#This file was created by Tue Jan 26 17:48:36 1999 #LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1998 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team \lyxformat 2.15 \textclass revtex \options aps,manuscript \layout Title Insert your Title Here \layout Author Author1 \begin_float footnote \layout Standard Author to whom correspondence should be addressed \end_float and Author2 \layout Address Insert the name of your university, company, or institute here. \layout Standard \begin_inset Info You don't have to write \maketitle.. LyX does this by itself. \end_inset \layout Abstract Insert your abstract here. \layout Section Introduction \layout Standard Introduction goes here. \layout Standard By the way, any of the style options, like \family typewriter prl \family default or \family typewriter preprint \family default should go in the \family sans Extra \protected_separator Options \family default field in the \family sans Document \protected_separator Layout \family default popup (accessed from the \family sans Layout \family default menu). \layout Section Insert section title here \layout Standard Section 2 text goes here. \layout Standard Special REVTeX 3.1 macros must be typed in TeX mode, so typing \family typewriter \backslash openone \family default in TeX mode yields \latex latex \backslash openone{} \latex default . (See the REVTeX manual for other macros.) REVTeX macros can also be used freely in the math editor, so you can type \begin_inset Formula \( \sqrt{\overstar {a}}>\overcirc {b} \) \end_inset . \layout Standard You can do a bibliography by hand, as shown below, or erase that, and use BibTeX. If you use BibTeX, don't forget to use a REVTeX bibliography style file, such as \family typewriter prsty.bst \family default . With either method, you can cite references with the LyX citation commands \begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{mycitation} \end_inset . \begin_inset Info If you get question marks instead of numbers in your references, re-run LaTeX (File->update dvi) \end_inset \layout Bibliography \bibitem {mycitation} Author, \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Title \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , Journal \series bold Volume \series default , page--numbers (year). \the_end