// File modified by fdfix.sh for use by lyx (with xforms >= 0.88) and gettext /** Header file generated with fdesign **/ #ifndef FD_form_spellchecker_h_ #define FD_form_spellchecker_h_ /** Callbacks, globals and object handlers **/ extern "C" void C_FormBaseInputCB(FL_OBJECT *, long); extern "C" void C_FormBaseCancelCB(FL_OBJECT *, long); /**** Forms and Objects ****/ struct FD_form_spellchecker { ~FD_form_spellchecker(); FL_FORM *form; FL_OBJECT *text; FL_OBJECT *input; FL_OBJECT *browser; FL_OBJECT *button_options; FL_OBJECT *button_start; FL_OBJECT *button_insert; FL_OBJECT *button_ignore; FL_OBJECT *button_accept; FL_OBJECT *button_stop; FL_OBJECT *button_close; FL_OBJECT *button_replace; FL_OBJECT *slider; }; #endif /* FD_form_spellchecker_h_ */