#! /usr/bin/env perl # -*- mode: perl; -*- # file GetOptions.pm # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING # or at http://www.lyx.org/about/licence.php # # author Kornel Benko # Full author contact details are available in the file CREDITS # or at https://www.lyx.org/Credits # # Used as wrapper for Getopt::Mixed # as # use GetOptions; # ... # my %optionsDef = ( # ... # ); # my %options = %{&handleOptions(\%optionsDef)}; package GetOptions; use strict; our(@EXPORT, @ISA); sub handleOptions($); BEGIN { use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(handleOptions); } use warnings; use Getopt::Mixed; sub makeOpts(); # Create option spec for Getopt::Mixed::init() sub makeHelp(); # Create help-string to describe options # Following fields for a parameter can be defined: # fieldname: Name of entry in %options # type: [:=][sif], ':' = optional, '=' = required, 's' = string, 'i' = integer, 'f' = float # alias: reference to a list of aliases e.g. ["alias1", "alias2", ... ] # listsep: Separator for multiple data # comment: Parameter description my %optionsDef = (); #option|param|type|aliases|comment my $helpFormat = " %-8s|%-9s|%-7s|%-17s|%s\n"; sub handleOptions($) { if (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY") { for (my $i = 0; defined($_[0]->[$i]); $i++) { my $rO = $_[0]->[$i]; $optionsDef{$rO->[0]} = $rO->[1]; $optionsDef{$rO->[0]}->{Sort} = $i+2; } } else { %optionsDef = %{$_[0]}; } $optionsDef{h}->{fieldname} = "help"; $optionsDef{h}->{alias} = ["help"]; $optionsDef{h}->{Sort} = 0; $optionsDef{v}->{fieldname} = "verbose"; $optionsDef{v}->{alias} = ["verbose"]; $optionsDef{v}->{Sort} = 1; my %options = ("help" => 0); my $opts = &makeOpts(); Getopt::Mixed::init($opts); while( my( $option, $value, $pretty ) = Getopt::Mixed::nextOption()) { if (defined($optionsDef{$option})) { my $fieldname = $optionsDef{$option}->{fieldname}; if (exists($options{$fieldname})) { print "Option $option already set\n"; print "Value \"$value\" would overwrite "; if (ref($options{$fieldname}) eq "ARRAY") { print "\"" . join(',', @{$options{$fieldname}}) . "\"\n"; } else { print "\"$options{$fieldname}\"\n"; } $option = "h"; $fieldname = "help"; } if ($option eq "h") { print "Syntax: $0 options xxxx ...\n"; print "Available options:\n"; printf($helpFormat, "option", "param", "type", "aliases", "comment"); print " " . "-" x 90 . "\n"; my $optx = &makeHelp(); print "$optx"; $options{$fieldname} = 1; } else { if (defined($optionsDef{$option}->{listsep})) { my @list = split($optionsDef{$option}->{listsep}, $value); $options{$fieldname} = \@list; } else { $options{$fieldname} = $value; } } } } Getopt::Mixed::cleanup(); if (exists($options{verbose})) { printf("Found following options:\n %-16soptvalue\n", "option"); print " " . "-" x 32 . "\n"; for my $k (sort keys %options) { if (defined($options{$k})) { my $val; if (ref($options{$k}) eq "ARRAY") { $val = join(',', @{$options{$k}}); } else { $val = $options{$k}; } printf(" %-16s%s\n", $k, $val); } else { print " $k\n"; } } } if ($options{help}) { exit 0; } return \%options; } ############################################################# # Create option spec for Getopt::Mixed::init() sub makeOpts() { my $first = 1; my $opts = ""; for my $ex (sort keys %optionsDef) { my $e = $optionsDef{$ex}; if (! $first) { $opts .= " "; } $first = 0; $opts .= $ex; if (defined($e->{type})) { my $tp = $e->{type}; $opts .= $tp; } if (defined($e->{alias})) { for my $a (@{$e->{alias}}) { $opts .= " $a>$ex"; } } } return($opts); } sub sortHelp { if (defined($optionsDef{$a}->{Sort})) { if (defined($optionsDef{$b}->{Sort})) { return $optionsDef{$a}->{Sort} <=> $optionsDef{$b}->{Sort}; } return -1; } if (defined($optionsDef{$b}->{Sort})) { return 1; } else { return $a cmp $b; } } # Create help-string to describe options sub makeHelp() { my $opts = ""; my %modifier = ( ":" => "optional", "=" => "required", "s" => "string", "i" => "integer", "f" => "float", ); for my $ex (sort sortHelp keys %optionsDef) { my $e = $optionsDef{$ex}; my $type = ""; my $needed = ""; my $partype = ""; my $aliases = ""; my $comment = ""; if (defined($e->{type})) { my $tp = $e->{type}; if ($tp =~ /^([:=])([sif])$/) { $needed = $modifier{$1}; $partype = $modifier{$2}; } else { print "wrong option type: $tp\n"; exit(1); } } if (defined($e->{alias})) { $aliases = join(',', @{$e->{alias}}); } if (defined($e->{comment})) { $comment = $e->{comment}; } $opts .= sprintf($helpFormat, $ex, $needed, $partype, $aliases, $comment); } return($opts); } ############################################################# 1;