Aspell on Windows You need cmake and cygwin (cvs-HEAD:with Unix line endings!!). - check out the rel_0_60-branch version of Aspell cvs -z9\ /sources/aspell co -r rel_0_60-branch aspell - first build with cygwin to autogenerate all required files: ./autogen ./configure ./make - copy the files from the LyX SVN aspell/win32 - with cygwin patch aspell, call in aspell/: patch -p0 -i win32/win32-aspell.patch - make a separate build directory and run on a standard Windows command promp cmake \win32 build and install debug AND release libraries - build mingw makefiles files in - cmd.exe shell: cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" \win32 - in a MSYS shell cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" \win32 The patched Aspell reads the location of the dictonary from the registry. You can either install the dictionaries using the official 1.4.2 installer or download them at: