/** * \file qt4/CategorizedCombo.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author John Levon * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author Angus Leeming * \author Stefan Schimanski * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "CategorizedCombo.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/qstring_helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { class CCItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate { public: /// explicit CCItemDelegate(CategorizedCombo * cc) : QItemDelegate(cc), cc_(cc) {} /// void paint(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & option, QModelIndex const & index) const; /// void drawDisplay(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt, const QRect & /*rect*/, const QString & text ) const; /// QSize sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt, QModelIndex const & index) const; private: /// void drawCategoryHeader(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt, QString const & category) const; /// QString underlineFilter(QString const & s) const; /// CategorizedCombo * cc_; }; class CCFilterModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel { public: /// CCFilterModel(QObject * parent = 0) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) {} }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CategorizedCombo::Private // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct CategorizedCombo::Private { Private(CategorizedCombo * parent) : p(parent), // set the model with four columns // 1st: translated item names // 2nd: raw names // 3rd: category // 4th: availability (bool) model_(new QStandardItemModel(0, 4, p)), filterModel_(new CCFilterModel(p)), lastSel_(-1), CCItemDelegate_(new CCItemDelegate(parent)), visibleCategories_(0), inShowPopup_(false) { filterModel_->setSourceModel(model_); } void resetFilter() { setFilter(QString()); } /// void setFilter(QString const & s); /// void countCategories(); /// CategorizedCombo * p; /** the layout model: * 1st column: translated GUI name, * 2nd column: raw item name, * 3rd column: category, * 4th column: availability **/ QStandardItemModel * model_; /// the proxy model filtering \c model_ CCFilterModel * filterModel_; /// the (model-) index of the last successful selection int lastSel_; /// the character filter QString filter_; /// CCItemDelegate * CCItemDelegate_; /// unsigned visibleCategories_; /// bool inShowPopup_; }; static QString categoryCC(QAbstractItemModel const & model, int row) { return model.data(model.index(row, 2), Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); } static int headerHeightCC(QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt) { return opt.fontMetrics.height(); } void CCItemDelegate::paint(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & option, QModelIndex const & index) const { QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option; // default background painter->fillRect(opt.rect, opt.palette.color(QPalette::Base)); QString cat = categoryCC(*index.model(), index.row()); // not the same as in the previous line? if (index.row() == 0 || cat != categoryCC(*index.model(), index.row() - 1)) { painter->save(); // draw unselected background QStyle::State state = opt.state; opt.state = opt.state & ~QStyle::State_Selected; drawBackground(painter, opt, index); opt.state = state; // draw category header drawCategoryHeader(painter, opt, categoryCC(*index.model(), index.row())); // move rect down below header opt.rect.setTop(opt.rect.top() + headerHeightCC(opt)); painter->restore(); } QItemDelegate::paint(painter, opt, index); } void CCItemDelegate::drawDisplay(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt, const QRect & /*rect*/, const QString & text) const { QString utext = underlineFilter(text); // Draw the rich text. painter->save(); QColor col = opt.palette.text().color(); // grey out unavailable items if (text.startsWith(qt_("Unavailable:"))) col = opt.palette.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text); if (opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected) col = opt.palette.highlightedText().color(); QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext context; context.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, col); QTextDocument doc; doc.setDefaultFont(opt.font); doc.setHtml(utext); QTextFrameFormat fmt = doc.rootFrame()->frameFormat(); fmt.setMargin(0); doc.rootFrame()->setFrameFormat(fmt); painter->translate(opt.rect.x() + 5, opt.rect.y() + (opt.rect.height() - opt.fontMetrics.height()) / 2); doc.documentLayout()->draw(painter, context); painter->restore(); } QSize CCItemDelegate::sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt, QModelIndex const & index) const { QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(opt, index); /// QComboBox uses the first row height to estimate the /// complete popup height during QComboBox::showPopup(). /// To avoid scrolling we have to sneak in space for the headers. /// So we tweak this value accordingly. It's not nice, but the /// only possible way it seems. // Add space for the category headers here QString cat = categoryCC(*index.model(), index.row()); if (index.row() == 0 || cat != categoryCC(*index.model(), index.row() - 1)) { size.setHeight(size.height() + headerHeightCC(opt)); } return size; } void CCItemDelegate::drawCategoryHeader(QPainter * painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const & opt, QString const & category) const { // slightly blended color QColor lcol = opt.palette.text().color(); lcol.setAlpha(127); painter->setPen(lcol); // set 80% scaled, bold font QFont font = opt.font; font.setBold(true); font.setWeight(QFont::Black); font.setPointSize(opt.font.pointSize() * 8 / 10); painter->setFont(font); // draw the centered text QFontMetrics fm(font); int w = fm.width(category); int x = opt.rect.x() + (opt.rect.width() - w) / 2; int y = opt.rect.y() + 3 * fm.ascent() / 2; int left = x; int right = x + w; painter->drawText(x, y, category); // the vertical position of the line: middle of lower case chars int ymid = y - 1 - fm.xHeight() / 2; // -1 for the baseline // draw the horizontal line if (!category.isEmpty()) { painter->drawLine(opt.rect.x(), ymid, left - 1, ymid); painter->drawLine(right + 1, ymid, opt.rect.right(), ymid); } else painter->drawLine(opt.rect.x(), ymid, opt.rect.right(), ymid); } QString CCItemDelegate::underlineFilter(QString const & s) const { QString const & f = cc_->filter(); if (f.isEmpty()) return s; // step through data item and put "(x)" for every matching character QString r; int lastp = -1; for (int i = 0; i < f.length(); ++i) { int p = s.indexOf(f[i], lastp + 1, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (p < 0) continue; if (lastp == p - 1 && lastp != -1) { // remove ")" and append "x)" r = r.left(r.length() - 4) + s[p] + ""; } else { // append "(x)" r += s.mid(lastp + 1, p - lastp - 1); r += QString("") + s[p] + ""; } lastp = p; } r += s.mid(lastp + 1); return r; } void CategorizedCombo::Private::setFilter(QString const & s) { bool enabled = p->view()->updatesEnabled(); p->view()->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // remember old selection int sel = p->currentIndex(); if (sel != -1) lastSel_ = filterModel_->mapToSource(filterModel_->index(sel, 0)).row(); filter_ = s; filterModel_->setFilterRegExp(charFilterRegExp(filter_)); countCategories(); // restore old selection if (lastSel_ != -1) { QModelIndex i = filterModel_->mapFromSource(model_->index(lastSel_, 0)); if (i.isValid()) p->setCurrentIndex(i.row()); } // Workaround to resize to content size // FIXME: There must be a better way. The QComboBox::AdjustToContents) // does not help. if (p->view()->isVisible()) { // call QComboBox::showPopup. But set the inShowPopup_ flag to switch on // the hack in the item delegate to make space for the headers. // We do not call our implementation of showPopup because that // would reset the filter again. This is only needed if the user clicks // on the QComboBox. LASSERT(!inShowPopup_, /**/); inShowPopup_ = true; p->QComboBox::showPopup(); inShowPopup_ = false; } p->view()->setUpdatesEnabled(enabled); } CategorizedCombo::CategorizedCombo(QWidget * parent) : QComboBox(parent), d(new Private(this)) { setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents); setMinimumWidth(sizeHint().width()); setMaxVisibleItems(100); setModel(d->filterModel_); // for the filtering we have to intercept characters view()->installEventFilter(this); view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(0, d->CCItemDelegate_); updateCombo(); } CategorizedCombo::~CategorizedCombo() { delete d; } void CategorizedCombo::Private::countCategories() { int n = filterModel_->rowCount(); visibleCategories_ = 0; if (n == 0) return; QString prevCat = model_->index(0, 2).data().toString(); // count categories for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { QString cat = filterModel_->index(i, 2).data().toString(); if (cat != prevCat) ++visibleCategories_; prevCat = cat; } } void CategorizedCombo::showPopup() { bool enabled = view()->updatesEnabled(); view()->setUpdatesEnabled(false); d->resetFilter(); // call QComboBox::showPopup. But set the inShowPopup_ flag to switch on // the hack in the item delegate to make space for the headers. LASSERT(!d->inShowPopup_, /**/); d->inShowPopup_ = true; QComboBox::showPopup(); d->inShowPopup_ = false; view()->setUpdatesEnabled(enabled); } bool CategorizedCombo::eventFilter(QObject * o, QEvent * e) { if (e->type() != QEvent::KeyPress) return QComboBox::eventFilter(o, e); QKeyEvent * ke = static_cast(e); bool modified = (ke->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) || (ke->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier) || (ke->modifiers() == Qt::MetaModifier); switch (ke->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: if (!modified && !d->filter_.isEmpty()) { d->resetFilter(); return true; } break; case Qt::Key_Backspace: if (!modified) { // cut off one character d->setFilter(d->filter_.left(d->filter_.length() - 1)); } break; default: if (modified || ke->text().isEmpty()) break; // find chars for the filter string QString s; for (int i = 0; i < ke->text().length(); ++i) { QChar c = ke->text()[i]; if (c.isLetterOrNumber() || c.isSymbol() || c.isPunct() || c.category() == QChar::Separator_Space) { s += c; } } if (!s.isEmpty()) { // append new chars to the filter string d->setFilter(d->filter_ + s); return true; } break; } return QComboBox::eventFilter(o, e); } void CategorizedCombo::setIconSize(QSize size) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC bool small = size.height() < 20; setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, small); setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacNormalSize, !small); #else (void)size; // suppress warning #endif } bool CategorizedCombo::set(QString const & item) { d->resetFilter(); int const curItem = currentIndex(); QModelIndex const mindex = d->filterModel_->mapToSource(d->filterModel_->index(curItem, 1)); QString const & currentItem = d->model_->itemFromIndex(mindex)->text(); if (item == currentItem) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Already had " << item << " selected."); return true; } QList r = d->model_->findItems(item, Qt::MatchExactly, 1); if (r.empty()) { LYXERR0("Trying to select non existent layout type " << item); return false; } setCurrentIndex(d->filterModel_->mapFromSource(r.first()->index()).row()); return true; } void CategorizedCombo::addItemSort(QString const & item, QString const & guiname, QString const & category, QString const & tooltip, bool sorted, bool sortedByCat, bool sortCats, bool available) { QString titem = available ? guiname : toqstr(bformat(_("Unavailable: %1$s"), qstring_to_ucs4(guiname))); bool const uncategorized = category.isEmpty(); QString qcat = uncategorized ? qt_("Uncategorized") : category; QList row; QStandardItem * gui = new QStandardItem(titem); if (!tooltip.isEmpty()) gui->setToolTip(tooltip); row.append(gui); row.append(new QStandardItem(item)); row.append(new QStandardItem(qcat)); row.append(new QStandardItem(available)); // the first entry is easy int const end = d->model_->rowCount(); if (end == 0) { d->model_->appendRow(row); return; } // find category int i = 0; if (sortedByCat) { // If sortCats == true, sort categories alphabetically, uncategorized at the end. while (i < end && d->model_->item(i, 2)->text() != qcat && (!sortCats || (!uncategorized && d->model_->item(i, 2)->text().localeAwareCompare(qcat) < 0 && d->model_->item(i, 2)->text() != qt_("Uncategorized")) || (uncategorized && d->model_->item(i, 2)->text() != qt_("Uncategorized")))) ++i; } // the simple unsorted case if (!sorted) { if (sortedByCat) { // jump to the end of the category group while (i < end && d->model_->item(i, 2)->text() == qcat) ++i; d->model_->insertRow(i, row); } else d->model_->appendRow(row); return; } // find row to insert the item, after the separator if it exists if (i < end) { // find alphabetic position, unavailable at the end while (i != end && ((available && d->model_->item(i, 0)->text().localeAwareCompare(titem) < 0) || ((!available && d->model_->item(i, 3)) || d->model_->item(i, 0)->text().localeAwareCompare(titem) < 0)) && (!sortedByCat || d->model_->item(i, 2)->text() == qcat)) ++i; } d->model_->insertRow(i, row); } QString CategorizedCombo::getData(int row) const { int srow = d->filterModel_->mapToSource(d->filterModel_->index(row, 1)).row(); return d->model_->data(d->model_->index(srow, 1), Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); } void CategorizedCombo::reset() { d->resetFilter(); d->model_->clear(); } void CategorizedCombo::updateCombo() { d->countCategories(); // needed to recalculate size hint hide(); setMinimumWidth(sizeHint().width()); show(); } QString const & CategorizedCombo::filter() const { return d->filter_; } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_CategorizedCombo.cpp"