#!/bin/sh # A script to update the LyX i18n.inc statistics # The script expects an environment variable FARM that # will provide it with the location of the LyX www tree. if [ -z "$FARM" ]; then echo "You must set the FARM variable to run this script, e.g.:"; echo "# FARM=/cvs/lyx-www/ bash updatestats.sh"; exit 1; fi FARM=${FARM%/}; FARM="$FARM/farm/cookbook/LyX"; # Sanity check if [ ! -f "$FARM/i18n.php" ]; then echo "$FARM does not look like LyX's www tree!"; exit 1; fi # Get us to the root of the tree we are in. MYDIR=${0%updatestats.sh}; if [ -n "$MYDIR" ]; then cd "$MYDIR"; fi cd ../../; LYXROOT=$(pwd); # Are we in trunk or branch? TRUNK="TRUE"; if ls status.* 2>/dev/null; then TRUNK=""; fi # Sanity check if ! cd po/; then echo "Cannot cd to po/ directory!"; pwd exit 1; fi echo Running make i18n.inc... make i18n.inc; if [ -n "$TRUNK" ]; then mv i18n.inc i18n_trunk.inc I18NFILE=i18n_trunk.inc; else I18NFILE=i18n.inc; fi if ! cd "$FARM"; then echo "Unable to cd to $FARM!"; exit 1; fi # Are we under svn or git? GIT=""; if [ -d .git/ ]; then GIT="TRUE"; fi echo echo Updating the www-user tree... svn up echo Copying $I18NFILE...; cp "$LYXROOT/po/$I18NFILE" .; echo Committing...; if [ -z "$GIT" ]; then svn commit -m "* $I18NFILE: update stats" $I18NFILE; else git commit -m "* $I18NFILE: update stats" $I18NFILE; git svn dcommit; fi echo DONE!