/** * \file TextClass.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author Angus Leeming * \author John Levon * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "TextClass.h" #include "CiteEnginesList.h" #include "Counters.h" #include "Floating.h" #include "FloatList.h" #include "Layout.h" #include "LayoutFile.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "ModuleList.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/FileName.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "support/TempFile.h" #include #include #include #ifdef ERROR #undef ERROR #endif using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { // Keep the changes documented in the Customization manual. // // If you change this format, then you MUST also make sure that // your changes do not invalidate the hardcoded layout file in // LayoutFile.cpp. Additions will never do so, but syntax changes // could. See LayoutFileList::addEmptyClass() and, especially, the // definition of the layoutpost string. // You should also run the development/tools/updatelayouts.py script, // to update the format of all of our layout files. // int const LAYOUT_FORMAT = 104; // rkh: RefFormat for counters // Layout format for the current lyx file format. Controls which format is // targeted by Local Layout > Convert. In master, equal to LAYOUT_FORMAT. int const LYXFILE_LAYOUT_FORMAT = LAYOUT_FORMAT; namespace { bool layout2layout(FileName const & filename, FileName const & tempfile, int const format = LAYOUT_FORMAT) { FileName const script = libFileSearch("scripts", "layout2layout.py"); if (script.empty()) { LYXERR0("Could not find layout conversion " "script layout2layout.py."); return false; } ostringstream command; command << os::python() << ' ' << quoteName(script.toFilesystemEncoding()) << " -t " << format << ' ' << quoteName(filename.toFilesystemEncoding()) << ' ' << quoteName(tempfile.toFilesystemEncoding()); string const command_str = command.str(); LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Running `" << command_str << '\''); cmd_ret const ret = runCommand(command_str); if (!ret.valid) { if (format == LAYOUT_FORMAT) LYXERR0("Conversion of layout with layout2layout.py has failed."); return false; } return true; } string translateReadType(TextClass::ReadType rt) { switch (rt) { case TextClass::BASECLASS: return "textclass"; case TextClass::MERGE: return "input file"; case TextClass::MODULE: return "module file"; case TextClass::CITE_ENGINE: return "cite engine"; case TextClass::VALIDATION: return "validation"; } // shutup warning return string(); } } // namespace // This string should not be translated here, // because it is a layout identifier. docstring const TextClass::plain_layout_ = from_ascii(N_("Plain Layout")); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TextClass // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TextClass::TextClass() : loaded_(false), tex_class_avail_(false), opt_enginetype_("authoryear|numerical"), opt_fontsize_("10|11|12"), opt_pagesize_("default|a4|a5|b5|letter|legal|executive"), opt_pagestyle_("empty|plain|headings|fancy"), fontsize_format_("$$spt"), pagesize_("default"), pagesize_format_("$$spaper"), pagestyle_("default"), tablestyle_("default"), docbookroot_("article"), docbookforceabstract_(false), columns_(1), sides_(OneSide), secnumdepth_(3), tocdepth_(3), outputType_(LATEX), outputFormat_("latex"), has_output_format_(false), defaultfont_(sane_font), titletype_(TITLE_COMMAND_AFTER), titlename_("maketitle"), min_toclevel_(0), max_toclevel_(0), maxcitenames_(2), cite_full_author_list_(true), bibintoc_(false) { } bool TextClass::readStyle(Lexer & lexrc, Layout & lay, ReadType rt) const { LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Reading style " << to_utf8(lay.name())); if (!lay.read(lexrc, *this, rt == VALIDATION)) { LYXERR0("Error parsing style `" << to_utf8(lay.name()) << '\''); return false; } // Resolve fonts lay.resfont = lay.font; lay.resfont.realize(defaultfont_); lay.reslabelfont = lay.labelfont; lay.reslabelfont.realize(defaultfont_); return true; // no errors } enum TextClassTags { TC_OUTPUTTYPE = 1, TC_OUTPUTFORMAT, TC_INPUT, TC_INPUT_GLOBAL, TC_STYLE, TC_MODIFYSTYLE, TC_PROVIDESTYLE, TC_DEFAULTSTYLE, TC_INSETLAYOUT, TC_MODIFYINSETLAYOUT, TC_PROVIDEINSETLAYOUT, TC_NOINSETLAYOUT, TC_NOSTYLE, TC_COLUMNS, TC_SIDES, TC_PAGESTYLE, TC_PAGESIZE, TC_DEFAULTFONT, TC_SECNUMDEPTH, TC_TOCDEPTH, TC_CLASSOPTIONS, TC_PREAMBLE, TC_HTMLPREAMBLE, TC_HTMLSTYLES, TC_PROVIDES, TC_REQUIRES, TC_PKGOPTS, TC_LEFTMARGIN, TC_RIGHTMARGIN, TC_FLOAT, TC_COUNTER, TC_NOCOUNTER, TC_IFCOUNTER, TC_NOFLOAT, TC_TITLELATEXNAME, TC_TITLELATEXTYPE, TC_FORMAT, TC_ADDTOPREAMBLE, TC_ADDTOHTMLPREAMBLE, TC_ADDTOHTMLSTYLES, TC_DEFAULTMODULE, TC_PROVIDESMODULE, TC_EXCLUDESMODULE, TC_HTMLTOCSECTION, TC_CITEENGINE, TC_ADDTOCITEENGINE, TC_CITEENGINETYPE, TC_CITEFORMAT, TC_CITEFRAMEWORK, TC_MAXCITENAMES, TC_DEFAULTBIBLIO, TC_FULLAUTHORLIST, TC_OUTLINERNAME, TC_TABLESTYLE, TC_BIBINTOC, TC_DOCBOOKROOT, TC_DOCBOOKFORCEABSTRACT }; namespace { LexerKeyword textClassTags[] = { { "addtociteengine", TC_ADDTOCITEENGINE }, { "addtohtmlpreamble", TC_ADDTOHTMLPREAMBLE }, { "addtohtmlstyles", TC_ADDTOHTMLSTYLES }, { "addtopreamble", TC_ADDTOPREAMBLE }, { "bibintoc", TC_BIBINTOC }, { "citeengine", TC_CITEENGINE }, { "citeenginetype", TC_CITEENGINETYPE }, { "citeformat", TC_CITEFORMAT }, { "citeframework", TC_CITEFRAMEWORK }, { "classoptions", TC_CLASSOPTIONS }, { "columns", TC_COLUMNS }, { "counter", TC_COUNTER }, { "defaultbiblio", TC_DEFAULTBIBLIO }, { "defaultfont", TC_DEFAULTFONT }, { "defaultmodule", TC_DEFAULTMODULE }, { "defaultstyle", TC_DEFAULTSTYLE }, { "docbookforceabstract", TC_DOCBOOKFORCEABSTRACT }, { "docbookroot", TC_DOCBOOKROOT }, { "excludesmodule", TC_EXCLUDESMODULE }, { "float", TC_FLOAT }, { "format", TC_FORMAT }, { "fullauthorlist", TC_FULLAUTHORLIST }, { "htmlpreamble", TC_HTMLPREAMBLE }, { "htmlstyles", TC_HTMLSTYLES }, { "htmltocsection", TC_HTMLTOCSECTION }, { "ifcounter", TC_IFCOUNTER }, { "input", TC_INPUT }, { "inputglobal", TC_INPUT_GLOBAL }, { "insetlayout", TC_INSETLAYOUT }, { "leftmargin", TC_LEFTMARGIN }, { "maxcitenames", TC_MAXCITENAMES }, { "modifyinsetlayout", TC_MODIFYINSETLAYOUT }, { "modifystyle", TC_MODIFYSTYLE }, { "nocounter", TC_NOCOUNTER }, { "nofloat", TC_NOFLOAT }, { "noinsetlayout", TC_NOINSETLAYOUT }, { "nostyle", TC_NOSTYLE }, { "outlinername", TC_OUTLINERNAME }, { "outputformat", TC_OUTPUTFORMAT }, { "outputtype", TC_OUTPUTTYPE }, { "packageoptions", TC_PKGOPTS }, { "pagesize", TC_PAGESIZE }, { "pagestyle", TC_PAGESTYLE }, { "preamble", TC_PREAMBLE }, { "provideinsetlayout", TC_PROVIDEINSETLAYOUT }, { "provides", TC_PROVIDES }, { "providesmodule", TC_PROVIDESMODULE }, { "providestyle", TC_PROVIDESTYLE }, { "requires", TC_REQUIRES }, { "rightmargin", TC_RIGHTMARGIN }, { "secnumdepth", TC_SECNUMDEPTH }, { "sides", TC_SIDES }, { "style", TC_STYLE }, { "tablestyle", TC_TABLESTYLE }, { "titlelatexname", TC_TITLELATEXNAME }, { "titlelatextype", TC_TITLELATEXTYPE }, { "tocdepth", TC_TOCDEPTH } }; } // namespace bool TextClass::convertLayoutFormat(support::FileName const & filename, ReadType rt) { LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Converting layout file to " << LAYOUT_FORMAT); TempFile tmp("convertXXXXXX.layout"); FileName const tempfile = tmp.name(); bool success = layout2layout(filename, tempfile); if (success) success = readWithoutConv(tempfile, rt) == OK; return success; } std::string TextClass::convert(std::string const & str) { TempFile tmp1("localXXXXXX.layout"); FileName const fn = tmp1.name(); ofstream os(fn.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str()); os << str; os.close(); TempFile tmp2("convert_localXXXXXX.layout"); FileName const tempfile = tmp2.name(); bool success = layout2layout(fn, tempfile, LYXFILE_LAYOUT_FORMAT); if (!success) return ""; ifstream is(tempfile.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str()); string ret; string tmp; while (!is.eof()) { getline(is, tmp); ret += tmp + '\n'; } is.close(); return ret; } TextClass::ReturnValues TextClass::readWithoutConv(FileName const & filename, ReadType rt) { if (!filename.isReadableFile()) { lyxerr << "Cannot read layout file `" << filename << "'." << endl; return ERROR; } LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Reading " + translateReadType(rt) + ": " + to_utf8(makeDisplayPath(filename.absFileName()))); // Define the plain layout used in table cells, ert, etc. Note that // we do this before loading any layout file, so that classes can // override features of this layout if they should choose to do so. if (rt == BASECLASS && !hasLayout(plain_layout_)) layoutlist_.push_back(createBasicLayout(plain_layout_)); Lexer lexrc(textClassTags); lexrc.setFile(filename); ReturnValues retval = read(lexrc, rt); LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Finished reading " + translateReadType(rt) + ": " + to_utf8(makeDisplayPath(filename.absFileName()))); return retval; } bool TextClass::read(FileName const & filename, ReadType rt) { ReturnValues const retval = readWithoutConv(filename, rt); if (retval != FORMAT_MISMATCH) return retval == OK; bool const worx = convertLayoutFormat(filename, rt); if (!worx) LYXERR0 ("Unable to convert " << filename << " to format " << LAYOUT_FORMAT); return worx; } TextClass::ReturnValues TextClass::validate(std::string const & str) { TextClass tc; return tc.read(str, VALIDATION); } TextClass::ReturnValues TextClass::read(std::string const & str, ReadType rt) { Lexer lexrc(textClassTags); istringstream is(str); lexrc.setStream(is); ReturnValues retval = read(lexrc, rt); if (retval != FORMAT_MISMATCH) return retval; // write the layout string to a temporary file TempFile tmp("TextClass_read"); FileName const tempfile = tmp.name(); ofstream os(tempfile.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str()); if (!os) { LYXERR0("Unable to create temporary file"); return ERROR; } os << str; os.close(); // now try to convert it to LAYOUT_FORMAT if (!convertLayoutFormat(tempfile, rt)) { LYXERR0("Unable to convert internal layout information to format " << LAYOUT_FORMAT); return ERROR; } return OK_OLDFORMAT; } // Reads a textclass structure from file. TextClass::ReturnValues TextClass::read(Lexer & lexrc, ReadType rt) { if (!lexrc.isOK()) return ERROR; // The first usable line should be // Format LAYOUT_FORMAT if (lexrc.lex() != TC_FORMAT || !lexrc.next() || lexrc.getInteger() != LAYOUT_FORMAT) return FORMAT_MISMATCH; // parsing bool error = false; while (lexrc.isOK() && !error) { int le = lexrc.lex(); switch (le) { case Lexer::LEX_FEOF: continue; case Lexer::LEX_UNDEF: lexrc.printError("Unknown TextClass tag `$$Token'"); error = true; continue; default: break; } // used below to track whether we are in an IfStyle or IfCounter tag. bool modify = false; bool provide = false; bool ifcounter = false; bool only_global = false; switch (static_cast(le)) { case TC_FORMAT: lexrc.next(); lexrc.printError("Duplicate Format directive"); break; case TC_OUTPUTFORMAT: if (lexrc.next()) { outputFormat_ = lexrc.getString(); has_output_format_ = true; } break; case TC_OUTPUTTYPE: readOutputType(lexrc); switch(outputType_) { case LATEX: outputFormat_ = "latex"; break; case LITERATE: outputFormat_ = "literate"; break; } break; case TC_INPUT_GLOBAL: only_global = true; // fall through case TC_INPUT: // Include file if (lexrc.next()) { FileName tmp; string const inc = lexrc.getString(); if (!path().empty() && (prefixIs(inc, "./") || prefixIs(inc, "../"))) tmp = fileSearch(path(), inc, "layout"); else { // InputGlobal only searches in the system and // build directories. This allows to reuse and // modify files in the user directory. tmp = libFileSearch("layouts", inc, "layout", must_exist, only_global); } if (tmp.empty()) { lexrc.printError("Could not find input file: " + inc); error = true; } else if (!read(tmp, MERGE)) { lexrc.printError("Error reading input file: " + tmp.absFileName()); error = true; } } break; case TC_DEFAULTSTYLE: if (lexrc.next()) { docstring const name = from_utf8(subst(lexrc.getString(), '_', ' ')); defaultlayout_ = name; } break; case TC_MODIFYSTYLE: modify = true; // fall through case TC_PROVIDESTYLE: // if modifystyle is true, then we got here by falling through // so we are not in an ProvideStyle block if (!modify) provide = true; // fall through case TC_STYLE: { if (!lexrc.next()) { lexrc.printError("No name given for style: `$$Token'."); error = true; break; } docstring const name = from_utf8(subst(lexrc.getString(), '_', ' ')); if (name.empty()) { string s = "Could not read name for style: `$$Token' " + lexrc.getString() + " is probably not valid UTF-8!"; lexrc.printError(s); Layout lay; // Since we couldn't read the name, we just scan the rest // of the style and discard it. error = !readStyle(lexrc, lay, rt); break; } bool const have_layout = hasLayout(name); // If the layout already exists, then we want to add it to // the existing layout, as long as we are not in an ProvideStyle // block. if (have_layout && !provide) { Layout & lay = operator[](name); error = !readStyle(lexrc, lay, rt); } // If the layout does not exist, then we want to create a new // one, but not if we are in a ModifyStyle block. else if (!have_layout && !modify) { Layout layout; layout.setName(name); error = !readStyle(lexrc, layout, rt); if (!error) layoutlist_.push_back(layout); if (defaultlayout_.empty()) { // We do not have a default layout yet, so we choose // the first layout we encounter. defaultlayout_ = name; } } // There are two ways to get here: // (i) The layout exists but we are in an ProvideStyle block // (ii) The layout doesn't exist, but we are in an ModifyStyle // block. // Either way, we just scan the rest and discard it else { Layout lay; // signal to coverity that we do not care about the result (void)readStyle(lexrc, lay, rt); } break; } case TC_NOSTYLE: if (lexrc.next()) { docstring const style = from_utf8(subst(lexrc.getString(), '_', ' ')); if (!deleteLayout(style)) lyxerr << "Cannot delete style `" << to_utf8(style) << '\'' << endl; } break; case TC_NOINSETLAYOUT: if (lexrc.next()) { docstring const style = from_utf8(subst(lexrc.getString(), '_', ' ')); if (!deleteInsetLayout(style)) LYXERR0("Style `" << style << "' cannot be removed\n" "because it was not found!"); } break; case TC_COLUMNS: if (lexrc.next()) columns_ = lexrc.getInteger(); break; case TC_SIDES: if (lexrc.next()) { switch (lexrc.getInteger()) { case 1: sides_ = OneSide; break; case 2: sides_ = TwoSides; break; default: lyxerr << "Impossible number of page" " sides, setting to one." << endl; sides_ = OneSide; break; } } break; case TC_PAGESIZE: lexrc.next(); pagesize_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case TC_PAGESTYLE: lexrc.next(); pagestyle_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case TC_DEFAULTFONT: defaultfont_ = lyxRead(lexrc); if (!defaultfont_.resolved()) { lexrc.printError("Warning: defaultfont should " "be fully instantiated!"); defaultfont_.realize(sane_font); } break; case TC_SECNUMDEPTH: lexrc.next(); secnumdepth_ = lexrc.getInteger(); break; case TC_TOCDEPTH: lexrc.next(); tocdepth_ = lexrc.getInteger(); break; // First step to support options case TC_CLASSOPTIONS: readClassOptions(lexrc); break; case TC_PREAMBLE: preamble_ = lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndPreamble")); break; case TC_HTMLPREAMBLE: htmlpreamble_ = lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndPreamble")); break; case TC_HTMLSTYLES: htmlstyles_ = lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndStyles")); break; case TC_HTMLTOCSECTION: html_toc_section_ = from_utf8(trim(lexrc.getString())); break; case TC_ADDTOPREAMBLE: preamble_ += lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndPreamble")); break; case TC_ADDTOHTMLPREAMBLE: htmlpreamble_ += lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndPreamble")); break; case TC_ADDTOHTMLSTYLES: htmlstyles_ += lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndStyles")); break; case TC_PROVIDES: { lexrc.next(); string const feature = lexrc.getString(); lexrc.next(); if (lexrc.getInteger()) provides_.insert(feature); else provides_.erase(feature); break; } case TC_REQUIRES: { lexrc.eatLine(); vector const req = getVectorFromString(lexrc.getString()); required_.insert(req.begin(), req.end()); break; } case TC_PKGOPTS : { lexrc.next(); string const pkg = lexrc.getString(); lexrc.eatLine(); string const options = lexrc.getString(); package_options_[pkg] = trim(options, "\""); break; } case TC_DEFAULTMODULE: { lexrc.next(); string const module = lexrc.getString(); if (find(default_modules_.begin(), default_modules_.end(), module) == default_modules_.end()) default_modules_.push_back(module); break; } case TC_PROVIDESMODULE: { lexrc.next(); string const module = lexrc.getString(); if (find(provided_modules_.begin(), provided_modules_.end(), module) == provided_modules_.end()) provided_modules_.push_back(module); break; } case TC_EXCLUDESMODULE: { lexrc.next(); string const module = lexrc.getString(); // modules already have their own way to exclude other modules if (rt == MODULE) { LYXERR0("ExcludesModule tag cannot be used in a module!"); break; } if (find(excluded_modules_.begin(), excluded_modules_.end(), module) == excluded_modules_.end()) excluded_modules_.push_back(module); break; } case TC_LEFTMARGIN: // left margin type if (lexrc.next()) leftmargin_ = lexrc.getDocString(); break; case TC_RIGHTMARGIN: // right margin type if (lexrc.next()) rightmargin_ = lexrc.getDocString(); break; case TC_MODIFYINSETLAYOUT: modify = true; // fall through case TC_PROVIDEINSETLAYOUT: // if modifyinsetlayout is true, then we got here by falling through // so we are not in an ProvideInsetLayout block if (!modify) provide = true; // fall through case TC_INSETLAYOUT: { if (!lexrc.next()) { lexrc.printError("No name given for InsetLayout: `$$Token'."); error = true; break; } docstring const name = subst(lexrc.getDocString(), '_', ' '); bool const validating = (rt == VALIDATION); bool const have_layout = name.empty() ? false : hasInsetLayout(name); if (name.empty()) { string s = "Could not read name for InsetLayout: `$$Token' " + lexrc.getString() + " is probably not valid UTF-8!"; lexrc.printError(s); InsetLayout il; // Since we couldn't read the name, we just scan the rest // of the style and discard it. il.read(lexrc, *this); // Let's try to continue rather than abort, unless we're validating // in which case we want to report the error if (validating) error = true; } else if (have_layout && !provide) { InsetLayout & il = insetlayoutlist_[name]; error = !il.read(lexrc, *this, validating); } else if (!modify && !have_layout) { InsetLayout il; il.setName(name); error = !il.read(lexrc, *this, validating); if (!error) insetlayoutlist_[name] = il; } else { InsetLayout il; // We just scan the rest of the style and discard it. il.read(lexrc, *this); } break; } case TC_FLOAT: error = !readFloat(lexrc); break; case TC_CITEENGINE: error = !readCiteEngine(lexrc, rt); break; case TC_ADDTOCITEENGINE: error = !readCiteEngine(lexrc, rt, true); break; case TC_CITEENGINETYPE: if (lexrc.next()) opt_enginetype_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case TC_CITEFORMAT: error = !readCiteFormat(lexrc, rt); break; case TC_CITEFRAMEWORK: lexrc.next(); citeframework_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case TC_MAXCITENAMES: lexrc.next(); maxcitenames_ = size_t(lexrc.getInteger()); break; case TC_DEFAULTBIBLIO: if (lexrc.next()) { vector const dbs = getVectorFromString(rtrim(lexrc.getString()), "|"); for (auto const & dbase : dbs) { if (!contains(dbase, ':')) { vector const enginetypes = getVectorFromString(opt_enginetype_, "|"); for (string const & s: enginetypes) cite_default_biblio_style_[s] = dbase; } else { string eng; string const db = split(dbase, eng, ':'); cite_default_biblio_style_[eng] = db; } } } break; case TC_BIBINTOC: if (lexrc.next()) bibintoc_ = lexrc.getBool(); break; case TC_FULLAUTHORLIST: if (lexrc.next()) cite_full_author_list_ &= lexrc.getBool(); break; case TC_NOCOUNTER: if (lexrc.next()) { docstring const cnt = lexrc.getDocString(); if (!counters_.remove(cnt)) LYXERR0("Unable to remove counter: " + to_utf8(cnt)); } break; case TC_IFCOUNTER: ifcounter = true; // fall through case TC_COUNTER: if (lexrc.next()) { docstring const name = lexrc.getDocString(); if (name.empty()) { string s = "Could not read name for counter: `$$Token' " + lexrc.getString() + " is probably not valid UTF-8!"; lexrc.printError(s.c_str()); Counter c; // Since we couldn't read the name, we just scan the rest // and discard it. c.read(lexrc); } else error = !counters_.read(lexrc, name, !ifcounter); } else { lexrc.printError("No name given for style: `$$Token'."); error = true; } break; case TC_TITLELATEXTYPE: readTitleType(lexrc); break; case TC_TITLELATEXNAME: if (lexrc.next()) titlename_ = lexrc.getString(); break; case TC_NOFLOAT: if (lexrc.next()) { string const nofloat = lexrc.getString(); floatlist_.erase(nofloat); } break; case TC_OUTLINERNAME: error = !readOutlinerName(lexrc); break; case TC_TABLESTYLE: lexrc.next(); tablestyle_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case TC_DOCBOOKROOT: if (lexrc.next()) docbookroot_ = lexrc.getString(); break; case TC_DOCBOOKFORCEABSTRACT: if (lexrc.next()) docbookforceabstract_ = lexrc.getBool(); break; } // end of switch } // at present, we abort if we encounter an error, // so there is no point continuing. if (error) return ERROR; if (rt != BASECLASS) return OK; if (defaultlayout_.empty()) { LYXERR0("Error: Textclass '" << name_ << "' is missing a defaultstyle."); return ERROR; } // Try to erase "stdinsets" from the provides_ set. // The // Provides stdinsets 1 // declaration simply tells us that the standard insets have been // defined. (It's found in stdinsets.inc but could also be used in // user-defined files.) There isn't really any such package. So we // might as well go ahead and erase it. // If we do not succeed, then it was not there, which means that // the textclass did not provide the definitions of the standard // insets. So we need to try to load them. size_type const erased = provides_.erase("stdinsets"); if (!erased) { FileName tmp = libFileSearch("layouts", "stdinsets.inc"); if (tmp.empty()) { frontend::Alert::warning(_("Missing File"), _("Could not find stdinsets.inc! This may lead to data loss!")); error = true; } else if (!read(tmp, MERGE)) { frontend::Alert::warning(_("Corrupt File"), _("Could not read stdinsets.inc! This may lead to data loss!")); error = true; } } min_toclevel_ = Layout::NOT_IN_TOC; max_toclevel_ = Layout::NOT_IN_TOC; for (auto const & lay : *this) { int const toclevel = lay.toclevel; if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC) { if (min_toclevel_ == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC) min_toclevel_ = toclevel; else min_toclevel_ = min(min_toclevel_, toclevel); max_toclevel_ = max(max_toclevel_, toclevel); } } LYXERR(Debug::TCLASS, "Minimum TocLevel is " << min_toclevel_ << ", maximum is " << max_toclevel_); return (error ? ERROR : OK); } void TextClass::readTitleType(Lexer & lexrc) { LexerKeyword titleTypeTags[] = { { "commandafter", TITLE_COMMAND_AFTER }, { "environment", TITLE_ENVIRONMENT } }; PushPopHelper pph(lexrc, titleTypeTags); int le = lexrc.lex(); switch (le) { case Lexer::LEX_UNDEF: lexrc.printError("Unknown output type `$$Token'"); break; case TITLE_COMMAND_AFTER: case TITLE_ENVIRONMENT: titletype_ = static_cast(le); break; default: LYXERR0("Unhandled value " << le << " in TextClass::readTitleType."); break; } } void TextClass::readOutputType(Lexer & lexrc) { LexerKeyword outputTypeTags[] = { { "latex", LATEX }, { "literate", LITERATE } }; PushPopHelper pph(lexrc, outputTypeTags); int le = lexrc.lex(); switch (le) { case Lexer::LEX_UNDEF: lexrc.printError("Unknown output type `$$Token'"); return; case LATEX: case LITERATE: outputType_ = static_cast(le); break; default: LYXERR0("Unhandled value " << le); break; } } void TextClass::readClassOptions(Lexer & lexrc) { enum { CO_FONTSIZE = 1, CO_FONTSIZE_FORMAT, CO_PAGESIZE, CO_PAGESIZE_FORMAT, CO_PAGESTYLE, CO_OTHER, CO_END }; LexerKeyword classOptionsTags[] = { {"end", CO_END }, {"fontsize", CO_FONTSIZE }, {"fontsizeformat", CO_FONTSIZE_FORMAT }, {"other", CO_OTHER }, {"pagesize", CO_PAGESIZE }, {"pagesizeformat", CO_PAGESIZE_FORMAT }, {"pagestyle", CO_PAGESTYLE } }; lexrc.pushTable(classOptionsTags); bool getout = false; while (!getout && lexrc.isOK()) { int le = lexrc.lex(); switch (le) { case Lexer::LEX_UNDEF: lexrc.printError("Unknown ClassOption tag `$$Token'"); continue; default: break; } switch (le) { case CO_FONTSIZE: lexrc.next(); opt_fontsize_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case CO_FONTSIZE_FORMAT: lexrc.next(); fontsize_format_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case CO_PAGESIZE: lexrc.next(); opt_pagesize_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case CO_PAGESIZE_FORMAT: lexrc.next(); pagesize_format_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case CO_PAGESTYLE: lexrc.next(); opt_pagestyle_ = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); break; case CO_OTHER: lexrc.next(); if (options_.empty()) options_ = lexrc.getString(); else options_ += ',' + lexrc.getString(); break; case CO_END: getout = true; break; } } lexrc.popTable(); } vector const & TextClass::getCiteStyles( CiteEngineType const & type) const { static vector empty; map >::const_iterator it = cite_styles_.find(type); if (it == cite_styles_.end()) return empty; return it->second; } bool TextClass::readCiteEngine(Lexer & lexrc, ReadType rt, bool const add) { int const type = readCiteEngineType(lexrc); bool authoryear = (type & ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR); bool numerical = (type & ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL); bool defce = (type & ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT); if (rt == CITE_ENGINE) { // The cite engines are not supposed to overwrite // CiteStyle defined by the class or a module. if (authoryear) authoryear = getCiteStyles(ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR).empty(); if (numerical) numerical = getCiteStyles(ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL).empty(); if (defce) defce = getCiteStyles(ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT).empty(); } if (rt != CITE_ENGINE && !add) { // Reset if we defined CiteStyle // from the class or a module if (authoryear) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR].clear(); if (numerical) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL].clear(); if (defce) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT].clear(); } string def; bool getout = false; while (!getout && lexrc.isOK()) { lexrc.eatLine(); def = lexrc.getString(); def = subst(def, " ", ""); def = subst(def, "\t", ""); if (compare_ascii_no_case(def, "end") == 0) { getout = true; continue; } CitationStyle cs; char ichar = def[0]; if (ichar == '#') continue; if (isUpperCase(ichar)) { cs.forceUpperCase = true; def[0] = lowercase(ichar); } /** For portability reasons (between different * cite engines such as natbib and biblatex), * we distinguish between: * 1. The LyX name as output in the LyX file * 2. Possible aliases that might fall back to * the given LyX name in the current engine * 3. The actual LaTeX command that is output * (2) and (3) are optional. * Also, the GUI string for the starred version can * be changed * The syntax is: * LyXName|alias,nextalias*[][]=latexcmd */ enum ScanMode { LyXName, Alias, LaTeXCmd, StarDesc }; ScanMode mode = LyXName; ScanMode oldmode = LyXName; string lyx_cmd; string alias; string latex_cmd; string stardesc; size_t const n = def.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) { ichar = def[i]; if (ichar == '|') mode = Alias; else if (ichar == '=') mode = LaTeXCmd; else if (ichar == '<') { oldmode = mode; mode = StarDesc; } else if (ichar == '>') mode = oldmode; else if (mode == LaTeXCmd) latex_cmd += ichar; else if (mode == StarDesc) stardesc += ichar; else if (ichar == '$') cs.hasQualifiedList = true; else if (ichar == '*') cs.hasStarredVersion = true; else if (ichar == '[' && cs.textAfter) cs.textBefore = true; else if (ichar == '[') cs.textAfter = true; else if (ichar != ']') { if (mode == Alias) alias += ichar; else lyx_cmd += ichar; } } cs.name = lyx_cmd; cs.cmd = latex_cmd.empty() ? lyx_cmd : latex_cmd; if (!alias.empty()) { vector const aliases = getVectorFromString(alias); for (string const & s: aliases) cite_command_aliases_[s] = lyx_cmd; } vector const stardescs = getVectorFromString(stardesc, "!"); int size = int(stardesc.size()); if (size > 0) cs.stardesc = stardescs[0]; if (size > 1) cs.startooltip = stardescs[1]; if (add) { if (authoryear) class_cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR].push_back(cs); if (numerical) class_cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL].push_back(cs); if (defce) class_cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT].push_back(cs); } else { if (authoryear) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR].push_back(cs); if (numerical) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL].push_back(cs); if (defce) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT].push_back(cs); } } // If we do AddToCiteEngine, do not apply yet, // except if we have already a style to add something to bool apply_ay = !add; bool apply_num = !add; bool apply_def = !add; if (add) { if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR) apply_ay = !getCiteStyles(ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR).empty(); if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL) apply_num = !getCiteStyles(ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL).empty(); if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT) apply_def = !getCiteStyles(ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT).empty(); } // Add the styles from AddToCiteEngine to the class' styles // (but only if they are not yet defined) for (auto const & cis : class_cite_styles_) { // Only consider the current CiteEngineType if (!(type & cis.first)) continue; for (auto const & ciss : cis.second) { bool defined = false; // Check if the style "name" is already def'ed for (auto const & av : getCiteStyles(cis.first)) if (av.name == ciss.name) defined = true; if (!defined) { if (cis.first == ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR && apply_ay) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR].push_back(ciss); else if (cis.first == ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL && apply_num) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL].push_back(ciss); else if (cis.first == ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT && apply_def) cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT].push_back(ciss); } } } if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR && apply_ay) class_cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR].clear(); if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL && apply_num) class_cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL].clear(); if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT && apply_def) class_cite_styles_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT].clear(); return getout; } int TextClass::readCiteEngineType(Lexer & lexrc) const { static_assert(ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT == (ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR | ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL), "Incorrect default engine type"); if (!lexrc.next()) { lexrc.printError("No cite engine type given for token: `$$Token'."); return ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT; } string const type = rtrim(lexrc.getString()); if (compare_ascii_no_case(type, "authoryear") == 0) return ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR; else if (compare_ascii_no_case(type, "numerical") == 0) return ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL; else if (compare_ascii_no_case(type, "default") != 0) { string const s = "Unknown cite engine type `" + type + "' given for token: `$$Token',"; lexrc.printError(s); } return ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT; } bool TextClass::readCiteFormat(Lexer & lexrc, ReadType rt) { int const type = readCiteEngineType(lexrc); string etype; string definition; // Cite engine definitions do not overwrite existing // definitions from the class or a module bool const overwrite = rt != CITE_ENGINE; while (lexrc.isOK()) { lexrc.next(); etype = lexrc.getString(); if (compare_ascii_no_case(etype, "end") == 0) break; if (!lexrc.isOK()) return false; lexrc.eatLine(); definition = lexrc.getString(); char initchar = etype[0]; if (initchar == '#') continue; if (initchar == '!' || initchar == '_' || prefixIs(etype, "B_")) { bool defined = false; bool aydefined = false; bool numdefined = false; // Check if the macro is already def'ed for (auto const & cm : cite_macros_) { if (!(type & cm.first)) continue; if (cm.second.find(etype) != cm.second.end()) { if (type == cm.first) // defined as default or specific type defined = true; if (cm.first == ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR) // defined for author-year aydefined = true; else if (cm.first == ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL) // defined for numerical numdefined = true; } } if (!defined || overwrite) { if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR && (type != ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT || !aydefined)) cite_macros_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR][etype] = definition; if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL && (type != ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT || !numdefined)) cite_macros_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL][etype] = definition; if (type == ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT) cite_macros_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT][etype] = definition; } } else { bool defined = false; bool aydefined = false; bool numdefined = false; // Check if the format is already def'ed for (auto const & cm : cite_formats_) { if (!(type & cm.first)) continue; if (cm.second.find(etype) != cm.second.end()) { if (type == cm.first) // defined as default or specific type defined = true; if (cm.first == ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR) // defined for author-year aydefined = true; else if (cm.first == ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL) // defined for numerical numdefined = true; } } if (!defined || overwrite){ if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR && (type != ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT || !aydefined)) cite_formats_[ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR][etype] = definition; if (type & ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL && (type != ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT || !numdefined)) cite_formats_[ENGINE_TYPE_NUMERICAL][etype] = definition; if (type == ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT) cite_formats_[ENGINE_TYPE_DEFAULT][etype] = definition; } } } return true; } bool TextClass::readFloat(Lexer & lexrc) { enum { FT_TYPE = 1, FT_NAME, FT_PLACEMENT, FT_EXT, FT_WITHIN, FT_STYLE, FT_LISTNAME, FT_USESFLOAT, FT_PREDEFINED, FT_HTMLSTYLE, FT_HTMLATTR, FT_HTMLTAG, FT_DOCBOOKATTR, FT_DOCBOOKFLOATTYPE, FT_DOCBOOKTAG, FT_DOCBOOKTAGTYPE, FT_DOCBOOKCAPTION, FT_LISTCOMMAND, FT_REFPREFIX, FT_ALLOWED_PLACEMENT, FT_ALLOWS_SIDEWAYS, FT_ALLOWS_WIDE, FT_REQUIRES, FT_PRETTYFORMAT, FT_END }; LexerKeyword floatTags[] = { { "allowedplacement", FT_ALLOWED_PLACEMENT }, { "allowssideways", FT_ALLOWS_SIDEWAYS }, { "allowswide", FT_ALLOWS_WIDE }, { "docbookattr", FT_DOCBOOKATTR }, { "docbookcaption", FT_DOCBOOKCAPTION }, { "docbookfloattype", FT_DOCBOOKFLOATTYPE }, { "docbooktag", FT_DOCBOOKTAG }, { "docbooktagtype", FT_DOCBOOKTAGTYPE }, { "end", FT_END }, { "extension", FT_EXT }, { "guiname", FT_NAME }, { "htmlattr", FT_HTMLATTR }, { "htmlstyle", FT_HTMLSTYLE }, { "htmltag", FT_HTMLTAG }, { "ispredefined", FT_PREDEFINED }, { "listcommand", FT_LISTCOMMAND }, { "listname", FT_LISTNAME }, { "numberwithin", FT_WITHIN }, { "placement", FT_PLACEMENT }, { "prettyformat", FT_PRETTYFORMAT }, { "refprefix", FT_REFPREFIX }, { "requires", FT_REQUIRES }, { "style", FT_STYLE }, { "type", FT_TYPE }, { "usesfloatpkg", FT_USESFLOAT } }; lexrc.pushTable(floatTags); string ext; string htmlattr; docstring htmlstyle; string htmltag; string docbookattr; string docbookcaption; string docbooktag; string docbooktagtype; string docbookfloattype; string listname; string listcommand; string name; string placement; string allowed_placement = "!htbpH"; string refprefix; string style; string type; string within; string required; docstring prettyformat; bool usesfloat = true; bool ispredefined = false; bool allowswide = true; bool allowssideways = true; bool getout = false; while (!getout && lexrc.isOK()) { int le = lexrc.lex(); switch (le) { case Lexer::LEX_UNDEF: lexrc.printError("Unknown float tag `$$Token'"); continue; default: break; } switch (le) { case FT_TYPE: lexrc.next(); type = lexrc.getString(); if (floatlist_.typeExist(type)) { Floating const & fl = floatlist_.getType(type); placement = fl.placement(); ext = fl.ext(); within = fl.within(); style = fl.style(); name = fl.name(); listname = fl.listName(); usesfloat = fl.usesFloatPkg(); ispredefined = fl.isPredefined(); listcommand = fl.listCommand(); refprefix = fl.refPrefix(); } break; case FT_NAME: lexrc.next(); name = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_PLACEMENT: lexrc.next(); placement = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_ALLOWED_PLACEMENT: lexrc.next(); allowed_placement = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_EXT: lexrc.next(); ext = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_WITHIN: lexrc.next(); within = lexrc.getString(); if (within == "none") within.erase(); break; case FT_STYLE: lexrc.next(); style = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_LISTCOMMAND: lexrc.next(); listcommand = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_REFPREFIX: lexrc.next(); refprefix = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_LISTNAME: lexrc.next(); listname = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_USESFLOAT: lexrc.next(); usesfloat = lexrc.getBool(); break; case FT_REQUIRES: lexrc.next(); required = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_PREDEFINED: lexrc.next(); ispredefined = lexrc.getBool(); break; case FT_ALLOWS_SIDEWAYS: lexrc.next(); allowssideways = lexrc.getBool(); break; case FT_ALLOWS_WIDE: lexrc.next(); allowswide = lexrc.getBool(); break; case FT_HTMLATTR: lexrc.next(); htmlattr = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_HTMLSTYLE: lexrc.next(); htmlstyle = lexrc.getLongString(from_ascii("EndHTMLStyle")); break; case FT_HTMLTAG: lexrc.next(); htmltag = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_PRETTYFORMAT: lexrc.next(); prettyformat = lexrc.getDocString(); break; case FT_DOCBOOKATTR: lexrc.next(); docbookattr = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_DOCBOOKCAPTION: lexrc.next(); docbookcaption = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_DOCBOOKTAG: lexrc.next(); docbooktag = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_DOCBOOKTAGTYPE: lexrc.next(); docbooktagtype = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_DOCBOOKFLOATTYPE: lexrc.next(); docbookfloattype = lexrc.getString(); break; case FT_END: getout = true; break; default: LYXERR0("Unhandled value " << le << " in TextClass::readFloat."); break; } } lexrc.popTable(); // Here we have a full float if getout == true if (getout) { if (!usesfloat && listcommand.empty()) { // if this float uses the same auxfile as an existing one, // there is no need for it to provide a list command. bool found_ext = false; for (auto const & f : floatlist_) { if (f.second.ext() == ext) { found_ext = true; break; } } if (!found_ext) LYXERR0("The layout does not provide a list command " << "for the float `" << type << "'. LyX will " << "not be able to produce a float list."); } Floating fl(type, placement, ext, within, style, name, listname, listcommand, refprefix, allowed_placement, htmltag, htmlattr, htmlstyle, docbooktag, docbookattr, docbooktagtype, docbookfloattype, docbookcaption, required, usesfloat, ispredefined, allowswide, allowssideways); floatlist_.newFloat(fl); // each float has its own counter counters_.newCounter(from_ascii(type), from_ascii(within), docstring(), docstring(), prettyformat.empty() ? bformat(_("%1$s ##"), _(name)) : prettyformat, bformat(_("%1$s (Float)"), _(name))); // also define sub-float counters docstring const subtype = "sub-" + from_ascii(type); counters_.newCounter(subtype, from_ascii(type), "\\alph{" + subtype + "}", docstring(), prettyformat.empty() ? bformat(_("Sub-%1$s ##"), _(name)) : prettyformat, bformat(_("Sub-%1$s (Float)"), _(name))); } return getout; } bool TextClass::readOutlinerName(Lexer & lexrc) { std::string type; docstring name; if (lexrc.next()) type = lexrc.getString(); else { lexrc.printError("No type given for OutlinerName: `$$Token'."); return false; } if (lexrc.next()) name = lexrc.getDocString(); else { lexrc.printError("No name given for OutlinerName: `$$Token'."); return false; } outliner_names_[type] = name; return true; } string const & TextClass::prerequisites(string const & sep) const { if (contains(prerequisites_, ',')) { vector const pres = getVectorFromString(prerequisites_); prerequisites_ = getStringFromVector(pres, sep); } return prerequisites_; } bool TextClass::hasLayout(docstring const & n) const { docstring const name = n.empty() ? defaultLayoutName() : n; return getLayout(name) != nullptr; } bool TextClass::hasInsetLayout(docstring const & n) const { if (n.empty()) return false; InsetLayouts::const_iterator it = insetlayoutlist_.find(n); return it != insetlayoutlist_.end(); } Layout const & TextClass::operator[](docstring const & name) const { LATTEST(!name.empty()); Layout const * c = getLayout(name); if (!c) { LYXERR0("We failed to find the layout '" << name << "' in the layout list. You MUST investigate!"); for (auto const & lay : *this) lyxerr << " " << to_utf8(lay.name()) << endl; // We require the name to exist static const Layout dummy; LASSERT(false, return dummy); } return *c; } Layout & TextClass::operator[](docstring const & name) { LATTEST(!name.empty()); // Safe to continue, given what we do below. Layout * c = getLayout(name); if (!c) { LYXERR0("We failed to find the layout '" << to_utf8(name) << "' in the layout list. You MUST investigate!"); for (auto const & lay : *this) LYXERR0(" " << to_utf8(lay.name())); // we require the name to exist LATTEST(false); // we are here only in release mode layoutlist_.push_back(createBasicLayout(name, true)); c = getLayout(name); } return *c; } bool TextClass::deleteLayout(docstring const & name) { if (name == defaultLayoutName() || name == plainLayoutName()) return false; LayoutList::iterator it = remove_if(layoutlist_.begin(), layoutlist_.end(), [name](const Layout &c) { return c.name() == name; }); LayoutList::iterator const end = layoutlist_.end(); bool const ret = (it != end); layoutlist_.erase(it, end); return ret; } bool TextClass::deleteInsetLayout(docstring const & name) { return insetlayoutlist_.erase(name); } // Load textclass info if not loaded yet bool TextClass::load(string const & path) const { if (loaded_) return true; // Read style-file, provided path is searched before the system ones // If path is a file, it is loaded directly. FileName layout_file(path); if (!path.empty() && !layout_file.isReadableFile()) layout_file = FileName(addName(path, name_ + ".layout")); if (layout_file.empty() || !layout_file.exists()) layout_file = libFileSearch("layouts", name_, "layout"); loaded_ = const_cast(this)->read(layout_file); if (!loaded_) { lyxerr << "Error reading `" << to_utf8(makeDisplayPath(layout_file.absFileName())) << "'\n(Check `" << name_ << "')\nCheck your installation and " "try Tools/Reconfigure..." << endl; } return loaded_; } Layout const * TextClass::getLayout(docstring const & name) const { LayoutList::const_iterator cit = find_if(begin(), end(), [name](const Layout &c) { return c.name() == name; }); if (cit == layoutlist_.end()) return nullptr; return &(*cit); } Layout * TextClass::getLayout(docstring const & name) { LayoutList::iterator it = find_if(layoutlist_.begin(), layoutlist_.end(), [name](const Layout &c) { return c.name() == name; }); if (it == layoutlist_.end()) return nullptr; return &(*it); } bool DocumentClass::addLayoutIfNeeded(docstring const & n) const { if (hasLayout(n)) return false; layoutlist_.push_back(createBasicLayout(n, true)); return true; } string DocumentClass::forcedLayouts() const { ostringstream os; bool first = true; for (auto const & lay : *this) { if (lay.forcelocal > 0) { if (first) { os << "Format " << LAYOUT_FORMAT << '\n'; first = false; } lay.write(os); } } return os.str(); } InsetLayout const & DocumentClass::insetLayout(docstring const & name) const { // FIXME The fix for the InsetLayout part of 4812 would be here: // Add the InsetLayout to the document class if it is not found. docstring n = name; InsetLayouts::const_iterator cen = insetlayoutlist_.end(); while (!n.empty()) { InsetLayouts::const_iterator cit = insetlayoutlist_.lower_bound(n); if (cit != cen && cit->first == n) { if (cit->second.obsoleted_by().empty()) return cit->second; n = cit->second.obsoleted_by(); return insetLayout(n); } // If we have a generic prefix (e.g., "Note:"), // try if this one alone is found. size_t i = n.find(':'); if (i == string::npos) break; n = n.substr(0, i); } // Layout "name" not found. return plainInsetLayout(); } InsetLayout const & DocumentClass::plainInsetLayout() { static const InsetLayout plain_insetlayout_; return plain_insetlayout_; } docstring const & TextClass::defaultLayoutName() const { return defaultlayout_; } Layout const & TextClass::defaultLayout() const { return operator[](defaultLayoutName()); } bool TextClass::isDefaultLayout(Layout const & layout) const { return layout.name() == defaultLayoutName(); } bool TextClass::isPlainLayout(Layout const & layout) const { return layout.name() == plainLayoutName(); } Layout TextClass::createBasicLayout(docstring const & name, bool unknown) const { static Layout * defaultLayout = nullptr; if (defaultLayout) { defaultLayout->setUnknown(unknown); defaultLayout->setName(name); return *defaultLayout; } static char const * s = "Margin Static\n" "LatexType Paragraph\n" "LatexName dummy\n" "Align Block\n" "AlignPossible Left, Right, Center\n" "LabelType No_Label\n" "End"; istringstream ss(s); Lexer lex(textClassTags); lex.setStream(ss); defaultLayout = new Layout; defaultLayout->setUnknown(unknown); defaultLayout->setName(name); if (!readStyle(lex, *defaultLayout, BASECLASS)) { // The only way this happens is because the hardcoded layout above // is wrong. LATTEST(false); }; return *defaultLayout; } DocumentClassPtr getDocumentClass(LayoutFile const & baseClass, LayoutModuleList const & modlist, string const & cengine, bool clone, bool internal) { bool const show_warnings = !clone && !internal; DocumentClassPtr doc_class = DocumentClassPtr(new DocumentClass(baseClass)); for (auto const & mod : modlist) { LyXModule * lm = theModuleList[mod]; if (!lm) { if (show_warnings) { docstring const msg = bformat(_("The module %1$s has been requested by\n" "this document but has not been found in the list of\n" "available modules. If you recently installed it, you\n" "probably need to reconfigure LyX.\n"), from_utf8(mod)); frontend::Alert::warning(_("Module not available"), msg); } continue; } if (!lm->isAvailable() && show_warnings) { docstring const prereqs = from_utf8(getStringFromVector(lm->prerequisites(), "\n\t")); docstring const msg = bformat(_("The module %1$s requires a package that is not\n" "available in your LaTeX installation, or a converter that\n" "you have not installed. LaTeX output may not be possible.\n" "Missing prerequisites:\n" "\t%2$s\n" "See section (Modules) of the User's Guide for more information."), from_utf8(mod), prereqs); frontend::Alert::warning(_("Package not available"), msg, true); } FileName layout_file = libFileSearch("layouts", lm->getFilename()); if (!doc_class->read(layout_file, TextClass::MODULE)) { docstring const msg = bformat(_("Error reading module %1$s\n"), from_utf8(mod)); frontend::Alert::warning(_("Read Error"), msg); } } if (cengine.empty()) return doc_class; LyXCiteEngine * ce = theCiteEnginesList[cengine]; if (!ce) { if (show_warnings) { docstring const msg = bformat(_("The cite engine %1$s has been requested by\n" "this document but has not been found in the list of\n" "available engines. If you recently installed it, you\n" "probably need to reconfigure LyX.\n"), from_utf8(cengine)); frontend::Alert::warning(_("Cite Engine not available"), msg); } } else if (!ce->isAvailable() && show_warnings) { docstring const prereqs = from_utf8(getStringFromVector(ce->prerequisites(), "\n\t")); docstring const msg = bformat(_("The cite engine %1$s requires a package that is not\n" "available in your LaTeX installation, or a converter that\n" "you have not installed. LaTeX output may not be possible.\n" "Missing prerequisites:\n" "\t%2$s\n" "See section (Modules) of the User's Guide for more information."), from_utf8(cengine), prereqs); frontend::Alert::warning(_("Package not available"), msg, true); } else { FileName layout_file = libFileSearch("citeengines", ce->getFilename()); if (!doc_class->read(layout_file, TextClass::CITE_ENGINE)) { docstring const msg = bformat(_("Error reading cite engine %1$s\n"), from_utf8(cengine)); frontend::Alert::warning(_("Read Error"), msg); } } return doc_class; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DocumentClass // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DocumentClass::DocumentClass(LayoutFile const & tc) : TextClass(tc) {} bool DocumentClass::hasLaTeXLayout(std::string const & lay) const { for (auto const & l : layoutlist_) if (l.latexname() == lay) return true; return false; } bool DocumentClass::provides(string const & p) const { return provides_.find(p) != provides_.end(); } bool DocumentClass::hasTocLevels() const { return min_toclevel_ != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC; } Layout const & DocumentClass::getTOCLayout() const { // we're going to look for the layout with the minimum toclevel int minlevel = 1000; Layout const * lay = nullptr; for (auto const & l : *this) { int const level = l.toclevel; // we don't want Part or unnumbered sections if (level == Layout::NOT_IN_TOC || level < 0 || level >= minlevel || l.counter.empty()) continue; lay = &l; minlevel = level; } if (lay) return *lay; // hmm. that is very odd, so we'll do our best. return operator[](defaultLayoutName()); } Layout const & DocumentClass::htmlTOCLayout() const { if (html_toc_section_.empty()) html_toc_section_ = getTOCLayout().name(); return operator[](html_toc_section_); } string const DocumentClass::getCiteFormat(CiteEngineType const & type, string const & entry, bool const punct, string const & fallback) const { string default_format = "{%fullnames:author%[[%fullnames:author%, ]][[{%fullnames:editor%[[%fullnames:editor%, ed., ]]}]]}" "\"%title%\"{%journal%[[, {!!}%journal%{!!}]][[{%publisher%[[, %publisher%]]" "[[{%institution%[[, %institution%]]}]]}]]}{%year%[[ (%year%)]]}{%pages%[[, %pages%]]}"; if (punct) default_format += "."; map >::const_iterator itype = cite_formats_.find(type); if (itype == cite_formats_.end()) return default_format; map::const_iterator it = itype->second.find(entry); if (it == itype->second.end() && !fallback.empty()) it = itype->second.find(fallback); if (it == itype->second.end()) return default_format; if (punct) return it->second + "."; return it->second; } string const & DocumentClass::getCiteMacro(CiteEngineType const & type, string const & macro) const { static string empty; map >::const_iterator itype = cite_macros_.find(type); if (itype == cite_macros_.end()) return empty; map::const_iterator it = itype->second.find(macro); if (it == itype->second.end()) return empty; return it->second; } vector const DocumentClass::citeCommands( CiteEngineType const & type) const { vector const styles = citeStyles(type); vector cmds; cmds.reserve(styles.size()); for (auto const & cs : styles) cmds.push_back(cs.name); return cmds; } vector const & DocumentClass::citeStyles( CiteEngineType const & type) const { static vector empty; map >::const_iterator it = cite_styles_.find(type); if (it == cite_styles_.end()) return empty; return it->second; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PageSides // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, PageSides p) { switch (p) { case OneSide: os << '1'; break; case TwoSides: os << '2'; break; } return os; } } // namespace lyx