/** * \file InsetInclude.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Richard Heck (conversion to InsetCommand) * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetInclude.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "BufferList.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "ErrorList.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "Format.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "LayoutFile.h" #include "LayoutModuleList.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "TocBackend.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "graphics/PreviewImage.h" #include "graphics/PreviewLoader.h" #include "insets/InsetLabel.h" #include "insets/InsetListingsParams.h" #include "insets/RenderPreview.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/FileNameList.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" // contains #include "support/lyxalgo.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace Alert = frontend::Alert; namespace { docstring const uniqueID() { static unsigned int seed = 1000; return "file" + convert(++seed); } /// the type of inclusion enum Types { INCLUDE, VERB, INPUT, VERBAST, LISTINGS, NONE }; Types type(string const & s) { if (s == "input") return INPUT; if (s == "verbatiminput") return VERB; if (s == "verbatiminput*") return VERBAST; if (s == "lstinputlisting") return LISTINGS; if (s == "include") return INCLUDE; return NONE; } Types type(InsetCommandParams const & params) { return type(params.getCmdName()); } bool isListings(InsetCommandParams const & params) { return type(params) == LISTINGS; } bool isVerbatim(InsetCommandParams const & params) { Types const t = type(params); return t == VERB || t == VERBAST; } bool isInputOrInclude(InsetCommandParams const & params) { Types const t = type(params); return t == INPUT || t == INCLUDE; } FileName const masterFileName(Buffer const & buffer) { return buffer.masterBuffer()->fileName(); } void add_preview(RenderMonitoredPreview &, InsetInclude const &, Buffer const &); string const parentFilename(Buffer const & buffer) { return buffer.absFileName(); } FileName const includedFilename(Buffer const & buffer, InsetCommandParams const & params) { return makeAbsPath(to_utf8(params["filename"]), onlyPath(parentFilename(buffer))); } InsetLabel * createLabel(Buffer * buf, docstring const & label_str) { if (label_str.empty()) return 0; InsetCommandParams icp(LABEL_CODE); icp["name"] = label_str; return new InsetLabel(buf, icp); } } // namespace anon InsetInclude::InsetInclude(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(buf, p, "include"), include_label(uniqueID()), preview_(new RenderMonitoredPreview(this)), failedtoload_(false), set_label_(false), label_(0), child_buffer_(0) { preview_->fileChanged(boost::bind(&InsetInclude::fileChanged, this)); if (isListings(params())) { InsetListingsParams listing_params(to_utf8(p["lstparams"])); label_ = createLabel(buffer_, from_utf8(listing_params.getParamValue("label"))); } } InsetInclude::InsetInclude(InsetInclude const & other) : InsetCommand(other), include_label(other.include_label), preview_(new RenderMonitoredPreview(this)), failedtoload_(false), set_label_(false), label_(0), child_buffer_(0) { preview_->fileChanged(boost::bind(&InsetInclude::fileChanged, this)); if (other.label_) label_ = new InsetLabel(*other.label_); } InsetInclude::~InsetInclude() { delete label_; } void InsetInclude::setBuffer(Buffer & buffer) { InsetCommand::setBuffer(buffer); if (label_) label_->setBuffer(buffer); } void InsetInclude::setChildBuffer(Buffer * buffer) { child_buffer_ = buffer; } ParamInfo const & InsetInclude::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */) { // FIXME // This is only correct for the case of listings, but it'll do for now. // In the other cases, this second parameter should just be empty. static ParamInfo param_info_; if (param_info_.empty()) { param_info_.add("filename", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED); param_info_.add("lstparams", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL); } return param_info_; } bool InsetInclude::isCompatibleCommand(string const & s) { return type(s) != NONE; } void InsetInclude::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_INSET_EDIT: { editIncluded(to_utf8(params()["filename"])); break; } case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { // It should be OK just to invalidate the cache is setParams() // If not.... // child_buffer_ = 0; InsetCommandParams p(INCLUDE_CODE); if (cmd.getArg(0) == "changetype") { InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd); p = params(); } else InsetCommand::string2params("include", to_utf8(cmd.argument()), p); if (!p.getCmdName().empty()) { if (isListings(p)){ InsetListingsParams new_params(to_utf8(p["lstparams"])); docstring const new_label = from_utf8(new_params.getParamValue("label")); if (new_label.empty()) { delete label_; label_ = 0; } else { docstring old_label; if (label_) old_label = label_->getParam("name"); else { label_ = createLabel(buffer_, new_label); label_->setBuffer(buffer()); } if (new_label != old_label) { label_->updateCommand(new_label); // the label might have been adapted (duplicate) if (new_label != label_->getParam("name")) { new_params.addParam("label", "{" + to_utf8(label_->getParam("name")) + "}", true); p["lstparams"] = from_utf8(new_params.params()); } } } } setParams(p); } else cur.noUpdate(); break; } //pass everything else up the chain default: InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } void InsetInclude::editIncluded(string const & file) { string const ext = support::getExtension(file); if (ext == "lyx") { FuncRequest fr(LFUN_BUFFER_CHILD_OPEN, file); lyx::dispatch(fr); } else // tex file or other text file in verbatim mode formats.edit(buffer(), support::makeAbsPath(file, support::onlyPath(buffer().absFileName())), "text"); } bool InsetInclude::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_INSET_EDIT: flag.setEnabled(true); return true; case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: if (cmd.getArg(0) == "changetype") return InsetCommand::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); else flag.setEnabled(true); return true; default: return InsetCommand::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); } } void InsetInclude::setParams(InsetCommandParams const & p) { // invalidate the cache child_buffer_ = 0; InsetCommand::setParams(p); set_label_ = false; if (preview_->monitoring()) preview_->stopMonitoring(); if (type(params()) == INPUT) add_preview(*preview_, *this, buffer()); buffer().updateBibfilesCache(); } bool InsetInclude::isChildIncluded() const { std::list includeonlys = buffer().params().getIncludedChildren(); if (includeonlys.empty()) return true; return (std::find(includeonlys.begin(), includeonlys.end(), to_utf8(params()["filename"])) != includeonlys.end()); } docstring InsetInclude::screenLabel() const { docstring temp; switch (type(params())) { case INPUT: temp = buffer().B_("Input"); break; case VERB: temp = buffer().B_("Verbatim Input"); break; case VERBAST: temp = buffer().B_("Verbatim Input*"); break; case INCLUDE: if (isChildIncluded()) temp = buffer().B_("Include"); else temp += buffer().B_("Include (excluded)"); break; case LISTINGS: temp = listings_label_; break; case NONE: LASSERT(false, /**/); } temp += ": "; if (params()["filename"].empty()) temp += "???"; else temp += from_utf8(onlyFilename(to_utf8(params()["filename"]))); return temp; } Buffer * InsetInclude::getChildBuffer() const { Buffer * childBuffer = loadIfNeeded(); // FIXME: recursive includes return (childBuffer == &buffer()) ? 0 : childBuffer; } Buffer * InsetInclude::loadIfNeeded() const { // This is for background export and preview. We don't even want to // try to load the cloned child document again. if (buffer().isClone()) return child_buffer_; // Don't try to load it again if we failed before. if (failedtoload_ || isVerbatim(params()) || isListings(params())) return 0; FileName const included_file = includedFilename(buffer(), params()); // Use cached Buffer if possible. if (child_buffer_ != 0) { if (theBufferList().isLoaded(child_buffer_) // additional sanity check: make sure the Buffer really is // associated with the file we want. && child_buffer_ == theBufferList().getBuffer(included_file)) return child_buffer_; // Buffer vanished, so invalidate cache and try to reload. child_buffer_ = 0; } if (!isLyXFilename(included_file.absFileName())) return 0; Buffer * child = theBufferList().getBuffer(included_file); if (!child) { // the readonly flag can/will be wrong, not anymore I think. if (!included_file.exists()) return 0; child = theBufferList().newBuffer(included_file.absFileName()); if (!child) // Buffer creation is not possible. return 0; if (!child->loadLyXFile(included_file)) { failedtoload_ = true; //close the buffer we just opened theBufferList().release(child); return 0; } if (!child->errorList("Parse").empty()) { // FIXME: Do something. } } child->setParent(&buffer()); // Cache the child buffer. child_buffer_ = child; return child; } int InsetInclude::latex(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { string incfile = to_utf8(params()["filename"]); // Do nothing if no file name has been specified if (incfile.empty()) return 0; FileName const included_file = includedFilename(buffer(), params()); // Check we're not trying to include ourselves. // FIXME RECURSIVE INCLUDE // This isn't sufficient, as the inclusion could be downstream. // But it'll have to do for now. if (isInputOrInclude(params()) && buffer().absFileName() == included_file.absFileName()) { Alert::error(_("Recursive input"), bformat(_("Attempted to include file %1$s in itself! " "Ignoring inclusion."), from_utf8(incfile))); return 0; } Buffer const * const masterBuffer = buffer().masterBuffer(); // if incfile is relative, make it relative to the master // buffer directory. if (!FileName::isAbsolute(incfile)) { // FIXME UNICODE incfile = to_utf8(makeRelPath(from_utf8(included_file.absFileName()), from_utf8(masterBuffer->filePath()))); } // write it to a file (so far the complete file) string exportfile; string mangled; // bug 5681 if (type(params()) == LISTINGS) { exportfile = incfile; mangled = DocFileName(included_file).mangledFileName(); } else { exportfile = changeExtension(incfile, ".tex"); mangled = DocFileName(changeExtension(included_file.absFileName(), ".tex")). mangledFileName(); } FileName const writefile(makeAbsPath(mangled, masterBuffer->temppath())); if (!runparams.nice) incfile = mangled; else if (!isValidLaTeXFilename(incfile)) { frontend::Alert::warning(_("Invalid filename"), _("The following filename is likely to cause trouble " "when running the exported file through LaTeX: ") + from_utf8(incfile)); } LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "incfile:" << incfile); LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "exportfile:" << exportfile); LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "writefile:" << writefile); if (runparams.inComment || runparams.dryrun) { //Don't try to load or copy the file if we're //in a comment or doing a dryrun } else if (isInputOrInclude(params()) && isLyXFilename(included_file.absFileName())) { //if it's a LyX file and we're inputting or including, //try to load it so we can write the associated latex if (!loadIfNeeded()) return false; Buffer * tmp = theBufferList().getBuffer(included_file); if (tmp->params().baseClass() != masterBuffer->params().baseClass()) { // FIXME UNICODE docstring text = bformat(_("Included file `%1$s'\n" "has textclass `%2$s'\n" "while parent file has textclass `%3$s'."), included_file.displayName(), from_utf8(tmp->params().documentClass().name()), from_utf8(masterBuffer->params().documentClass().name())); Alert::warning(_("Different textclasses"), text, true); } // Make sure modules used in child are all included in master // FIXME It might be worth loading the children's modules into the master // over in BufferParams rather than doing this check. LayoutModuleList const masterModules = masterBuffer->params().getModules(); LayoutModuleList const childModules = tmp->params().getModules(); LayoutModuleList::const_iterator it = childModules.begin(); LayoutModuleList::const_iterator end = childModules.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { string const module = *it; LayoutModuleList::const_iterator found = find(masterModules.begin(), masterModules.end(), module); if (found == masterModules.end()) { docstring text = bformat(_("Included file `%1$s'\n" "uses module `%2$s'\n" "which is not used in parent file."), included_file.displayName(), from_utf8(module)); Alert::warning(_("Module not found"), text); } } tmp->markDepClean(masterBuffer->temppath()); // FIXME: handle non existing files // FIXME: Second argument is irrelevant! // since only_body is true, makeLaTeXFile will not look at second // argument. Should we set it to string(), or should makeLaTeXFile // make use of it somehow? (JMarc 20031002) // The included file might be written in a different encoding // and language. Encoding const * const oldEnc = runparams.encoding; Language const * const oldLang = runparams.master_language; runparams.encoding = &tmp->params().encoding(); runparams.master_language = buffer().params().language; tmp->makeLaTeXFile(writefile, masterFileName(buffer()).onlyPath().absFileName(), runparams, false); runparams.encoding = oldEnc; runparams.master_language = oldLang; } else { // In this case, it's not a LyX file, so we copy the file // to the temp dir, so that .aux files etc. are not created // in the original dir. Files included by this file will be // found via input@path, see ../Buffer.cpp. unsigned long const checksum_in = included_file.checksum(); unsigned long const checksum_out = writefile.checksum(); if (checksum_in != checksum_out) { if (!included_file.copyTo(writefile)) { // FIXME UNICODE LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, to_utf8(bformat(_("Could not copy the file\n%1$s\n" "into the temporary directory."), from_utf8(included_file.absFileName())))); return 0; } } } string const tex_format = (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::LATEX) ? "latex" : "pdflatex"; switch (type(params())) { case VERB: case VERBAST: { incfile = latex_path(incfile); // FIXME UNICODE os << '\\' << from_ascii(params().getCmdName()) << '{' << from_utf8(incfile) << '}'; break; } case INPUT: { runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, writefile, exportfile); // \input wants file with extension (default is .tex) if (!isLyXFilename(included_file.absFileName())) { incfile = latex_path(incfile); // FIXME UNICODE os << '\\' << from_ascii(params().getCmdName()) << '{' << from_utf8(incfile) << '}'; } else { incfile = changeExtension(incfile, ".tex"); incfile = latex_path(incfile); // FIXME UNICODE os << '\\' << from_ascii(params().getCmdName()) << '{' << from_utf8(incfile) << '}'; } break; } case LISTINGS: { os << '\\' << from_ascii(params().getCmdName()); string const opt = to_utf8(params()["lstparams"]); // opt is set in QInclude dialog and should have passed validation. InsetListingsParams params(opt); if (!params.params().empty()) os << "[" << from_utf8(params.params()) << "]"; os << '{' << from_utf8(incfile) << '}'; break; } case INCLUDE: { runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, writefile, exportfile); // \include don't want extension and demands that the // file really have .tex incfile = changeExtension(incfile, string()); incfile = latex_path(incfile); // FIXME UNICODE os << '\\' << from_ascii(params().getCmdName()) << '{' << from_utf8(incfile) << '}'; break; } case NONE: break; } return 0; } docstring InsetInclude::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &rp) const { if (rp.inComment) return docstring(); // For verbatim and listings, we just include the contents of the file as-is. // In the case of listings, we wrap it in
	bool const listing = isListings(params());
	if (listing || isVerbatim(params())) {
		if (listing)
			xs << html::StartTag("pre");
		// FIXME: We don't know the encoding of the file, default to UTF-8.
		xs << includedFilename(buffer(), params()).fileContents("UTF-8");
		if (listing)
			xs << html::EndTag("pre");
		return docstring();

	// We don't (yet) know how to Input or Include non-LyX files.
	// (If we wanted to get really arcane, we could run some tex2html
	// converter on the included file. But that's just masochistic.)
	FileName const included_file = includedFilename(buffer(), params());
	if (!isLyXFilename(included_file.absFileName())) {
		frontend::Alert::warning(_("Unsupported Inclusion"),
					 bformat(_("LyX does not know how to include non-LyX files when "
					           "generating HTML output. Offending file:\n%1$s"),
		return docstring();

	// In the other cases, we will generate the HTML and include it.

	// Check we're not trying to include ourselves.
	if (buffer().absFileName() == included_file.absFileName()) {
		Alert::error(_("Recursive input"),
			       bformat(_("Attempted to include file %1$s in itself! "
			       "Ignoring inclusion."), params()["filename"]));
		return docstring();

	Buffer const * const ibuf = loadIfNeeded();
	if (!ibuf)
		return docstring();
	ibuf->writeLyXHTMLSource(xs.os(), rp, true);
	return docstring();

int InsetInclude::plaintext(odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const
	if (isVerbatim(params()) || isListings(params())) {
		os << '[' << screenLabel() << '\n';
		// FIXME: We don't know the encoding of the file, default to UTF-8.
		os << includedFilename(buffer(), params()).fileContents("UTF-8");
		os << "\n]";
		return PLAINTEXT_NEWLINE + 1; // one char on a separate line
	} else {
		docstring const str = '[' + screenLabel() + ']';
		os << str;
		return str.size();

int InsetInclude::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const
	string incfile = to_utf8(params()["filename"]);

	// Do nothing if no file name has been specified
	if (incfile.empty())
		return 0;

	string const included_file = includedFilename(buffer(), params()).absFileName();

	// Check we're not trying to include ourselves.
	// This isn't sufficient, as the inclusion could be downstream.
	// But it'll have to do for now.
	if (buffer().absFileName() == included_file) {
		Alert::error(_("Recursive input"),
			       bformat(_("Attempted to include file %1$s in itself! "
			       "Ignoring inclusion."), from_utf8(incfile)));
		return 0;

	// write it to a file (so far the complete file)
	string const exportfile = changeExtension(incfile, ".sgml");
	DocFileName writefile(changeExtension(included_file, ".sgml"));

	if (loadIfNeeded()) {
		Buffer * tmp = theBufferList().getBuffer(FileName(included_file));

		string const mangled = writefile.mangledFileName();
		writefile = makeAbsPath(mangled,
		if (!runparams.nice)
			incfile = mangled;

		LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "incfile:" << incfile);
		LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "exportfile:" << exportfile);
		LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "writefile:" << writefile);

		tmp->makeDocBookFile(writefile, runparams, true);

	runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("docbook", writefile,
	runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("docbook-xml", writefile,

	if (isVerbatim(params()) || isListings(params())) {
		os << "";
	} else
		os << '&' << include_label << ';';

	return 0;

void InsetInclude::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
	string incfile = to_utf8(params()["filename"]);
	string writefile;

	LASSERT(&buffer() == &features.buffer(), /**/);

	string const included_file =
		includedFilename(buffer(), params()).absFileName();

	if (isLyXFilename(included_file))
		writefile = changeExtension(included_file, ".sgml");
		writefile = included_file;

	if (!features.runparams().nice && !isVerbatim(params()) && !isListings(params())) {
		incfile = DocFileName(writefile).mangledFileName();
		writefile = makeAbsPath(incfile,

	features.includeFile(include_label, writefile);

	if (isVerbatim(params()))
	else if (isListings(params()))

	// Here we must do the fun stuff...
	// Load the file in the include if it needs
	// to be loaded:
	if (loadIfNeeded()) {
		// a file got loaded
		Buffer * const tmp = theBufferList().getBuffer(FileName(included_file));
		// make sure the buffer isn't us
		// This is not sufficient, as recursive includes could be
		// more than a file away. But it will do for now.
		if (tmp && tmp != &buffer()) {
			// We must temporarily change features.buffer,
			// otherwise it would always be the master buffer,
			// and nested includes would not work.

void InsetInclude::fillWithBibKeys(BiblioInfo & keys,
	InsetIterator const & /*di*/) const
	if (loadIfNeeded()) {
		string const included_file = includedFilename(buffer(), params()).absFileName();
		Buffer * tmp = theBufferList().getBuffer(FileName(included_file));
		BiblioInfo const & newkeys = tmp->localBibInfo();

void InsetInclude::updateBibfilesCache()
	Buffer const * const child = getChildBuffer();
	if (child)

support::FileNameList const &
	InsetInclude::getBibfilesCache() const
	Buffer const * const child = getChildBuffer();
	if (child)
		return child->getBibfilesCache(Buffer::UpdateChildOnly);

	static support::FileNameList const empty;
	return empty;

void InsetInclude::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
	LASSERT(mi.base.bv, /**/);

	bool use_preview = false;
	if (RenderPreview::status() != LyXRC::PREVIEW_OFF) {
		graphics::PreviewImage const * pimage =
		use_preview = pimage && pimage->image();

	if (use_preview) {
		preview_->metrics(mi, dim);
	} else {
		if (!set_label_) {
			set_label_ = true;
			button_.update(screenLabel(), true);
		button_.metrics(mi, dim);

	Box b(0, dim.wid, -dim.asc, dim.des);

void InsetInclude::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	LASSERT(pi.base.bv, /**/);

	bool use_preview = false;
	if (RenderPreview::status() != LyXRC::PREVIEW_OFF) {
		graphics::PreviewImage const * pimage =
		use_preview = pimage && pimage->image();

	if (use_preview)
		preview_->draw(pi, x, y);
		button_.draw(pi, x, y);

docstring InsetInclude::contextMenu(BufferView const &, int, int) const
	return from_ascii("context-include");

Inset::DisplayType InsetInclude::display() const
	return type(params()) == INPUT ? Inline : AlignCenter;

// preview stuff

void InsetInclude::fileChanged() const
	Buffer const * const buffer = updateFrontend();
	if (!buffer)

	add_preview(*preview_.get(), *this, *buffer);

namespace {

bool preview_wanted(InsetCommandParams const & params, Buffer const & buffer)
	FileName const included_file = includedFilename(buffer, params);

	return type(params) == INPUT && params.preview() &&

docstring latexString(InsetInclude const & inset)
	odocstringstream os;
	// We don't need to set runparams.encoding since this will be done
	// by latex() anyway.
	OutputParams runparams(0);
	runparams.flavor = OutputParams::LATEX;
	inset.latex(os, runparams);

	return os.str();

void add_preview(RenderMonitoredPreview & renderer, InsetInclude const & inset,
		 Buffer const & buffer)
	InsetCommandParams const & params = inset.params();
	if (RenderPreview::status() != LyXRC::PREVIEW_OFF &&
	    preview_wanted(params, buffer)) {
		renderer.setAbsFile(includedFilename(buffer, params));
		docstring const snippet = latexString(inset);
		renderer.addPreview(snippet, buffer);

} // namespace anon

void InsetInclude::addPreview(DocIterator const & /*inset_pos*/,
	graphics::PreviewLoader & ploader) const
	Buffer const & buffer = ploader.buffer();
	if (!preview_wanted(params(), buffer))
	preview_->setAbsFile(includedFilename(buffer, params()));
	docstring const snippet = latexString(*this);
	preview_->addPreview(snippet, ploader);

void InsetInclude::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit)
	TocBackend & backend = buffer().tocBackend();

	if (isListings(params())) {
		if (label_)

		InsetListingsParams p(to_utf8(params()["lstparams"]));
		string caption = p.getParamValue("caption");
		if (caption.empty())
		Toc & toc = backend.toc("listing");
		docstring str = convert(toc.size() + 1)
			+ ". " +  from_utf8(caption);
		DocIterator pit = cpit;
		toc.push_back(TocItem(pit, 0, str));
	Buffer const * const childbuffer = getChildBuffer();
	if (!childbuffer)

	Toc & toc = backend.toc("child");
	docstring str = childbuffer->fileName().displayName();
	toc.push_back(TocItem(cpit, 0, str));

	TocList & toclist = backend.tocs();
	TocList const & childtoclist = childbuffer->tocBackend().tocs();
	TocList::const_iterator it = childtoclist.begin();
	TocList::const_iterator const end = childtoclist.end();
	for(; it != end; ++it)
			it->second.begin(), it->second.end());

void InsetInclude::updateCommand()
	if (!label_)

	docstring old_label = label_->getParam("name");
	label_->updateCommand(old_label, false);
	// the label might have been adapted (duplicate)
	docstring new_label = label_->getParam("name");
	if (old_label == new_label)

	// update listings parameters...
	InsetCommandParams p(INCLUDE_CODE);
	p = params();
	InsetListingsParams par(to_utf8(params()["lstparams"]));
	par.addParam("label", "{" + to_utf8(new_label) + "}", true);
	p["lstparams"] = from_utf8(par.params());

void InsetInclude::updateBuffer(ParIterator const & it, UpdateType utype)
	Buffer const * const childbuffer = getChildBuffer();
	if (childbuffer) {
		childbuffer->updateBuffer(Buffer::UpdateChildOnly, utype);
	if (!isListings(params()))

	if (label_)
		label_->updateBuffer(it, utype);

	InsetListingsParams const par(to_utf8(params()["lstparams"]));
	if (par.getParamValue("caption").empty()) {
		listings_label_ = buffer().B_("Program Listing");
	Buffer const & master = *buffer().masterBuffer();
	Counters & counters = master.params().documentClass().counters();
	docstring const cnt = from_ascii("listing");
	listings_label_ = master.B_("Program Listing");
	if (counters.hasCounter(cnt)) {
		counters.step(cnt, utype);
		listings_label_ += " " + convert(counters.value(cnt));

} // namespace lyx