!insertmacro LANGFILE_EXT "Norwegian" ${LangFileString} TEXT_INSTALL_CURRENTUSER "(Installed for Current User)" ${LangFileString} TEXT_WELCOME "Denne veiviseren installerer LyX på datamaskinen din.$\r$\n\ $\r$\n\ $_CLICK" ${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_MIKTEXFNDB "Updating MiKTeX filename database..." ${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX "Configuring LyX (MiKTeX may download missing packages, this can take some time) ..." ${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON "Compiling Python scripts..." ${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_DESKTOP "Create desktop shortcut" ${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_WEBSITE "Visit lyx.org for the latest news, support and tips" ${LangFileString} FileTypeTitle "LyX-Document" ${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefTitle "JabRef" ${LangFileString} SecAllUsersTitle "Installere for alle brukere?" ${LangFileString} SecFileAssocTitle "Fil-assosiasjoner" ${LangFileString} SecDesktopTitle "Skrivebordsikon" ${LangFileString} SecCoreDescription "LyX-filene." ${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefDescription "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files." ${LangFileString} SecAllUsersDescription "Installere LyX for alle brukere, eller kun den aktuelle brukeren." ${LangFileString} SecFileAssocDescription "Files med endelsen .lyx åpnes automatisk i LyX." ${LangFileString} SecDesktopDescription "Et LyX-ikon på skrivebordet." ${LangFileString} SecDictionariesDescription "Spell-checker dictionaries that can be downloaded and installed." ${LangFileString} SecThesaurusDescription "Thesaurus dictionaries that can be downloaded and installed." ${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader1 'LaTeX-distribusjon' ${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader2 'Velg LaTeX-distribusjonen LyX skal bruke.' ${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXFolder 'You can optionally set here the path to the file $\"latex.exe$\" and therewith set the \ LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.$\r$\n\ If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!$\r$\n\ $\r$\n\ The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \ $\"$LaTeXName$\" on your system. Displayed below is its path.' ${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXFolderNone 'Set below the path to the file $\"latex.exe$\". Therewith you set which \ LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.$\r$\n\ If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!$\r$\n\ $\r$\n\ The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.' ${LangFileString} PathName 'Path to the file $\"latex.exe$\"' ${LangFileString} DontUseLaTeX "Ikke bruk LaTeX" ${LangFileString} InvalidLaTeXFolder 'Filen $\"latex.exe$\" fins ikke i den oppgitte mappa.' ${LangFileString} LatexInfo 'Nå starter installasjon av LaTeX-distribusjonen $\"MiKTeX$\"$\r$\n\ For å installere programmet, klikk $\"Neste$\"-knappen i installasjonsveiviseren til installasjonen begynner.$\r$\n\ $\r$\n\ !!! Vennligst bruk standardopsjonene for MiKTeX-instasjonen !!!' ${LangFileString} LatexError1 'Fant ikke noen LaTeX-distribusjon!$\r$\n\ LyX kan ikke brukes uten en LaTeX-distribusjion som $\"MiKTeX$\"!$\r$\n\ Derfor avbrytes installasjonen.' ${LangFileString} HunspellFailed 'Download of dictionary for language $\"$R3$\" failed.' ${LangFileString} ThesaurusFailed 'Download of thesaurus for language $\"$R3$\" failed.' ${LangFileString} JabRefInfo 'Now the installer of the program $\"JabRef$\" will be launched.$\r$\n\ You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.' ${LangFileString} JabRefError 'The program $\"JabRef$\" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\ The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\ Try to install JabRef again later.' ${LangFileString} LatexConfigInfo "Konfigurasjon av LyX vil ta en stund." ${LangFileString} MiKTeXPathInfo "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\ it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\ $MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\ and its subfolders." ${LangFileString} MiKTeXInfo 'The LaTeX-distribution $\"MiKTeX$\" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\ It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program $\"MiKTeX Update Wizard$\"$\r$\n\ before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\ Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?' ${LangFileString} ModifyingConfigureFailed "Forsøket på å stille inn 'path_prefix' i konfigurasjonsscriptet mislyktes" ${LangFileString} RunConfigureFailed "Fikk ikke kjørt konfigurasjonsscriptet" ${LangFileString} NotAdmin "Du trenger administratorrettigheter for å installere LyX!" ${LangFileString} InstallRunning "Installasjonsprogrammet er allerede i gang!" ${LangFileString} StillInstalled "LyX ${APP_SERIES_KEY2} er allerede installert! Fjern LyX først." ${LangFileString} NewerInstalled "You are trying to install an older version of LyX than what you have installed.$\r$\n\ If you really want this, you must uninstall the existing LyX $OldVersionNumber before." ${LangFileString} MultipleIndexesNotAvailable "The support for using several indexes in a document will not be available because$\r$\n\ MiKTeX was installed with administrator privileges but you are installing LyX without them." ${LangFileString} MetafileNotAvailable "The LyX support for images in the format EMF or WMF will not be$\r$\n\ available because that requires to install a software printer to$\r$\n\ Windows which is only possible with administrator privileges." ${LangFileString} FinishPageMessage "Gratulerer!! LyX er installert.$\r$\n\ $\r$\n\ (Første gangs oppstart av LyX kan ta noen sekunder.)" ${LangFileString} FinishPageRun "Start LyX" ${LangFileString} UnNotInRegistryLabel "Fant ikke LyX i registeret.$\r$\n\ Snarveier på skrivebordet og i startmenyen fjernes ikke." ${LangFileString} UnInstallRunning "Du må avslutte LyX først!" ${LangFileString} UnNotAdminLabel "Du må ha administratorrettigheter for å fjerne LyX!" ${LangFileString} UnReallyRemoveLabel "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne LyX og alle tilhørende komponenter?" ${LangFileString} UnLyXPreferencesTitle 'LyX$\'s user preferences' ${LangFileString} SecUnMiKTeXDescription "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX." ${LangFileString} SecUnJabRefDescription "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef." ${LangFileString} SecUnPreferencesDescription 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\ $\"$AppPre\username\$AppSuff\${APP_DIR_USERDATA}$\"$\r$\n\ for all users.' ${LangFileString} SecUnProgramFilesDescription "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."