Just some comments on the patch:
- The executable name has to match the information in Info.plist (development/MacOSX/Info.plist.in and CMakeLists.txt). The autoconf config/lyxinclude.m4 file has been modified to make it work with autotools.
- The process to build OS X bundle is to first add all the files to be included to the bundle when calling add_executable (src/CMakeLists.txt) and then by calling setting the source file property of each of these files (development/cmake/Install.cmake, l.14) so that the files are properly located into the bundle. This is also why Install.cmake has to be included two times in src/CMakeLists.txt (once to build the list of files, once to set the location of the list of files).
- in CMakeLists.txt there is a line
install(CODE "set(BU_CHMOD_BUNDLE_ITEMS 1)")
What it does is to fix the owner permissions within the bundle - this is necessary because some libraries are copied within the bundle and might be owned by root
- An empty qt.conf is included in the bundle so that QT does not try to link to other QT libraries (which will not be included in the bundle)
- In development/cmake/Install.cmake, some OS X specific files (*.sdef, qt.conf, *.icns) have to be included in the bundle
In order to interact with native osx applications, AppleScript support is a plus.
Here is a patch that makes LyX respond to a simple command (run) and that allows to communicate with LyX as with the LyX client.
Example of use:
tell application "LyX" to run "server-get-filename" with argument ""'
message:/Users/bpiwowar/newfile1.lyx, code:0
with a message and the error code