// -*- C++ -*- /** * \file GDocument.h * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Spray * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #ifndef GDOCUMENT_H #define GDOCUMENT_H #include "GViewBase.h" #include "vspace.h" #include #include namespace lyx { namespace frontend { class ControlDocument; /** This class provides a gtk implementation of the document dialog. */ class GDocument : public GViewCB { public: GDocument(Dialog &); private: /// Build the dialog virtual void doBuild(); /// Apply from dialog virtual void apply(); /// Update the dialog virtual void update(); void saveAsDefaults(); void resetToDefaults(); // *** Start "Document" Page *** Gtk::ComboBoxText classcombo_; Gtk::Entry * extraoptionsentry_; Gtk::ComboBoxText psdrivercombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText fontcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText fontsizecombo_; Gtk::Adjustment * linespacingadj_; Gtk::RadioButton * indentradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * vspaceradio_; Gtk::ComboBoxText vspacesizecombo_; std::map vspacesizemap_; Gtk::ComboBoxText vspaceunitcombo_; Gtk::SpinButton * vspacelengthspin_; Gtk::Adjustment * vspacelengthadj_; void updateParagraphSeparationSensitivity(); void classChanged(); // *** End "Document" Page *** // *** Begin "Page" Page *** Gtk::SpinButton * pagewidthspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * pageheightspin_; Gtk::ComboBoxText pagewidthunitscombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText pageheightunitscombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText pagesizecombo_; Gtk::RadioButton * portraitradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * landscaperadio_; Gtk::ComboBoxText pagestylecombo_; Gtk::ToggleButton * doublesidedtoggle_; Gtk::ToggleButton * twocolumnstoggle_; void pageSizeChanged(); // *** End "Page" Page *** // *** Begin "Margins" Page *** Gtk::CheckButton * defaultmargins_; Gtk::SpinButton * mtopspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * mbottomspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * minnerspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * mouterspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * mheadsepspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * mheadheightspin_; Gtk::SpinButton * mfootskipspin_; Gtk::ComboBoxText mtopunitcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText mbottomunitcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText minnerunitcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText mouterunitcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText mheadsepunitcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText mheadheightunitcombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText mfootskipunitcombo_; void marginsChanged(); // *** End "Margins" Page *** // *** Start "Language" Page *** Gtk::ComboBoxText languagecombo_; Gtk::ComboBoxText encodingcombo_; Gtk::RadioButton * qenglishradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * qswedishradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * qgermanradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * qpolishradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * qfrenchradio_; Gtk::RadioButton * qdanishradio_; std::vector lang_; // *** End "Language" Page *** }; } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #endif