewithprevious.
// Hypothesis: nextlay.docbookwrappertag() == lay.docbookwrappertag(). TODO: THIS IS WRONG! Loop back until a layout with the right depth is found?
closeWrapper = 1L + (long long) par->getDepth() - (long long) nextpar->getDepth(); // > 0, as nextpar->getDepth() < par->getDepth()
} else {
if (nextpar->getDepth() == par->getDepth()) {
// This is not wrapped: this must be the rest of the item, still within the wrapper.
closeWrapper = 1;
} else if (nextpar->getDepth() > par->getDepth()) {
// The next paragraph is deeper: no need to close the wrapper, only to open it (cf. openParTag).
closeWrapper = 0;
} else {
// This paragraph is deeper than the next one: close the wrapper,
// disregarding docbookwrappermergewithprevious.
// Hypothesis: nextlay.docbookwrappertag() == lay.docbookwrappertag(). TODO: THIS IS WRONG! Loop back until a layout with the right depth is found?
closeWrapper = 1L + (long long) par->getDepth() - (long long) nextpar->getDepth(); // > 0, as nextpar->getDepth() < par->getDepth()
@ -507,12 +531,140 @@ void makeParagraph(
void makeEnvironment(
Buffer const &buf,
XMLStream &xs,
OutputParams const &runparams,
Text const &text,
ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
void makeEnvironment(Buffer const &buf,
XMLStream &xs,
OutputParams const &runparams,
Text const &text,
ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
// TODO: simplify me!
auto const end = text.paragraphs().end();
// Output the opening tag for this environment, but only if it has not been previously opened (condition
// implemented in openParTag).
auto prevpar = text.paragraphs().getParagraphBefore(par);
openParTag(xs, &*par, prevpar); // TODO: switch in layout for par/block?
// Generate the contents of this environment. There is a special case if this is like some environment.
Layout const & style = par->layout();
if (style.latextype == LATEX_COMMAND) {
// Nothing to do (otherwise, infinite loops).
} else if (style.latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT) {
// Open a wrapper tag if needed.
if (style.docbookitemwrappertag() != "NONE")
openTag(xs, style.docbookitemwrappertag(), style.docbookitemwrapperattr(), style.docbookitemwrappertagtype());
// Generate the label, if need be. If it is taken from the text, sep != 0 and corresponds to the first
// character after the label.
pos_type sep = 0;
if (style.labeltype != LABEL_NO_LABEL && style.docbookitemlabeltag() != "NONE") {
// At least one condition must be met:
// - this environment is not a list
// - if this is a list, the label must not be manual (i.e. it must be taken from the layout)
if (style.latextype != LATEX_LIST_ENVIRONMENT || style.labeltype != LABEL_MANUAL) {
// Usual cases: maybe there is something specified at the layout level. Highly unlikely, though.
docstring const lbl = par->params().labelString();
if (lbl.empty()) {
xs << xml::CR();
} else {
openLabelTag(xs, style);
xs << lbl;
closeLabelTag(xs, style);
} else {
// Only variablelist gets here (or similar items defined as an extension in the layout).
openLabelTag(xs, style);
sep = par->firstWordDocBook(xs, runparams);
closeLabelTag(xs, style);
// Maybe the item is completely empty, i.e. if the first word ends at the end of the current paragraph
// AND if the next paragraph doesn't have the same depth (if there is such a paragraph).
// Common case: there is only the first word on the line, but there is a nested list instead
// of more text.
bool emptyItem = false;
if (sep == par->size()) { // If the separator is already at the end of this paragraph...
auto next_par = par;
if (next_par == text.paragraphs().end()) // There is no next paragraph.
emptyItem = true;
else // There is a next paragraph: check depth.
emptyItem = par->params().depth() >= next_par->params().depth();
if (emptyItem) {
// Avoid having an empty item, this is not valid DocBook. A single character is enough to force
// generation of a full <para>.
// TODO: this always worked only by magic...
xs << ' ';
} else {
// Generate the rest of the paragraph, if need be. Open as many inner tags as necessary.
auto pars = par->simpleDocBookOnePar(buf, runparams, text.outerFont(std::distance(text.paragraphs().begin(), par)), sep);
auto p = pars.begin();
while (true) {
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << *p;
if (p != pars.end()) {
closeTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
openTag(xs, par->layout().docbookiteminnertag(), par->layout().docbookiteminnerattr(), par->layout().docbookiteminnertagtype());
} else
} else {
makeAny(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
// Close the environment.
auto nextpar = par;
closeParTag(xs, &*par, (nextpar != end) ? &*nextpar : nullptr); // TODO: switch in layout for par/block?
ParagraphList::const_iterator findEndOfEnvironment(
ParagraphList::const_iterator const & pstart,
ParagraphList::const_iterator const & pend)
// Copy-paste from XHTML. Should be factored out at some point...
ParagraphList::const_iterator p = pstart;
Layout const & bstyle = p->layout();
size_t const depth = p->params().depth();
for (++p; p != pend; ++p) {
Layout const & style = p->layout();
// It shouldn't happen that e.g. a section command occurs inside
// a quotation environment, at a higher depth, but as of 6/2009,
// it can happen. We pretend that it's just at lowest depth.
if (style.latextype == LATEX_COMMAND)
return p;
// If depth is down, we're done
if (p->params().depth() < depth)
return p;
// If depth is up, we're not done
if (p->params().depth() > depth)
// FIXME I am not sure about the first check.
// Surely we *could* have different layouts that count as
if (style.latextype == LATEX_PARAGRAPH || style != bstyle)
return p;
return pend;
ParagraphList::const_iterator makeListEnvironment(Buffer const &buf,
XMLStream &xs,
OutputParams const &runparams,
Text const &text,
ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
>>>>>>> be6480e59c... DocBook: same refactoring for docbookSimpleAllParagraphs.
auto const end = text.paragraphs().end();
@ -921,12 +1073,13 @@ void docbookSimpleAllParagraphs(
outputDocBookInfo(text, buf, xs, runparams, paragraphs, info);
// Then, the content. It starts where the <info> ends.
bpit = info.epit;
while (bpit < epit) {
auto par = paragraphs.iterator_at(bpit);
auto par = text.paragraphs().iterator_at(info.epit);
auto end = text.paragraphs().iterator_at(epit);
while (par != end) {
if (!hasOnlyNotes(*par))
makeAny(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
bpit += 1;
par = makeAny(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
@ -967,21 +1120,20 @@ void docbookParagraphs(Text const &text,
bool currentlyInAppendix = false;
while (bpit < epit) {
auto par = text.paragraphs().iterator_at(bpit);
auto end = text.paragraphs().iterator_at(epit);
while (par != end) {
OutputParams ourparams = runparams;
auto par = paragraphs.iterator_at(bpit);
if (par->params().startOfAppendix())
currentlyInAppendix = true;
Layout const &style = par->layout();
ParagraphList::const_iterator const lastStartedPar = par;
ParagraphList::const_iterator send;
if (hasOnlyNotes(*par)) {
bpit += 1;
Layout const &style = par->layout();
// Think about adding <section> and/or </section>s.
const bool isLayoutSectioning = style.category() == from_utf8("Sectioning");
if (isLayoutSectioning) {
@ -1058,7 +1210,6 @@ void docbookParagraphs(Text const &text,
// Generate this paragraph.
makeAny(text, buf, xs, ourparams, par);
bpit += 1;
// If need be, close <section>s, but only at the end of the document (otherwise, dealt with at the beginning