#include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "trans.h" #endif #include "LyXView.h" #include "trans.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "tex-strings.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "error.h" #include "trans_mgr.h" // KmodInfo KmodInfo::KmodInfo() { exception_list=0; } KmodInfo::KmodInfo(const KmodInfo& o) { (*this)=o; } KmodInfo& KmodInfo::operator=(const KmodInfo& o) { if (this!=&o) { allowed=o.allowed; accent=o.accent; data=o.data; exception_list=o.exception_list; } return *this; } // Default Trans bool DefaultTrans::init_=false; DefaultTrans::DefaultTrans() { if (init_==false) { // Do initialization init_=true; } } string DefaultTrans::process(char c,TransManager& k) { char dummy[2]="?"; dummy[0]=c; return k.normalkey(c,dummy); } // Trans class Trans::Trans() { int i; for(i=0; i<256; i++) keymap_[i]=0; for(i=0; i next = exclist; p -> c = c; p->data = data; p->combined=flag; p->accent=accent; exclist = p; } void Trans::FreeException(Trans::keyexc& exclist) { Trans::keyexc p; p = exclist; while (p) { p = exclist->next; delete exclist; exclist = p; } } void Trans::FreeKeymap() { int i; for(i=0; i<256; i++) if (keymap_[i]) { delete keymap_[i]; keymap_[i]=0; } for(i=0; iexception_list); delete kmod_list_[i]; kmod_list_[i]=0; } } bool Trans::IsDefined() { return !name_.empty(); } const string& Trans::GetName() { return name_; } enum _kmaptags { KCOMB=1, KMOD, KMAP, KXMOD, K_LAST }; struct keyword_item kmapTags[K_LAST-1] = { {"\\kcomb",KCOMB }, { "\\kmap", KMAP }, { "\\kmod", KMOD }, { "\\kxmod", KXMOD } }; tex_accent getkeymod(const string&); void Trans::AddDeadkey(tex_accent accent,const string& keys, const string& allowed) { if (kmod_list_[accent]) { FreeException(kmod_list_[accent]->exception_list); delete kmod_list_[accent]; } kmod_list_[accent] = new kmod_list_decl; kmod_list_[accent]->data = keys; kmod_list_[accent]->accent = accent; if (allowed=="all") { kmod_list_[accent]->allowed=lyx_accent_table[accent].native; } else { kmod_list_[accent]->allowed = allowed; } for(string::size_type i = 0; i < keys.length(); ++i) { char * temp; temp = keymap_[(unsigned char)keys[i]] = new char[2]; temp[0] = 0; temp[1] = accent; } kmod_list_[accent]->exception_list=0; } int Trans::Load(LyXLex &lex) { bool error = false; while (lex.IsOK() && !error) { switch(lex.lex()) { case KMOD: { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr,"KMOD: %s\n",lex.text()); if (lex.next(true)) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, "key `%s'\n", lex.text()); } else return -1; string keys = lex.GetString(); if (lex.next(true)) { if ( lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, "accent `%s'\n", lex.text()); } else return -1; tex_accent accent = getkeymod(lex.GetString()); if (accent==TEX_NOACCENT) return -1; if (lex.next(true)) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, "allowed `%s'\n", lex.text()); } else return -1; string allowed = lex.GetString(); AddDeadkey(accent, keys, allowed); break; } case KCOMB: { const char *str; lyxerr.debug("KCOMB:",Error::KBMAP); if (lex.next(true)) { str=lex.text(); lyxerr.debug(str,Error::KBMAP); } else return -1; tex_accent accent_1=getkeymod(str); if (accent_1==TEX_NOACCENT) return -1; if (lex.next(true)) { str=lex.text(); lyxerr.debug(str,Error::KBMAP); } else return -1; tex_accent accent_2=getkeymod(str); if (accent_2==TEX_NOACCENT) return -1; if (kmod_list_[accent_1]==0 || kmod_list_[accent_2]==0) return -1; // Find what key accent_2 is on - should check about accent_1 also int key; for(key=0;key<256;key++) if (keymap_[key] && keymap_[key][0]==0 && keymap_[key][1]==accent_2) break; string allowed; if (lex.next()) { allowed=lex.GetString(); lyxerr.debug("allowed: "+allowed,Error::KBMAP); } else return -1; InsertException(kmod_list_[accent_1]->exception_list,(char)key,allowed,true,accent_2); } break; case KMAP: { char key_from; char *string_to; if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, "KMAP: %s\n", lex.text()); if (lex.next(true)) { key_from=lex.text()[0]; if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, " `%s'\n", lex.text()); } else return -1; if (lex.next(true)) { char const *t = lex.text(); string_to = strcpy(new char[strlen(t)+1],t); keymap_[(unsigned char)key_from]=string_to; if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, " `%s'\n", string_to); } else return -1; break; } case KXMOD: { tex_accent accent; char key; const char *str; if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, "KXMOD: %s\n", lex.text()); if (lex.next(true)) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, " `%s'\n", lex.text()); accent = getkeymod(lex.GetString()); } else return -1; if (lex.next(true)) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, " `%s'\n", lex.text()); key=lex.text()[0]; } else return -1; if (lex.next(true)) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, " `%s'\n", lex.text()); str=lex.text(); } else return -1; InsertException(kmod_list_[accent]->exception_list,key,str); break; } case LyXLex::LEX_FEOF: lyxerr.debug("End of parsing",Error::LEX_PARSER); break; default: lex.printError("ParseKeymapFile: " "Unknown tag: `$$Token'"); return -1; } } return 0; } bool Trans::isAccentDefined(tex_accent accent,KmodInfo& i) { if (kmod_list_[accent]!=0) { i=*kmod_list_[accent]; return true; } return false; } string Trans::process(char c,TransManager& k) { char dummy[2]="?"; char *dt=dummy; char *t=Match(c); if ((t==0 && (*dt=c)) || (t[0]!=0 && (dt=t)) ){ return k.normalkey(c,dt); } else { return k.deadkey(c,*kmod_list_[(tex_accent)t[1]]); } } int Trans::Load(string const &language) { string filename = LibFileSearch("kbd", language, "kmap"); if (filename.empty()) return -1; FreeKeymap(); LyXLex lex(kmapTags, K_LAST-1); lex.setFile(filename); int res=Load(lex); if (res==0) { name_=language; } else name_.erase(); return res; } tex_accent getkeymod(string const &p) /* return modifier - decoded from p and update p */ { for (int i = 1; i <= TEX_MAX_ACCENT; i++) { if (lyxerr.debugging(Error::KBMAP)) fprintf(stderr, "p = %s, lyx_accent_table[%d].name = `%s'\n", p.c_str(), i, lyx_accent_table[i].name); if ( lyx_accent_table[i].name && contains(p, lyx_accent_table[i].name)) { lyxerr.debug("Found it!",Error::KBMAP); return (tex_accent)i; } } return TEX_NOACCENT; }