#! /usr/bin/env perl # -*- mode: perl; -*- package lyxStatus; use strict; our(@EXPORT, @ISA); BEGIN { use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(initLyxStack checkLyxLine closeLyxStack diestack); } # Prototypes sub initLyxStack($$$); sub diestack($); sub closeLyxStack(); sub setMatching($); sub getMatching(); sub checkForEndBlock($); sub newMatch(%); sub getSearch($); sub getFileType($); sub getFileIdx($); sub getExt($); sub getResult($); sub checkForHeader($); sub checkForPreamble($); sub checkForLayoutStart($); sub checkForInsetStart($); sub checkForLatexCommand($); sub checkLyxLine($); my @stack = (); # list of HASH-Arrays my $rFont = {}; my $useNonTexFont = "true"; my $inputEncoding = undef; # The elements are: # type (layout, inset, header, preamble, ...) # name # matching list of matching spes # search: regular expression # ext: list of extensions needed for the full path of the file spec # filetype: one of prefix_only,replace_only,copy_only,prefix_for_list,interpret # fileidx: index into the resulting array, defining the filename # result: conatenation of the elements should reflect the parsed line # but first set the modified value into $result->[$fileidx] # numerical value will be replaced with appropriate matching group value sub initLyxStack($$$) { $rFont = $_[0]; if ($_[1] eq "systemF") { $useNonTexFont = "true"; } else { $useNonTexFont = "false"; $inputEncoding = $_[2]; } $stack[0] = { type => "Starting"}; } sub diestack($) { my ($msg) = @_; # Print stack print "Called stack\n"; my @call_stack = (); for my $depth ( 0 .. 100) { #my ($pkg, $file, $line, $subname, $hasargs, $wantarray) = caller($depth) my @stack = caller($depth); last if ($stack[0] ne "main"); push(@call_stack, \@stack); } for my $depth ( 0 .. 100) { last if (! defined($call_stack[$depth])); my $subname = $call_stack[$depth]->[3]; my $line = $call_stack[$depth]->[2]; print "($depth) $subname()"; if ($depth > 0) { my $oldline = $call_stack[$depth-1]->[2]; print ":$oldline"; } print " called from "; if (defined($call_stack[$depth+1])) { my $parent = $call_stack[$depth+1]->[3]; print "$parent():$line\n"; } else { my $file = $call_stack[$depth]->[1]; print "\"$file\":$line\n"; } } die($msg); } sub closeLyxStack() { diestack("Stack not OK") if ($stack[0]->{type} ne "Starting"); } sub setMatching($) { my ($match) = @_; $stack[0]->{"matching"} = $match; } sub getMatching() { return($stack[0]->{"matching"}); } ########################################################### # sub checkForEndBlock($) { my ($l) = @_; for my $et ( qw( layout inset preamble header)) { if ($l =~ /^\\end_$et$/) { diestack("Not in $et") if ($stack[0]->{type} ne "$et"); #print "End $et\n"; shift(@stack); return(1); } } return(0); } sub newMatch(%) { my %elem = @_; if (! defined($elem{"ext"})) { $elem{"ext"} = ""; } if (! defined($elem{"filetype"})) { $elem{"filetype"} = "prefix_only"; } if (! defined($elem{"fileidx"})) { $elem{"fileidx"} = 1; } diestack("No result defined") if (! defined($elem{"result"})); return(\%elem); } sub getSearch($) { my ($m) = @_; return($m->{"search"}); } sub getFileType($) { my ($m) = @_; return($m->{"filetype"}); } sub getFileIdx($) { my ($m) = @_; return($m->{"fileidx"}); } sub getExt($) { my ($m) = @_; return($m->{"ext"}); } sub getResult($) { my ($m) = @_; return($m->{"result"}); } sub checkForHeader($) { my ($l) = @_; if ($l =~ /^\\begin_header\s*$/) { my %selem = (); $selem{type} = "header"; $selem{name} = $1; unshift(@stack, \%selem); my @rElems = (); $rElems[0] = newMatch("search" => '^\\\\master\s+(.*\.lyx)', "filetype" => "prefix_only", "result" => ["\\master ", ""]); if (keys %{$rFont}) { for my $ff ( keys %{$rFont}) { # fontentry of type '\font_roman default' my $elem = newMatch("search" => '^\\\\font_' . $ff . '\s+[^"]*\s*$', "filetype" => "replace_only", "result" => ["\\font_$ff ", $rFont->{$ff}]); # fontentry of type '\font_roman "default"' my $elem1 = newMatch("search" => '^\\\\font_' . $ff . '\s+"[^"]*"\s*$', "filetype" => "replace_only", "result" => ["\\font_$ff \"", $rFont->{$ff}, '"']); # fontentry of type '\font_roman "default" "default"' my $elem2 = newMatch("search" => '^\\\\font_' . $ff . '\s+"(.*)"\s+"(.*)"\s*$', "filetype" => "replace_only", "result" => ["\\font_$ff ", '"', "1", '" "', $rFont->{$ff}, '"']); push(@rElems, $elem, $elem1, $elem2); } } my $elemntf = newMatch("search" => '^\\\\use_non_tex_fonts\s+(false|true)', "filetype" => "replace_only", "result" => ["\\use_non_tex_fonts $useNonTexFont"]); push(@rElems, $elemntf); if (defined($inputEncoding)) { my $inputenc = newMatch("search" => '^\\\\inputencoding\s+(' . $inputEncoding->{search} . ')', "filetype" => "replace_only", "result" => ["\\inputencoding " . $inputEncoding->{out}]); push(@rElems, $inputenc); } setMatching(\@rElems); return(1); } return(0); } sub checkForPreamble($) { my ($l) = @_; if ($l =~ /^\\begin_preamble\s*$/) { my %selem = (); $selem{type} = "preamble"; $selem{name} = $1; unshift(@stack, \%selem); my $rElem = newMatch("ext" => [".eps", ".png"], "search" => '^\\\\(photo|ecvpicture)(.*\{)(.*)\}', "fileidx" => 3, "result" => ["\\", "1", "2", "3", "}"]); setMatching([$rElem]); return(1); } return(0); } sub checkForLayoutStart($) { my ($l) = @_; if ($l =~ /^\\begin_layout\s+(.*)$/) { #print "started layout\n"; my %selem = (); $selem{type} = "layout"; $selem{name} = $1; unshift(@stack, \%selem); if ($selem{name} =~ /^(Picture|Photo)$/ ) { my $rElem = newMatch("ext" => [".eps", ".png"], "search" => '^(.+)', "result" => ["", "", ""]); setMatching([$rElem]); } return(1); } return(0); } sub checkForInsetStart($) { my ($l) = @_; if ($l =~ /^\\begin_inset\s+(.*)$/) { #print "started inset\n"; my %selem = (); $selem{type} = "inset"; $selem{name} = $1; unshift(@stack, \%selem); if ($selem{name} =~ /^(Graphics|External)$/) { my $rElem = newMatch("search" => '^\s+filename\s+(.+)$', "filetype" => "copy_only", "result" => ["\tfilename ", "", ""]); setMatching([$rElem]); } return(1); } return(0); } sub checkForLatexCommand($) { my ($l) = @_; if ($stack[0]->{type} eq "inset") { if ($l =~ /^LatexCommand\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/) { my $param = $1; if ($stack[0]->{name} =~ /^CommandInset\s+bibtex$/) { if ($param eq "bibtex") { my $rElem1 = newMatch("ext" => ".bib", "filetype" => "prefix_for_list", "search" => '^bibfiles\s+\"(.+)\"', "result" => ["bibfiles \"", "1", "\""]); my $rElem2 = newMatch("ext" => ".bst", "filetype" => "prefix_for_list", "search" => '^options\s+\"(.+)\"', "result" => ["options \"", "1", "\""]); setMatching([$rElem1, $rElem2]); } } elsif ($stack[0]->{name} =~ /^CommandInset\s+include$/) { if ($param =~ /^(verbatiminput\*?|lstinputlisting)$/) { my $rElem = newMatch("search" => '^filename\s+\"(.+)\"', "filetype" => "copy_only", "result" => ["filename \"", "", "\""]); setMatching([$rElem]); } elsif ($param =~ /^(include|input)$/) { my $rElem = newMatch("search" => '^filename\s+\"(.+)\"', "filetype" => "interpret", "result" => ["filename \"", "", "\""]); setMatching([$rElem]); } } } } return(0); } # # parse the given line # returns a hash with folloving values # found: 1 if line matched some regex # fileidx: index into result # ext: list of possible extensions to use for a valid file # filelist: list of found file-pathes (may be more then one, e.g. in bibfiles spec) # separator: to be used while concatenating the filenames # filetype: prefix_only,replace_only,copy_only,interpret # same as before, but without 'prefix_for_list' sub checkLyxLine($) { my ($l) = @_; return({"found" => 0}) if (checkForHeader($l)); return({"found" => 0}) if (checkForPreamble($l)); return({"found" => 0}) if (checkForEndBlock($l)); return({"found" => 0}) if (checkForLayoutStart($l)); return({"found" => 0}) if (checkForInsetStart($l)); return({"found" => 0}) if (checkForLatexCommand($l)); if (defined($stack[0])) { my $rMatch = getMatching(); for my $m ( @{$rMatch}) { my $search = getSearch($m); if ($l =~ /$search/) { my @matches = ($1, $2, $3, $4); my $filetype = getFileType($m); my @result2 = @{getResult($m)}; for my $r (@result2) { if ($r =~ /^\d$/) { $r = $matches[$r-1]; } } if ($filetype eq "replace_only") { # No filename needed my %result = ("found" => 1, "filetype" => $filetype, "result" => \@result2); return(\%result); } else { my $fileidx = getFileIdx($m); my $filename = $matches[$fileidx-1]; if ($filename !~ /^\.*$/) { my %result = ("found" => 1, "fileidx" => $fileidx, "ext" => getExt($m), "result" => \@result2); if ($filetype eq "prefix_for_list") { # bibfiles|options in CommandInset bibtex my @filenames = split(',', $filename); $result{"separator"} = ","; $result{"filelist"} = \@filenames; $result{"filetype"} = "prefix_only"; } else { $result{"separator"} = ""; $result{"filelist"} = [$filename]; $result{"filetype"} = $filetype; } return(\%result); } } } } } return({"found" => 0}); } 1;