#\DeclareLyXModule[covington.sty,drs.sty,forest.sty,pict2e.sty,varwidth.sty]{Linguistics} #\DeclareCategory{Academic Field Specifics} #DescriptionBegin #Defines some special environments useful for linguistics (numbered examples, #glosses, semantic markup, tableau floats). #See Help > Specific Manuals > Linguistics. #DescriptionEnd # Author: Jürgen Spitzmüller Format 106 # # Counters # Counter example GuiName Example Within chapter LabelString "(\arabic{example})" PrettyFormat "(\arabic{example})" End Counter examplei GuiName "Numbered Example (Multiline)" Within chapter LabelString "(\arabic{examplei})" PrettyFormat "(\arabic{examplei})" End Counter subexample GuiName Subexample Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexample})" PrettyFormat "\theexamplei (\alph{subexample})" End Counter subexamplei GuiName Subexample Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexamplei})" PrettyFormat "\theexamplei (\alph{subexamplei})" End Counter subexampleii GuiName Subexample Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexampleii})" PrettyFormat "\theexamplei (\alph{subexampleii})" End Counter subexampleiii GuiName Subexample Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexampleiii})" PrettyFormat "\theexamplei (\alph{subexampleiii})" End Counter subexampleiv GuiName Subexample Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexampleiv})" PrettyFormat "\theexamplei (\alph{subexampleiv})" End # # Numbered Examples # # Single numbered example with covington.sty Style Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Environment LatexName covexample NextNoIndent 1 Margin First_Dynamic ParIndent (1)x LabelSep xx ParSkip 0.0 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelCounter "examplei" LabelFont Color textlabel1 EndFont Requires covington Argument 1 LabelString "Example options" MenuString "Examples options|s" Tooltip "Add examples options here" PassThru 1 EndArgument Category Linguistics DocBookWrapperTag informalexample DocBookWrapperAttr role='numbered' DocBookWrapperMergeWithPrevious true DocBookTag para End # Multiple numbered examples with covington.sty Style Numbered_Examples_(consecutive) CopyStyle Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Item_Environment LatexName covexamples LabelType Enumerate LabelCounter "example" ResumeCounter true Argument listpreamble:1 LabelString "List preamble" MenuString "List Preamble" Tooltip "LaTeX code to be inserted before the first item" PassThru 1 Font Family typewriter Color latex EndFont EndArgument Argument item:1 LabelString "Judgment|J" Tooltip "Grammaticality judgment marker" LeftDelim < RightDelim > EndArgument Argument item:2 LabelString "Custom Numbering|s" Tooltip "Customize the numeration" EndArgument DocBookWrapperTag informalexample DocBookWrapperAttr role='consecutive' DocBookWrapperMergeWithPrevious true DocBookTag para HTMLClass NumberedExample End # Sub-examples with covington.sty Style Subexample CopyStyle Numbered_Examples_(consecutive) LatexName covsubexamples LabelCounter "subexample" StepParentCounter true Requires covington Argument 1 LabelString "Subexamples options" MenuString "Subexamples options|s" Tooltip "Add subexamples options here" PassThru 1 EndArgument HTMLClass SubExample End InsetLayout Flex:Example_Preamble LyXType custom Decoration classic LatexType command LatexName expreamble LabelString "Ex. Preamble" ResetsFont true AllowedInLayouts Numbered_Example_(multiline), Numbered_Examples_(consecutive) EndAllowedInLayouts AllowedOccurrences 1 AllowedOccurrencesPerItem true End InsetLayout Flex:Subexample_Preamble CopyStyle Flex:Example_Preamble LatexName subexpreamble LabelString "Subex. Preamble" AllowedInLayouts Subexample EndAllowedInLayouts End InsetLayout Flex:Example_Postamble CopyStyle Flex:Example_Preamble LatexName expostamble LabelString "Ex. Postamble" End InsetLayout Flex:Subexample_Postamble CopyStyle Flex:Example_Preamble LatexName subexpostamble LabelString "Subex. Postamble" AllowedInLayouts Subexample EndAllowedInLayouts End # # Interlinear Glosses # # Two-Line gloss with covington.sty InsetLayout Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(2_Lines) LyXType custom LabelString Gloss LatexType command LatexName digloss Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true ParbreakIgnored true FreeSpacing true Requires covington,csquotes InToc true ResetsFont true Argument 1 LabelString "Gloss options" MenuString "Gloss Options|s" Tooltip "Add digloss options here" EndArgument Argument post:1 LabelString "Sentence Comment" MenuString "Sentence Comment" Tooltip "Add an optional sentence comment here" EndArgument Argument post:2 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Interlinear Gloss" MenuString "Interlinear Gloss" Tooltip "Add the inter-linear gloss here" AutoInsert true Mandatory true FreeSpacing true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:3 LabelString "Gloss Comment" MenuString "Gloss Comment" Tooltip "Add an optional gloss comment here" EndArgument Argument post:4 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Translation" MenuString "Gloss Translation" Tooltip "Add a free translation for the gloss" AutoInsert true Mandatory true FreeSpacing true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument End # Three-Line gloss with covington.sty InsetLayout Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(3_Lines) LyXType custom LabelString Tri-Gloss LatexType command LatexName trigloss Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true ParbreakIgnored true FreeSpacing true InToc true Requires covington,csquotes ResetsFont true Argument 1 LabelString "Gloss options" MenuString "Gloss Options|s" Tooltip "Add trigloss options here" EndArgument Argument post:1 LabelString "Sentence Comment" MenuString "Sentence Comment" Tooltip "Add an optional sentence comment here" EndArgument Argument post:2 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Interlinear Gloss (1)" MenuString "Interlinear Gloss (Line 1)|1" Tooltip "Add the first inter-linear gloss line here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true FreeSpacing true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:3 LabelString "Gloss Comment (1)" MenuString "Gloss Comment (Line 1)" Tooltip "Add an optional gloss comment here" EndArgument Argument post:4 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Interlinear Gloss (2)" MenuString "Interlinear Gloss (Line 2)|2" Tooltip "Add the second inter-linear gloss line here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true FreeSpacing true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:5 LabelString "Gloss Comment (2)" MenuString "Gloss Comment (Line 2)" Tooltip "Add an optional gloss comment here" EndArgument Argument post:6 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Translation" MenuString "Gloss Translation" Tooltip "Add a translation for the glosse" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument End # A helper to group words in glosses InsetLayout Flex:GroupGlossedWords LyxType charstyle LabelString Group LeftDelim { RightDelim } ResetsFont true AllowedInInsets Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(2_Lines), Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(2_Lines)@post:2, Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(3_Lines), Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(3_Lines)@post:2, Flex:Interlinear_Gloss_(3_Lines)@post:4 EndAllowedInInsets End # # Trees # # Structure trees via the forest package InsetLayout Flex:Structure_Tree LyXType custom LabelString Tree LatexType environment LatexName forest Decoration classic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ParbreakIsNewline true FreeSpacing true Requires forest ResetsFont true PassThruChars [] Preamble % Load forest linguistics library, if available \@ifpackagelater{forest}{2016/02/20}{% \useforestlibrary*{linguistics} }{} EndPreamble DocBookRenderAsImage true End # # Discourse Representation Structures # InsetLayout Flex:DRS LyXType custom LabelString DRS MenuString "Discourse Representation Structure|D" LatexType command LatexName drs Decoration classic MultiPar true CustomPars false ParbreakIsNewline true FreeSpacing true Requires drs ResetsFont true Argument 1 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Referents" MenuString "DRS Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS referents (universe) here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true EndArgument End InsetLayout Flex:DRS* CopyStyle Flex:DRS LabelString DRS* MenuString "Discourse Representation Structure (unspaced)|u" LatexName drs* End InsetLayout Flex:IfThen-DRS CopyStyle Flex:DRS LabelString "If-Then DRS" MenuString "If-Then DRS" LatexName ifdrs Argument post:1 Decoration classic LabelString "Then-Referents" MenuString "DRS Then-Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS then-referents (universe) here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:2 Decoration classic LabelString "Then-Conditions" MenuString "DRS Then-Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS then-conditions here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument End InsetLayout Flex:Cond-DRS CopyStyle Flex:DRS LabelString "Cond. DRS" MenuString "Conditional DRS" LatexName condrs Argument post:1 Decoration classic LabelString "Cond." MenuString "DRS Condition" Tooltip "Add the DRS condition here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:2 Decoration classic LabelString "Then-Referents" MenuString "DRS Then-Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS then-referents (universe) here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:3 Decoration classic LabelString "Then-Conditions" MenuString "DRS Then-Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS then-conditions here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument End InsetLayout Flex:QDRS CopyStyle Flex:DRS LabelString "Dupl. Cond. DRS" MenuString "Duplex Condition DRS" LatexName qdrs Argument post:1 Decoration classic LabelString "Quant." MenuString "DRS Quantifier" Tooltip "Add the DRS duplex quantifier here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:2 Decoration classic LabelString "Quant. Var." MenuString "DRS Quantifier Variable" Tooltip "Add the DRS duplex quantifier variables here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:3 Decoration classic LabelString "Then-Referents" MenuString "DRS Then-Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS then-referents (universe) here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument post:4 Decoration classic LabelString "Then-Conditions" MenuString "DRS Then-Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS then-conditions here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Requires drs,pict2e End InsetLayout Flex:NegDRS CopyStyle Flex:DRS LabelString "Neg. DRS" MenuString "Negated DRS" LatexName negdrs End InsetLayout Flex:SDRS CopyStyle Flex:DRS LabelString "Sent. DRS" MenuString "DRS with Sentence above" LatexName sdrs Argument 1 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Sentence" MenuString "DRS Sentence" Tooltip "Add the sentence here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument Argument 2 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Referents" MenuString "DRS Referents" Tooltip "Add the DRS referents (universe) here" Mandatory true AutoInsert true InsertOnNewline true EndArgument End # # Semantic Markup # InsetLayout Flex:Expression LyxType charstyle LabelString expr. LatexType command LatexName lexp Requires covington Font Shape Italic EndFont InToc true ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Concepts LyxType charstyle LabelString concept LatexType command LatexName lcon Requires covington Font Shape Smallcaps EndFont InToc true ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Meaning LyxType charstyle LabelString meaning LatexType command LatexName lmean Requires covington,csquotes InToc true ResetsFont true End # # OT Tableaux # OutlinerName tableau "Tableaux" #no AddToToc Float Type tableau GuiName Tableau Placement tbp Extension otl NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Tableaux" IsPredefined false UsesFloatPkg true PrettyFormat "Tableau ##" End