#------------------------------------------------------------- # - - - - - - - - - - - - Preamble - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #------------------------------------------------------------- # Do a Cyclic Redundancy Check to make sure the installer # was not corrupted by the download. CRCCheck force # Make the installer as small as possible SetCompressor /SOLID lzma # Make it a Unicode installer Unicode true # Enable support for high DPI resolution ManifestDPIAware true Name "LyX ${APP_VERSION}" # Name of the Program to be displayed during installation BrandingText " " # Remove branding text ('Nullsoft Install System vX.XX') # ===== Variables ===== Var LatexPath # Used to store path to "latex.exe" Var StartMenuFolder # Used to store the start menu folder Var pathPrefix # FIXME Variables needed due to "old" set of language strings, delete Var LaTeXInstalled Var LaTeXName Var OldVersionNumber Var AppPre Var AppSuff # R3 # FIXME Compile time constants needed due to "old" set of language strings, delete !define APP_SERIES_KEY2 ${APP_VERSION} !define APP_DIR_USERDATA "LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" # ========= Multiuser settings ========= !define MULTIUSER_MUI # Multiuser uses modern UI 2 !define MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL Highest # Can install with any privileges (admin, user) !if ${APP_ARCHITECTURE} = 64 !define MULTIUSER_USE_PROGRAMFILES64 # Install 64 bit program in "Program files" instead of "Program files (x86)" !endif !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_COMMANDLINE # Allow setting installmode in commandline (/AllUsers or /CurrentUser) # Set default install mode based on a non empty registry entry (if exists in HKLM, then all users, if HKCU then current user) !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY "SOFTWARE\LyX" !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "InstDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR "LyX ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" # Default install dir if not over-installing # Retrieve default install location from following registry entry (HKCU/HKLM is chosen automatically) !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY "SOFTWARE\LyX" !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "InstDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" !include MultiUser.nsh # Header file: Installer configuration for multi-user Windows environments # When MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_COMMANDLINE is defined, MultiUser.nsh defines ${StrStr} and ${UnStrStr} functions # ============= Modern UI 2 general settings =============== #!include MUI2.nsh # included in MultiUser # Header file for creating modern looking installer !define MUI_ABORTWARNING # Show a message box with a warning when the user wants to close the installer. !define MUI_ICON "..\installer\icons\lyx.ico" # FIXME path # The icon for the installer. !define MUI_UNICON "..\installer\icons\lyx.ico" # FIXME path # The icon for the uninstaller !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE # Display an image on the header of the page. !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "..\installer\graphics\header.bmp" # FIXME path # Header image source !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_RIGHT # Display header image on the right and not left !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "..\installer\graphics\wizard.bmp" # FIXME path # Source for image on welcome and finish page of the installer !define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "..\installer\graphics\wizard.bmp" # FIXME path # Source for image on welcome and finish page of the uninstaller # ======== Pages definitions ========== # Installer !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT $(TEXT_WELCOME) # Use custom welcome text !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME # Welcome page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\installer\license.rtf" # FIXME path # License page !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE PrepareShellCTX # Prepare shell context before the multiuser page is created, so that the installer searches for default install folder in the right context (x64/x32) !insertmacro MULTIUSER_PAGE_INSTALLMODE # Multiuser page !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE VerifyInstDir # Custom leave-function for directory page to verify installdir !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY # Directory page (where to install) !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE DefaultDesktopFileAssoc # Custom pre-function for components page to search for already present dictionaries (in dictionaries.nsh) !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS # Components page (what to install) # Default startmenu folder if registry contains no information from a previous installment, same as the default install dir !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_DEFAULTFOLDER "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR}" # Define registry entry to store the startmenu folder, also reads this entry in as default startmenu folder in case of over-installing !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT "SHCTX" # Context dependent on what the user chooses on multiuser page !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "SOFTWARE\LyX" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "SMDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE PrepareShellCTX # Prepare shell context before the startmenu page is created, so that the installer searches for default startmenu folder in the right context !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW RetrieveSMState # Custom show-function for startmenu page to disable startmenu dir creation in case of over-installment where previously disabled !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU startmenuPage $StartMenuFolder # Page to choose start menu folder entry, the folder is stored in VARIABLE # Latexfolder page !include "src\CustomPages\LaTeXFolder.nsdinc" Page custom LatexFolder_Show LatexFolder_Leave !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES # Progress page !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME # Showreadme-checkbox appears !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_NOTCHECKED # Showreadme-checkbox disabled by default !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_FUNCTION StartLyX # Custom function for the showreadme-checkbox (start latex instead of show readme) !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT $(FinishPageRun) # Custom text for the label on the showreadme-checkbox !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK $(TEXT_FINISH_WEBSITE) # Text for the link on the bottom of finish page !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION "https://www.lyx.org/" # Website opens by clicking on the link on finish page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH # Finish page # Uninstaller !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME # Welcome page !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM # Confirmation page !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE un.ComponentsPre # Custom function for components page to prepare strings for the description of a section !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_COMPONENTS # Components page !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES # Progress page !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH # Finish page # ======= Other includes ======= !include "src\lang\TranslatedLanguages.nsh" # languages strings #!include LogicLib.nsh # included in MUI2 # Allows using logic commands (such as ${If}..${Else}..${EndIf}) #!include LangFile.nsh # included in MUI2 # Header file to create language files that can be included with a single command. !include x64.nsh # Header file to check if target system is 64 bit or not with ${RunningX64}, also defines ${DisableX64FSRedirection} and ${EnableX64FSRedirection} !include NSISList.nsh # Header file to create and work with lists in NSIS (plugin) #!include StrFunc.nsh # included in MultiUser # Provides some additional string functions ${StrRep} # Define this function from StrFunc.nsh for further use ${StrStrAdv} # Define this function from StrFunc.nsh for further use ${UnStrStrAdv} # Define this function from StrFunc.nsh for further use ${UnStrRep} # Define this function from StrFunc.nsh for further use # ========= Installer Attributes =========== VIProductVersion "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_REVISION}.${VERSION_BUILD}" # Must be X.X.X.X format VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "ProductName" "LyX" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "ProductVersion" "LyX ${APP_VERSION} installer" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileVersion" "${APP_VERSION}" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileDescription" "LyX - The Document Processor" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalCopyright" "LyX is Copyright © 1995 by Matthias Ettrich, 1995-${COPYRIGHT_YEAR} by the LyX Team" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "CompanyName" "LyX Team" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalTrademarks" "" #------------------------------------------------------------- # - - - - - - - - - - Helper Functions - - - - - - - - - - - - #------------------------------------------------------------- # Forward declarations !macro SearchAllRegistry resultVar resultStateIdx resultRegIdx subKey searchFor startStateIdx startRegIdx Push ${subKey} Push ${searchFor} Push ${startStateIdx} Push ${startRegIdx} Call SearchAllRegistry Pop ${resultStateIdx} Pop ${resultRegIdx} Pop ${resultVar} !macroend !define SearchAllRegistry "!insertmacro SearchAllRegistry" !macro SearchRegistry resultVar resultRegIdx subKey searchFor startRegIdx Push ${subKey} Push ${searchFor} Push ${startRegIdx} Call SearchRegistry Pop ${resultRegIdx} Pop ${resultVar} !macroend !define SearchRegistry "!insertmacro SearchRegistry" # Functions Function SearchAllRegistry Exch $9 # startRegIdx Exch Exch $8 # startStateIdx Exch 2 Exch $7 # searchFor Exch 3 Exch $6 # subKey Push $5 ${Do} ${Select} $8 ${Case} 0 SetShellVarContext all ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${Else} IntOp $8 $8 + 1 ${EndIf} ${Case} 1 SetShellVarContext all ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 32 ${EndIf} ${Case} 2 SetShellVarContext current ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${Else} IntOp $8 $8 + 1 ${EndIf} ${Case} 3 SetShellVarContext current ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 32 ${EndIf} ${EndSelect} ${SearchRegistry} $5 $9 $6 $7 $9 ${If} $5 != "" ${Break} ${EndIf} IntOp $8 $8 + 1 StrCpy $9 0 ${LoopUntil} $8 >= 4 Exch $5 # resultVar Exch 4 Pop $7 Pop $6 Exch $9 # resultRegIdx Exch Exch $8 # resultStateIdx FunctionEnd Function SearchRegistry Exch $9 # startRegIdx Exch Exch $8 # searchFor Exch 2 Exch $7 #subKey Push $6 Push $5 ${Do} EnumRegKey $6 SHCTX $7 $9 ${StrStr} $5 $6 $8 IntOp $9 $9 + 1 ${If} $5 != "" ${Break} ${EndIf} ${LoopUntil} $6 == "" Exch $5 # resultVar Exch 4 Pop $8 Pop $6 Pop $7 Exch $9 # resultRegIdx FunctionEnd !macro PrepareShellCTX ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "CurrentUser" SetShellVarContext current ${Else} SetShellVarContext all ${EndIf} ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView ${APP_ARCHITECTURE} ${EndIf} !macroend Function PrepareShellCTX !insertmacro PrepareShellCTX FunctionEnd Function un.PrepareShellCTX !insertmacro PrepareShellCTX FunctionEnd #------------------------------------------------------------- # - - - - - - - - - - - - Sections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #------------------------------------------------------------- # ============ Installer Page Functions ============ Function .onInit # Callback function, called at the very beginning, when user double clicks on the installer !if ${APP_ARCHITECTURE} = 64 # If 64 bit installer # Abort if not 64 bit Windows ${IfNot} ${RunningX64} MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Cannot install a 64 bit application on 32 bit Windows, please use the 32 bit installer" /SD IDOK Quit ${EndIf} !EndIf # Check Windows version ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion ${if} $0 S<= "6.0" # Atleast Win7 is needed MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "LyX ${APP_VERSION} requires Windows 7 or newer." /SD IDOK Quit ${endif} Call PrepareShellCTX # MULTIUSER_INIT should search in the right registry view !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT # Verify multiuser privileges # Check if the same version of LyX is installed anywhere (admin/user, x64/x32) on the computer StrCpy $1 0 StrCpy $2 0 ${DoUntil} $1 >= 4 ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $2 "SOFTWARE\LyX" ${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS} $1 $2 # Helper Function from above ${If} $0 == ${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS} ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LYX\$0" "" ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\Uninstall-LyX.exe" ${IfCmd} MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(AlreadyInstalled)" /SD IDNO IDNO ${||} Quit ${|} ${Else} DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LYX\$0" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Loop} # Check if a newer version of the same LyX series is installed anywhere (admin/user, x64/x32) on the computer StrCpy $1 0 StrCpy $2 0 ${DoUntil} $1 >= 4 ${SearchAllRegistry} $R9 $1 $2 "SOFTWARE\LyX" "${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" $1 $2 # Helper Function from above StrCpy $OldVersionNumber $R9 # FIXME remove ${If} $R9 S> ${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS} # $R9 is used in $(NewerInstalled) ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LYX\$0" "" ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\Uninstall-LyX.exe" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(NewerInstalled)" /SD IDOK Quit ${Else} DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LYX\$0" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Loop} FunctionEnd Function CheckIfRunning # Check that LyX in $INSTDIR is not currently running, called from Function VerifyInstDir and Section -CheckSilent (if silentinstall) ${If} ${RunningX64} ${DisableX64FSRedirection} # We need the following process to be 64 bit on 64 bit system ${EndIf} nsExec::ExecToStack "powershell (Get-Process LyX).Path" Pop $0 # Exit code Pop $0 # Result string ${If} ${RunningX64} ${EnableX64FSRedirection} # Need to be anabled asap or installer might crash ${EndIf} ${StrStr} $0 $0 "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" ${If} $0 != "" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnInstallRunning)" /SD IDOK Abort # Abort leaving the page (when called from the page callback) / Abort install (when called from the section) ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function VerifyInstDir # Custom Function, called when leaving directory page # if the $INSTDIR does not contain "LyX" we must add a subfolder to avoid that LyX will e.g. # be installed directly to "C:\Program Files" - the uninstaller will then delete the whole # "C:\Program Files" directory ${StrStr} $0 $INSTDIR LyX ${If} $0 == "" StrCpy $INSTDIR "$INSTDIR\${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR}" # Append e.g. "LyX 2.3" to $INSTDIR ${NSD_SetText} $mui.DirectoryPage.Directory $INSTDIR # Refresh Textbox Abort # Abort leaving the page ${EndIf} Call CheckIfRunning FunctionEnd Function RetrieveSMState # Custom function, called after the Startmenu page has been created ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" Return # Not over-installing ${EndIf} Call PrepareShellCTX # Helper function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "SMDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${If} $0 == "" ${If} ${Silent} StrCpy $StartMenuFolder ">$StartMenuFolder" ${Else} GetDlgItem $0 $mui.StartMenuPage 1005 # Get the HWND of the checkbox, MUI2 does not provide variable for that ${NSD_GetState} $0 $1 ${If} $1 = ${BST_UNCHECKED} SendMessage $0 ${BM_CLICK} 0 0 # NSIS delivers no other possibility here other than to send a click event to the checkbox ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function LatexFolder_Show # Custom Function, called before showing the LaTeXFolder page to create it Call FindLatex # detect latex Pop $0 # Result string from FindLatex # $0 should contain the path to latex.exe, it is used in the fnc_LaTeXFolder_Create ${StrStr} $1 $0 "\latex.exe" ${If} $1 != "" # If latex was actually found ${StrRep} $0 $0 $1 "" # $R9 is used in $(EnterLaTeXFolder) on the page ${StrStr} $1 $0 "\miktex\bin" ${If} $1 != "" StrCpy $R9 "MiKTeX" ${Else} StrCpy $R9 "TeXLive" ${EndIf} StrCpy $LaTeXName $R9 # FIXME remove StrCpy $1 $(EnterLaTeXFolder) # $1 is used on the page ${Else} StrCpy $1 $(EnterLaTeXFolderNone) ${EndIf} ${StrRep} $1 $1 "\r\n" "$\r$\n" # FIXME remove Call fnc_LaTeXFolder_Show # In LaTeXFolder.nsdinc, defined by NSIS Dialog Designer FunctionEnd Function FindLatex # Searches latex.exe, called from pre and leave functions of latexfolder page # Find "LaTeX Path" value in registry written by a previous installment of the same LyX series, prioritized, because could be user preference Call PrepareShellCTX ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${EndIf} StrCpy $1 0 StrCpy $2 0 ${DoUntil} $2 > 1 ${SearchRegistry} $0 $1 "SOFTWARE\LyX" "${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" $1 ${If} $0 != "" ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX\$0" "LaTeX Path" StrCpy $0 "$0\latex.exe" ${If} ${FileExists} $0 Push $0 Return ${EndIf} ${ElseIf} ${RunningX64} IntOp $2 $2 + 1 SetRegView 32 ${Else} ${Break} ${EndIf} ${Loop} nsExec::ExecToStack "where latex.exe" # Ask CMD to find "latex.exe" for us, works if latexpath is added to PATH Pop $0 # Exit code: 0 = success, 1 = fail ${If} $0 = 0 Return ${EndIf} Pop $0 # If search failed, this is garbage, otherwise path to latex # Search the registry for TexLive StrCpy $1 0 StrCpy $2 0 ${DoUntil} $1 >= 4 ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $2 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" "TeXLive" $1 $2 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$0" "UninstallString" ${StrRep} $0 $0 '"' "" ${StrRep} $0 $0 "tlpkg\installer\uninst.bat" "bin\win32\latex.exe" # TeXLive is not 64 bit yet ${If} ${FileExists} $0 Push $0 Return ${EndIf} ${Loop} # Search the registry for MiKTex StrCpy $1 0 StrCpy $2 0 ${DoUntil} $1 >= 4 ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $2 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" "MiKTeX" $1 $2 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$0" "InstallLocation" StrCpy $0 "$0\miktex\bin\latex.exe" ${If} ${FileExists} $0 Push $0 Return ${EndIf} ${If} ${RunningX64} # MiKTeX can also be x64 ${StrRep} $0 $0 "latex.exe" "x64\latex.exe" ${If} ${FileExists} $0 Push $0 Return ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Loop} # No latex was found Push "C:\" FunctionEnd Function LatexFolder_Leave # Custom function, called when trying to leave LatexFolder page to verify that "latex.exe" really exists in the given path ${NSD_GetText} $hCtl_LaTeXFolder_DirRequest1_Txt $LatexPath ${NSD_GetState} $hCtl_LaTeXFolder_CheckBox1 $0 ${If} $0 = ${BST_CHECKED} StrCpy $LatexPath "" ${ElseIfNot} ${FileExists} "$LatexPath\latex.exe" MessageBox MB_OK $(InvalidLaTeXFolder) Call FindLatex # Search for latex again Pop $0 # Result string from FindLatex ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\latex.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before "\latex.exe" ${NSD_SetText} $hCtl_LaTeXFolder_DirRequest1_Txt $0 # Refresh textbox Abort # Abort leaving the page ${EndIf} FunctionEnd # ========= Installer Sections ========= Section -CheckSilent # This section checks if it's a silent install and calls needed callback- and custom-pagefunctions, which are not called in this case ${IfNot} ${Silent} Return ${EndIf} # .onInit is called Call CheckIfRunning Call RetrieveSMState Call FindLatex # Search for latex Pop $0 # Result string from FindLatex ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\latex.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before "\latex.exe" ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\latex.exe" StrCpy $LatexPath $0 ${Else} MessageBox MB_OK $(InvalidLaTeXFolder) Quit ${EndIf} Call DefaultDesktopFileAssoc SectionEnd Section -UninstallOld ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" ${GetFileVersion} "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" $0 StrCpy $0 $0 3 # get only the first 3 chars, e.g. "2.3" ${If} $0 != "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" ExecWait "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe /S _?=$INSTDIR" # silently uninstall old LyX Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} SectionEnd Section -OverInstallReg # If over-installing, we need to delete the registry keys written by the previous installment Call PrepareShellCTX # Helper function from above StrCpy $1 0 ${Do} EnumRegKey $2 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" $1 ${StrStr} $3 $2 "${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX\$3" "" ${If} $0 == $INSTDIR DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX\$3" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX$3" ${EndIf} IntOp $1 $1 + 1 ${LoopUntil} $2 == "" SectionEnd Section -ProgramFiles # Install the core LyX files # Initializes the plug-ins dir ($PLUGINSDIR) if not already initialized. # $PLUGINSDIR is automatically deleted when the installer exits. InitPluginsDir # Binaries SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File "${FILES_LYX}\bin\LyX.exe" File "${FILES_LYX}\bin\tex2lyx.exe" # Visual C++ redistributable (if native build) File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\concrt140.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\msvcp140.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\msvcp140_1.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\vcamp140.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\vccorlib140.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\vcomp140.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\vcruntime140.dll" !if ${APP_ARCHITECTURE} = 64 File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\vcruntime140_1.dll" !endif # MinGW redistributable (if cross platform with MinGW) #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\iconv.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libbz2-1.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libfreetype-6.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libglib-2.0-0.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libharfbuzz-0.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libintl-8.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libjpeg-62.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libpcre-1.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libpcre2-16-0.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libpng16-16.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libstdc++-6.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libtiff-5.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libwinpthread-1.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libwebp-7.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libwebpdemux-2.dll" #File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\zlib1.dll" # Netpbm File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\libnetpbm10.dll" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\pnmcrop.exe" # Rsvg File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\rsvg-convert.exe" # Pdfview File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\pdfview.exe" # Qt libraries File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5Concurrent.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5Core.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5Gui.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5Network.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5OpenGL.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5PrintSupport.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5Svg.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5Widgets.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\Qt5WinExtras.dll" # Qt plugin DLLs SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin\imageformats" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qgif.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qico.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qjpeg.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qsvg.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qicns.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qtiff.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qwbmp.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\imageformats\qwebp.dll" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin\iconengines" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\iconengines\qsvgicon.dll" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin\platforms" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\platforms\qminimal.dll" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\platforms\qwindows.dll" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin\styles" File "${FILES_QT}\bin\styles\qwindowsvistastyle.dll" # Resources SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Resources" # recursively copy all files under Resources File /r "${FILES_LYX}\Resources\" File /r "${FILES_DEPS}\Resources\" # Already present files will be skiped # Python SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Python" # recursively copy all files under Python File /r "${FILES_DEPS}\Python\" # Components of ImageMagick SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" File /r "${FILES_DEPS}\imagemagick\" # Components of Ghostscript SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\ghostscript" File /r "${FILES_DEPS}\ghostscript\" # Install unoconv SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Python\Lib" File "${FILES_DEPS}\bin\unoconv.py" WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" SectionEnd Section -TexRessources # Section installs cls files from Ressources\tex and updates latex filebase # First make sure that latex was found in LatexFolder_Leave function ${If} $LatexPath == "" Return ${EndIf} # Miktex or Texlive? ${StrStr} $0 $LatexPath "\miktex\bin" ${If} $0 == "" # TexLive ${StrRep} $0 $LatexPath "\bin\win32" "\texmf-dist\tex\latex\lyx" ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\broadway.cls" Return ${EndIf} CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\Resources\tex\*.*" $0 ExecWait '$LatexPath\texhash' # Update package file list ${Else} # Miktex ${StrRep} $0 $LatexPath $0 "\tex\latex\lyx" ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\broadway.cls" Return ${EndIf} CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\Resources\tex\*.*" $0 # First try to put into Miktex install dir ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$0\broadway.cls" # Check if copying succeeded # Didn't suceed to put into install dir, put into users dir nsExec::ExecToStack "$LatexPath\mpm.exe --version" # get the Miktex version Pop $0 # Exit code Pop $0 # Result ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "MiKTeX Package Manager " ">" ">" "0" "0" "0" # $0 contains "2.9.7420 ......" now (everything after "MiKTeX Package Manager ") ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "." ">" "<" "0" "1" "0" # $0 contains "2.9" now (everything before the second dot) SetShellVarContext current ${If} ${FileExists} "$APPDATA\MiKTeX\$0\tex\latex\lyx\broadway.cls" # UserInstall-dir can not be changed in Miktex currently, so this should work Return ${EndIf} CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\Resources\tex\*.*" "$APPDATA\MiKTeX\$0\tex\latex\lyx" # Put into user install dir ${EndIf} # Update package file list nsExec::ExecToLog "$LatexPath\initexmf.exe --admin --update-fndb" # Try as admin Pop $0 # Exit code ${If} $0 <> 0 # Not successful nsExec::ExecToLog "$LatexPath\initexmf.exe --update-fndb" # Do as user Pop $0 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} SectionEnd Section -CompilePython # Compile all Python files to byte-code # The user using the scripts may not have write access FileOpen $R0 "$INSTDIR\compilepy.py" w FileWrite $R0 "import compileall$\r$\n" FileWrite $R0 "compileall.compile_dir('$INSTDIR\python\Lib')$\r$\n" FileWrite $R0 "compileall.compile_dir('$INSTDIR\Resources')$\r$\n" FileClose $R0 DetailPrint $(TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON) nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\python\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\compilepy.py"' Pop $0 # Exit code Delete "$INSTDIR\compilepy.py" SectionEnd Section -LyxrcDist StrCpy $pathPrefix "$LatexPath;$$LyXDir\bin;$$LyXDir\Python;$$LyXDir\Python\Lib;$$LyXDir\imagemagick;$$LyXDir\ghostscript\bin" # Find additional software and add their install locations to the path_prefix # This list contains all software, which write the string value "InstallLocation" in their corresponding keys in "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" # To add additional software matching this requirement, just append it to the string after "${List.Append} editors " ${List.Create} editors ${List.Append} editors "jEdit,PSPad,WinShell,TeXnicCenter,WinEdt" ${List.Count} $R1 editors IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 ${For} $R2 0 $R1 ${List.Get} $0 editors $R2 ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $1 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" $0 0 0 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$0" "InstallLocation" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $1 $0 "" -1 # Get the last char ${If} $1 == "\" # If ends with "\" StrCpy $0 $0 -1 # Remove "\" ${EndIf} StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0" ${EndIf} ${Next} ${List.Destroy} editors # Following Software does not create "InstallLocation" # Vim ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $1 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" "Vim" 0 0 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$0" "DisplayIcon" ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\gvim.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # get everything before "\gvim.exe" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0" ${EndIf} # JabRef, Hard to locate, JabRef uses MSI installer, lets try to find it through the .bib extension SetShellVarContext all ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${EndIf} ${For} $R1 0 1 # Try as admin and then as user ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\.bib" "" ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\$0\shell\open\command" "" ${StrRep} $0 $0 '"' "" # Remove quotes ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\JabRef.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before "\JabRef.exe" ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\JabRef.exe" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0" ${Break} ${EndIf} SetShellVarContext current # Retry as user ${Next} # Gnumeric SetShellVarContext all ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${EndIf} ${For} $R1 0 1 # Try as admin and then as user ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\Applications\gnumeric.exe\shell\Open\command" "" ${StrRep} $0 $0 '"' "" # Remove quotes ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\gnumeric.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before "\gnumeric.exe" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0" ${Break} ${EndIf} SetShellVarContext current # Retry as user ${Next} # Pandoc, same as JabRef, can only attempt to ask cmd if added to PATH, the user can't disable that while installing pandoc though nsExec::ExecToStack "where pandoc.exe" Pop $1 # Exit code Pop $0 # Return sring ${If} $1 = 0 ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\pandoc.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before "\pandoc.exe" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Map.Create} softwarePathsMap # Create a map (NSISList plugin) to temp store paths of 3rd party software # LilyPond ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $1 "SOFTWARE" "LilyPond" 0 0 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\$0" "Install_Dir" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0\usr\bin" ${Map.Set} softwarePathsMap "LilyPond" "$0\usr\bin" ${EndIf} # Gimp ${SearchAllRegistry} $2 $1 $1 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" "GIMP" 0 0 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$2" "InstallLocation" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0bin" # Install Location ends with '\' for Gimp in Registry ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$2" "DisplayIcon" ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 ".exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before the ".exe" ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\" "<" ">" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything after the last "\", $0 contains "gimp-10" now ${Map.Set} softwarePathsMap "ImageEditor" $0 ${EndIf} # Krita ${SearchAllRegistry} $0 $1 $1 "SOFTWARE" "Krita" 0 0 # Helper Function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\$0" "InstallLocation" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0\bin" ${Map.Set} softwarePathsMap "ImageEditor" "krita" ${EndIf} # Photoshop SetShellVarContext all ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${EndIf} ${For} $R1 0 1 # Try as admin and then as user ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\Applications\Photoshop.exe\shell\Open\command" "" ${StrRep} $0 $0 '"' "" # Remove quotes ${StrStrAdv} $0 $0 "\photoshop.exe" ">" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before "\photoshop.exe" ${If} $0 != "" StrCpy $pathPrefix "$pathPrefix;$0" ${Break} ${EndIf} SetShellVarContext current # Retry as user ${Next} ClearErrors FileOpen $R0 "$INSTDIR\Resources\lyxrc.dist" a FileSeek $R0 0 END # set some general things FileWrite $R0 '\screen_zoom 120$\r$\n' FileWrite $R0 '\path_prefix "$pathPrefix"$\r$\n' # use pdfview for all types of PDF files FileWrite $R0 '\format "pdf5" "pdf" "PDF (LuaTeX)" "u" "pdfview" "" "document,vector,menu=export" "application/pdf"$\r$\n\ \format "pdf4" "pdf" "PDF (XeTeX)" "X" "pdfview" "" "document,vector,menu=export" "application/pdf"$\r$\n\ \format "pdf3" "pdf" "PDF (dvipdfm)" "m" "pdfview" "" "document,vector,menu=export" "application/pdf"$\r$\n\ \format "pdf2" "pdf" "PDF (pdflatex)" "F" "pdfview" "" "document,vector,menu=export" "application/pdf"$\r$\n\ \format "pdf" "pdf" "PDF (ps2pdf)" "P" "pdfview" "" "document,vector,menu=export" "application/pdf"$\r$\n' # If krita or gimp was found previously ${Map.Get} $0 softwarePathsMap "ImageEditor" ${If} $0 != "__NULL" # If "ImageEditor" is set in map FileWrite $R0 '\format "gif" "gif" "GIF" "" "auto" "$0" "" "image/gif"$\r$\n\ \format "jpg" "jpg, jpeg" "JPEG" "" "auto" "$0" "" "image/jpeg"$\r$\n\ \format "png" "png" "PNG" "" "auto" "$0" "" "image/x-png"$\r$\n' ${EndIf} FileWrite $R0 '\converter "wmf" "eps" "magick -density 300 $$$$i $$$$o" ""$\r$\n\ \converter "emf" "eps" "magick -density 300 $$$$i $$$$o" ""$\r$\n' # If LilyPond was found previously ${Map.Get} $0 softwarePathsMap "LilyPond" ${If} $0 != "__NULL" # If "LilyPond" is set in map FileWrite $R0 '\format "lilypond-book" "lytex" "LilyPond book (LaTeX)" "" "" "auto" "document,menu=export" ""$\r$\n\ \converter "lilypond-book" "pdflatex" "python \"$0\\lilypond-book.py\" --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf $$$$i" ""$\r$\n\ \converter "lilypond-book" "xetex" "python \"$0\\lilypond-book.py\" --safe --pdf --latex-program=xelatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf $$$$i" ""$\r$\n\ \converter "lilypond-book" "luatex" "python \"$0\\lilypond-book.py\" --safe --pdf --latex-program=lualatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf $$$$i" ""$\r$\n\ \converter "lilypond-book" "latex" "python \"$0\\lilypond-book.py\" --safe --lily-output-dir=ly-eps $$$$i" ""$\r$\n' ${EndIf} ${Map.Destroy} softwarePathsMap FileClose $R0 ${If} ${Errors} MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(ModifyingConfigureFailed)" /SD IDOK ClearErrors ${EndIf} SectionEnd Section "$(SecFileAssocTitle)" SecFileAssoc # Registry information to assiciate ".lyx" extension with this LyX installation Call PrepareShellCTX # Helper function from above WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\LyX.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" # Writes in both 64 and 32 bit registry WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\LyX.exe" "Version" ${APP_VERSION} # Writes in both 64 and 32 bit registry WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.lyx" "" "LyX.Document" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\.lyx" "Content Type" "application/lyx" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\LyX.Document" "" "LyX Document" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\LyX.Document\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe,1" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\LyX.Document\Shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" "%1"' # we need to update also the automatically created entry about the lyx.exe # otherwise .lyx-files will could be opened with an older LyX version ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\Applications\LyX.exe\shell\open\command" "" ${if} $0 != "" # if something was found WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Classes\Applications\LyX.exe\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" "%1"' ${endif} WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "FileAssoc${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" $INSTDIR # Save user preference for over-installing SectionEnd Section "$(SecDesktopTitle)" SecDesktop SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" # Need to set this so that the shortcut to lyx.exe is executed in the bin folder CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\LyX ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" "" "" "" "" "" "LyX - The Document Processor" # Last parameter is the comment of the shortcut Call PrepareShellCTX WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "Desktop${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" $INSTDIR # Save user preference for over-installing SectionEnd Section -StartMenuFolder # Creates starm menu shortcut and website links to lyx website and lyx wiki Call PrepareShellCTX # Helper function from above, need to call be before the following macro, because the macro writes registry string (storing the default startmenu folder) !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN startmenuPage # This macro also assures that the folder is not empty for us SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" # Need to set this so that the shortcut to lyx.exe is executed in the bin folder CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\LyX.lnk" "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" "" "" "" "" "" "LyX - The Document Processor" # Last parameter is the comment of the shortcut SetOutPath $INSTDIR CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\Uninstall LyX.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\LyX Website.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "https://www.lyx.org/" WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\LyX Wiki.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "https://wiki.lyx.org" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END SectionEnd !include "src\dictionaries.nsh" Section -SoftwareRegistry # Registry information in "SOFTWARE" subkey Call PrepareShellCTX # Helper function from above ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "latestVersion" ${If} $0 S< ${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS} WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "latestVersion" ${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS} ${EndIf} WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX\${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "" $INSTDIR WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX\${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "LaTeX Path" $LatexPath WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "InstDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" $INSTDIR # Remember install dir for the next over-installment of the same series SectionEnd Section -UninstallInfoRegistry # Registry information in "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" subkey Call PrepareShellCTX # Helper function from above ${If} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "AllUsers" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "DisplayName" "LyX ${APP_VERSION}" ${Else} WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "DisplayName" "LyX ${APP_VERSION} $(TEXT_INSTALL_CURRENTUSER)" ${EndIf} WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe"' WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "DisplayVersion" "${APP_VERSION}" WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "VersionMajor" "${VERSION_MAJOR}" WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "VersionMinor" "${VERSION_MINOR}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "URLUpdateInfo" "https://www.lyx.org/" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "URLInfoAbout" "https://www.lyx.org/AboutLyX" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "Publisher" "LyX Team" WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "HelpLink" "https://www.lyx.org/MailingLists" WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "NoModify" 0x00000001 WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "NoRepair" 0x00000001 WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "InstallLocation" "$INSTDIR" ${GetSize} "$INSTDIR" "/S=0K" $0 $1 $2 IntFmt $0 "0x%08X" $0 WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "EstimatedSize" $0 SectionEnd !if ${VERSION_MINOR} > 0 # Only valid for minor releases of the same major release (e.g. not valid for 3.0) Section -CopyOldPreferences # Searches user's preferences (userdir) from previous minor release and copies it if necessary Call PrepareShellCTX SetShellVarContext current # Otherwise $APPDATA would return C:\ProgrammData instead of C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming IntOp $0 ${VERSION_MINOR} - 1 # only check the direct previous minor release ${If} ${FileExists} "$APPDATA\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.$0\lyxrc.defaults" ${AndIfNot} ${FileExists} "$APPDATA\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}\lyxrc.defaults" CopyFiles /SILENT "$APPDATA\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.$0\*.*" "$APPDATA\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" ${EndIf} SectionEnd !endif Section -ConfigureScript # Runs the configure.py script # Manipulate PATH environment of the running installer process, so that configure.py can find all the stuff needed ReadEnvStr $0 "PATH" ${StrRep} $pathPrefix $pathPrefix "$$LyXDir" "$INSTDIR" System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t "PATH", t "$pathPrefix;$0")' Call PrepareShellCTX SetShellVarContext current # Otherwise $APPDATA would return C:\ProgrammData instead of C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming SetOutPath "$APPDATA\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" # Need to run configure from the user dir, because it creates .lst files and some folders. ${StrStr} $0 $LatexPath "\miktex\bin" # R9 is used in $(TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX) ${If} $0 == "" # TexLive StrCpy $R9 "TeXLive" ${Else} StrCpy $R9 "MiKTeX" ${EndIf} StrCpy $LaTeXInstalled $R9 # FIXME remove DetailPrint $(TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX) # Uses R9 to display the name of the installed latex distribution nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\Python\python.exe" "$INSTDIR\Resources\configure.py"' Pop $0 # Return value SectionEnd Function DefaultDesktopFileAssoc # Custom function, called before the components page, reads the states of SecDesktop and SecFileAssoc from registry (if overinstalling) and sets them Call CheckDictionaries # Search for already installed dictionaries, in dictionaries.nsh ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" Return # Not over-installing ${EndIf} Call PrepareShellCTX ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "FileAssoc${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${If} $0 == "" SectionSetFlags ${SecFileAssoc} 0 # 0 means unselected ${EndIf} ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "Desktop${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${If} $0 == "" SectionSetFlags ${SecDesktop} 0 # 0 means unselected ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function StartLyX ShellExecAsUser::ShellExecAsUser "" "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" FunctionEnd # Installer Section Descriptions !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecFileAssoc} "$(SecFileAssocDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDesktop} "$(SecDesktopDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDictionaries} "$(SecDictionariesDescription)" # In dictionaries.nsh !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecThesaurus} "$(SecThesaurusDescription)" # In dictionaries.nsh !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END # ===== Uninstaller ====== Function un.onInit # Callback function, called when the uninstaller initializes # Check that LyX is not currently running ${If} ${RunningX64} ${DisableX64FSRedirection} # We need the following process to be 64 bit on 64 bit system ${EndIf} nsExec::ExecToStack "powershell (Get-Process LyX).Path" Pop $0 # Exit code Pop $0 # Result string ${If} ${RunningX64} ${EnableX64FSRedirection} # Need to be enabled asap or installer might crash ${EndIf} ${UnStrStr} $0 $0 "$INSTDIR\bin\LyX.exe" ${If} $0 != "" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnInstallRunning)" /SD IDOK Quit # Quit uninstaller ${EndIf} Call un.PrepareShellCTX !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT # Ascertain whether the user has sufficient privileges to uninstall. # abort when LyX was installed with admin permissions but the user doesn't have administrator privileges Call un.PrepareShellCTX # Helperfunction from above ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\LyX\${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "" ${If} $0 == $INSTDIR ${If} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin" ${AndIf} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnNotAdminLabel)" /SD IDOK Abort ${Else} StrCpy $MultiUser.InstallMode "AllUsers" ${EndIf} ${Else} ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "SOFTWARE\LyX\${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" "" ${If} $0 == "" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(UnNotInRegistryLabel)" /SD IDOK ${Else} StrCpy $MultiUser.InstallMode "CurrentUser" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} # question message if the user really wants to uninstall LyX ${IfCmd} MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "$(UnReallyRemoveLabel)" /SD IDYES IDNO ${||} Quit ${|} FunctionEnd Function un.ComponentsPre # Callback Function, called before the components page is loaded # R9 and R8 are used in $(SecUnPreferencesDescription) SetShellVarContext current ${UnStrStrAdv} $R9 $PROFILE "\" "<" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before the last "\" of $PROFILE ("C:\Users\username") -> $R9: "C:\Users" StrCpy $AppPre $R9 # FIXME remove ${UnStrRep} $R8 $APPDATA "$PROFILE\" "" # "C:\Users\username\" gets replaced with "" in "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming" -> $R8: "Appdata\Roaming" StrCpy $AppSuff $R8 # FIXME remove FunctionEnd Section "un.LyX" un.SecUnProgramFiles # Deletes files in $INSTDIR and registry entries SectionIn RO # LaTeX class files that were installed together with LyX # will not be uninstalled because other LyX versions will # need them and these few files don't harm to stay in LaTeX Call un.PrepareShellCTX # Helperfunction from above # Subfolders and unistaller RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\bin" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Resources" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Python" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\ghostscript" Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall-LyX.exe" # Install directory SetOutPath $PLUGINSDIR RMDir $INSTDIR # Startmenu !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER startmenuPage $StartMenuFolder # Reads registry value written with macro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\LyX.lnk" # Check if the shortcut really is pointing to the current installation Pop $0 ${IfNot} ${FileExists} $0 # If still exists, then belongs to another lyx installment, so don't delete RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "SMDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${EndIf} # Desktop icon ShellLink::GetShortCutTarget "$DESKTOP\LyX ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.lnk" Pop $0 ${UnStrStr} $0 $0 $INSTDIR ${If} $0 != "" Delete "$DESKTOP\LyX ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.lnk" ${EndIf} ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "Desktop${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${If} $0 == $INSTDIR DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "Desktop${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${EndIf} # File association ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\LyX.Document\DefaultIcon" "" ${UnStrStr} $0 $0 $INSTDIR ${If} $0 != "" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\LyX.Document" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\.lyx" ${EndIf} ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\LyX.exe" "" ${UnStrStr} $0 $0 $INSTDIR ${If} $0 != "" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\LyX.exe" # Deletes key in both 64 and 32 bit registry ${EndIf} ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "FileAssoc${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${If} $0 == $INSTDIR DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "FileAssoc${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${EndIf} DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\Applications\LyX.exe" # Uninstaller info registry DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LyX${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" # Software registry DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX\${APP_VERSION_DOTLESS}" DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "latestVersion" ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "InstDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${If} $0 == $INSTDIR DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "InstDir${VERSION_MAJOR}${VERSION_MINOR}" ${EndIf} DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "latestVersion" # Now that "latestVersion" is gone we need to find if there is another (newest) LyX version installed and write it's verion to "latestVersion" # The keys in the registry are sorted alphabetically, so we dont need to compare, the latest found will be the newest version StrCpy $0 0 StrCpy $1 "" ${Do} StrCpy $2 $1 EnumRegKey $2 SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" $0 IntOp $0 $0 + 1 ${LoopUntil} $1 == "" ${If} $2 != "" WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" "latestVersion" $2 ${EndIf} DeleteRegKey /ifempty SHCTX "SOFTWARE\LyX" SectionEnd Section /o "un.$(UnLyXPreferencesTitle)" un.SecUnPreferences # Deletes user preferences folders for all users (if admin) and registry entry made by LyX to HKCU Call un.PrepareShellCTX SetShellVarContext current # If installed as user, only delete folder and registry key of current user ${If} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "CurrentUser" RMDir /r "$APPDATA\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" ${Else} # If installed as admin, things are a little more complicated ${UnStrStrAdv} $2 $PROFILE "\" "<" ">" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything after the last "\" of $PROFILE ("C:\Users\username") -> $2: "username" ${UnStrStrAdv} $3 $PROFILE "\" "<" "<" "0" "0" "0" # Get everything before the last "\" of $PROFILE ("C:\Users\username") -> $3: "C:\Users" ClearErrors FindFirst $1 $0 "$3\*" # Find any folder/file in "C:\Users" ${DoUntil} ${Errors} # Errors are set while FindFirst/FindNext if the search is completed (there are no more files) ${UnStrRep} $0 $APPDATA $2 $0 # Replace "username" in $APPDATA ("C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming") with what was found ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}\*" # Check if anything exists in the LyX userdir RMDir /r "$0\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" ${EndIf} FindNext $1 $0 ${Loop} FindClose $1 ${EndIf} # Can only delete for current user, because Admin can't access registry of other users DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\LyX\LyX${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCU "Software\LyX" SectionEnd # Uninstaller Section Descriptions !insertmacro MUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnProgramFiles} "$(SecUnProgramFilesDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnPreferences} "$(SecUnPreferencesDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END