Due to a hint from Scott:
> I don't think it should be printed to LYXERR0. That goes to the terminal
> for the user. Even our lyx2lyx tests fail if they detect any information
> printed to the terminal (although we escape some warnings). If "find" is
> not a good debug level for it, maybe we can put it in "info" (the first
> debug level)?
1.) Use vector for borders, because any value may be too small
if there are plenty of accented characters in a paragraph
2.) use '[\S]' instead of '.' in regex for 'accre'. The regex would
otherwise find also patterns like '\ {some text}'
Different behaviour in regexp{..} for 'İ' and 'ß':
1.) lowercase routine for 'İ' gives 'İ', so that if we are searching
while ignoring case, the string '\dot{I}' is converted to '\dot{i}'.
In this case we have to change it to 'İ' (instead of 'i', as one would expect).
2.) If 'ß' is inserted via keybord on fresh created regexp box it appears as \lyxmathsym{ß},
if pasted from the lyx-screen it appears as \text{ß}
1.) Added for 'breve' and 'grave' accents
2.) Corrected handling for 'i'-accents (allowed \hat{i} _and_ \hat{\imath})
because of problems with ignoring case
3.) Spaces: Changed some indents in source
The problem is the handling of regex as using math-mode. That is
any accented character is converted to a math macro.
For instance "ä" --> "\\ddot{a}".
Outside of math or regex it is not converted (if used xetex flavour),
but there are other chars which are converted in math and in text (but differently)
For instance "ů"
in math --> "\\mathring{u}"
in text --> "\\r{u}"
TODO: determine the still not handled conversions.
It would be nice, if we could persuade math factory to not convert
these characters, but I was unable to find the place where the
conversion actually takes place.
1.) Fill the 'head'-member to easier recognize the macro. May be discarded
later, although it does not take too much run-time
2.) Add some comment
3.) Ignore any macro inside the regex.
1.) Make sure the environment is mentioned in the string for search
(Added the keyword \latexenvironment{...})
2.) Handle it similar to \textcolor{}
That way we can also search for 'conclusion*' or 'summary' etc
in Additional.lyx.
Some macros need:
1.) Take care of case sensitivity
2.) Better handling of used argument values
3.) Cleaner list-environment search
4.) Remove superfluous '~' if searching for description or labeling env
Sometime it happen that the selection contains area which was skipped
in splitOnKnownMacros().
So we check, if a shorter selection would give the same mach size.
a.) try to speed up regex search using non-greedy mode (.*?)
b.) remove '\n' completely in searched strings if it is not surrounded with
aplanumerical chars