// -*- C++ -*- /** * File: math_root.h * Purpose: Declaration of the root object * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1999 * Description: Root math object * * Copyright: 1999 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #ifndef MATH_ROOT_H #define MATH_ROOT_H #include "math_nestinset.h" /** The general n-th root inset. * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS \version January 1999 */ class MathRootInset : public MathNestInset { public: /// MathRootInset(); /// MathInset * clone() const; /// bool idxUpDown(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos, bool up, int targetx) const; /// void metrics(MetricsInfo & mi) const; /// void draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const; /// void write(WriteStream & os) const; /// void normalize(NormalStream &) const; /// void mathmlize(MathMLStream &) const; /// void maple(MapleStream &) const; /// void octave(OctaveStream &) const; }; #endif