// -*- C++ -*- /* * File: math_macro.h * Purpose: Declaration of macro class for mathed * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: November 1996 * Description: WYSIWYG math macros * * Dependencies: Mathed * * Copyright: (c) 1996, 1997 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.2, Mathed & Lyx project. * * This code is under the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #ifndef MATH_MACRO #define MATH_MACRO #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface #endif #include "math_defs.h" #include "debug.h" /// typedef MathParInset* MathParInsetP; /// typedef LyxArrayBase *LyxArrayBaseP; class MathMacroTemplate; /// This class contains the data for a macro class MathMacro: public MathParInset { public: /// A macro can only be builded from an existing template MathMacro(MathMacroTemplate *); /// or from another macro. MathMacro(MathMacro*); /// ~MathMacro(); /// void Draw(int, int); /// void Metrics(); /// MathedInset *Clone(); /// void Write(FILE *); /// void Write(string &); /// bool setArgumentIdx(int); /// int getArgumentIdx(); /// int getMaxArgumentIdx(); /// int GetColumns(); /// void GetXY(int&, int&) const; /// void SetFocus(int, int); /// LyxArrayBase *GetData(); /// MathedRowSt *getRowSt() const { return args[idx].row; } /// void SetData(LyxArrayBase *); /// MathedTextCodes getTCode() { return tcode; } /// bool Permit(short); private: /// MathMacroTemplate *tmplate; /// struct MacroArgumentBase { /// Position of the macro int x, y; /// MathedRowSt *row; /// LyxArrayBase *array; /// MacroArgumentBase() { x = y = 0; array = 0; row = 0; } } *args; /// int idx; /// int nargs; /// MathedTextCodes tcode; /// friend class MathMacroTemplate; }; /// An argument class MathMacroArgument: public MathParInset { public: /// MathMacroArgument() { expnd_mode = false; number = 1; SetType(LM_OT_MACRO_ARG); } /// MathMacroArgument(int); /// ~MathMacroArgument() { lyxerr << "help, destroyme!" << endl; } /// MathedInset *Clone() { return this; } /// void Metrics(); /// void Draw(int x, int baseline); /// void Write(FILE*); /// void Write(string &); /// void setNumber(int n) { number = n; } /// Is expanded or not void setExpand(bool e) { expnd_mode = e; } /// Is expanded or not bool getExpand() { return expnd_mode; } private: /// bool expnd_mode; /// int number; }; /// This class contains the macro definition class MathMacroTemplate: public MathParInset { public: /// A template constructor needs all the data MathMacroTemplate(char const*, int na=0, int f=0); /// ~MathMacroTemplate(); /// void Draw(int, int); /// void Metrics(); /// void WriteDef(FILE *); /// void WriteDef(string &); /// useful for special insets void setTCode(MathedTextCodes t) { tcode = t; } /// MathedTextCodes getTCode() { return tcode; } /// void setArgument(LyxArrayBase *, int i=0); /// Number of arguments int getNoArgs() { return nargs; } /// void GetMacroXY(int, int&, int&) const; /// MathParInset *getMacroPar(int) const; /// void SetMacroFocus(int&, int, int); /// void setEditMode(bool); /// Replace the appropriate arguments with a specific macro's data void update(MathMacro* m=0); private: /// short flags; /// MathedTextCodes tcode; /// MathMacroArgument *args; /// int nargs; /// friend class MathMacro; }; /// typedef MathMacro *MathMacroP; /// typedef MathMacroTemplate *MathMacroTemplateP; /// class MathMacroTable { public: /// MathMacroTable(int); /// ~MathMacroTable(); /// void addTemplate(MathMacroTemplate *); /// MathMacro *getMacro(char const*) const; /// MathMacroTemplate *getTemplate(char const*) const; /// void builtinMacros(); /// static MathMacroTable mathMTable; /// static bool built; private: /// const int max_macros; /// int num_macros; /// MathMacroTemplateP *macro_table; }; /*----------------------- inlines -------------------------*/ inline bool MathMacro::setArgumentIdx(int i) { if (i>=0 && i