Similar to Indonesian LuaTeX support (see 7d705438),
"magyar" is not supported. After 2.1 is released,
the babel name of "magyar" should be changed to
"hungarian" (if others disagree then these tests
still should stay inverted).
The babel name of Indonesian should be changed from "bahasa"
to "indonesian". This should be done after 2.1 is released so as
to minimize potential problems such as Jürgen's example of
For more info, see:
From Jürgen:
LuaTeX support in polyglossia is still very new and experimental.
I have this enhancement on the agenda for 2.2, but not for 2.1.
For more details, see:
In successful cooperation with Scott Kostyshak.
We provide many lyx-documents which are not compilable with luatex or xetex.
But some of them compile, if we change the font use to non_tex_fonts.
Since this would change the appropriate source, we have to convert
it first into a save location. To make it there compilable,
we have to convert also all file references.
languages used font
he|el|ru|uk 'FreeSans'
fa 'FreeFarsi'
zh_CN 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei'
The whole job is done with a perl script.
Some export test are known to fail. Checking them every time is cumbersome.
Now, the tests marked in file revertedTests will invert the success condition
and mark the test as INVERTED_SEE-README.ctest.
If some of the tests in revertedTests fails, this is good, and the testname
can be removed from it.