/** * \file qt/FileDialog.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "FileDialog.h" #include "LyXFileDialog.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/FileName.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/os.h" #include #include /** when LyXRC::use_native_filedialog is true, we use * QFileDialog::getOpenFileName and friends to create filedialogs. * Effects: * - the dialog does not use the quick directory buttons (Button * parameters); * - with Qt/Mac or Qt/Win, the dialogs native to the environment are used. * - with Qt/Win and Qt <= 4.3.0, there was a number of bugs with our own * file dialog (http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/3907). * * Therefore there is a tradeoff in enabling or disabling this (JMarc) */ namespace lyx { using namespace support; class FileDialog::Private { public: Button b1; Button b2; }; FileDialog::FileDialog(QString const & t) : private_(new FileDialog::Private), title_(t) {} FileDialog::~FileDialog() { delete private_; } void FileDialog::setButton1(QString const & label, QString const & dir) { private_->b1.first = label; private_->b1.second = dir; } void FileDialog::setButton2(QString const & label, QString const & dir) { private_->b2.first = label; private_->b2.second = dir; } FileDialog::Result FileDialog::save(QString const & path, QStringList const & filters, QString const & suggested, QString * selectedFilter) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Select with path \"" << path << "\", mask \"" << filters.join(";;") << "\", suggested \"" << suggested << '"'); FileDialog::Result result; result.first = FileDialog::Chosen; if (lyxrc.use_native_filedialog) { QString const startsWith = makeAbsPath(suggested, path); QString const name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(qApp->focusWidget(), title_, startsWith, filters.join(";;"), selectedFilter, QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite); if (name.isNull()) result.first = FileDialog::Later; else result.second = toqstr(os::internal_path(fromqstr(name))); } else { LyXFileDialog dlg(title_, path, filters, private_->b1, private_->b2); dlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); dlg.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); dlg.setOption(QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite, true); if (selectedFilter != 0 && !selectedFilter->isEmpty()) dlg.selectNameFilter(*selectedFilter); if (!suggested.isEmpty()) dlg.selectFile(suggested); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Synchronous FileDialog: "); int res = dlg.exec(); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "result " << res); if (res == QDialog::Accepted) result.second = internalPath(dlg.selectedFiles()[0]); else result.first = FileDialog::Later; if (selectedFilter != 0) *selectedFilter = dlg.selectedNameFilter(); dlg.hide(); } return result; } FileDialog::Result FileDialog::save(QString const & path, QStringList const & filters, QString const & suggested) { return save(path, filters, suggested, 0); } FileDialog::Result FileDialog::open(QString const & path, QStringList const & filters, QString const & suggested) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Select with path \"" << path << "\", mask \"" << filters.join(";;") << "\", suggested \"" << suggested << '"'); FileDialog::Result result; result.first = FileDialog::Chosen; if (lyxrc.use_native_filedialog) { QString const startsWith = makeAbsPath(suggested, path); QString const file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(qApp->focusWidget(), title_, startsWith, filters.join(";;")); if (file.isNull()) result.first = FileDialog::Later; else result.second = internalPath(file); } else { LyXFileDialog dlg(title_, path, filters, private_->b1, private_->b2); if (!suggested.isEmpty()) dlg.selectFile(suggested); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Synchronous FileDialog: "); int res = dlg.exec(); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "result " << res); if (res == QDialog::Accepted) result.second = internalPath(dlg.selectedFiles()[0]); else result.first = FileDialog::Later; dlg.hide(); } return result; } FileDialog::Result FileDialog::opendir(QString const & path, QString const & suggested) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Select with path \"" << path << "\", suggested \"" << suggested << '"'); FileDialog::Result result; result.first = FileDialog::Chosen; if (lyxrc.use_native_filedialog) { QString const startsWith = toqstr(makeAbsPath(fromqstr(suggested), fromqstr(path)).absFileName()); QString const dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(qApp->focusWidget(), title_, startsWith); if (dir.isNull()) result.first = FileDialog::Later; else result.second = toqstr(os::internal_path(fromqstr(dir))); } else { LyXFileDialog dlg(title_, path, QStringList(qt_("Directories")), private_->b1, private_->b2); dlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly); if (!suggested.isEmpty()) dlg.selectFile(suggested); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Synchronous FileDialog: "); int res = dlg.exec(); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "result " << res); if (res == QDialog::Accepted) result.second = internalPath(dlg.selectedFiles()[0]); else result.first = FileDialog::Later; dlg.hide(); } return result; } } // namespace lyx