// -*- C++ -*- /** * \file GPrint.h * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Huang Ying * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #ifndef GPRINT_H #define GPRINT_H #include "GViewBase.h" namespace lyx { namespace frontend { class ControlPrint; class GPrint : public GViewCB { public: GPrint(Dialog & parent, std::string const & title = "Print Document"); private: virtual void apply(); virtual void update(); virtual void doBuild(); void updateUI(); void onBrowse(); void onTargetEdit(Gtk::Entry const * who); void onFromToEdit(); Gtk::RadioButton * printer_; Gtk::RadioButton * file_; Gtk::RadioButton * all_; Gtk::RadioButton * fromTo_; Gtk::CheckButton * odd_; Gtk::CheckButton * even_; Gtk::CheckButton * reverse_; Gtk::SpinButton * number_; Gtk::CheckButton * sorted_; Gtk::Entry * printerEntry_; Gtk::Entry * fileEntry_; Gtk::Entry * fromEntry_; Gtk::Entry * toEntry_; }; } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #endif