#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ \lyxformat 474 \begin_document \begin_header \textclass europecv \begin_preamble \usepackage{graphicx} % Define personal data \ecvname{Prueba, Pablo} \ecvfootername{Pablo Prueba} \ecvnationality{Española} \ecvdateofbirth{23 de junio de 1962} \ecvaddress{C/ Prueba\newline 03333 Ciudad\newline España} \ecvemail{pprueba@testmail.xx} % the optional phnoe number is for the mobile \ecvtelephone[+43(0)777 7777]{+43(0)999 9999} % for the gender and fax number %\ecvgender{male} %\ecvfax{fax} % define text or image alignment and position: % in this case the image is shifted 6cm to the right \ecvbeforepicture{\hspace{6cm}} % image \ecvpicture[height=3cm]{../CV-image} % define text or space after the image % in this case the following shifted 2cm to the image \ecvafterpicture{\ecvspace{-2cm}} % if you e.g. only want the page number to be printed in the footer %\ecvpage{\thepage} \end_preamble \options nologo \use_default_options false \maintain_unincluded_children false \language spanish \language_package default \inputencoding utf8x \fontencoding global \font_roman default \font_sans default \font_typewriter default \font_math auto \font_default_family default \use_non_tex_fonts false \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 \font_tt_scale 100 \graphics default \default_output_format default \output_sync 0 \bibtex_command bibtex \index_command default \paperfontsize 10 \spacing single \use_hyperref false \papersize default \use_geometry true \use_package amsmath 1 \use_package amssymb 1 \use_package cancel 0 \use_package esint 1 \use_package mathdots 1 \use_package mathtools 0 \use_package mhchem 1 \use_package stackrel 0 \use_package stmaryrd 0 \use_package undertilde 0 \cite_engine basic \cite_engine_type default \biblio_style plain \use_bibtopic false \use_indices false \paperorientation portrait \suppress_date false \justification true \use_refstyle 0 \index Index \shortcut idx \color #008000 \end_index \leftmargin 2cm \topmargin 2cm \rightmargin 2cm \bottommargin 3cm \secnumdepth 1 \tocdepth 1 \paragraph_separation skip \defskip medskip \quotes_language english \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \tracking_changes false \output_changes false \html_math_output 0 \html_css_as_file 0 \html_be_strict false \end_header \begin_body \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Exportar con XeTeX y LuaTeX (con tipografías no TeX o en modo compatible 8-bit) no funciona porque, por el momento, la carga de inputenc con utf8x está incrustada en el código fuente de europecv.cls. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Begin \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout ¡Las entradas con etiqueta verde se dejan vacías! \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \series bold Nota: \series default Los datos personales, nombre, foto, dirección, etc., se ponen en el preámbulo del documento. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout La clase europecv-class ofrece muchas posibilidades para personalizar el documento; echa un vistazo a su documentación. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout PersonalInfo \begin_inset Note Note status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout Inserta los datos personales. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Section Títulos académicos \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout 2001--2005 \end_layout \end_inset Licenciatura en Economía, Institución, Ciudad, País, Descripción \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout 2005--2006 \end_layout \end_inset Doctorado en Economía, Institución, Ciudad, País, Descripción\SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_layout \begin_layout Section Tesis, Tesina\SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_layout \begin_layout BulletedItem \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Título \end_layout \end_inset \emph on Título de la tesis \end_layout \begin_layout BulletedItem \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Supervisores \end_layout \end_inset Nombres de los supervisores \end_layout \begin_layout BulletedItem \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Descripción \end_layout \end_inset \size small Texto descriptivo \end_layout \begin_layout Section Experiencia \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Febrero 2006--actual \end_layout \end_inset Mantenedor de proyectos de software libre \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout 2005--2006 \end_layout \end_inset Empresa, Corporación, Ciudad, País \end_layout \begin_layout Section Idiomas \end_layout \begin_layout MotherTongue \begin_inset Argument 1 status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout 10pt \end_layout \end_inset Español \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout El parámetro opcional es el espacio vertical tras el ítem; están permitidos los valores negativos. Se puede usar en varios tipos de entradas. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout LangHeader ( \begin_inset Formula $\star$ \end_inset ) \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Inserta una descripción del nivel en idiomas y establece el símbolo para la nota al pie de referencia. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Language \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Alemán \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 3 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvBTwo \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 4 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvCOne \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 5 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvATwo \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 6 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvATwo \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvBOne \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Los códigos de nivel de idiomas se encuentran en la documentación del paquete europecv. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout LastLanguage \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Italiano \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 3 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvATwo \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 4 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvBOne \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 5 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvAOne \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 6 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvAOne \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash ecvAOne \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout LangFooter ( \begin_inset Formula $\star$ \end_inset ) \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Encabezado y pie deberían ser el mismo carácter. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Section Conocimientos de informática \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 1 status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout 2.5ex \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Sistemas \begin_inset space ~ \end_inset operativos \end_layout \end_inset Linux, Unix, Windows \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Administración \end_layout \end_inset Apache, Mailman \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Programación \end_layout \end_inset \shape smallcaps Java \shape default , C/C++ \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Scripting \end_layout \end_inset PHP, Shell, Ruby \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 1 status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout 2.5ex \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Científicos \end_layout \end_inset Matlab, Autocad, Abaqus \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Tipograpía \end_layout \end_inset LaTeX, ConTeXt, Scribus, QuarkXPress \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Diseño \begin_inset space ~ \end_inset Web \end_layout \end_inset XHTML, CSS, AJAX \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Bases de datos \end_layout \end_inset MySQL, PostgreSQL \end_layout \begin_layout Section Aficiones \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 1 status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout 2.5ex \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Deportes \begin_inset space ~ \end_inset de \begin_inset space ~ \end_inset aventura \end_layout \end_inset \size small Practico deportes como esquí, montañismo y submarinismo; he sido boy scout durante cinco años. \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 1 status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout 2.5ex \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Viajes \end_layout \end_inset \size small Me gusta viajar por todo el mundo. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Publicaciones \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout Referencias \end_layout \end_inset [1] Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly: \emph on A Guide to LaTeX Fourth Edition. \emph default Addison-Wesley, 2003 \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash newline% \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Newline newline \end_inset \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash newline% \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Newline newline \end_inset [2] Leslie Lamport: \emph on LaTeX: A Document Preparation System. \emph default Addison-Wesley, second edition, 1994 \end_layout \begin_layout Section Publicaciones \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout También se pueden usar referencias BibTeX: \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Item \begin_inset Argument 2 status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset VSpace -1cm* \end_inset \begin_inset CommandInset bibtex LatexCommand bibtex btprint "btPrintAll" bibfiles "../biblioExample" options "plain" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout End \end_layout \end_body \end_document