Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/tex2lyx, part two
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:53:30 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename files under src/tex2lyx
src/tex2lyx/lyxfont.C src/tex2lyx/LyXFont.cpp LyXFont
src/tex2lyx/lyxfont.h src/tex2lyx/LyXFont.h LyXFont
src/tex2lyx/texparser.C src/tex2lyx/Parser.cpp ['Token', 'Parser']
src/tex2lyx/tex2lyx.C src/tex2lyx/tex2lyx.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/texparser.h src/tex2lyx/Parser.h ['Token', 'Parser']
src/tex2lyx/text.C src/tex2lyx/text.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/tex2lyx.h src/tex2lyx/tex2lyx.h NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/context.C src/tex2lyx/Context.cpp ['Font', 'Context']
src/tex2lyx/gettext.C src/tex2lyx/gettext.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/boost.C src/tex2lyx/boost.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/table.C src/tex2lyx/table.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/preamble.C src/tex2lyx/preamble.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/math.C src/tex2lyx/math.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex2lyx/context.h src/tex2lyx/Context.h ['Font', 'Context']
src/tex2lyx/Spacing.h src/tex2lyx/Spacing.h Spacing
src/tex2lyx/lengthcommon.C src/tex2lyx/lengthcommon.cpp NOCLASSES
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:53:06 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/client, part two
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:50:47 +00:00
Bo Peng
rename files under src/client, step one
src/client/client.C src/client/client.cpp NOCLASSES
src/client/pch.h src/client/pch.h NOCLASSES
src/client/gettext.C src/client/gettext.cpp NOCLASSES
src/client/boost.C src/client/boost.cpp NOCLASSES
src/client/debug.C src/client/debug.cpp lyx_debug_trait
src/client/messages.C src/client/Messages.cpp Messages
src/client/debug.h src/client/debug.h lyx_debug_trait
src/client/messages.h src/client/Messages.h Messages
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:50:23 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/
Oldname, newname, classes
src/pspell.C src/PSpell.cpp PSpell
src/ParagraphMetrics.h src/ParagraphMetrics.h ParagraphMetrics
src/author.C src/Author.cpp ['Author', 'AuthorList']
src/Floating.C src/Floating.cpp Floating
src/lyxvc.C src/LyXVC.cpp LyXVC
src/intl.C src/Intl.cpp Intl
src/paragraph.h src/Paragraph.h ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph']
src/LyXAction.C src/LyXAction.cpp LyXAction
src/SpellBase.C src/SpellBase.cpp SpellBase
src/TextMetrics.C src/TextMetrics.cpp TextMetrics
src/LaTeXFeatures.C src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp LaTeXFeatures
src/buffer_funcs.h src/buffer_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/Variables.h src/Variables.h Variables
src/cursor.C src/LCursor.cpp LCursor
src/lyx_cb.C src/lyx_cb.cpp NOCLASSES
src/DepTable.C src/DepTable.cpp ['DepTable', 'dep_info']
src/vspace.C src/VSpace.cpp VSpace
src/Thesaurus.C src/Thesaurus.cpp Thesaurus
src/Color.h src/color.h NOCLASSES
src/Spacing.C src/Spacing.cpp Spacing
src/dociterator.h src/DocIterator.h ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator']
src/trans.C src/Trans.cpp Trans
src/metricsinfo.h src/MetricsInfo.h ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger']
src/box.C src/Box.cpp Box
src/language.h src/Language.h ['Language', 'Languages']
src/output_plaintext.C src/output_plaintext.cpp NOCLASSES
src/coordcache.C src/CoordCache.cpp ['Point', 'CoordCache']
src/lyxlex.h src/LyXLex.h ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper']
src/encoding.h src/Encoding.h ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator']
src/debug.h src/debug.h lyx_debug_trait
src/Chktex.h src/Chktex.h Chktex
src/output.C src/output.cpp NOCLASSES
src/output_latex.h src/output_latex.h NOCLASSES
src/sgml.C src/sgml.cpp NOCLASSES
src/pspell.h src/PSpell.h PSpell
src/bufferlist.C src/BufferList.cpp BufferList
src/author.h src/Author.h ['Author', 'AuthorList']
src/Bidi.C src/Bidi.cpp Bidi
src/exporter.C src/Exporter.cpp ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData']
src/Floating.h src/Floating.h Floating
src/lyxvc.h src/LyXVC.h LyXVC
src/intl.h src/Intl.h Intl
src/lyxlength.C src/LyXLength.cpp LyXLength
src/LyXAction.h src/LyXAction.h LyXAction
src/SpellBase.h src/SpellBase.h SpellBase
src/TextMetrics.h src/TextMetrics.h TextMetrics
src/LaTeXFeatures.h src/LaTeXFeatures.h LaTeXFeatures
src/cursor.h src/LCursor.h LCursor
src/layout.h src/layout.h NOCLASSES
src/DepTable.h src/DepTable.h ['DepTable', 'dep_info']
src/lyx_cb.h src/lyx_cb.h NOCLASSES
src/vspace.h src/VSpace.h VSpace
src/PrinterParams.C src/PrinterParams.cpp PrinterParams
src/tex-strings.C src/tex-strings.cpp NOCLASSES
src/Thesaurus.h src/Thesaurus.h Thesaurus
src/Spacing.h src/Spacing.h Spacing
src/BranchList.C src/BranchList.cpp ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual']
src/trans.h src/Trans.h Trans
src/output_plaintext.h src/output_plaintext.h NOCLASSES
src/box.h src/Box.h Box
src/coordcache.h src/CoordCache.h ['Point', 'CoordCache']
src/graph.C src/Graph.cpp ['Graph', 'Vertex']
src/lyxserver.C src/LyXServer.cpp ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer']
src/undo.C src/Undo.cpp Undo
src/output.h src/output.h NOCLASSES
src/text2.C src/text2.cpp NOCLASSES
src/ParagraphList_fwd.h src/ParagraphList_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/sgml.h src/sgml.h NOCLASSES
src/converter.C src/Converter.cpp ['Converter', 'Converters']
src/factory.C src/factory.cpp NOCLASSES
src/RowList_fwd.h src/RowList_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/buffer.C src/Buffer.cpp Buffer
src/bufferlist.h src/BufferList.h BufferList
src/CutAndPaste.C src/CutAndPaste.cpp NOCLASSES
src/Bidi.h src/Bidi.h Bidi
src/exporter.h src/Exporter.h ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData']
src/InsetList.C src/InsetList.cpp ['InsetList', 'InsetTable']
src/FontIterator.C src/FontIterator.cpp FontIterator
src/session.C src/Session.cpp ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session']
src/lyxlength.h src/LyXLength.h LyXLength
src/main.C src/main.cpp LyXLength
src/lyxsocket.C src/LyXServerSocket.cpp ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket']
src/errorlist.C src/ErrorList.cpp ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList']
src/lyxtext.h src/LyXText.h LyXText
src/lyxfunc.C src/LyXFunc.cpp LyXFunc
src/format.C src/Format.cpp ['Format', 'Formats']
src/lengthcommon.C src/lengthcommon.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex-strings.h src/tex-strings.h NOCLASSES
src/PrinterParams.h src/PrinterParams.h PrinterParams
src/insetiterator.C src/InsetIterator.cpp InsetIterator
src/vc-backend.C src/VCBackend.cpp ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS']
src/TocBackend.C src/TocBackend.cpp ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend']
src/BranchList.h src/BranchList.h ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual']
src/FuncStatus.C src/FuncStatus.cpp FuncStatus
src/Sectioning.C src/Section.cpp ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/counters.C src/Counters.cpp ['Counter', 'Counters']
src/graph.h src/Graph.h ['Graph', 'Vertex']
src/lyxserver.h src/LyXServer.h ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer']
src/undo.h src/Undo.h Undo
src/paper.h src/paper.h NOCLASSES
src/converter.h src/Converter.h ['Converter', 'Converters']
src/factory.h src/factory.h NOCLASSES
src/LaTeX.C src/LaTeX.cpp ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX']
src/bufferparams.C src/BufferParams.cpp ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits']
src/buffer.h src/Buffer.h Buffer
src/CutAndPaste.h src/CutAndPaste.h NOCLASSES
src/InsetList.h src/InsetList.h ['InsetList', 'InsetTable']
src/kbsequence.C src/kb_sequence.cpp kb_sequence
src/FontIterator.h src/FontIterator.h FontIterator
src/dimension.C src/Dimension.cpp Dimension
src/Bullet.C src/Bullet.cpp Bullet
src/texrow.C src/TexRow.cpp ['TexRow', 'RowItem']
src/session.h src/Session.h ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session']
src/ParagraphParameters.C src/ParagraphParameters.cpp ParagraphParameters
src/lyxsocket.h src/LyXServerSocket.h ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket']
src/errorlist.h src/ErrorList.h ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList']
src/tabular.C src/LyXTabular.cpp ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct']
src/pariterator.C src/ParIterator.cpp ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator']
src/lyxfunc.h src/LyXFunc.h LyXFunc
src/format.h src/Format.h ['Format', 'Formats']
src/aspell_local.h src/ASpell_local.h ASpell
src/lengthcommon.h src/lengthcommon.h NOCLASSES
src/insetiterator.h src/InsetIterator.h InsetIterator
src/lyxrc.C src/LyXRC.cpp ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus']
src/TocBackend.h src/TocBackend.h ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend']
src/vc-backend.h src/VCBackend.h ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS']
src/dispatchresult.h src/DispatchResult.h DispatchResult
src/lyxtextclasslist.C src/LyXTextClassList.cpp LyXTextClassList
src/paragraph_funcs.C src/paragraph_funcs.cpp NOCLASSES
src/funcrequest.C src/FuncRequest.cpp FuncRequest
src/FuncStatus.h src/FuncStatus.h FuncStatus
src/UpdateFlags.h src/UpdateFlags.h NOCLASSES
src/lyxrow.C src/Row.cpp ['Row', 'RowMetrics']
src/outputparams.C src/OutputParams.cpp OutputParams
src/counters.h src/Counters.h ['Counter', 'Counters']
src/Sectioning.h src/Section.h ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/text3.C src/text3.cpp ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/lyxlayout.C src/LyXLayout.cpp LyXLayout
src/lyxfind.C src/lyxfind.cpp NOCLASSES
src/bufferparams.h src/BufferParams.h ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits']
src/LaTeX.h src/LaTeX.h ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX']
src/trans_decl.h src/KmodInfo.h KmodInfo
src/gettext.C src/gettext.cpp NOCLASSES
src/dimension.h src/Dimension.h Dimension
src/kbmap.C src/kb_keymap.cpp kb_keymap
src/kbsequence.h src/kb_sequence.h kb_sequence
src/rowpainter.C src/rowpainter.cpp NOCLASSES
src/ConverterCache.C src/ConverterCache.cpp ConverterCache
src/lyxgluelength.C src/LyXGlueLength.cpp LyXGlueLength
src/tex-accent.C src/tex-accent.cpp NOCLASSES
src/Bullet.h src/Bullet.h Bullet
src/texrow.h src/TexRow.h ['TexRow', 'RowItem']
src/ParagraphParameters.h src/ParagraphParameters.h ParagraphParameters
src/tabular.h src/LyXTabular.h ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct']
src/importer.C src/Importer.cpp Importer
src/pariterator.h src/ParIterator.h ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator']
src/lyxfont.C src/LyXFont.cpp ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size']
src/BufferView.C src/BufferView.cpp BufferView
src/ParagraphList.h src/ParagraphList.h NOCLASSES
src/lyxrc.h src/LyXRC.h ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus']
src/lyxtextclass.C src/LyXTextClass.cpp ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass']
src/changes.C src/Changes.cpp ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange']
src/lyxtextclasslist.h src/LyXTextClassList.h LyXTextClassList
src/paragraph_funcs.h src/paragraph_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/funcrequest.h src/FuncRequest.h FuncRequest
src/lyxrow.h src/Row.h ['Row', 'RowMetrics']
src/outputparams.h src/OutputParams.h OutputParams
src/MenuBackend.C src/MenuBackend.cpp ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend']
src/lyxlayout.h src/LyXLayout.h LyXLayout
src/lyxfind.h src/lyxfind.h NOCLASSES
src/gettext.h src/gettext.h NOCLASSES
src/LColor.C src/LColor.cpp ['LColor', 'LColor_color']
src/version.h src/version.h NOCLASSES
src/cursor_slice.C src/CursorSlice.cpp CursorSlice
src/WordLangTuple.h src/WordLangTuple.h WordLangTuple
src/lfuns.h src/lfuns.h NOCLASSES
src/trans_mgr.C src/TransState.cpp ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager']
src/kbmap.h src/kb_keymap.h kb_keymap
src/rowpainter.h src/rowpainter.h NOCLASSES
src/ConverterCache.h src/ConverterCache.h ConverterCache
src/lyxgluelength.h src/LyXGlueLength.h LyXGlueLength
src/output_docbook.C src/output_docbook.cpp NOCLASSES
src/tex-accent.h src/tex-accent.h NOCLASSES
src/FloatList.C src/FloatList.cpp FloatList
src/bufferview_funcs.C src/bufferview_funcs.cpp NOCLASSES
src/importer.h src/Importer.h Importer
src/messages.C src/Messages.cpp Messages
src/lyxfont.h src/LyXFont.h ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size']
src/BufferView.h src/BufferView.h BufferView
src/ToolbarBackend.C src/ToolbarBackend.cpp ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend']
src/lyx_sty.C src/lyx_sty.cpp NOCLASSES
src/lyxtextclass.h src/LyXTextClass.h ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass']
src/changes.h src/Changes.h ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange']
src/aspell.C src/ASpell.cpp
src/lyx_main.C src/LyX.cpp LyX
src/MenuBackend.h src/MenuBackend.h ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend']
src/toc.C src/toc.cpp NOCLASSES
src/boost.C src/boost.cpp NOCLASSES
src/ispell.C src/ISpell.cpp ISpell
src/mover.C src/Mover.cpp ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers']
src/ParagraphMetrics.C src/ParagraphMetrics.cpp ParagraphMetrics
src/LColor.h src/LColor.h ['LColor', 'LColor_color']
src/cursor_slice.h src/CursorSlice.h CursorSlice
src/trans_mgr.h src/TransState.h ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager']
src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/output_docbook.h src/output_docbook.h NOCLASSES
src/paragraph.C src/Paragraph.cpp ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph']
src/FloatList.h src/FloatList.h FloatList
src/bufferview_funcs.h src/bufferview_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/buffer_funcs.C src/buffer_funcs.cpp NOCLASSES
src/Variables.C src/Variables.cpp Variables
src/messages.h src/Messages.h Messages
src/Color.C src/color.cpp NOCLASSES
src/dociterator.C src/DocIterator.cpp ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator']
src/ToolbarBackend.h src/ToolbarBackend.h ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend']
src/lyx_sty.h src/lyx_sty.h NOCLASSES
src/metricsinfo.C src/MetricsInfo.cpp ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger']
src/language.C src/Language.cpp ['Language', 'Languages']
src/text.C src/text.cpp ['Language', 'Languages']
src/lyx_main.h src/LyX.h LyX
src/lyxlex.C src/LyXLex.cpp ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper']
src/encoding.C src/Encoding.cpp ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator']
src/debug.C src/debug.cpp lyx_debug_trait
src/Chktex.C src/Chktex.cpp Chktex
src/toc.h src/toc.h NOCLASSES
src/ispell.h src/ISpell.h ISpell
src/mover.h src/Mover.h ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers']
src/output_latex.C src/output_latex.cpp NOCLASSES
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:46:45 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src, part one
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:41:58 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/frontends, part two
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:03:46 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/frontends, part one
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:02:55 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/frontends/qt4, part two
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 03:53:51 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/frontends/qt4, part one
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 03:53:02 +00:00
André Pönitz
remove half-baked greek-insert stuff
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 23:15:49 +00:00
André Pönitz
remove some lyx:: etc
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 23:06:48 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/frontend/qt4/ui/NomenclUi.ui: fix tab order (by Ugras Baran)
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 21:37:43 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C => .cpp for files in src/frontends/controllers, step 2
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 18:06:07 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename .C => .cpp for files in src/frontends/controllers, step 1
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 18:04:04 +00:00
Bo Peng
merge src/frontends/controllers/biblio, character, frnt_lang, helper_funcs and tex_helpers to frontend_helpers, step 3
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 17:53:54 +00:00
Bo Peng
merge src/frontends/controllers/biblio, character, frnt_lang, helper_funcs and tex_helpers to frontend_helpers, step 2
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 17:20:29 +00:00
Bo Peng
merge src/frontends/controllers/biblio, character, frnt_lang, helper_funcs and tex_helpers to frontend_helpers, step 1
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 17:15:56 +00:00
André Pönitz
code cosmetics whitespace, unneeded lyx:: qualification, indentation, unneeded destructors and the like
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 16:39:21 +00:00
José Matox
Update file format, textclass cv -> simplecv
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 16:14:59 +00:00
Bo Peng
Fix a few rename inconsistencies discovered by JMarc in insets and mathed, step 2
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 16:12:54 +00:00
Bo Peng
Fix a few rename inconsistencies discovered by JMarc in insets and mathed, step 1
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 16:11:45 +00:00
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
* os_unix.C (addFontResources): for Qt/Mac use the "fonts" directory, not "Fonts".
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 14:05:03 +00:00
André Pönitz
more dialog merging
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 10:57:54 +00:00
André Pönitz
more dialog merging
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 10:25:37 +00:00
André Pönitz
more dialog merging
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 08:42:22 +00:00
André Pönitz
the greek-insert stuff, incidently containing unrelated the removal of paragraph_pimpl.C
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 07:48:35 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QPref and QPrefDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 07:13:54 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename files in src/mathed and src/graphics from .C to .cpp, step 2
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 03:03:25 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename files in src/mathed and src/graphics from .C to .cpp, step 1
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 03:01:35 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename insets/insetxxx to insets/InsetXxx, part 2
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 01:25:51 +00:00
Bo Peng
Rename insets/insetxxx to insets/InsetXxx, part 1
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-25 01:24:38 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix bug 2474; partial fix for 1777. Added last_reference_ member to QRef class and reworked logic involving display of last added reference. Added logic to make sure selected item is visible.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 22:10:56 +00:00
André Pönitz
more Foo/FooDialog merge
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 19:37:34 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge the tabular/gui related files
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 17:46:08 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QSpellChecker and QSpellcheckerDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 15:32:14 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QTexinfo and QTexinfoDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 15:10:14 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QWrapDialog and QWrap
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 14:59:51 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QThesaurus and QThesaurusDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 14:35:15 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:
somewhat better layout; ideally, the whole dialog should be laid out in a grid,
but then qt insists on drawing the listwidgets much wider than the need to be.
The drawback of this approach is that the dialog cannot really be resized.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 14:34:31 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QViewSource and QViewSourceDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 14:08:53 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QERT and QERTDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 13:47:33 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QSearch and QSearchDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 13:27:23 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QVSpace and QVSpaceDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 12:02:27 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QAbout and QAboutDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 11:32:09 +00:00
André Pönitz
merge QBox and QBoxDialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 10:56:22 +00:00
André Pönitz
move lyxlex_pimpl.* into lyxlex.C
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 10:52:22 +00:00
André Pönitz
paragraph_funcs.C should not have used paragraph_pimpl.h from the beginning...
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 10:28:45 +00:00
André Pönitz
move paragraph_pimpl.* into paragraph.C
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 10:01:03 +00:00
André Pönitz
forgot this...
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 09:02:09 +00:00
André Pönitz
renaming in frontends/qt4/ui: s/Q//g
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-24 08:56:28 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/insets/insetcommandparams.C: fix WS
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-23 19:34:09 +00:00
Georg Baum
make the nomencl inset work with older versions of nomencl.sty
* src/LaTeXFeatures.C
(LaTeXFeatures::getPackages): Do not require newest nomencl.sty,
output compatibility code instead
* src/LaTeX.C
(LaTeX::deleteFilesOnError): delete .gls file
(LaTeX::run): Check .glo and .gls files, too
(handleFoundFile): do not ignore .glo files
(LaTeX::deplog): add regex for old nomencl version
* src/LaTeX.[Ch]
(LaTeX::runMakeIndexNomencl) new method, factored out to avoid
code duplication
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-23 18:33:36 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix bug 3461. Add reset_dialog() method that resets the QRef::at_ref_ boolean on dialog close.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-23 15:25:02 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix case of BibTeX keys and remove unused variable. By myself and Bernhard.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-23 15:18:01 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
fix std::endl declaration.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-23 13:12:23 +00:00
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
remove outdated "status" file
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-23 09:35:28 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
* In the process of fixing the math background color bug, this commit transfer backgroundColor() management from InsetOld to InsetBase; because this will be needed for InsetMath based insets.
* Also transfer InsetBase ctors from .h to .C
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 21:40:10 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/mathed/BUGS: remove old stuff
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 10:11:16 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/frontend/qt4/QLToolbar.C: fix translation of toolbar
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 10:05:17 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
fix std declaration.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 08:41:50 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
Satisfy André's Sprachgefühl.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 08:37:48 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Trying to solve bug-2452, I optimized some of the most significant problems outlined in the profile report attached in there.
This commit avoids unnecessary metrics recalculations by caching the last LyXFont used. I had to cleanup the width(), ascent() and descend() redundancies by transferring that to InsetBase.
InsetMathDim should go now as it is not really needed.
* InsetBase: properly handle inset Dimension.
* InsetOld: get rid of redundant width(), ascent() and descent()
* InsetMathDim: ditto
* InsetMathChar::metrics(): avoid metrics recalculation if font is unchanged.
* InsetMathSymbol::metrics(): ditto
* InsetMathKern: use InsetBase::dim_ instead of local ones.
* InsetMathSpace:
- use InsetBase::dim_ instead of local ones.
- space to width transformation transferred to anonymous namespace.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 08:26:06 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Pass the main window (GuiView) to the delimiter dialog so that it is properly handled by the window manager.
* Dialog.h
- Dialog::Controller::view(): new method.
* QDelimiterDialog::QDelimiterDialog(): pass the Main Window parent.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-22 07:54:36 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
* operator==(docstring const & l, char const * r): optimized a bit because it showed a lot in profile.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 22:39:04 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Optimisation: remove the inset mailer used in the dtor because it was far from negligible in profile results with Macro (which is a heavy user of thi MathGrid class). This matrix dialog showing/hiding was not working anyway.
* InsetMathGrid::~InsetMathGrid(): deleted.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 22:33:07 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
* InsetMathNest::cell(): inlined because of profile.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 22:28:21 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* frontends/LyXView.h:
* frontends/qt4/GuiView.C:
* frontends/qt4/GuiView.h:
* frontends/qt4/QLToolbar.C:
* frontends/Toolbars.C:
* frontends/Toolbars.h:
* ToolbarBackend.C: use better names for ToolbarInfo variables
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 17:38:43 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/frontend/qt4/ui/QDelimiter.ui: add space to unused label such
that no extra entry is created in the po files
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 15:29:55 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/frontends/controllers/ControlMath.h: remove reference to
math panel dialog
* lib/ do not install images/dialog-show_mathpanel.xpm
* lib/bind/aqua.bind: remove math-panel binding
* development/scons/ remove QMathDialog.C and
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 13:30:27 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/frontends/qt4/ui/QTocUI.ui: add tooltips.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 13:22:28 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
Fix bug 2884 and 3437:
* src/insets/insetbase.h:
* src/insets/insetcollapsable.h:
- make isFixedWidth (former insetcollapsable member) a member of insetbase.
- make border_ public (needed by insetcollapsable).
src/insets/insettext.C (draw, drawSelection):
- adjust drawing for fixed width insets
* src/insets/insetcollapsable.C (metrics):
- adjust dimension for fixed width insets
src/insets/insetbox.C (metrics):
- properly calculate metrics for fixed width insets.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-21 08:43:46 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
Compilation fixes:
* src/frontends/qt4/iconpallete.h: add missing header
* src/frontends/qt4/Makefile.dialogs: remove removed math panel dialog.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-20 07:29:02 +00:00
Edwin Leuven
* remove old iconpalette (and rename iconpanel to iconpalette)
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 22:01:28 +00:00
Edwin Leuven
* removal of math panel
some code is moved from QMath
to QDelimiterDialog and QMathMatrixDialog
for the rest pretty mechanical
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 21:42:42 +00:00
Edwin Leuven
* include missing header (msvc complains)
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 21:26:38 +00:00
Edwin Leuven
* Action.[Ch]
add signal that provides action when triggered
* ToolbarBackend.[Ch]
add popupmenu and iconpallete item types
* QLToolbar.[Ch]
take care of popupmenu and iconpallete
add panels and menus (and move spellchecker to main ;-)
* functions.xpm
icon for function list
* iconpalette.[Ch]
new iconpanel that will replace old iconpalette,
als subclass of qmenu that updates parent toolbutton
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 20:29:27 +00:00
Edwin Leuven
* Refactoring of ToolbarBackend.[Ch] into
toolbaritems, toolbar(info) and backend now defines the toolbars inbetween
a ToolbarSet/End tag just as the menus
* the other files contain straightforward changes
because of the toolbarbackend refactoring
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 19:43:15 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix some shortcut issues with the converters subdialog. Problem was that some shortcuts defined here are also defined in the main preferences dialog, and some were doubly defined here, too. Also set focus proxy for definitions group box.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 17:29:59 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
* QCommandBuffer::complete(): Add connection to QListWidget::itemActivated() in order to select in the help list with "Enter".
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 16:43:09 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/frontends/qt4/ui/QPrefConvertersUI.ui: lay out in a grid (fixes bug 3476)
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 16:37:39 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix bug 2466 by Stefan Schimanski:
If the cursor is currently in macro mode (e.g. the user is typing \fra, but
hasn't finished the command \frac) macros shouldn't be updated.
Another forced screen update is needed if the user leaves macro mode just with
the cursor right key (which doesn't trigger full screen updates itself).
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 13:37:17 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Switch to an Icon View mode in the symbol lists.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 12:25:58 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix bug 3460:
The problem was that the list_items map is ordered by key.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 08:22:41 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* QDelimiterDialog.C: make "TeX Code:" translatable
* ui/QDelimiterUi.ui: fix (unused) message - single \'s caused gettext problems
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-18 19:52:32 +00:00
Michael Schmitt
* src/frontends/qt4/ui/QPrefConvertersUi.ui: add missing ':' in label
* po/de.po: adjust
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-18 19:36:12 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix bug 3454 and 3463: Don't allow ill-formed commands. With this commit an error dialog will be shown to the user if the inset parameters were wrong upon creation. This patch uses exceptions.
* factory.C::createInset(): catch eventual exception.
* InsetCommandParams::read(): throw warning exception in case of errors.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-18 12:59:07 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
commit again the drawing fix of revision 17826. This was accidentally reverted in revision 17841.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-18 09:59:02 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Style cleanup and tex code display bug correction.
* bigleft, bigright: move empty item from last to first to synchronize it with GUI representation
* fix_name(): add FIXME for Enrico
* updateTeXCode():
- move C-style string declaration.
- simplify empty string logic.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-18 09:44:24 +00:00
Uwe Stöhr
fix bug 3456 and 3457
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 20:04:15 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix for bug 3321. Changed error message.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 17:57:57 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix Andre's name.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 16:58:59 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Real fix for bug 1395 by Stefan Schimanski, this commit replace the one done at revision 17836 which was reverted!
Locking counter added to MacroData: it is increased before drawing/
metric calculations and decreased afterwards in InsetMathMacro. If a
macro is already locked at that point, "Self reference: \foo" is
drawn instead of the macro definition to avoid endless loops.
Moreover inside of the arguments of the macro the counter is
temporarily decreased as those cases do not cause loops. (fixes bug
#1395 )
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 16:52:43 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Revert to revision 17835: I applied the wrong tree!
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 16:49:17 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
style correction.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 16:35:13 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix compilation. Use BOOST_ASSERT instead of assert()
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 15:59:47 +00:00
Bo Peng
Fix bug 2993: mark buffer dirty when the status of a collapsable inset is changed
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 14:35:27 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix bug 1395 by Stefan Schimanski:
Locking counter added to MacroData: it is increased before drawing/
metric calculations and decreased afterwards in InsetMathMacro. If a
macro is already locked at that point, "Self reference: \foo" is
drawn instead of the macro definition to avoid endless loops.
Moreover inside of the arguments of the macro the counter is
temporarily decreased as those cases do not cause loops. (fixes bug
#1395 )
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 13:15:00 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
Fix loop when opening TOC widget in an empty document, basically by Richard Heck.
* src/frontends/qt4/TocWidget.[Ch]:
- rename enableButtons to enableControls and include slider enabling/disabling
- only set slider if there is some content
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 10:27:53 +00:00
Richard Heck
Captions do not accept alignment, spacing, etc.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-17 03:46:55 +00:00
Bo Peng
Validate DocIterator before setting cursor with it, in moveToPosition
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-16 20:47:40 +00:00
Bo Peng
Bookmarks: use bottom level pit and pos
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-16 19:01:32 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove unused parameter
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-16 18:20:49 +00:00
Georg Baum
Prevent invalid latex for multilingual sections and inputenc == auto.
We output the \inputencoding command before the section if possible, and we
ignore all encoding changes in the section. Commands from the unicodesymbols
file will be used for characters that can't be encoded in the current
encoding instead of switching the encoding.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-16 18:06:01 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fixed bug 3449 by Stefan Schimanski:
One problem was no metric calculation was done for insets on cursor movement. Of course scrolling or entering character caused the missing metric calls, hence the described behavior in the bug report. This is fixed by re-implementing idxLast(), idxFirst() and notifyCursorLeaves().
Another problem was that 'a' and '1' were drawn at the same position because of a mis-calculation of the x-position in InsetMathMacro::draw().
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-16 14:42:53 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix compilation problem on some systems.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-15 19:17:53 +00:00
Bo Peng
lastFilePos: save bottom level pit and pos
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-15 04:50:42 +00:00
Uwe Stöhr
Add Updownarrow and updownarrow to the delimiter dialog
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-14 16:41:55 +00:00
Uwe Stöhr
Fix bugs 3458:
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-14 16:19:05 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove unused declaration
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-14 11:15:50 +00:00
Georg Baum
small doxygen fix, remove unused declaration
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-14 10:26:45 +00:00
Edwin Leuven
layout tweak
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-14 09:49:52 +00:00
Richard Heck
Add margin to paragraph dialog.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 15:25:53 +00:00
Peter Kümmel
fix bug 3319: LyX starts offscreen when changing monitor configuration
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 13:42:59 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
fix comment
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 11:49:58 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix a missing metrics update when clicking within a previewed formula.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 11:35:11 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Reorder panels in Preference Settings dialog.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 10:10:10 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
I forgot this in revision 17786. Hope bug 3450 is really fixed now...
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 09:17:55 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
* QPrefConvertersUi.ui
- change GUI layout in accordance with latest "copiers" and "file format" changes.
- add converter cache section.
* QPrefsDialog: implement converter cache enabling and maximum age.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 09:16:06 +00:00
Richard Heck
Disable signals on programmatic checks to prevent unnecessary trigger of slots.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 02:09:50 +00:00
Richard Heck
Redo layout of dialog to solve sizing issue.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-13 02:07:55 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix bug 3450:
* ControlMath
- new MathSymbol struct that summarize the symbol attributes (including font and fontcode)
* QDelimiterDialog:
- make use of the new MathSymbol for the ListWidget.
- store the latex name in the tooltip instead of lookup for it.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-12 16:49:01 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove stupid commented line
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-12 12:51:29 +00:00
Uwe Stöhr
make LyX compile again after changeset 17776
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-11 19:35:35 +00:00
Richard Heck
Changes to paragraph settings dialog so that it offers only
options accepted by the current paragraph.
Changed combo box for alignment to radio buttons. Added
checkbox for default alignment.
void checkAlignmentRadioButtons();
void alignmentToRadioButtons(LyXAlignment);
LyXAlignment getAlignmentFromDialog();
typedef std::map<LyXAlignment, QRadioButton *> QPRadioMap;
QPRadioMap radioMap;
protected Q_SLOTS:
void change_adaptor();
void enableLinespacingValue(int);
void on_alignDefaultCB_toggled(bool);
Rework apply() and update_contents() using new functions just
Thanks to Abdel for his help.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-11 14:04:40 +00:00
Richard Heck
Reorganize dialogs along lines suggested by Abdel to give more room to line edit boxes.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-11 13:45:44 +00:00
Richard Heck
Add vertical spacer.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-11 13:44:26 +00:00
Richard Heck
Move alter button to match other dialogs.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-11 13:42:59 +00:00
Enrico Forestieri
Fix remaining issues with big delimiters
* src/mathed/MathSupport.C:
add "slash" to the decoration table.
* src/mathed/InsetMathBig.C
(InsetMathBig::draw): don't remove backslash delimiter.
(InsetMathBig::isBigInsetDelim): add "\\" and "\slash" to
the delimiters table.
* src/frontends/qt4/QDelimiterDialog.C
(fix_name): return "\\" instead of "\backslash" as that now
works after the fixes above.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-11 00:27:35 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/BufferView.C (mouseSetCursor): update fixes.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-10 16:50:19 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
- Work a bit on the layout.
- Set the font used in the lists to Arial, 10.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-10 14:51:27 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/text3.C (doDispatch):
- add missing undo call to LFUN_QUOTE_INSERT
(fixes bug 3439).
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-10 11:25:02 +00:00
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
fix cash with Toc widget (when stdlib-debug is on)
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-10 09:15:40 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/rowpainter.C (paintPar):
- only set wide() to true for insets if they are not nested
in a non-wide inset (bug 3275)
* src/rowpainter.C (inNarrowInset):
- new helper func for the above.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-10 08:20:12 +00:00
Jürgen Spitzmüller
* src/lyxfunc.C (dispatch):
- do not attempt to toggle math insets via ALL_INSETS_TOGGLE
(fixes bug 3358)
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-09 09:31:56 +00:00
Enrico Forestieri
Fix gui for slash and backslash big/variable size delimiters
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-07 02:07:15 +00:00
Enrico Forestieri
Restore the version number position on the splash screen
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-07 01:07:51 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
add GuiView parent to QToc for proper memory management.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-07 00:04:38 +00:00
Enrico Forestieri
Fix gui for the "|" big delimiter
* src/frontends/qt4/QDelimiterDialog.C
(fix_name): Return "|" instead of "\|" as this is equivalent to \Vert.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-07 00:00:32 +00:00
Georg Baum
prevent the compiler from optimiying away support::Path variables
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 18:03:29 +00:00
Enrico Forestieri
Fix bug 3410 by Georg and me
* src/support/tempname.C
(tempName): Return FileName in utf8 encoding.
* src/lyxsocket.[Ch]
(LyXServerSocket::LyXServerSocket): Use FileName instead of string
and set the env var LYXSOCKET in the filesystem encoding as this
is what the client expects.
* src/support/socktools.[Ch]
(socktools::listen): Convert to FileName and use the filesystem
encoding for the file names stored in the sockaddr_un struct.
* src/client/client.C
(socktools::connect): Convert to FileName and use the filesystem
encoding for the file names stored in the sockaddr_un struct.
(LyXDataSocket::LyXDataSocket, main): Convert to FileName.
* src/lyx_main.C
(LyX::exec): Use FileName instead of string in socket code.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 17:38:11 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Fix bug 3413:
* ui/QNomenclUi.ui
- description field: replace LineEdit with TexEdit
* QNomencl.C: take care of the \n <-> \\ conversion in the description field.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 16:27:10 +00:00
Abdelrazak Younes
Make the delimiters dialog use true unicode symbols instead of pixmaps.
* ControlMath.[Ch]
- mathSymbol(), texName(): new method for easy access of math symbols and associated TeX names
- latex_delimiters: allowed delimiters transferred from QDelimiterDialog.C
* QDelimiterDialog.C:
- makes use of the above.
- display the TeX code in a label instead of beside the symbol.
* QDelimiterUi.ui
- shrink it so that it could nicely fit in a DockWidget but this doesn't work, the dialog is too large!
- texCodeL: new label.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 15:57:32 +00:00
Georg Baum
Use FileName instead of strings in support::Package.
This fixes some encoding problems, and hopefully also bug 3410.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 13:09:54 +00:00
Richard Heck
Fix small bug with new graphics dialog.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 12:38:23 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove unneeded lyx qualifier
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 12:31:33 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove unneeded lyx qualifier
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 11:20:09 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove duplicate top_srcdir()
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 09:39:05 +00:00
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
New framework for declaring generic features in textclasses.
* src/LaTeXFeatures.C (mustProvide): new method; returns true when
isRequired is true and the feature is not provided by the
(getPackages, getLyXSGMLEntities): use mustProvide when relevant.
* src/bufferparams.C (getEngine):
* src/buffer.C (validate): adapt to change below.
* src/lyxtextclass.C (read): replace tags ProvidesNatbib,
ProvidesMakeidx, ProvidesUrl and ProvidesAmsmath by a generic
(provides): take a string as argument.
* lib/scripts/ (convert): convert "ProvidesXxx" tags
to "Provides xxx".
* lib/layouts/*: update to format 4.
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 09:02:23 +00:00
Georg Baum
remove methods that are no longer needed since we have the new bibtex parser
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-06 08:48:34 +00:00