/** * \file Bullet.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Allan Rae * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ /* Completes the implementation of the Bullet class * It defines the various LaTeX commands etc. required to * generate the bullets in the bullet-panel's. */ #include #include "Bullet.h" #include "support/lassert.h" using namespace std; namespace lyx { /** The four LaTeX itemize environment default bullets */ extern Bullet const ITEMIZE_DEFAULTS[4] = { Bullet(0, 8),//"\\(\\bullet\\)" Bullet(0, 0),//"\\normalfont\\bfseries{--}" Bullet(0, 6),//"\\(\\ast\\)" Bullet(0, 10) };//"\\(\\cdot\\)" // will need these later if still using full text as below // \usepackage{latexsym,pifont,amssymb} // and wasysym when that panel is created Bullet::Bullet(int f, int c, int s) : font(f), character(c), size(s), user_text(0) { if (f < MIN || f >= FONTMAX) font = MIN; if (c < MIN || c >= CHARMAX) character = MIN; if (s < MIN || s >= SIZEMAX) size = MIN; generateText(); testInvariant(); } Bullet::Bullet(docstring const & t) : font(MIN), character(MIN), size(MIN), user_text(1), text(t), label(t) { testInvariant(); } void Bullet::setCharacter(int c) { if (c < MIN || c >= CHARMAX) character = MIN; else character = c; user_text = 0; testInvariant(); } void Bullet::setFont(int f) { if (f < MIN || f >= FONTMAX) font = MIN; else font = f; user_text = 0; testInvariant(); } void Bullet::setSize(int s) { if (s < MIN || s >= SIZEMAX) size = MIN; else size = s; user_text = 0; testInvariant(); } void Bullet::setText(docstring const & t) { font = character = size = MIN; user_text = 1; text = t; label = t; testInvariant(); } int Bullet::getCharacter() const { return character; } int Bullet::getFont() const { return font; } int Bullet::getSize() const { return size; } FontSize Bullet::getFontSize() const { if (size >= 0) return bulletFontSize(size); else return INHERIT_SIZE; } Bullet & Bullet::operator=(Bullet const & b) { b.testInvariant(); font = b.font; character = b.character; size = b.size; user_text = b.user_text; text = b.text; label = b.label; this->testInvariant(); return *this; } docstring const & Bullet::getText() const { if (user_text == 0) generateText(); return text; } docstring const & Bullet::getLabel() const { if (user_text == 0) generateText(); return label; } bool operator==(const Bullet & b1, const Bullet & b2) { bool result = false; if (b1.user_text && b2.user_text) { /* both have valid text */ if (b1.text == b2.text) result = true; } else if (b1.character == b2.character && b1.font == b2.font && b1.size == b2.size) { result = true; } return result; } /*--------------------Private Member Functions-------------------*/ void Bullet::generateText() const { // Assumption: // user hasn't defined their own text and/or I haven't generated // the text for the current font/character settings yet // thus the calling member function should say: // if (user_text == 0) { // generateText(); // } // Since a function call is more expensive than a conditional // this is more efficient. Besides this function is internal to // the class so it's only the class author that has access -- // external users thus can't make mistakes. if ((font >= 0) && (character >= 0)) { text = bulletEntry(font, character); label = bulletLabel(font, character); if (size >= 0) text = bulletSize(size) + text; user_text = -1; // text is now defined and doesn't need to be recalculated // unless font/character or text is modified } } docstring const Bullet::bulletSize(int s) { // use a parameter rather than hard code `size' in here // in case some future function may want to retrieve // an arbitrary entry. // See additional comments in bulletEntry() below. static char const * BulletSize[SIZEMAX] = { "\\tiny", "\\scriptsize", "\\footnotesize", "\\small", "\\normalsize", "\\large", "\\Large", "\\LARGE", "\\huge", "\\Huge" }; return from_ascii(BulletSize[s]); } docstring const Bullet::bulletEntry(int f, int c) { // Despite how this may at first appear the static local variables // are only initialized once.. // This is a work-around to avoid the "Static Initialization Problem" // and should work for all compilers. See "C++ FAQs" by Cline and Lomow, // Addison-Wesley, 1994, FAQ-180 pp169-171 for an explanation. // Doing things this way also makes it possible to generate `text' at // the time of construction. It also encapsulates the conversion // of font, character and size entries to text. // The single 2-dim array had to be changed to multiple 1-dim arrays // to get around a compiler bug in an earler version of gcc (< // static string const BulletPanels[FONTMAX][CHARMAX] = { static char const * BulletPanel0[CHARMAX] = { /* standard */ "\\normalfont\\bfseries{--}", "\\(\\vdash\\)", "\\(\\dashv\\)", "\\(\\flat\\)", "\\(\\natural\\)", "\\(\\sharp\\)", "\\(\\ast\\)", "\\(\\star\\)", "\\(\\bullet\\)", "\\(\\circ\\)", "\\(\\cdot\\)", "\\(\\dagger\\)", "\\(\\bigtriangleup\\)", "\\(\\bigtriangledown\\)", "\\(\\triangleleft\\)", "\\(\\triangleright\\)", "\\(\\lhd\\)", "\\(\\rhd\\)", "\\(\\oplus\\)", "\\(\\ominus\\)", "\\(\\otimes\\)", "\\(\\oslash\\)", "\\(\\odot\\)", "\\(\\spadesuit\\)", "\\(\\diamond\\)", "\\(\\Diamond\\)", "\\(\\Box\\)", "\\(\\diamondsuit\\)", "\\(\\heartsuit\\)", "\\(\\clubsuit\\)", "\\(\\rightarrow\\)", "\\(\\leadsto\\)", "\\(\\rightharpoonup\\)", "\\(\\rightharpoondown\\)", "\\(\\Rightarrow\\)", "\\(\\succ\\)" }; static char const * BulletPanel1[CHARMAX] = { /* amssymb */ "\\(\\Rrightarrow\\)", "\\(\\rightarrowtail\\)", "\\(\\twoheadrightarrow\\)", "\\(\\rightsquigarrow\\)", "\\(\\looparrowright\\)", "\\(\\multimap\\)", "\\(\\boxtimes\\)", "\\(\\boxplus\\)", "\\(\\boxminus\\)", "\\(\\boxdot\\)", "\\(\\divideontimes\\)", "\\(\\Vvdash\\)", "\\(\\lessdot\\)", "\\(\\gtrdot\\)", "\\(\\maltese\\)", "\\(\\bigstar\\)", "\\(\\checkmark\\)", "\\(\\Vdash\\)", "\\(\\backsim\\)", "\\(\\thicksim\\)", "\\(\\centerdot\\)", "\\(\\circleddash\\)", "\\(\\circledast\\)", "\\(\\circledcirc\\)", "\\(\\vartriangleleft\\)", "\\(\\vartriangleright\\)", "\\(\\vartriangle\\)", "\\(\\triangledown\\)", "\\(\\lozenge\\)", "\\(\\square\\)", "\\(\\blacktriangleleft\\)", "\\(\\blacktriangleright\\)", "\\(\\blacktriangle\\)", "\\(\\blacktriangledown\\)", "\\(\\blacklozenge\\)", "\\(\\blacksquare\\)" }; static char const * BulletPanel2[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss1 */ "\\ding{108}", "\\ding{109}", "\\ding{119}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{197}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{196}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{183}", "\\ding{71}", "\\ding{70}", "\\ding{118}", "\\ding{117}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{224}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{215}", "\\ding{111}", "\\ding{112}", "\\ding{113}", "\\ding{114}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{68}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{209}", "\\ding{120}", "\\ding{121}", "\\ding{122}", "\\ding{110}", "\\ding{115}", "\\ding{116}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{42}", "\\ding{67}", "\\ding{66}", "\\ding{82}", "\\ding{81}", "\\ding{228}", "\\ding{162}", "\\ding{163}", "\\ding{166}", "\\ding{167}", "\\ding{226}", "\\ding{227}" }; static char const * BulletPanel3[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss2 */ "\\ding{37}", "\\ding{38}", "\\ding{34}", "\\ding{36}", "\\ding{39}", "\\ding{40}", "\\ding{41}", "\\ding{42}", "\\ding{43}", "\\ding{44}", "\\ding{45}", "\\ding{47}", "\\ding{53}", "\\ding{54}", "\\ding{59}", "\\ding{57}", "\\ding{62}", "\\ding{61}", "\\ding{55}", "\\ding{56}", "\\ding{58}", "\\ding{60}", "\\ding{63}", "\\ding{64}", "\\ding{51}", "\\ding{52}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{170}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{167}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{168}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{169}", "\\ding{164}", "\\ding{165}", "\\ding{171}", "\\ding{168}", "\\ding{169}", "\\ding{170}" }; static char const * BulletPanel4[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss3 */ "\\ding{65}", "\\ding{76}", "\\ding{75}", "\\ding{72}", "\\ding{80}", "\\ding{74}", "\\ding{78}", "\\ding{77}", "\\ding{79}", "\\ding{85}", "\\ding{90}", "\\ding{98}", "\\ding{83}", "\\ding{84}", "\\ding{86}", "\\ding{87}", "\\ding{88}", "\\ding{89}", "\\ding{92}", "\\ding{91}", "\\ding{93}", "\\ding{105}", "\\ding{94}", "\\ding{99}", "\\ding{103}", "\\ding{104}", "\\ding{106}", "\\ding{107}", "\\ding{68}", "\\ding{69}", "\\ding{100}", "\\ding{101}", "\\ding{102}", "\\ding{96}", "\\ding{95}", "\\ding{97}" }; static char const * BulletPanel5[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss4 */ "\\ding{223}", "\\ding{224}", "\\ding{225}", "\\ding{232}", "\\ding{229}", "\\ding{230}", "\\ding{238}", "\\ding{237}", "\\ding{236}", "\\ding{235}", "\\ding{234}", "\\ding{233}", "\\ding{239}", "\\ding{241}", "\\ding{250}", "\\ding{251}", "\\ding{49}", "\\ding{50}", "\\ding{217}", "\\ding{245}", "\\ding{243}", "\\ding{248}", "\\ding{252}", "\\ding{253}", "\\ding{219}", "\\ding{213}", "\\ding{221}", "\\ding{222}", "\\ding{220}", "\\ding{212}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{174}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{222}", "\\ding{254}", "\\ding{242}", "\\ding{231}", "\\Pisymbol{psy}{45}" }; /* string const BulletPanels[][] */ static char const ** BulletPanels[FONTMAX] = { BulletPanel0, BulletPanel1, BulletPanel2, BulletPanel3, BulletPanel4, BulletPanel5 }; return from_ascii(BulletPanels[f][c]); } FontSize Bullet::bulletFontSize(int s) { // see comment at bulletSize static FontSize BulletFontSize[SIZEMAX] = { TINY_SIZE, SCRIPT_SIZE, FOOTNOTE_SIZE, SMALL_SIZE, NORMAL_SIZE, LARGE_SIZE, LARGER_SIZE, LARGEST_SIZE, HUGE_SIZE, HUGER_SIZE }; return BulletFontSize[s]; } docstring const Bullet::bulletLabel(int f, int c) { // see comment at bulletEntry static int UnicodeBulletPanel0[CHARMAX] = { /* standard */ 0x02013, 0x22A2, 0x022A3, 0x0266D, 0x0266E, 0x0266F, 0x02217, 0x022C6, 0x02022, 0x02218, 0x022C5, 0x02020, 0x025B3, 0x025BD, 0x025C3, 0x025B9, 0x025C1, 0x025B7, 0x02295, 0x02296, 0x02297, 0x02298, 0x02299, 0x02660, 0x022C4, 0x025C7, /* \square */ 0x025FB, 0x02662, 0x02661, 0x02663, 0x02192, 0x02933, 0x021C0, 0x021C1, 0x021D2, 0x0227B }; static int UnicodeBulletPanel1[CHARMAX] = { /* amssymb */ 0x021DB, 0x021A3, 0x021A0, 0x021DD, 0x021AC, 0x022B8, 0x022A0, 0x0229E, 0x0229F, 0x022A1, 0x022C7, 0x022AA, 0x022D6, 0x022D7, 0x02720, 0x02605, 0x02713, 0x022A9, 0x0223D, 0x0223C, 0x02B1D, 0x0229D, 0x0229B, 0x025CE, 0x022B2, 0x022B3, 0x025B3, 0x025BD, 0x025CA, 0x025FB, 0x025C0, 0x025B6, 0x025B4, 0x025BE, 0x029EB, 0x025FC }; static int UnicodeBulletPanel2[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss1 */ 0x025CF, 0x0274D, 0x025D7, 0x02295, 0x02297, 0x02022, 0x02727, 0x02726, 0x02756, 0x025C6, 0x025CA, 0x022C5, 0x02751, 0x02752, 0x0274F, 0x02750, 0x02206, 0x02207, 0x02758, 0x02759, 0x0275A, 0x025A0, 0x025B2, 0x025BC, 0x02217, 0x02723, 0x02722, 0x02732, 0x02731, 0x027A4, 0x02762, 0x02763, 0x02766, 0x02767, 0x027A2, 0x027A3 }; static int UnicodeBulletPanel3[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss2 */ 0x0260E, 0x02706, 0x02702, 0x02704, 0x02707, 0x02708, 0x02709, 0x0261B, 0x0261E, 0x0270C, 0x0270D, 0x0270F, 0x02715, 0x02716, 0x0271B, 0x02719, 0x0271E, 0x0271D, 0x02717, 0x02718, 0x0271A, 0x0271C, 0x0271F, 0x02720, 0x02713, 0x02714, 0x02660, 0x02663, 0x02666, 0x02665, 0x02764, 0x02765, 0x02660, 0x02663, 0x02666, 0x02665 }; static int UnicodeBulletPanel4[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss3 */ 0x02721, 0x0272C, 0x0272B, 0x02B51, 0x02730, 0x0272A, 0x0272E, 0x0272D, 0x0272F, 0x02735, 0x0273A, 0x02742, 0x02733, 0x02734, 0x02736, 0x02737, 0x02738, 0x02739, 0x0273C, 0x0273B, 0x0273D, 0x02749, 0x0273E, 0x02743, 0x02747, 0x02748, 0x0274A, 0x0274B, 0x02724, 0x02725, 0x02744, 0x02745, 0x02746, 0x02740, 0x0273F, 0x02741 }; static int UnicodeBulletPanel5[CHARMAX] = { /* psnfss4 */ 0x0279F, 0x027A0, 0x027A1, 0x027A8, 0x027A5, 0x027A6, 0x027AE, 0x027AD, 0x027AC, 0x027AB, 0x027AA, 0x027A9, 0x027AF, 0x027B1, 0x027BA, 0x027BB, 0x02711, 0x02712, 0x02799, 0x027B5, 0x027B3, 0x027B8, 0x027BC, 0x027BD, 0x0279B, 0x02192, 0x0279D, 0x0279E, 0x0279C, 0x02794, 0x02192, 0x021D2, 0x027BE, 0x027B2, 0x027A7, 0x02212 }; /* string const BulletPanels[][] */ static int * UnicodeBulletPanels[FONTMAX] = { UnicodeBulletPanel0, UnicodeBulletPanel1, UnicodeBulletPanel2, UnicodeBulletPanel3, UnicodeBulletPanel4, UnicodeBulletPanel5 }; return docstring(1, char_type(UnicodeBulletPanels[f][c])); } void Bullet::testInvariant() const { #ifdef ENABLE_ASSERTIONS LATTEST(font >= MIN); LATTEST(font < FONTMAX); LATTEST(character >= MIN); LATTEST(character < CHARMAX); LATTEST(size >= MIN); LATTEST(size < SIZEMAX); LATTEST(user_text >= -1); LATTEST(user_text <= 1); // now some relational/operational tests if (user_text == 1) { LATTEST(font == -1 && (character == -1 && size == -1)); // LATTEST(!text.empty()); // this isn't necessarily an error } // else if (user_text == -1) { // LATTEST(!text.empty()); // this also isn't necessarily an error // } // else { // // user_text == 0 // LATTEST(text.empty()); // not usually true // } #endif } } // namespace lyx