Exception: findadv-21, but it is not a regression,
because this one never passed.
The problem here is, that we cannot differentiate
between enumeration, itemize, description and labeling
environment here.
Now, before starting a test with 'TestBegin' in any *-in.txt file
we can create ne shortcuts used by this test.
Defining a shortcut:
UseShortcut "<shortcut>" "<function>"
Actually adding the new shortcuts to be used by the next lyx-session:
Use example is found in findadv-combined-in.txt
The UseShortcut-entries will be traslated into '\bind "<shortcut>" "<function>"'
and with the PrepareShortcuts-entry added to the active use file 'user.bind'
The controls are described in hello-world-in.txt as
CO: for control file open for write
CN: control notice
CP: simple search pattern
CR: regex search pattern
CC: close control file
The control-file will be used at the end of test by searchPatterns.pl