- this is not the way it goes, all Tutorials should stay identical as possible, moreover there is no need to disable PDF bookmarks because the document compiles without problems, moreover I still manage the documentation and as long as there is no beta for LyX 2.1 please keep the fileformat of LyX 2.0
- if you have problems compiling a file, report this as bug or the docmentation mailing list! or at least write me a mail
The reasons are specified in the note at the top of the template:
It is possible to export with plain LaTeX but an option must be
specified to remove some elements (e.g. JSS logo).
If the 'nols' option were set, the files could be output with plain
LaTeX as well; but because letterspacing is an important part of the
Tufte design, letterspacing is preserved and pdf2 is set as the
default output format. This is now explained in a note.
If you do not explicitly specify the output file name, gnuhtml2latex will
guess a file name itself. The result of the guess is not what we expect if
the input file name did not contain a .html extension, but something which
is not related to a format, e.g. .qV9984 from FileName::tempName().
output, due to failure to clean the ids in the new citation stuff.
I've solved this by allowing the citation format information to contain
keys of the form "clean:key". This signals that we are to apply the
html::cleanAttr() function to the key before returning it. I.e., we
strip non-alphanumeric stuff, basically.
- fileformat change
- it was a pity that LyX did not yet support a simple rectangular frame without a defined width but LyX did this for e.g. oval frames
- \fbox and \mbox often occur in TeX files and can now be imported
Previously, the format used for included pdf files was the same as for
document export via ps2pdf. This caused unwanted conversion routes, e.g.
export via odt->pdf instead of dvi->ps->pdf.
I renamed the format for included graphics and not for exported documents,
since otherwise the command line syntax for export would change. This would
require more adaptions for the users, since with the chosen solution the
custom converters are almost always changed correctly in prefs2prefs(),
so that only custom external templates need manual adjustement.
* Powerdot now also uses the native overlay item arguments
* a list option argument is finally available
* \pause natively supported (like in beamer)
* support for \onslide (via InsetFlex)
* support for \twocolumn
File format change.
With this commit, old beamer frames are converted to new ones. The old styles are removed (including the infamous \lyxframe).
This should be tested with as much beamer documents as possible (I have already done so), also, tex2lyx now probably produces invalid LyX files.
From version 425 to 463, the cancel package is used automatically.
Take this into accound when converting to old formats: For the step
464->463 do nothing if cancel was set to auto. For the step 425->424,
add the \usepackage statement as before.
Somehow I overlooked that \sideset also supports nonscript arguments for
left and right. This is now fixed, although I do not like the toolbar names.
If somebody knows something better, please improve.
\textsubtilde is a combining character (0x0330), but 0x02f7 is not.
Apart from the wrong LaTeX output, having the same command for two symbols
confuses texc2lyx.
This default argument is inserted iff no inset argument is present. This is useful particularly for mandatory arguments that need to have a sensible default value.
lyx2lyx died with UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte if a
layout with a non-ASCII character in the file name was used, since the
textclass member of the LyX class was of type str, and not unicode.
- the column limit for decorated matrices does no longer exists
- move the former "accents for operators" sections to the operators section because these are no accents but operator-specific decorations
- add a note for \sideset
- formatting adjustments
The rest (Tutorial.lyx, Math.lyx, EmbeddedObjects.lyx, UserGuide.lyx,
Intro.lyx and Additional.lyx) are left untouched, because
still not compilable with platex
- Use the LyX name of encodings instead of the LaTeX names.
The LyX name must be unique, while the name used by LaTeX
not necessarily, e.g. different packages might implement
support for the same encoding.
- Rename koi8 to koi8-r, so that the LyX and LaTeX names match.
- Rename euc-jp-plain to euc-jp-platex, jis-plain to jis-platex
and shift-jis-plain to shift-jis-platex.
- Add utf8-platex encoding (fixes#8408).
LyX file format incremented to 463.
The issue here was that an AMS symbol is used as 4-th level bullet, but 'use AMS Symbols automatically' was not selected.
This is a candidate for branch.
The toolbar image is the one Uwe attached to the bug report. Note that
\sideset works only for operators like \sum in the nucleus. LyX allows
any content, so you might get a LaTeX error. I don't know how to prevent
wrong content in the nucleus.
- use a default font except a special one is available
- add our documentation preamble disclaimer
- fixes all occurrences (there were many of them) of the LyX console warnings
"unusual contents found: [formula equation [grid [row [cell [xymatrix [grid [row..."
when the document is opened
- style and formatting fixes for consistency
- this new modernCV version fixes the annoying linebreak bug I was suffering so long, it moreover adds 2 new features
- lyx2lyx/lyx_2_1.py: updated to revert the new features
The advantage of having this in LyX is the intelligent file name handling
of included files. Implementation as discussed on the list, but ensure also
that an attempt to use locked files fails.
- Implement catcode setting in Parser
- add a new Parser::verbatimStuff method that reads verbatim contents
- use this method to parse "verbatim" environment.
- use it to parse \verb too.
- rename Parser::verbatimEnvironment to ertEnvironment.
- use for other verbatim-like cases (Sweave chunk, lstlisting...)
- factor out the function that outputs ERT (including line breaks)
- maybe implement Parser::unparse (if needed)
In unicodesymbols we use the wasy fonts intensively. So we also need to check for them. (wasysym is not the font package itself, only a package to support it: "LaTeX support file to use the WASY-2 fonts. The wasysym package implements and easy to use interface for these symbols.")
This patch implements 'move row' and 'move column' features for tabular.
The purpose is to provide a useful behavior in tabular that is
consistent with PARAGRAPH_MOVE_UP and PARAGRAPH_MOVE_DOWN so that the
user can, for example, do alt-<up> to move a row up. Alternatively,
icons for these features are also added to the table toolbar and
context menu.
If there is any selection, the feature is disabled. This is consistent
with how PARAGRAPH_MOVE_UP works in other contexts. Additionally, 'move
row' is disabled if there is a multi-row in the current or target row;
and 'move column' is disabled if there is a multi-column in the current
or target column.
'move row' moves only the left and right borders of a cell along with
the row. Similarly, 'move column' moves only the the top and bottom
Implementing similar functionality for other insets, such as arrays and
array environments, is on my TODO list.
- shapepar.module: new module to get non-rectangular paragraph shapes
- SpecialParagraphShape.tex: an example shape definition file
- Additional.lyx:
- accept all changes and updated all language versions accordingly
- describe how to get custom paragraph shapes (last section of the document)
- preamble cleanup
Most images are generated by development/tools/generate_symbols_images.py, but
some were drawn manually. Now there is no image missing from the ones the
script can generate.
Some macros defined by wasysym.sty work only in text mode: They either
produce an error in math mode, or wrong output. These symbols are now marked
as text symbols, so that no \ensuremath is created for LaTeX export if they
appear inside \text{}, and the correct images are created.
What was previously accomplished by wrapCitation is now customizable in the
layout files. What we provide by default here corresponds roughly to the
LyX 2.0 behavior.
- achicago
- apacite
- apalike
- astron
- authordate
- chicago
- harvard
- mslapa
- named
This allows these citation packages can be Required by the document layout.
LyX handles the package ordering, loading any of these packages before natbib
when both are required by the document layout. For example, apacite can be
used with or without natbib.
The package achicago isn't compatible with natbib out-of-the-box,
but the following compatibility code makes it work:
- the packages which are independent of document classes are checked first - for the case that the Internet connection breaks during the checking/installation of missing packages
- Add a note about HTML.
- Add a note about using external files.
- Add a note about using lilypond variables and commands.
- Some corrections and nitpicks.
In particular, lilypond-book is just a python script. On windows,
we need to call the python interpreter, using the full path to
the script while being wary of spaces in the path.
The old layouts are still there (marked as deprecated). The new ones are more or less correctly reverted (polishment required), but the old ones not yet converted to the new. Once this is done, a further file format change should be made.
- uniform formatting, clarifications, simplifications, updates, added missing information
- German Customization.lyx: also translations, added missing information that is already in the other language versions
These encodings were not defined, since they must not be used as document
encodings (the characters {, } and \ may appear in high bytes, and latex
would be confused). However, they are supported by CJK.sty (which uses a
preprocessor to circumvent the limitations of the latex executable). These
encodings are now defined, but used for import in tex2lyx only.
The test case CJK.tex contained fake tests for shift-jis and big5 (the
japanese and chinese characters were entered using the utf8 encoding), and
therefore the wrong interpretation of these encoding looked as if it worked.
The comments about missing iconv support of shift-jis and big5 were wrong as
well (otherwise shift-jis-plain would not work either).
The fix is basically mechanical, the additional code for fraction like insets
with three arguments was stolen from \unitfrac. As any math package,
stackrel.sty needs a buffer parameter to switch it off.
I also added the two stackrel flavours to the toolbar.
There were found with -dbg mathed ans entering a math inset.
I kept the AMS versions, except leadsto, which is only an approximation in AMS.
hbar was simply defined twice with identical definitions.
These are all generated by development/tools/generate_symbols_images.py, the
only manual adjustments were renamings due to case sensitive file systems on
The \frametitle command is less convenient to use than the \frame argument, but it provides more options (overlay/action and short title). We thus provide this additionally to the option, like beamer itself does.
This has a list-like structure (with \onslide item commands). The previous implementation was rather useless, since it required lots of ERT. Since the new implementation is so different, we use ERT for conersion/reversion.
The lyx2lyx routines are not yet perfect, though.
stmaryrd.sty sets these symbols up as variable size math delimiters (i.e.
they may be used with \left and \right). Now LyX knows about that and offers
them in the delimiter dialog as well as single symbols.
llltr is a copy-paste error, the correct name is llless.
astrosun needs the wasysym package (the automatism does not kick in because
the font is cmsy, not wasy).
The stmaryrd package adds support for lots of math symbols, using a font
designed to accompany the computer modern fonts. The changes in detail:
- Fix generate_symbols_list.py to work with stmaryrd.sty. It loooks like it
was automatically translated from a perl version and never used.
- Generate the new symbols in lib/symbols using generate_symbols_list.py and
add some manual adjustments
- Generate stmary10.ttf by a simple ttf export from stmary10.sfd with fontforge
- Add license info for stmary10.ttf
- Create a test file with all symbols from stmaryrd.sty. Actually it would be
nice to have this for the other fonts as well.
- The mechanics: lyx2lyx, tex2lyx, font machinery etc.
Without this, qt will enlarge some glyphs out of proportion (no, I don't
understand why it does this, and I found out by accident how to avoid it).
Still, the vertical alignment is only roughly correct (also for the untouched
glyphs). If somebody cares some fine adjustment would be nice.
Use a 1:1 unicode "encoding" as for all other math symbol fonts.
This is not correct for using the font outside of LyX, but in LyX we misuse
the first 255 code points for symbol fonts (see code points of existing fonts
in lib/symbols). These code points are identical with the postscript versions
of the fonts, so if qt was able to use postscript fonts, they could be used
instead of the truetype versions.
The character varcurlywedge is duplicated at position 254, since qt refuses to
display a font at the tab position (9).
In addition, get rid of the broken private directory which is not needed for
generating ttf.
- also fix in the generic conversion routine the cases
- that there are one or more optional arguments before the mandatory ones
- that the conversion does not start with the first argument of a command
- also support in the lyx2lyx argument conversion routine the case that "}{" appears in 2 consecutive ERTs
- also fix in lyx2lyx_tools.py the output of ERTs (it is important that we write the same amount of lines as if the ERT would have been inserted via LyX 2.0 or lyX 2.1)
Now that we have module support for literate programming, it is possible to do a noweb cleanup. This is basically a patch from Kayvan Sylvan:
- get rid of literate-xxx classes
- rename Scrap to Chunk, since this is the name noweb doc uses (Scrap is from nuweb)
- update lyx file format and add lyx2lyx support for gettting rid of literate-xxx classes
- update documentation
On the top of it, update tex2lyx to
- avoid creating files with literate-xxx class
- fix conflict between parsing << as a quote and parsing it as a Chunk
- create Chunk layouts instead of Scrap ones.
causing a failure when running outside the user tree. This was my
fault: when I refactored this routine, I failed to note that this
variable was now undefined.
- add a mandatory argument
- remove an optional argument that compiles, but would break the layout of the output completely (is also not documented nor explicitly defined)
- also add a safe guard for the lyx2lyx conversion routines
- now all personal info can be specified the LyX way, only the package loading and some special settings remain in the preamble
- achemso.layout: a whitespace fix
- remove styles that cannot be written into the main text, but have to be inserted in the preamble
- add some info according to its latest documentation
This reverts commit ecbed31e80.
This package does not make sense for us. It is just a portmanteau package that loads libertine-type1 and biolinum-type1. Using this package directly results in option clashes if libertine and biolinum are both selected.
Sorry for the noise.