Assure widest nomencl label is encodable

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Juergen Spitzmueller 2024-08-18 09:59:37 +02:00
parent ccdf8ba701
commit fe43d03448

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@ -448,11 +448,18 @@ void InsetPrintNomencl::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams_in
if (autowidth || getParam("set_width") == "textwidth") {
docstring widest = autowidth ? nomenclWidest(buffer())
: getParam("width");
// We need to validate that all characters are representable
// in the current encoding. If not try the LaTeX macro which might
// or might not be a good choice, and issue a warning.
pair<docstring, docstring> widest_latexed =
runparams.encoding->latexString(widest, runparams.dryrun);
if (!widest_latexed.second.empty())
LYXERR0("Uncodable character in nomencl entry. List width might be wrong!");
// Set the label width via nomencl's command \nomlabelwidth.
// This must be output before the command \printnomenclature
if (!widest.empty()) {
if (!widest_latexed.first.empty()) {
os << "\\settowidth{\\nomlabelwidth}{"
<< widest
<< widest_latexed.first
<< "}\n";
} else if (getParam("set_width") == "custom") {