Manuals, examples and templates that use (traditional) bibtex should have set the bibliography processor to bibtex. Else, these documents do not compile if a user has set the processor to 'biber' in the preferences
Before, only PDFs were being generated so latex did not compile.
Now, both PDF and EPS files are generated.
This is not efficient but could save the user some pain, which is
the goal of templates.
An alternative would be to set the default output to use pdflatex.
The layout now takes care of \begin{article} and \end{article}
by using \AtBeginDocument and \AtEndDocument.
This cleans up the template a little by removing some ERT. The
user no longer needs to read the two notes explaining why the
ERT boxes were necessary. The user also does not need to think
about why this LaTeX environment exists.