# Textclass definition file for docbook.
# Author : José Abílio Oliveira Matos <jamatos@lyx.org>
# Modified Martin Vermeer <martin.vermeer@hut.fi>
# This file is the counterpart of stdstyle.inc
# It is desirable, as far as possible, to have the same look and feel for
# related layouts in latex and docbook.

Format 49
Input stdtitle.inc

Style Title
	LatexType             Command
	LatexName             articleinfo
	CommandDepth          2
	InnerTag              title

Style Author
	LatexType             Environment
	LatexName             author

Style Authorgroup
	CopyStyle             Author
	LatexType             Environment
	LatexName             authorgroup
	InnerTag              author

Style Date
	LatexType             Paragraph
	LatexName             date
	Align                 Center
	AlignPossible         Left,Center

Style RevisionHistory
	Margin                Static
	LatexType             Command
	LatexName             revhistory
	CommandDepth          3
	InnerTag              "!-- --"
	LeftMargin            MMM
	RightMargin           MMM
	ParIndent             MM
	TopSep                0.7
	BottomSep             0
	ParSep                0
	Align                 Block
	KeepEmpty             1
	LabelType             Centered
	LabelString           "Revision History"
	LabelBottomSep        0.5

Style Revision
	Margin                Dynamic
	LatexType             Command
	LatexName             revision
	CommandDepth          4
	InnerTag              revnumber
	LabelSep              xxx
	ParSkip               0.4
	TopSep                0.9
	BottomSep             0.5
	ParSep                0.5
	Align                 Block

Style RevisionRemark
	Margin                Static
	LatexType             Paragraph
	InTitle               1
	LatexName             revremark
	LabelSep              xxx
	ParIndent             MM
	ParSkip               0.0
	TopSep                0.0
	BottomSep             0.0
	ParSep                1
	Align                 Block
	LabelType             No_Label

Style FirstName
        ObsoletedBy   Standard

Style Surname
	ObsoletedBy   Standard