# This file is part of reLyX. # Copyright (c) 1998-9 Amir Karger karger@post.harvard.edu # You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of # the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. package MakePreamble; # This package reads a LaTeX preamble (everything before \begin{document} # and translates it to LaTeX. use strict; my $debug_on; # package-wide variable set if -d option is given my $true_class; # which textclass to use (if -c option is given) sub split_preamble { # Split the file into two files, one with just the preamble # Simply copy stuff verbatim, saving translation for later # Skip the LyX-generated portion of the preamble, if any. (Otherwise, # when you try to "view dvi" in LyX, there will be two copies of the # preamble matter, which will break LyX. my ($InFileName, $PreambleName, $OutFileName) = (shift, shift, shift); my ($a, $b, $c); my $forget=0; # Was -d option given? $debug_on = (defined($main::opt_d) && $main::opt_d); # -c option? $true_class = defined($main::opt_c) ? $main::opt_c : ""; my $zzz = $debug_on ? " from LaTeX file $InFileName into $PreambleName and $OutFileName" : ""; warn "Splitting Preamble$zzz\n"; open (INFILE, "<$InFileName") or die "problem opening $InFileName: $!\n"; open (PREAMBLE, ">$PreambleName") or die "problem opening $PreambleName: $!\n"; open (OUTFILE, ">$OutFileName") or die "problem opening $OutFileName: $!\n"; # Copy everything up to "\begin{document}" into the preamble while () { if (s/\Q\begin{document}\E//) { ($a, $b, $c) = ($`, $&, $'); # save for later last; } # In real life, there should never be Textclass specific stuff unless # there is also LyX specific. But it can't hurt to test for both. $forget=1 if m/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific/ || m/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific/; print PREAMBLE $_ unless $forget; $forget=0 if m/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified/; } die "Didn't find \\begin{document} command!" unless defined $b; # There *could* be a preamble command on the same line as \begin{doc}! print PREAMBLE $a; print "Put preamble into file $PreambleName\n" if $debug_on; # Copy everything else into another file # Ignore anything after '\end{document} print OUTFILE $b, $c; #'\begin{document}' plus anything else on the line while () { print OUTFILE $_; last if $_ =~ /^[^%]*\Q\end{document}\E/; } print "Put rest of file into $OutFileName\n" if $debug_on; close INFILE; close OUTFILE; close PREAMBLE; #warn "Done splitting preamble\n"; } #end sub split_preamble # Actually translate a LaTeX preamble (in a file) into a LyX preamble. # Input: # First argument is the name of the file containing *only* the preamble # Second argument is the LyX format (e.g., "2.15") # # Output: document class, LyX Preamble, LaTeX preamble # LyX premable contains the LyX options etc. # LaTeX preamble is stuff that doesn't translate into LyX options) # sub translate_preamble { my $PreambleName = shift; my $Format = shift; $debug_on = (defined($main::opt_d) && $main::opt_d); my $zzz=$debug_on ? " from $PreambleName" :""; warn "Creating LyX preamble$zzz\n"; open (PREAMBLE, "<$PreambleName"); # Translate optional args to \documentclass to LyX preamble statements my %Option_Trans_Table = ( "10pt" => "\\paperfontsize 10", "11pt" => "\\paperfontsize 11", "12pt" => "\\paperfontsize 12", "letterpaper" => "\\papersize letterpaper", "legalpaper" => "\\papersize legalpaper", "executivepaper" => "\\papersize executivepaper", "a3paper" => "\\papersize a3paper", "a4paper" => "\\papersize a4paper", "a5paper" => "\\papersize a5paper", "b3paper" => "\\papersize b3paper", "b4paper" => "\\papersize b4paper", "b5paper" => "\\papersize b5paper", "twoside" => "\\papersides 2", "oneside" => "\\papersides 1", "landscape" => "\\paperorientation landscape", "onecolumn" => "\\papercolumns 1", "twocolumn" => "\\papercolumns 2", ); my %Languages_Table = (); # if the language file is available then added it to the languages table if(-e "$main::lyxdir/languages") { open (LANGUAGES, "<$main::lyxdir/languages"); while() { next if(/^\#/); #ignore comments my @lang_field = split(/\s+/); $Languages_Table{$lang_field[1]} = $lang_field[1]; } close(LANGUAGES); } # This is the string in which we're concatenating everything we translate my $LyX_Preamble = ""; # It would be nice to read the defaults.lyx file but for now we don't bother #my $default_dir = "templates/"; #my $default_name = "defaults.lyx"; #my $default_file = $dot_lyxdir . $default_dir . $default_name; #if (-e $default_file) { # print "Going to open default LyX file $default_file\n"; # open (DEFAULT_LYX,$default_file) or warn "can't find default lyx file!"; # if ($fmt =~ /^\s*\\lyxformat [0-9.]+/) { # print $fmt # } else { # die "Need \\lyxformat command in first line of default lyx file!"; # } # AFTER printing the preamble, we'd print other commands from defaults.lyx # while (($line = ) !~ /^.*\\layout/) { # if ($line !~ /^\s*(\#|\\textclass\W)/) { #already printed this line # print OUTFILE $line; # } # } #} # Write first line of the lyx file $LyX_Preamble .= "\#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/\n"; # Print \lyxformat. $LyX_Preamble .= "\\lyxformat $Format\n"; # Ignore everything up to the \documentclass my $ignore = ""; while () { next if /^\s*$/ || /^\s*%/; # skip whitespace or comment # could just allow 'documentclass' and not support 2.09 last if s/^\s*\\document(style|class)//; $ignore .= $_; # concatenate the ignored text } # end while warn "Uncommented text before \\documentclass command ignored!\n"if $ignore; print "Ignored text was\n------\n$ignore------\n" if $debug_on && $ignore; # concatenate all the extra options until the required argument to # \documentclass, which will be in braces until (eof(PREAMBLE) || /\{/) { my $instr = ; $instr =~ s/\s*%.*$//; # get rid of comments chomp; # remove the \n on $_ prior to concatenating $_ .= $instr; } # end loop; check the now longer $_ for a brace # Read optional arguments, which are now guaranteed to be on one line # (They're read here, but printed AFTER the \\textclass command) # Note: the below pattern match is *always* successful, so $& is always # set, but it will be '' if there are no optional arguments. $1 will be # whatever was inside the brackets (i.e., not including the []) my $extra_options; if (defined($_)) { s/^\s*//; # there might be space before args s/$Text::TeX::optionalArgument//; $extra_options = $1 if $&; } # Read the document class, in braces, then convert it to a textclass # However, if the user input a different class with the -c option, use that s/\s*\{(\S+)\s*\}//; my $class = $1; $class = $true_class if $true_class; # override from -c option die "no document class in file, no -c option given\n" unless $class; $LyX_Preamble .= "\\textclass $class\n"; print "document class is $class\n" if $debug_on; # Analyze the extra options, and remove those we know about if ($extra_options) { my $op; foreach $op (keys %Option_Trans_Table) { $extra_options =~ s/\b$op\b// && do { $LyX_Preamble .= "$Option_Trans_Table{$op}\n"; print "Document option $op\n" if $debug_on; } } $extra_options =~ s/^,+|,+(?=,)|,+$//g; # extra commas # Analyze further the extra options for languages, the last language # is the document language, so the order matters. my $language =""; foreach $op (split(/\s*,\s*/,$extra_options)) { if (exists $Languages_Table{$op}) { $language = $op; $extra_options =~ s/\b$op\b//; print "Document language $op\n" if $debug_on; } } if ($language) { $LyX_Preamble .= "\\language $language\n"; } $extra_options =~ s/^,+|,+(?=,)|,+$//g; # extra commas } # Convert any remaining options to an \options command if ($extra_options) { $LyX_Preamble .= "\\options $extra_options\n"; print "extra options: $extra_options\n" if $debug_on; } # Now copy the whole preamble into the preamble of the LyX document # (unless there is no preamble) # Everything until the end of filehandle PREAMBLE is preamble matter my $Latex_Preamble = $_; # there COULD be a preamble command on same line while () { $Latex_Preamble .= $_; } # Process $Latex_Preamble, and try to extract as much as possible to # $Lyx_Preamble (jamatos 2001/07/21) # Deal with counters, for now just "tocdepth" and "secnumdepth" my %Counter_Table = ( "secnumdepth" => "\\secnumdepth", "tocdepth" => "\\tocdepth" ); my $ct; foreach $ct (keys %Counter_Table) { $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\setcounter\{$ct\}\{(.*)\}\s*// && do { $LyX_Preamble .= "$Counter_Table{$ct} $1\n"; } } if($Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\pagestyle\{(.*)\}\s*//) { $LyX_Preamble .= "\\paperpagestyle $1\n"; } if($Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\usepackage\[(.*)\]\{inputenc\}\s*//) { $LyX_Preamble .= "\\inputencoding $1\n"; } $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\usepackage\[.*\]\{fontenc\}\s*//; ## Deal with \usepackage{} cases, no optional argument my %Usepackage_Table = ( "amsmath" => "\\use_amsmath 1", "amssymb" => "", "geometry" => "\\use_geometry 1", "babel" => "", "pslatex" => "\\fontscheme pslatex", "ae" => "\\fontscheme ae", "aecompl" => "", "times" => "\\fontscheme times", "palatino" => "\\fontscheme palatino", "helvet" => "\\fontscheme helvet", "avant" => "\\fontscheme avant", "newcent" => "\\fontscheme newcent", "bookman" => "\\fontscheme bookman", "a4wide" => "\\paperpackage widemarginsa4", "a4" => "\\paperpackage a4wide", "graphics" => "\\graphics default", "rotating" => "", "makeidx" => "\\makeindex" ); ## Babel with arguments specifing language if($Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\usepackage\[(.*)\]\{babel\}\s*//) { my @languages = split(',',$1); my $lang = pop @languages; $LyX_Preamble .= "\\language $lang\n"; } my $up; foreach $up (keys %Usepackage_Table) { $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\usepackage\{$up\}\s*// && do { $LyX_Preamble .= "$Usepackage_Table{$up}"; $LyX_Preamble .= "\n" unless ($Usepackage_Table{$up} eq ""); } } ## Handle geometry options ## The custom paper missing from the options list since it involves two parameters my %Geometry_Options =( 'verbose' => sub { return "" }, "letterpaper" => sub { return "\\papersize letterpaper\n" }, "legalpaper" => sub { return "\\papersize legalpaper\n" }, "executivepaper"=> sub { return "\\papersize executivepaper\n" }, "a3paper" => sub { return "\\papersize a3paper\n" }, "a4paper" => sub { return "\\papersize a4paper\n" }, "a5paper" => sub { return "\\papersize a5paper\n" }, "b3paper" => sub { return "\\papersize b3paper\n" }, "b4paper" => sub { return "\\papersize b4paper\n" }, "b5paper" => sub { return "\\papersize b5paper\n" }, 'tmargin=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\topmargin $1\n" }, 'bmargin=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\bottommargin $1\n" }, 'lmargin=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\leftmargin $1\n" }, 'rmargin=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\rightmargin $1\n" }, 'headsep=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\headsep $1\n" }, 'footskip=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\footskip $1\n" }, 'headheight=(\w*)' => sub { return "\\headheight $1\n" } ); if( $Latex_Preamble =~ /\\geometry\{(.*)\}/) { my $geom_options = $1; my $op; foreach $op (keys %Geometry_Options) { $geom_options =~ s/$op// && do { $LyX_Preamble .= &{$Geometry_Options{$op}}(); print "Geometry option $op\n" if $debug_on; } } $geom_options =~ s/^,+|,+(?=,)|,+$//g; # extra commas if( $geom_options =~ /\s*/) { $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\geometry\{(.*)\}//; } else { $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\geometry\{(.*)\}/\\geometry\{$geom_options\}/; } } ## Paragraph skip or indentation if ( $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\setlength\\parskip\{\\(.*)amount\}\s*\\setlength\\parindent\{0pt\}//) { $LyX_Preamble .= "\\paragraph_separation skip\n"; $LyX_Preamble .= "\\defskip $1\n"; } ## Paragraph spacing if ( $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\(\w*)spacing//) { $LyX_Preamble .= "\\spacing $1\n"; } ## remove LyX specific stuff $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\IfFileExists\{url.sty\}\{\\usepackage\{url\}\}\s*\{\\newcommand\{\\url\}\{\\texttt\}\}\s*//; ## this two need probably a more fine grained control $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\makeatletter\s*//; $Latex_Preamble =~ s/\\makeatother\s*//; $Latex_Preamble =~ s/^\s*//; print "LaTeX preamble, consists of:\n$Latex_Preamble" if $debug_on; if($Latex_Preamble) { $Latex_Preamble = "\\begin_preamble\n$Latex_Preamble\\end_preamble\n"; } #just comments, whitespace. Ignore them print "End of LaTeX preamble\n" if $debug_on; #warn "Done creating LyX Preamble\n"; return ($class, $LyX_Preamble, $Latex_Preamble); } 1; # return true value to calling program