/* * xvkbd - Virtual Keyboard for X Window System * * Copyright (C) 2000 by Tom Sato * http://homepage3.nifty.com/tsato/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * This code is derived from editres in X11R6 distribution. */ #include #include #include #include "resources.h" #define EDITRES_PROTOCOL_VERSION 5 /* Editres Protocol version 1.1 */ #define EditresLocalSendWidgetTree 0 /* op code defined in Editres Protocol */ #define CLIENT_TIME_OUT 2000 /* 2sec */ static void RequestSendWidgetTree(Widget w); /* forward */ static void LoseSelection(Widget w, Atom *sel); /* forward */ static Atom atom_comm = None; static Atom atom_command = None; static Atom atom_resource_editor = None; static Atom atom_editres_protocol = None; static Atom atom_client_value = None; static ResIdent client_ident = 1; static Window client_window = None; static ProtocolStream client_stream; static int effective_protocol_version; static Boolean waiting_response; /* * List of widgets will be stored in widget_list[], and number * of widgets will be stored in num_widget_list. */ static int num_widget_list = 0; static struct WidgetList { Window window; unsigned long id; unsigned long parent; char *name; char *class; char *path; } *widget_list = NULL; /* * This function will be called when the client requests the * value of the selection. */ static Boolean ConvertCommand(Widget w, Atom *selection, Atom *target, Atom *type_ret, XtPointer *value_ret, unsigned long *length_ret, int *format_ret) { if ((*selection != atom_comm) || (*target != atom_command)) return(FALSE); *type_ret = atom_editres_protocol; *value_ret = (XtPointer)client_stream.real_top; *length_ret = client_stream.size + HEADER_SIZE; *format_ret = EDITRES_FORMAT; return(TRUE); } /* * Read response to the Editres LocalSendWidgetTree request * and make list of the widgets. * If appres.list is TRUE, list of all widgets will be printed * to the stdout. */ static void GetClientValue(Widget w, XtPointer data, Atom *selection, Atom *type, XtPointer value, unsigned long *length, int *format) { ProtocolStream stream; unsigned char ident, version, error_code; unsigned short num_entries; WidgetInfo widgets; char *name, *class, *err_msg; unsigned long window; int i, j; if (*length == 0) return; stream.current = stream.top = (unsigned char *)value; stream.size = HEADER_SIZE; if (*length < HEADER_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: incorrectly formatted message from client\n", PROGRAM_NAME); return; } _XEditResGet8(&stream, &ident); if (client_ident != ident) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wincorrect ident from client\n", PROGRAM_NAME); if (!XtOwnSelection(w, *selection, CurrentTime, ConvertCommand, LoseSelection, NULL)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: XtOwnSelection() failed\n", PROGRAM_NAME); return; } _XEditResGet8(&stream, &error_code); _XEditResGet32(&stream, &stream.size); stream.top = stream.current; /* reset stream to top of value */ switch ((int) error_code) { case PartialSuccess: if (widget_list != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < num_widget_list; i++) { XtFree(widget_list[i].name); XtFree(widget_list[i].class); XtFree(widget_list[i].path); } XtFree((void *)widget_list); widget_list = NULL; } if (_XEditResGet16(&stream, &num_entries)) { widget_list = (struct WidgetList *)XtMalloc(sizeof(struct WidgetList) * num_entries); num_widget_list = num_entries; for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { if (!(_XEditResGetWidgetInfo(&stream, &widgets) && _XEditResGetString8(&stream, &name) && _XEditResGetString8(&stream, &class) && _XEditResGet32(&stream, &window))) { num_widget_list = i; break; } widget_list[i].window = window; widget_list[i].id = widgets.ids[widgets.num_widgets - 1]; if (widgets.num_widgets < 2) widget_list[i].parent = 0; else widget_list[i].parent = widgets.ids[widgets.num_widgets - 2]; widget_list[i].name = XtNewString(name); widget_list[i].class = XtNewString(class); widget_list[i].path = NULL; if (widget_list[i].parent != 0) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (widget_list[j].id == widget_list[i].parent) { widget_list[i].path = XtMalloc(strlen(widget_list[j].path) + strlen(widget_list[i].name) + 2); sprintf(widget_list[i].path, "%s.%s", widget_list[j].path, widget_list[i].name); break; } } } if (widget_list[i].path == NULL) { widget_list[i].path = XtMalloc(strlen(widget_list[i].name) + 2); sprintf(widget_list[i].path, "%s%s", (widget_list[i].parent != 0) ? "*" : "", widget_list[i].name); } if (appres.list_widgets) { fprintf(stdout, "0x%08lx 0x%08lx (%s) %s\n", (long)widget_list[i].window, (long)widget_list[i].id, widget_list[i].class, widget_list[i].path); } } } break; case ProtocolMismatch: if (!_XEditResGet8(&stream, &version)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to unpack protocol request\n", PROGRAM_NAME); } else if (version == effective_protocol_version) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal error - ProtocolMismatch\n", PROGRAM_NAME); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: protocol version mismatch (requested=%d, supported=%d)\n", PROGRAM_NAME, (int)effective_protocol_version, (int)version); effective_protocol_version = version; RequestSendWidgetTree(w); } break; case Failure: if (!_XEditResGetString8(&stream, &err_msg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to unpack protocol request\n", PROGRAM_NAME); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, err_msg); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown error code %d\n", PROGRAM_NAME, (int)error_code); break; } waiting_response = FALSE; } /* * This will be called when selection "EditresComm", and will * call GetClientValue() via XtGetSelectionValue(). * * The selection is owned by this program when send the request * to the client, and will be lost when the client responded to * the request. */ static void LoseSelection(Widget w, Atom *sel) { XtGetSelectionValue(w, *sel, atom_client_value, GetClientValue, NULL, XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(w))); } /* * Send the Editres LocalSendWidgetTree request to the client. */ static void RequestSendWidgetTree(Widget w) { XClientMessageEvent client_event; client_ident = client_ident + 1; _XEditResResetStream(&client_stream); client_stream.current = client_stream.real_top; client_stream.alloc = client_stream.size + (2 * HEADER_SIZE); _XEditResPut8(&client_stream, client_ident); _XEditResPut8(&client_stream, (unsigned char)EditresLocalSendWidgetTree); _XEditResPut32(&client_stream, client_stream.size); if (!XtOwnSelection(w, atom_comm, CurrentTime, ConvertCommand, LoseSelection, NULL)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: XtOwnSelection() failed\n", PROGRAM_NAME); client_event.window = client_window; client_event.type = ClientMessage; client_event.message_type = atom_resource_editor; client_event.format = EDITRES_SEND_EVENT_FORMAT; client_event.data.l[0] = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(w)); client_event.data.l[1] = atom_comm; client_event.data.l[2] = (long)client_ident; client_event.data.l[3] = effective_protocol_version; XSendEvent(XtDisplay(w), client_event.window, FALSE, (long)0, (XEvent *)&client_event); } /* * Clients which doesn't support Editres protocol will not respond * to the LocalSendWidgetTree request - we must detect it as timeout. */ static void ClientTimeOut(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: client 0x%lx didn't responded to Editres Protocol request\n", PROGRAM_NAME, (long)client_window); waiting_response = FALSE; } /* * Find a widget which name matches the specified pattern, and * return the window-id of the widget. If there are two or more * matched widgets, one of them will be returned. * * If name of the widget to be matched is "foo.bar.zot", the pattern * (argument "name") can be "zot", "bar.zot" or "foo.bar.zot". * The pattern can leaded with "*" such as "*zot", but "*" can't be * used between the words (i.e., "foo*zot" is not allowed). */ Window FindWidget(Widget w, Window client, const char *name) { XEvent event; XtAppContext app_con; XtIntervalId timer_id; const char *pattern; int pattern_len, inx, i; if (waiting_response) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: list widget requested recursively (ignored)\n", PROGRAM_NAME); return None; } if (appres.debug) fprintf(stderr, "%s: list widget tree for window 0x%lx\n", PROGRAM_NAME, (long)client); if (atom_comm == None) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w); atom_comm = XInternAtom(dpy, EDITRES_COMM_ATOM, False); atom_command = XInternAtom(dpy, EDITRES_COMMAND_ATOM, False); atom_resource_editor = XInternAtom(dpy, EDITRES_NAME, False); atom_editres_protocol = XInternAtom(dpy, EDITRES_PROTOCOL_ATOM, False); atom_client_value = XInternAtom(dpy, EDITRES_CLIENT_VALUE, False); } client_window = client; effective_protocol_version = EDITRES_PROTOCOL_VERSION; app_con = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w); timer_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(app_con, CLIENT_TIME_OUT, ClientTimeOut, NULL); waiting_response = TRUE; RequestSendWidgetTree(w); while (waiting_response) { XtAppNextEvent(app_con, &event); XtDispatchEvent(&event); } XtRemoveTimeOut(timer_id); if (widget_list != NULL && strlen(name) != 0) { pattern = name; if (pattern[0] == '*') pattern = pattern + 1; if (strchr(pattern, '*') != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s: pattern should not include \"*\": %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, name); pattern_len = strlen(pattern); for (i = 0; i < num_widget_list; i++) { if (appres.debug) fprintf(stderr, "FindWidget: %s\n", widget_list[i].path); inx = strlen(widget_list[i].path) - pattern_len; if (0 <= inx) { if (1 <= inx && widget_list[i].path[inx - 1] != '.' && widget_list[i].path[inx - 1] != '*') continue; if (strcmp(&widget_list[i].path[inx], pattern) == 0) break; } } if (i < num_widget_list) { if (appres.debug) fprintf(stderr, "%s: matched widget: %s (id=0x%lx, window=0x%lx)\n", PROGRAM_NAME, widget_list[i].path, (long)widget_list[i].id, (long)widget_list[i].window); return widget_list[i].window; } } if (appres.debug && widget_list == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "FindWidget: couldn't get widget list\n"); if (strlen(name) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no widget matched to pattern \"%s\"\n", PROGRAM_NAME, name); } return None; }